

单词 与日俱进

External sources (not reviewed)

Seagate 所因应的各种应用环境,及其宣布事项所包含的多样技在在强调日常生活中随处可见储存设备,对於储存设备的需求与日俱
The diverse applications addressed and the myriad technology advances
included in the
[...] Seagate announcements underscore how pervasive storage has become ineveryday lifeand how demand for storage has skyrocketed.
[...] Herzog表示︰『对Oris而言,英文无疑是最普及的国际语言,然而,当Oris的国际魅升,我们必俱进
A forward-thinking Ulrich Herzog, CEO and Chairman of Oris comments: “English has always been
the obvious choice as a global language for Oris, but as our
[...] international appeal grows, we have to move with the times.
(e) 私 营 骨 灰 龛 场 的 违 规 发 展 问与 日 俱政 府 会 否 考 虑 增 拨 资查 及 执 行 地 契 条 款 ?
How many buildings have
[...] been inspected since the introduction of the revised enforcement policy against UBWs in Aprillastyear?
From North Minneapolis and Milwaukee to Cairo and Montreal, urban farms and gardens are sprouting up as a solution to maximize the use of natural resources such as solar energy, advocating healthy lifestyles and even teaching job skills.
This means deciding what amendments should be added to help promote and create a greener, more sustainable environment and mitigate climate change impacts in New York City.
一些成员认为社会日新月異,市民投诉新兴行业和服务的數与日俱因此《商品說明条例》的修订范围,宜宽不宜 紧,并需要定期作出检讨及修订。
Given the rapid changes of society and the rising number of complaints about new industries and services, some members opined that the scope of revision of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (TDO) should be as broad as possible and that the Ordinance should be reviewed and revised regularly.
随着与Xstrata合并,董事会有信心,以更庞大的工业版图配合Glencore成熟的营销本领,将创造一个专业知识与规 模兼备的团队,在应付全与日俱商品需求中独占鳌头。
With the merger of Xstrata, the Board of Directors remains confident that the expanded industrial base, coupled with Glencore’s proven marketing capability will
create a group with the expertise and scale to play a
[...] leading role in meeting the growing global demand [...]
for commodities.
Based on the EPA toxicity categorization of antimicrobial products that ranges from Category I (high toxicity) down to Category IV, at use dilutions, SDC is rated in the lowest toxicity category, IV, while traditional disinfectants fall into Categories I and II.
虽然非执行主席负责领 导董事论与作出决策,但Glencore的营运业与日理 则由行政总裁负责领导,采用这样的职能划分及加上下文所述的保 留事项附表,可确保并无其一方会独自行使决策职权。
While the Non-Executive Chairman is responsible for leading the Board’s discussions and decision-making, the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for leading Glencore’s operating performance and day-to-day management.
凡委任代表或法团正式授权代表作出的表决或要求按股数表决,即使委托人在表决前去世或患上 精神错乱,或撤销委任代表或授权,或藉以进行表决或要求按股数表决的股份已经转让,该表决 仍属有效,但以办事处并未於进行表决或要求按股数表决的股东大会或续会或(倘若股数表大会或续会非日进指定进行股数表决时间开始之前,接获有关去世、精神错乱、撤销 或转让等情况的书面提示为限。
A vote given or poll demanded by a proxy or a duly authorised representative of a corporation shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or authorisation or transfer of the share by virtue of which the vote is given or the poll demanded provided that no intimation in writing of the death insanity revocation or transfer shall have been received at the Office before the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the vote is given or poll demanded or (in the case of a poll nottaken on the same day as the meeting or adjourned meeting) the time appointed for taking the poll.
Except Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland and Taiwan, the other regions are those best known to Hong Kong people. According to the survey conducted by POP on May 2-6, 2008, the 10 regions best known to Hong Kong people are the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, France, [...]
Australia, Thailand, Singapore,
Canada, Germany and South Korea.
专家小组认同社会对连接海滨行人通与日俱渴 求;并建议设立覆盖整个范围的行人通道网络,把海 滨与毗邻地区及在该范围可供使用的各种运输工具连 接,达到连接机动与非机动交通工具的整体效果。
