

单词 与世长辞

与世长辞 ()

depart from the world forever

See also:

辞世 v

die v

辞世 adj

passed away adj


depart this life (euphemism)

External sources (not reviewed)

整个联合国大家庭哀悼这两位好友 和十分干练的大会前主与世长辞。
The entire United Nations community mourns the loss of two good friends and very efficient former
[...] Presidents of the General Assembly.
1931年,阿尔菲力•玛莎拉蒂的绝作4CTR和前轮驱动的8C2500问世,不久以后他即于1932年3月 3 日 与世长辞。
In 1931 came the 4CTR and the front-wheel-drive 8C 2500, the last car to be designed by Alfieri
[...] Maserati, who died on 3 March, 1932.
是的,2008年时品牌的前任所有者Séverin Wunderman先与世长辞,当 时品牌就已面临困境。
Yes, the difficulties
[...] began back in 2008 with the death of the [...]
brand’s previous owner, Séverin Wunderman.
本照片的右边,我们看到的是 16 世纪中期修建的大教堂, 由这座修道院的在位院长或修道士菲利普修建, 他后来成为了俄罗斯教堂的教长,在伊凡四世(雷帝)统治期间,他不 与世长辞。
And what we see in this photograph, on the right side, is the cathedral built in the middle of the 16th century by the very active Hegumen, or Abbott, of the monastery, Filipp, who later became metropolitan of the Russian church and met a sad demise in the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
巴尔巴利奇先生(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)(以英 语发言):作为东欧集团 8 月份主席,我沉痛行使职 责,就曾以多种职务身份,为实现《联合国宪章》所 载理想和目标作出过重要贡献的两位伟大外交与 世长辞,表达我们诚挚的哀悼。
(Bosnia and Herzegovina): As Chairman of the Eastern European Group for the month of August, I have the sad duty of extending our heartfelt condolences at the loss of two great diplomats who contributed in many capacities to the realization of the ideals and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
亚洲国家集团还深感悲痛地获悉,五天前,即 8 月 20 日星期五,大会第四十六届会议主席萨米尔·谢 哈比大使与世长辞。
The Group of Asian States is also deeply saddened to learn that Ambassador Samir Shihabi, the President of the General Assembly at its forty-sixth session, passed away five days ago, on Friday, 20 August.
当拜占庭皇帝迈克尔世被迫辞职族 长 伊 格 ,在858 Photius,仍然是一个门外汉,是高架的东正教会后收到较小的订单在6天。
When Byzantine emperor Michael
[...] III forced the resignation of the patriarch Ignatius [...]
in 858, Photius, still a layman, was
elevated to the patriarchate after having received the lesser orders in six days.
长与委员会协商后,于 2011 年 2 月 22 日任命大韩民国的 Duk Ho Moon(大规模毁灭性武器扩散),取代 2010 年 12 月 20 日辞职的大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国的大卫·伯奇;于 2011 年 3 月 21 日任命联合王国的约翰·埃维 拉德(地区问题);以及于 2011 年 8 月 22 日任命美利坚合众国的威廉·纽科姆先 [...]
The Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee, appointed Duk Ho Moon, Republic of Korea (proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to replace David J. Birch, United [...]
Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland, who had resigned effective 20 December 2010) on 22 February 2011; John Everard, United Kingdom (regional issues), on 21 March 2011; and William Newcomb, United States of America (finance) and Katsuhisa Furukawa, Japan (nuclear issues), on 22 August 2011.
拟议编列 152 000 美元差旅费,用于参加与维和有关的研讨会、会议、讲 习班与世界银 行官员进行的协调会议(以便交流有关解除武装、复员和重返社 会的经验)、解除武装、复员和重返社会问题机构间工作组年度会议(目的是协调 和统一联合国在解除武装、复员和重返社会方面的所有行动者的努力)以及与非 洲联盟官员在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的协调会议(29 400 美元);秘长的年 度务虚会 以及在阿克拉的科菲·安南培训中心举行的讲习班(22 700 美元);关于警察参 与维和的不同方面以及有关支持国家当局和国际维持治安的研讨会和讲习班 (92 300 美元);关于少年司法的年度会议(7 600 美元)。
An amount of $152,000 is proposed for travel to participate in: peacekeepingrelated seminars, conferences,
workshops and
[...] coordination meetings with World Bank officials in order to exchange on lessons learned on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the annual Inter-Agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, which seeks to coordinate and harmonize the efforts of all United Nations actors on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and coordination meetings with African Union officials in Addis Ababa ($29,400); the Secretary-General’s annual [...]
