

单词 与...相对


as opposed to


(与...)相对的事物 n

counter n

See also:

相对 adj

absolute adj
opposite adj



External sources (not reviewed)

在上表中,这些小数均 已约为整数,令数字加起来可 与相对 的 总计数目略有出入。
In the above table, the decimal figures are rounded to the nearest whole number.
明亮的多汁屏幕, 舒适键盘可选数字与相对较大 的摆动键。
Bright juicy screen, comfortable keyboard with optional
[...] digital block and with a relatively large swing keys.
(c) 不确定与相对重要 性之间的关系和区别。
(c) The relationship, as well as the differences, between uncertainty and materiality.
(5) 溢价是以美金作为基准货币,比较美股(美国预托证券 A D R ) 与相对 港 股 的价格。
(5) Premium compares the price levels between an US stock
[...] (ADR) and the corresponding HK stock in the [...]
US Dollar.
通过巴基斯坦民主政府坚持不懈努力而取得的和与相对平静 局势依然脆弱,需要巩固。
Yet we remain exposed.
[...] The peace and relative calm achieved [...]
as a result of the democratic Government’s relentless efforts
are still fragile and need to be consolidated.
为获得需要的空气条件,温度及相对湿度需要被控制,相对于绝对湿度而言,空气的 温与相对湿度 相互影响,不可能对它们单独进行控制。
Since the temperature and relative humidity of the air interact in terms of
the absolute moisture content of the air, it is not possible to control
[...] temperature and relative humidity independently.
[...] 缺乏理解(如,文化促进发展);从政府这方面来说,典型的教科文组织伙伴部委对 该进程的与相对薄弱;教科文组织圣荷西办事处不能亲自参加非常任国的讨论(缺 [...]
Some of the reasons for this is a lack of understanding of the sophisticated UNESCO-concepts (e.g. culture for
development) among the other United
[...] Nations agencies, the relatively weak involvement of typical [...]
UNESCO partner ministries in the
process from the governments’ side, the inability for UNESCO SJO to take physically part in discussions in non-resident countries (lack of funds and time) and self-interest of partner United Nations agencies.
(b) 也属于冲突一方的条约缔约与相对 于 冲 突而言的第三国之间。
(b) Between a State party to the treaty [...]
that is also a party to the conflict and a State that is a third State in relation to the conflict.
相反,联黎部队、黎巴嫩军队和以 色列国防军在蓝线一带建立并维持平 与相对 稳 定, 为通过政治进程来处理问题提供了一个机会之窗,而 [...]
Rather, the calm and relative stability that UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army and the Israel Defense
Forces have established and maintained
[...] across the Blue Line provide a window of opportunity [...]
for a political process to address
the issues, which are beyond the remit of a peacekeeping mission such as UNIFIL can support a political process by ensuring a conducive security situation, but it cannot replace a political, diplomatic process.
与相对欠佳 的投资回报阻碍行业增长,但保险产品和服务需求仍然很大。
Low interest
[...] rates coupled with relatively poor investment [...]
returns have impeded growth, but demand for insurance products and services remains high.
[...] 全球最大页岩气产业的国度, 他们有丰富的经验与相对较 小的波兰企业分享,而且许多 美国企业似乎已经准备好了要 [...]
在 这 个 新 兴 的 高 风 险 部 门 博 上一把。
But coming from a country with the world’s largest [...]
shale gas industry, American companies possess a wealth of knowledge
that can be shared with smaller Polish companies, and many seem ready to bet on this emerging high-risk sector.
藏族和维吾尔族等有宗教信仰的少数民族受到歧视,不仅是因为他们有着不同的宗教信仰,也是由他们少数民族的身份,以 与相对 富 裕 的汉族人语言不通、文化不同所致。
Religious and ethnic minority groups, such as Tibetans and Uighurs, experienced societal discrimination not only because of their religious beliefs but also because of their status as ethnic minorities with languages and cultures different from the typically wealthier Han Chinese.
每个公共空间与相对应的 水平线交相呼应。
Each public space corresponds with the feel of its relative level.
这些仪器和装置用于精密产品和测试装置的 对 量 与相对 量 测 量。
These machines and devices are
[...] for absolute and relative measurement of [...]
precision products and test equipment.
(c) 所有纸质司法记录都将实现数字化并储存在合规的电子记录保管系统
