单词 | 丐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丐—beggar(almost always used)less common: beg for alms Examples:乞丐n—beggarspl 丐帮—a group of beggars beggars' union
每 个人都对集体作出贡献,而且,因为我们不习惯 游手好闲,我们没有乞丐。 daccess-ods.un.org | ... Everyone contributes something to the common stock, and as we are unacquainted with [...] idleness, we have no beggars. daccess-ods.un.org |
在西方的沙漠,直到今天,仍有那种地图的碎片般的废墟,住着动物和乞丐;整 片大地上也没有了地理规范的其他遗迹。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the Deserts of the West, still today, there [...] are Tattered Ruins of that Map, inhabited [...] by Animals and Beggars; in all the Land [...]there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography. shanghaibiennale.org |
优先事项 1:将社会服务扩大到弱势人群,对轻微和中等自然灾害和 [...] 事故的受害者进行紧急干预,制订面向无家可归者、乞丐等方案 daccess-ods.un.org | Priority 1: Expand social services to vulnerable people and emergency intervention [...] for victims of natural disasters and other incidents in minor and medium cases, and [...] programme for homeless, beggar, etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界第三大人口城市——一座移民城市,从富裕的实业家、赤贫的乞丐、光鲜的影星、酒吧舞娘、工人、教师、公务员到不幸的妓女、黑手党、建筑工人、贪污的官员和正直的激进分子,所有这些人都共同居住在孟买这个摩天大楼和贫民窟交错的大熔炉里。 shanghaibiennale.org | The third most populated city in the world—a city of [...] migrants that range from wealthy [...] industrialists, penurious beggars, flashyfilm stars, [...]bar dancers, workers, teachers, clerks [...]to hapless prostitutes, mafia dons, builders, corrupt politicians and upright activists all co-existing in soaring skyscrapers and sprawling slums in the cauldron that is Bombay. shanghaibiennale.org |
一天,有像乞丐一样 的人来见他,并向他推荐自己:"我有一项特别的本领。 chinesestoryonline.com | Oneday, a beggar-like man came to [...] Gong Sun Long, hoping to dwell in his household as an attendant, and when asked what [...]skill he had, the man said:" I'm good at shouting, 'cause my voice is extremely loud. chinesestoryonline.com |
卢旺达偶尔会有一些乞丐和流 浪儿童被从街上带到吉康多转接中心( 基加利 市 ) ,他们在那里受到教化,并被鼓励加入合作社或现有的儿童康复中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rwanda used [...] to havecases of beggarsand street children [...]who happened to be taken from streets to the transit centre of [...]Gikondo (in Kigali City) where they were sensitized and encouraged to join cooperatives or existing child rehabilitation centres. daccess-ods.un.org |
2007 至 2017 [...] 年,该组织正在实施一项十年期试点项目,以提升、恢复和 发展部落地区,包括使吉大港山区的乞丐和部 落男女融入社会主流;以及使整 个孟加拉国的失业青年男女、孤儿和受灾害影响的男女老少得到复原。 daccess-ods.un.org | From 2007 to 2017, the organization is implementing a ten-year pilot plan to uplift, [...] rehabilitate and develop tribal areas, including [...] the integration of beggarsand the tribal men [...]and women of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, [...]into the mainstream of society; and to rehabilitate unemployed young men and women, orphans, and disaster-affected men, women and children throughout Bangladesh. daccess-ods.un.org |
这进一步加剧了社会成见,因为他们大多被人们视为乞丐和应 予以 恩赏的人,而不是享有平等获得社会服务权利的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is further compounded by social stereotyping, as they are [...] mostly regarded as beggars and people deserving [...]favours, and not as holders of the [...]right to equal access to social services. daccess-ods.un.org |
6 月 13 日调查涉嫌橡胶盗窃案的利比里亚国家警察小组在大巴萨州布坎南 的利比里亚农业公司种植园受到了攻击,该农业公司雇员与许多人是前战斗人员 的非法乞丐在大巴萨州布坎南时常发生冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 13 June, a Liberia National Police team investigating an alleged rubber theft reportedly came under fire at the Liberia Agriculture Company plantation in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, which has experienced periodic clashes between the company’s employees and illegal tappers, many of whom are former combatants. daccess-ods.un.org |
该carmelites [...] ,或白方济各会士,从白斗篷,其中包括他们的布朗习惯,分别成立纯粹是一个contemplative秩序,而且成为乞丐,在1245名。 mb-soft.com | The Carmelites, or White Friars, from the [...] white cloak which covers their brown habit, were founded as a purely contemplative order, [...] but became mendicants in1245. mb-soft.com |
面对这一禁令足够数量的新教友,尤其是乞丐,曾 涌现出以吸引他们的注意力了第二届理事会的里昂。 mb-soft.com | In face of this prohibition a sufficient number of new congregations, [...] especiallyof mendicants, had sprung [...]up to attract the attention of the Second Council of Lyons. mb-soft.com |
前 者 相 对 地 较 为 自 由 [...] ﹐ 但 事 实 上 俄 国 除 了乞丐和哲学 家 外 并 无 自 由 的 人 。 hkahe.com | The former are called free in relation to the latter; but in fact there are no free men [...] in Russia, exceptbeggars andphilosophers”. hkahe.com |
劳工组织指出,童工是索马里的一个重大问题,存在着儿童兵、家庭童工 和街头乞丐的案例。 daccess-ods.un.org | ILO noted that child labour is a key concern in Somalia, with cases of child soldiers, domestic child labour and street begging. daccess-ods.un.org |
从那时起,玻利维亚不再是一个乞丐国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | From then on Bolivia [...] stopped beinga beggarState. daccess-ods.un.org |