retreat and a workshop
at the Kofi Annan Training Centre in Accra ($22,700); seminar and workshops related to the different aspects of the police involvement in peacekeeping, support to national authorities and international policing ($92,300); and the annual meeting on juvenile justice ($7,600).
大会第六十六届会议通过了《预防和控制非传染性疾病问题大会高级别会议 的政治宣》,其中请秘长与世界卫 生组织总干事密切合作,并与会员国、联合 国各基金和方案及其他相关国际组织协商,在向大会第六十七届会议提交关于通 [...]
选办法,供会员国审议(第 66/2 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly adopted the Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable
Diseases, which included a
[...] request to the Secretary-General, in close collaboration with the Director-General [...]
of the World Health
Organization, and in consultations with Member States, United Nations funds and programmes and other relevant international organizations, to submit to the Assembly, at its sixty-seventh session, for consideration by Member States, options for strengthening and facilitating multisectoral action for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases through effective partnership (resolution 66/2).
不过,苏丹和刚果民主共和国等地仍在持续的人 道主义危机,表明了秘长在其 2008 年关于预防冲 突问题的报告(S/2008/18)中所描述的 辞与 现 实之 间的差距。
However, the humanitarian crises that persist in such places as the Sudan and the Democratic Republic of
the Congo illustrate what the
[...] Secretary-General, in his 2008 report on conflict prevention (S/2008/18), characterized as a gap between rhetoric and reality.
有些会员国认为,优先事项和主要工作重点的 辞 都 应 更明确地体现信息社会问世 界首 脑会议(WSIS)的成果和教科文组织所提倡的建立“知识社会”的四项原则,即“言论自 [...]
Several Member States proposed that
the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
[...] should be better reflected in the wording of priorities and main lines of action [...] [...]
as should be the four principles advocated by UNESCO for the development of “knowledge societies”, namely freedom of expression, equal access to education, universal access to information and cultural and linguistic diversity.
这一段的辞与第四次妇女问世 界会 议《北京行动纲要》的措辞非常类似,但后者 是一个整体,不能选择性地摘录其中部分内容,后 者还强调应该尊重国家和区域特点以及历史、文化 和宗教差异。
Although the wording of that paragraph was very similar to wording used in the Beijing Platform for Action at the Fourth World Conference on Women, [...]
the latter, which
had been conceived as an integrated unit whose elements must not be addressed on a selective basis, had also stressed the importance of respecting national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious differences.
工作 组请秘书处调整有关的辞,使之 与世 贸 组 织《政府采购协定》在同样情况下使 用的相应措辞一致。
The Secretariat was requested to
[...] align the wording in question with any equivalent wording in the WTO GPA used in [...]
the same context.
2011 年世界儿童状况报告 – 青春期:一个充满机遇的年龄’,这是联合国儿童基金会新发布的一篇代表性报告,其核心内容是关于 世 界 年 龄在 10 至 19 岁之间的十几亿青少年的长与权力 问题。
The State of the World’s Children 2011 – Adolescence: An
Age of
[...] Opportunity,’ UNICEF’s flagship report, focuses on the development and rights of more than a billion [...]
children aged 10 to 19 worldwide.
在国际淡水年之际,并在第三次京都世界水论坛之前举行的这次谈话,共邀请了四位国际闻 名的专与会:埃及水资源和灌溉部 长 、 世 界 水 理事会主席 Mahmoud Abu - Zeid 先生; 法国科学院院士、国民教育、研究和技术部前部长 [...]
Claude Allegre 先生;国际水事筹资小组 主席、国际货币基金组织前总干事 Michel Camdessus 先生和科学家、未来展望学家 Charles Vorosmarty。
This Talk, held on the occasion of the International Year of Freshwater and in the run-up to the Third
World Water Forum in Kyoto, brought together four leading international experts: Mr Mahmoud Abu-Zeid,
[...] Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation and President of the World Water Council (WWC), [...]