[...] 中;(d) 到 2011 年底,40%的原始司法记录与相对应 的电子记录核对完毕
(d) By the end of 2011, 40 per cent of all original judicial records will have been verified
[...] against their corresponding electronic records
用自主建立的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)定量分离模型对蛋白质迁移数据进行拟合,发现SDS-蛋白质复合物迁移规律与DNA相似,但迁移淌 与相对 分 子质量及电场强度之间的线性关系明显变差,可见原DNA分离模型要扩展到蛋白质范围必须对一些参数进行校正。
The results showed that the migration character of SDS-protein complexes was similar with DNA.
表中的数字并与部件 图和部件清单中的参考相对应。
The digits in the matrix do not correspond to the reference numbers in the [...]
Parts drawings and lists.
需要提供更为全面的一揽子技术援助,从 而使刑事司法从业人员能够对与恐 怖 主义可 相 关 的 一系列犯罪。
There is a demand for more comprehensive packages of technical assistance that enable criminal justice practitioners to deal with a range of crimes potentially linked to terrorism.
这些权利被推广到了对祖传土地的使用以 对与 这 些资 源 相 关 的 生物、遗传资源和本土知 识的使用。
These rights extend to controlling access to ancestral lands, access to biological and genetic resources and to indigenous knowledge related to these resources.
虽然第 1
[...] 款中所提的例外与关于保留的准则草案 5.3 中的例外相同,但第 2 款中所述的例外与反对相关, 并假定对 与 继 承 国所维持的保留相同或相当的 保留,并不维持反对。
While the exception cited in paragraph 1 was the same as that set out in draft guideline 5.3 concerning reservations, the exception set out in paragraph 2 was specific to
objections and posited the
[...] non-maintenance of objections to reservations identical or equivalent [...]
to a reservation maintained
by the successor State itself.
确保 WIPO 建设性与相关公共政策进程,这 对 其 他 利益攸关者提供支持,并有助于在涉 足全球公共政策事务时,将 WIPO 树立为知识产权的论坛和基准点。
Ensuring WIPO’s constructive engagement in relevant public policy processes [...]
provides support to other actors and helps establish
WIPO as the forum and reference point on IP as it touches on global public policy issues.
联席主席指出由于各对这一问题的意见不一,决定草案的提议者 与相 关缔 约方的代表进一步讨论这一问题,并汇报讨论结果。
The Co-Chair suggested that given the divergent points of view on the issue the
proponents of the
[...] draft decision should further discuss the issue with the representatives of interested parties and [...]
report on the results of their discussions.
[...] 多产品单位所需投入的材料)与影响脱钩(减少对环境的不良影响),区 相对 与绝对 脱钩,并区分可再生与不可再生资源。
It is important to distinguish between resource decoupling — progressively reducing the material inputs needed to produce additional units of output — and impact decoupling —
reducing the adverse environmental
[...] consequences between relative and absolute decoupling [...]
and between renewable and non-renewable resources.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、
[...] 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和 对 工 作 ;组织 国际论坛讨与粮食和农相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant
pests and diseases,
[...] food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation [...]
to food and agriculture.
所列的头四个因素与保留与对 有关国家或国际组织的保留的态度直 相 关 ;最后两个因素较具一般性,与保留 的主相关。
The factors contained in the first four bullet points relate directly to the reservation and to the attitude towards the reservation of the State or international organization concerned; the last two factors, which are more general in nature, relate to the subject of the reservation.
在《萨尔瓦多宣言》中,联合国会员国请委员 与相 关 联 合国机构协调,研对环境 有重大影响的新形式犯罪构成的挑战的性质以及有效予以应对的方式 (第 14 段);请委员会考虑审查刑事事项方面的国际合作问题,并探讨是否需 [...]
要以各种手段消除已查明的差距(第 21 段);请委员会考虑请毒品和犯罪问题 办公室制定并向各国提供具体的技术援助方案,以实现该《宣言》所提及的少
年司法领域的目标(第 30 段)。
In the Salvador Declaration, the States Members of the United Nations
invited the Commission, in
[...] coordination with the relevant United Nations bodies, to study the nature of the challenge concerning [...]
emerging forms of crime that