An area-wide pedestrian network linking the waterfront with the hinterland as well as to all means of transport modes should be developed, thereby connecting motorised and non-motorised transportation in a holistic way.
自 2016 年起,欧盟地区将防锁死煞车系统 (ABS) 列与日俱摩托车之标准配备。
Starting from 2016, antilock braking systems (ABS) will be introduced as standard equipment for an increasing number of motorcycles in the EU.
While these are merely a small selection of examples, the growing urban language is not simply the product of city branding campaigns (I doubt the city halls of Los Angeles and Brussels are pleased to know the images that their city names invoke for many).
我们十分荣幸能够满足世界性广播与日俱广播需 求,在提供全面及具成本效益传输方案的同时,让他们即时享有亚洲五号卫星於亚洲区 付费平台卓越接入的优势。
We are proud to meet theincreased demand of international broadcasters who expect comprehensive and cost efficient transmission solutions while at the same time appreciate the benefit of AsiaSat 5’s excellent access to Asian pay TV platforms.
博物馆合作的国际化程与日俱凡尔赛博物馆负责藏品出借管理的负责人弗兰克•拉卡伊(Franck [...]
Lacaille)认为: “不仅世界各大博物馆之间有合作交流,现在欧洲、美国、加拿大,还有韩国、中国、南美洲的小博物馆也同国外有交流合作。
The trend towards
[...] internationalisation is growingall thetime, according [...]
to Franck Lacaille, the curator responsible for
loans management at Versailles: “All the world’s major museums are in contact with each other, but we are now seeing the same in small museums in Europe, the United States and Canada, as well as a diversification towards Korea, China and South America.
根 据 通 函 附 录 三 所 载 经 扩 大 集
[...] 团 未 经 审 核 备 考 资 产 负 债 表,假 设 收 购 事 项 已 於 二 零 零 七 年 三 月 三 十日 进本 公 司 股 权 持 有 人 应 占 本 集 团 有 形 资 产 净 值 将 减 少 约7,500,000港元,主要原因是代Kingsrich Group资产净值的差额导致无形资产约5,700,000 港元所致。
Based on the unaudited pro forma statement of assets and liabilities of the
Enlarged Group as set
[...] out in Appendix III to this circular, assuming the Acquisition had taken place on 31 March 2007,the Group’s net tangible assets value attributable to the equity shareholders [...]
of the Company would
be reduced by approximately HK$7.5 million, mainly as a result of the intangible assets of approximately HK$5.7 million which may be arisen from the difference between the Consideration and the net assets value of Kingsrich Group.
主要项目包括竹篙 湾填海工程(10.61 亿元)、后海湾干线(9,300 万元)、东铁支线-红磡至尖沙咀支线
的主要基建工程(7,600 万元)、乡郊排水系统修复计划平原河排水系统修复工程 (4,500
[...] 万元)、元朗西南扩展区(3,500 万元)、元朗及锦田的主要排水道-田村排水 道 -附属道路工程(3,200 万元)、元朗排洪绕道(3,000 万元)、为屯门第 56 区的房屋 发展计划道路筑建工程和排水渠敷设工程(2,600 万元)、介乎锦英与日T7 号主干路交界处的西沙路扩阔工程(2,600 万元)、荃湾第 2 区与深井之间 一段青山公路的改善工程(2,500 万元),以及白石角发展计划基础设施余下工程 (1,000 万元)等。
The total estimated expenditure in 2004-05 is $2,096 million. The major projects will include Penny’s Bay Reclamation ($1,061 million), Deep Bay Link ($93 million), East Rail Extension – Essential public infrastructure works for Hung Hom to Tsim Sha Tsui extension ($76 million), Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme – drainage rehabilitation works at Ping Yuen River ($45 million), Yuen Long south western extension ($35 million), Main drainage channels for Yuen Long and Kam Tin – Tin
Tsuen channel –
[...] Ancillary road works ($32million), Yuen Long bypass floodway ($30 million), Construction of roads anddrains to serve the housing development in Area 56, Tuen Mun ($26 million), Sai Sha Road widening between Kam Ying Road and [...]
future Trunk Road T7 junction ($26
million), Castle Peak Road improvement between Area 2 and Sham Tseng, Tsuen Wan ($25 million), Remaining engineering infrastructure works for Pak Shek Kok development ($10 million), etc.
As the areal density growth rate of current longitudinal recording begins to slow, perpendicular
recording appears best-positioned to keep pace
[...] with the world'sgrowing datastorage needs, [...]
with the potential for far higher density
levels over time than what could otherwise be achieved.




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