Mr Claude Allègre,
member of the French Academy of Sciences and former French Minister of Education, Research and Technology, Mr Michel Camdessus, Chairman of the World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure and former Managing Director of the IMF, and scientist and futurologist Charles Vörösmarty.
也许帮 助实现这一目的的一个途径是,联合国秘 长与世界 银行行长共同访问若干冲突后国家。
Perhaps one way to help realize this
[...] is for the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the World Bank to undertake [...]
a joint visit to a number of post-conflict countries.
大会认识到外交政策与全球卫生密切相关,相互依赖;请秘长与世界卫 生组织总干事密切协作,与会员国协商,向大会第六十四届会议提 交一份全面报告,就外交政策与全球卫生涉及的挑战、活动和举措提出建议,同 [...]
时考虑到经济及社会理事会将于 2009 年进行的年度部长级审查的结果;并决定 将题为“全球卫生与外交政策”的项目列入第六十四届会议临时议程(第 63/33 号决议)。
The Assembly recognized the close relationship between foreign policy and global health and their
interdependence; requested the
[...] Secretary-General, in close collaboration with the Director-General of the World Health Organization, [...]
and in consultation
with Member States, to submit to it at its sixty-fourth session a comprehensive report, with recommendations, on challenges, activities and initiatives related to foreign policy and global health, taking into account the outcome of the annual ministerial review to be held by the Economic and Social Council in 2009; and decided to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-fourth session an item entitled “Global health and foreign policy” (resolution 63/33).
有什么权利,可以要求伊夫勒泰尔姆的权力做的88条违反了比利时人constitution因此“国王的person是 不可侵犯和他的部长是responsible”,而这是法律上成为条规定的司法法典关于权力行使章262 INCAPABABLE非法长,因为他辞职与 他 的 政府呢?
By what right, Yves Leterme can claim the power to do so in violation of the constitution of the Belgian people by Article 88 "the King's person is inviolable and his ministers are responsible", while it is legally become INCAPABABLE under Article 262 of the Judicial Code chapter on the exercise of authority unlawfully extended because of his resignation and that of his government?
同样,第 1 条关于“国家间条约关系”等辞 源自《维也纳公约》第 2 条(c)项,它的重点在于所涉条约制度中存在的关系, 这样就能够对以下两种情况作出区分,即:条款草案范围所列的国家间条约关 系;排除在条款范围以外的同一条约下产生的国 与 国 际 组织之间或国际组织间 的条约关系。
Similarly, the formulation “relations between States under a treaty”, found in article 1, is drawn from article 2, subparagraph (c), of the Vienna Convention, and places the focus on the relations existing under the treaty regime in question, thereby making it possible to distinguish the treaty relations between States, which are included within the scope of the draft articles, from the relations between States and international organization or between international organizations arising under the same treaty, which are excluded from the scope of the articles.
粮食计划署应急司长 David Kaatrud 致欢辞,他 强调空间技术对于粮食 安全和农业监测的重要作用,并重点指出需要加 与 各 种 行为方的联系,并探 讨旨在增强信息和数据的获得的创新办法。
The Director of Emergencies of WFP, David Kaatrud, in his welcoming address, stressed the crucial role of space technology for food security and monitoring of agriculture [...]
and emphasized the need for
strengthening the links with various actors and exploring innovative solutions in order to achieve enhanced access to information and data.
里 约集团承与联合 国合作,提高国际标准,加强和 巩固现有的国际文书和机制,实现同儿童有关的千 年发展目标,并落实宣言和行动计划,从而建立“适 合儿童长的世界”
The Rio Group was committed
[...] to working with the United Nations on raising international standards, strengthening and consolidating existing international instruments and mechanisms, fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals related to children and the declaration and plan of action for “A World Fit for Children”.