have a significant impact on the environment and ways to deal with them effectively (para. 14); invited the Commission to consider reviewing the issue of international cooperation in criminal matters and explore the need for various means of addressing identified gaps (para. 21); and invited the Commission to consider requesting UNODC to design and provide to States specific technical assistance programmes to achieve the aims in the area of juvenile justice mentioned in the Declaration (para. 30).
会议审议了目前的权力下放进程,建议采取更多的措施进一步提高效率:i) 进 一步加强下放办事处的技术能力,尤其要确保向国家办事处提供充分的技术支持; ii) 加强下放办事处及时对紧急情况和灾害、解决资金投入问题的能力;iii) 实 施工作人员流动和轮换政策;iv) 建立下放办事处网络,使其在粮农组织内部与 相关政 府、其他联合国系统内组织及发展伙伴都保持有效联系。
The Conference considered the ongoing decentralization and recommended additional measures to further increase efficiency and productivity: i) further strengthening of the technical capacity of the decentralized offices and, in particular, to ensure provision of adequate technical support to country offices; ii) enhancing the capacity of the
decentralized offices to
[...] provide timely response to emergencies and disasters and address investment issues; iii) implementing staff mobility and rotation policies; and iv) developing a decentralized offices network with effective linkages within the Organization, as well as with the concerned [...]
governments, other UN
system organizations and development partners.
代表团特别强调下列 各项实际措施:促进海洋科学研究;制定研究活动的行为守则;进行环境影响评 估,包括在环境影响评估一般进程内制 对 海 洋 遗传资源影响的评估准则;建立 合作机制,分享海洋遗传资源研究产生的信息和知识,包括让更多发展中国家的 研究人员与相关的 研究项目;建立海洋保护区,讨论利益分享的切实选择方案, 包括便利于获取实例的选择方案;审议国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的知 识产权问题。
Notably, delegations highlighted the following practical measures: promotion of marine scientific research; development of codes of conduct for research activities; environmental impact assessments, including the development of guidance on assessments of impacts on marine genetic resources within the general process of environmental impact assessment; establishment of mechanisms for cooperation, sharing of information
and knowledge
[...] resulting from research on marine genetic resources, including by increasing participation of researchers from developing countries in relevant research projects; establishment of marine protected areas, discussion of [...]
practical options
for benefit-sharing, including options for facilitating access to samples; and consideration of the intellectual property aspects of marine genetic resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction.
会议建议粮农组织开展分析研究 与相 关 利 益 相 关 方 进行政 对 话 ,从而为 更加稳定的全球粮食交易系统制定政策,以促进粮食安全,同时为粮食生产者提供 充分的激励机制。
The Conference recommended that FAO conduct analytical studies and engage in policy dialogue with concerned stakeholders with a view to developing policy options for a more stable global trading system for food, which can enhance food security while providing adequate incentives for food producers.
2007 年,《蒙特利尔议定书》缔约方同意,多边基金在即将到来的补充中提供的
资金将是稳定的,并且足以满足一切商定的增量成本,从而使第 5 条缔约方遵守加速的氟
[...] 氯烃淘汰时间表,并且基于这项理解,缔约方指导执行委员 对与 1995 年后设施和第二 次转相关的 资格标准做出必要调整(第 XIX/6 号决定第 5 段)。
In 2007 Parties to the Montreal Protocol agreed that the funding available through the Multilateral Fund in the upcoming replenishments shall be stable and sufficient to meet all agreed incremental costs to enable Article 5 Parties to comply with the accelerated phase out schedule for HCFCs, and based on that understanding, directed the Executive Committee
to make the necessary
[...] changes to the eligibility criteria related to the post-1995 facilities and second [...]
conversions (paragraph 5 of decision XIX/6).




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