

单词 与生具来

See also:


next life

External sources (not reviewed)

在这方面与亚洲开发银行建立伙伴关系是非 常积极的一步,希望这一伙伴关系在不久的 来能 够产生具体成果。
In that respect, the partnership established with the African Development Bank is a very positive step, which will hopefully yield concrete results in [...]
the near future.
一些值得注意的主动行 动包括:向全国农民提供技术和培训支持;向农民提供提供种子、肥料和 具; 与公共工程部合作,确定人口和农业中心,以便修建支线公路,将农 生 产 集中 的地与利比里亚市场连接来;提 供独立的仓库和与技术中心相连接的仓库, 以便安全储存农产品;认识到农业部门所有领域都缺乏训练有素的人员,因此, 为农业部工作人员提供了有关规划、收获、食品储存和渔业现代技术方面的广泛 [...]
Some noteworthy initiatives include: providing technical and training support to farmers around the country; providing seeds, fertilizers,
and farming
[...] equipment to farmers; in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works, identifying population and agricultural centers to build feeder roads connecting areas with high agricultural [...]
production with Liberian markets; providing freestanding
warehouses and warehouses connected to technology centers for the safe storage of agricultural products; and, appreciating the lack of trained personnel in all areas of the agricultural sector, extensively training Ministry of Agriculture staff in modern techniques relating to planting, harvesting, food storage, and fisheries.
他说儿基与世界 银行的协作在很大程度上侧重公平做法,而且集中在几个 领域:生工具来评估 政策对儿童的影响,支助社会保护方案,评估在海地或也 门等紧急情况下的需要。
He said that UNICEF collaboration with the World Bank was very much focused on the equity approach and concentrated on several areas: creating tools to assess the impact [...]
of policies on children, supporting social protection programmes, and assessing needs in emergency
situations such as those in Haiti and Yemen.
一些与会者强 调与生产技 术相关的资料或与设施作业调整情况相关的资料 具 有 商 业敏感性 或安全敏感性。
Some participants
[...] emphasized that information related to production techniques or the ways in which facility operations are fine-tuned can be commercially sensitive as well as security sensitive.
继 2006 年第一阶段开展多项提高认识活动后,又实施了四项新的地方节目项目,内容涉及:
[...] (i)在玻利维亚、肯尼亚、秘鲁和西伯利亚(俄罗斯联邦)确定了新的群体和培训机构;(ii) “最后的说书人”项目与来自俄 罗斯联邦西伯利亚的多尔干土著人民合作,记录他们 生 活 和 文 化传统;(iii)“电视农村氏族公社”项目,与玻利维亚的农村氏族公社和 Markas [...]
社区合作,记 录在玻利维亚土著运动大背景下的故事;(iv)关于肯尼亚马塞人社区如何促进文化敏感的地方发
展以及保护他们的文化和生物资源的纪录片;(v)秘鲁 Matsiguengas 人的纪实和调查新闻项目。
Following awareness-raising activities carried out during the first semester of 2006, four new local content production projects were launched, involving five new communities: (i) new groups and training institutions were identified in Bolivia, Kenya, Peru and Siberia (Russian
Federation); (ii) the “Last Story Teller” project, with the Dolgan indigenous people from Siberia, Russian Federation, documenting their life and cultural traditions; (iii) the project “TV Ayllu” with the Ayllus and Markas communities from Bolivia documenting their story within the larger context of the indigenous movement in Bolivia; (iv) a documentary on how a Massai community in Kenya promotes culturally sensitive local development and the protection of their cultural and biological resources; (v) a documentary and investigative journalism project by and with the Matsiguengas from Peru.
专科医生应该及时向全科医师提供反馈信息,而全科医师应该帮助协调提供给患者的各种服务 与 专 科 医 生 沟 通以及使用登记册和护理管家等 具来 促 进 健康。
Specialists should provide timely feedback to primary care physicians and primary care physicians should coordinate the care
provided by
[...] various services, communicate with specialists and use tools like registries and case managers to [...]
improve health outcomes.