我们促请联合国秘长及联 合国系统有关机构与世界银行、区域和次区域开发银行、经合组织发援会及其他利益攸关方开展密 切合作解决这一问题,并提供一份报告供发展合作论坛审议。
We invite the Secretary-General, with relevant United Nations system agencies, in close cooperation with the World Bank, the regional [...]
and subregional development
banks, OECD/DAC and other relevant stakeholders, to address this issue and to provide a report for consideration by the Development Cooperation Forum.
在 柏威夏成功列世界遗产名录及长 诺 巴 敦 辞 职 后 , 沙马总理于 2008 年 7 月 24 日致电泰国外交部最高 层官员,告知两国外长将在暹粒省举行为期四天的 会议,共同讨论柏威夏问题解决方案,可问题是泰 国当时没有外长。
When Cambodia later lodged a complaint with UNESCO alleging Thailand’s military had damaged Preah Vihear, a senior Thai foreign ministry official believed no response could be written without parliamentary approval.
护理学系系长Datin Devagi Raru在辞中表示,护理学系院所关注的不仅仅只是培育出符合专业资格的毕业生,同时更关注的是作为一名护士所秉持的正确价值 与 关 爱 态度。
The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Datin Devagi Raru said in her speech that her Faculty is committed not only to producing graduates with the required skills, but also graduates who will uphold the right values and show concern for humanity.
尽管渔业领域的重要性以及作为食物来源、就业创造者和经济 长与 发 展的 贡献者在世界数百万人生计中的关键作用,但在2010年前粮农组织没有针对鱼 [...]
Notwithstanding the importance of the fishery sector and its essential
role in the livelihoods of
[...] millions of people around the world as a source of food, creator [...]
of employment, and contributor
to economic growth and development, until 2010 FAO did not have a specific outlook model for fish on a short-term, medium-term or longterm perspective.
大会第六十三届会议在题为“联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和 首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动”的议程项目 44
[...] 下,讨论了全球卫生 与外交政策的问题;请秘长与世界 卫生组织总干事密切协作,与会员国协商, 向大会第六十四届会议提交一份全面报告,就外交政策与全球卫生涉及的挑战、 [...]
2009 年进行的年度部 长级审查的结果;并决定将题为“全球卫生与外交政策”的项目列入第六十四届 会议临时议程(第 63/33 号决议)。
The Assembly recognized the close relationship between foreign policy and global health and their interdependence; requested the
Secretary-General, in close collaboration with
[...] the Director-General of the World Health Organization, [...]
and in consultation with Member
States, to submit to it at its sixty-fourth session a comprehensive report, with recommendations, on challenges, activities and initiatives related to foreign policy and global health, taking into account the outcome of the annual ministerial review held by the Economic and Social Council in 2009; and decided to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-fourth session an item entitled “Global health and foreign policy” (resolution 63/33).
联合国秘书长于 2010 年任命了一个知名人士小组,成员包括马里共和国前 总统阿尔法·奥马尔·科纳雷(小组共同主席),孟加拉复兴援助委员会创始人兼 主席法佐·哈桑·阿比德,全球发展中心创始主席南希·伯德萨尔,布鲁金斯学 会副会长兼全球经与发展 主任凯末尔·德尔维什,沃尔芬森公司董事长兼首席 执行官、世界银行前行长詹姆斯·沃尔芬森,住友化学工业株式会社社长米仓弘 昌,欧洲议会议员、前欧洲发与人 道 主义援助专员路易·米歇尔,乌干达银行 副长、世界银 行前执行董事路易斯·凯斯肯德和苏塞克斯大学发展研究院荣誉 教授理查德·乔里爵士。
The United Nations Secretary-General appointed a Group of Eminent Persons in 2010 with the following members: Alpha Oumar Konaré, former President of the Republic of Mali (Co-Chair of the Group); Fazle Hasan Abed, the founder and Chairperson of
the Bangladesh
[...] Rehabilitation Assistance Committee (BRAC); Nancy Birdsall, the founding President of the Center for Global Development; Kemal Dervis, Vice-President and Director of Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution; James Wolfensohn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Wolfensohn and Company and former President of the World Bank (Co-Chair [...]
of the Group); Hiromasa
Yonekura, Chairman of Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd.




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