经过过去几个月在纽约、日内瓦、基加利、悉尼和利马举行广泛磋商并出与各国 、国际及区域组织,以及民间社会和学术界代表的几次会议和磋商会之后, 我满意地注意到,大多数相关行为者确信需要在第三次双年度会议期间取得的成 就基础上生具体成果,从而为 2012 年审查会议的成功奠定基础。
After holding extensive consultations during the past months in New York, Geneva, Kigali, Sydney and Lima, and attending several meetings and consultations with States, international and regional organizations, and representatives of the civil society and academia, I note [...]
with satisfaction that most of
the actors involved are convinced of the need to produce concrete results, building upon the achievements reached during the Third Biennial Meeting, laying the foundation for a successful Review Conference in 2012.
中部非洲 国家还于 2007 年 5 月在圣多美和普林西比决定制定 一具有法 律约束力的文书,来管制小武器和轻武 器、其弹药以及所有可被来生产此类武器的设备。
The countries of Central Africa also decided in May 2007 in Sao Tome and Principe to establish a legally binding instrument to control small arms and light weapons, their ammunitions and all equipments that might be used in their manufacture.
此外,发展信息机构以增强年轻女孩关于艾 滋病毒/艾滋病风险的知识,并利用信息和传播技术作为信息教育和对话的 具来 增加青年对和与发展的承诺。
Infostructures were also developed to strengthen the knowledge of young girls regarding the risks of
HIV/AIDS, and to increase youth’s
[...] commitment to peace and development using ICT as a tool for informal education [...]
and dialogue.
在接来的讨论中,一位代表称,该决定草案没有必要,其一是因为不需 要重申第 XIX/6 号决定中的内容,本次会议及其它会议的讨论已突出提到了这 些内容,其二是因为执行委员会已经在努力工作,力争最终完成氟氯烃生产设 施供资准则以与生产部 门相关的其它重要任务。
In the ensuing discussion, one representative, supported by others, said that the draft decision was not needed because there was no need to reiterate the elements of decision XIX/6, which had featured prominently in discussions during the current meeting and other meetings, and because the Executive Committee was already working hard to finalize the guidelines for funding of production facilities for HCFCs and other important tasks related to the production sector.
一般来讲,部署具生成 servlet 来处理 解析传入的 SOAP 请求的过程,并创建一个远程无状态会话 EJB 对象,然后将请求分派到无状态会话 EJB。
In general, the deployment tool generates a servlet to handle parsing [...]
the incoming SOAP request, create a remote stateless
session EJBObject and dispatch the request to the stateless session EJB.
根据直接来自牵头机构的合同,设在 NAGPUR
[...] 的国家环境工程 研究所等国家专门机构或同等级别的印度独立机构将审查出口数字,把出口数与 生产数据结合来就可 以让这些机构确定印度的消费水平(第 7 条数据),这些数 据将构成综合报告的消费部分。
Under direct contract from the Lead Agency, a national expert institution such as the national Environment Engineering Research Institute in Nagpur or an equivalent Indian independent institution will audit the
export figures, which in
[...] combination with the 9 production data will allow them to determine the level of consumption [...]
in India (Article
7 data), which will constitute a part of the consolidated report.
必须改进为发展中国家设计和提供与知识产权相关的技术援助的方 法,它需与具体国家全面的发展策略更好地结合 来。
The design and delivery of IP-related technical assistance to developing countries
needs to be improved. It
[...] needs to be much better integrated with the overall national development strategy [...]
of individual countries.
2005 年 ICOMOS 大会通过的《关于保护遗产建筑物、古迹和历史区域的西安宣言》7 将遗产区域定义为“紧靠古遗址的和延伸的、影响古遗址重要性或是其重要性组成部分的周 边环境”,并承认“与物质、视觉、精神及其他文化的背景环境之间所 生 联 系 ”之历史区 域的重要性和独特性,它有力地推动了制订有关对保护和管理遗址区域适当进行规划的具 与战略
The Xi’an Declaration on the Conservation of the Setting of Heritage Structures, Sites and Areas, adopted in 2005 by the General Conference of ICOMOS7 defined the setting of a heritage area as “the immediate and extended environment that is part of, or contributes to, its significance and distinctive character” and, having acknowledged that the significance and distinctive character of historic areas derive from the relationship “with their physical,
visual, spiritual and
[...] other cultural context and settings”, it promoted the development of proper planning tools and strategies for the conservation and management of the areas forming the setting.
塑料部门本着公司不断追求卓越的理念,是世界上将生产热塑 具与生 产 高 速及超高速塑料部件装配机构结合 来 的 、绝无仅有的厂商。
The Plastic division, in line with the philosophy in constant tension toward excellence, is the
only players in the world which combines the
[...] production of molds for thermoplastic with the production of assembly cells for plastic components of high and very high productive [...]
然而,她没有将其中的每一条与 具体的指控联系来。
However, she does not link
[...] each of these articles with specific allegations.
生物贸易倡议》应当继续支持制定有利的政策和环 境,促进私人部门与生物多 样性的可持续利用和保护,同时承认这一问题具 有的 社会、文化、法律和经济的复杂性。
The Biotrade Initiative should continue to support the
creation of an enabling
[...] policy and environment to foster private sector engagement in the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, [...]
while acknowledging
the social, cultural, legal and economic complexity of this issue.
为此目的,我们将: (a) 与具有代 表性的工商业协会、工会和其他方面交往,以改善发展私人投 资的法律、监管和行政管理环境;同时又确保有一个健全的政策和管控环境机来发展 私营部门、增加外国直接投资、建立公私伙伴关系、以公平的方式加强价 值链并特别考虑到国家和区域方面、逐步扩大支持发展目标的努力。
(a) Engage with representative business associations, trade unions and others to improve the legal, regulatory and administrative environment for the development of private investment; and also to ensure a sound policy and regulatory [...]
environment for private sector development,
increased foreign direct investment, public-private partnerships, the strengthening of value chains in an equitable manner and giving particular consideration to national and regional dimensions, and the scaling up of efforts in support of development goals.
作为《公约》的最直接受益人,青少年的 与 提 醒 了 与 会 者《公约》的持续相关 性和重要性,以及保护和促进他们的权利不仅是其 来生 活 的迫切需要,也是他 们当前生活的迫切需要。
As the immediate beneficiaries of the Convention, the presence of the young people helped to remind participants of the continuing relevance and importance of the Convention and that the protection and promotion of their rights is urgent not only for their lives in the future but also for their lives in the present.
宣言通过在各级提供政策指导,促进开展了合作行动,特别是(a) 制定一项 全面统筹办法,以实现国际商定的目标和承诺,包括千年发展目标;(b) 通过初 级保来加强卫生系统,从而推进普及保健服务的目标;(c) 提倡把卫生保健作 为所有部门政策的一种成果;(d) 推动加强国际援助政策的一致性;(e) 加强和 建立相关行为者之间的新型伙伴关系;(f) 尽管最近经济衰退,但仍要维持和加 强生与发展方面的筹资。
The declaration has promoted collaborative actions through policy guidance at various levels, in particular: (a) developing a comprehensive and integrated approach to achieving the internationally agreed goals and commitments, including the Millennium Development Goals; (b) strengthening health systems through primary health care to advance the goal of universal access to health services; (c) promoting health as an outcome of all sectoral policies; (d) promoting greater policy coherence in international assistance; (e) strengthening and building innovative partnerships among relevant actors, and (f) sustaining and enhancing financing for health and development, despite the recent economic downturn.
辩论应当是专家之间的 非正式会议,不会生具有约 束力的结论,而是鼓 励就移与发展 问题进行富有成效的公开交流。
The debate should be an informal meeting of experts that did not result in any binding conclusions, but rather encouraged fruitful, open exchanges on the issue of migration and development.
以前, 他们需要准备种类众多的有机来生 产 不同硬度的产品, 现在有了SILPURAN® 2410 A/B, 他们便可以根具体的 需要灵活调整产品的硬度, 只需准备一种有机硅原料便可生产出不同规格的产品。
Whereas they would previously have needed to stock many different grades of silicone if they wanted to make products of different hardness, they now have in SILPURAN® 2410 A/B a product whose hardness can be flexibly adjusted to suit the intended application.
如果有非国家行动者、其他人员或团体想利 用我国领土运输任何这类武器,各项主要法规,例如《宪法》、我国签署和批准 的所有条约、公约、运输以及上述提到的法律均可为处理所有这类问题提供法律 框架,包与核生化有关的、可 来生 产 这 类武器的材料的问题。
In the event that non-State actors or other persons or groups want to use our territory to transport any of these weapons, the primary law such as the Constitution and all treaties, conventions, protocols signed and ratified, and the other laws mentioned above, provide the legal framework to
cover all such
[...] issues, including the biological, chemical, nuclearrelated materials that can be used to produce these kinds of [...]
项目与方须 使用熊猫标准制定的最新版本的“三重检验”方法,或者最新版“CDM 造林再 造林项目活动基线情景识别和额外性评估的综合 具 ” , 来 证 明 拟议的熊猫标准项目活动的额外性。
To demonstrate the additionality of a PS project activity, PPs shall use either the most recent version of the Three-Prong Test, or alternatively the latest version of “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario [...]
and demonstrate
additionality in A/R CDM project activities”.
因此,在 2015 年以后的发展合作方面,必须(a) 提供足够的政策空间来处 理多层面的福利和纠正国际与国内的不平等;(b) 为国际劳工流动制定条理分明
的框架;(c) 确保有足够的资金提供为支持可持续和安全的发展成就所需的全球 公共货物;(d)
[...] 开发必要的新融资工具以便为这种发展提供所需资源;和(e) 加 强捐助方、受援国和私营部门之间的协调,并按照国家发展战略加强传统援助具与行动资金来源之间的协调。
Accordingly, in the area of development cooperation post-2015, there is a need: (a) to provide adequate policy space for addressing multidimensional wellbeing and correcting international and national inequalities; (b) to develop a coherent framework for international labour mobility; (c) to ensure adequate finance for the provision of the global public goods that are needed to support sustainable and secure development achievements; (d) to develop new financial instruments that are necessary to provide the required resources for such development; and (e) to enhance coordination among donors, recipient countries and private
actors, and also between
[...] traditional aid instruments and new financing sources, in alignment with national [...]
development strategies.
亚太经社会在自然灾害方面的工作 与 各 联 合国实体密切合 作开展的,其重点是利用标准化的统计和地理信息 具来 进 行防灾备灾和开展 早期恢复工作。
The work of ESCAP on natural disasters, which was
[...] conducted in close collaboration with United Nations entities, focused on the use of standardized statistical and geographic information tools for disaster risk [...]
preparedness and early recovery efforts.
塞浦路斯概述了打击经济欺诈和与身份有关犯罪的最佳做法,包括针对各 刑事侦查部门的工作人员组织授课;征聘专家;在信息共享和培训警官方面改 进并加与各国和各组织的机构间协 与 合 作 工作;加强专门执法单位的行政 能力;建立一个犯罪分析办公室,为其配备适当的软件和技术;以及应用一个 中央计算机化系来生成关 于严重和轻微罪行的数据报告。
Cyprus provided an overview of best practices in the fight against economic fraud and identity-related crime, including the organization of lectures to members of the various criminal investigation departments; the recruitment of specialists; the improvement of and increase in inter-agency coordination and cooperation with States and organizations in terms of information-sharing and training police officers; the enhancement of the administrative capacity of specialized law enforcement units; the establishment of a crime analysis office equipped with the appropriate software and technology; and the application of a central computerized system for producing data reports on serious and minor offences.
根据直接来自牵头机构的合同,设在 NAGPUR
[...] 的国家环境工程研究所等国家专门 机构或同等级别的印度独立机构将审查出口数字,把出口数 与生 产 数 据结合来 就可以确定消费数字。
Under direct contract from the Lead Agency, a national expert institution such as the National Environment Engineering Research Institute in Nagpur or an equivalent Indian independent
institution will audit the export
[...] figures, which in combination with the production data allows [...]
determination of the consumption figures.
当前使用的产品材料对具和用来生 产 他 们的模具钢提出 了更多要求,例如,现在高强度钢板用于汽车零部件在抗崩 角及开裂、压缩强度和耐磨损方面提出了额外的要求。
For example, advanced high strength steel sheet materials now being used for automotive parts place extra demands on resistance to chipping and cracking, compressive strength and wear resistance.
关于《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》 来生 效 的 问题, 联合专家组认为,有必要加强合作,尤其是在开发评估受教育权落实情况的具 方面
Referring in particular to
[...] the future entry into force of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Group deemed it necessary to collaborate more closely, particularly in the development of a tool for assessing the implementation [...]
of the right to education.




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