

单词 不雅观

See also:

不雅 n

obscene n
indecency n


elegant and tasteful


elegant adj

External sources (not reviewed)

头虱看起来不雅观,尤 其是在显微镜下。
Head lice are not a pretty sight, especially [...]
under the microscope.
先以 奥迪美WP515 刚性防水砂浆防止墙底渗水情况;以 奥迪美BP168 高性能底层批料作为墙身批荡层,并提供大于1.0MPa的高粘结力;再在其表面加上 奥迪美WP533 弹性防水涂层来有效控制墙身批荡和饰面粘结层可能出现的水份或水气之流动及走向,及后以 奥迪美TA338S 专业型强韧瓷砖粘结剂 (C2TES2) 粘贴云石颗粒组成之饰面层,其强劲的粘结力和极高柔韧性能适应任何有可能的基底及饰面层的移动,并加上独特的防泛碱功能,最后以 奥迪美TG410ES 彩色防霉填缝剂填充云石颗粒间的缝隙,其弹性及特有的防泛碱性能,保证饰面层表面密封性及防 不雅观 的 泛 碱产生。
Using OPTIMIX WP515 Waterproofing Slurry to resist the backing seepage water while OPTIMIX WP533 Semi-Flexible Waterproofing Slurry, to control the possible moisture movement at the rendering and tiling layer; OPTIMIX BP168 Premium Base Plaster is being used as render layer with target bonding strength of over 1.0MPa; and OPTIMIX TA338S High Performance Tile Adhesive (C2TES2) and OPTIMIX TG410ES Tile Grout to provide extra adhesion and ultra flexibility to accommodate any possible movement, together with the anti-efflorescence properties for fixing the marble mosaic tiles.
最后,贬损同不符合欧莱雅公司 的价 观。
Finally, disparagement of colleagues is contrary to L’ORÉAL’s values.
黄铜色雅不俗… …它与选用的蓝色很配;还让人联想到土 地;融入了可持续发展观点。
The colour is elegant but not flashy… It matches the chosen blue; it also evokes earthiness, tying into the idea of sustainable [...]
陀飞轮夹板上铭刻着风格时尚且简洁的抛光黄金材质字母C, 观 既 优 雅 又 不 失 现 代感。
A stylish yet simple letter C in polished gold is stamped on the
[...] Tourbillon bridge, both elegant and modern in appearance.
不久之前,Zeppelin™ 革新了我们聆听 iPod® 的方式,凭不可思议的声音和圆 雅 致 的 外 观 , Zeppelin™ 在比赛中大获全胜并包揽了所有奖项。
It wasn't long ago that Zeppelin revolutionised the way we listen to our iPods, sweeping away the competition and scooping just about every award going for its incredible sound and sleek looks.
该品牌在各手表系列中广泛采用与 不 同 的 设计元素,即在手表盘面上采用各种纹理和层次,以突显奢华无比的 雅 外 观。
A distinctive design element
[...] in their extensive line of watches is their use of various textures and layers on the watch face giving it a very luxurious look.
已设法弄到了一张票可以预期的款待 不 仅 是 居民的歌剧院乐团, 观 众 , 穿着 雅 的 和 友好的。
Those who have managed to get a ticket can expect to
be well entertained, not only
[...] by the resident Opera House ensemble but by the audience, elegantly dressed and friendly.
问题是,我们如何才能找到一款既能提 供所需功能、又具备高贵雅外观的 解 决方案。
The challenge was finding a solution that offered the capabilities we needed
[...] along with the elegant look and feel [...]
we desired.
世界和平理事会鼓励越南继续以其自己的方式追求 普世价观,不要强 加有许多限制的程式。
It encouraged the Vietnamese to pursue universal values in their own way and not to impose formulas that had many limitations.
无论哪一款均会保护电不会受 到外界冲击,而且嵌入防止变形的衬垫 雅 致 的 外 观 设 计与兼备的多功能使其每款均能作为完美单件使用。
Protects your computer from impacts, and with pads that keeps the shape from falling, its a chic design that's multi-functional.
教育程度達大專或以上者較其他被訪者傾向認為政府現時對互聯網上涉及淫褻 不雅 物 品 的規管工作已經適中,或希望比現時更寬鬆。
Those with tertiary education or above tended to think that the current government
regulation of publishing
[...] obscene and indecent articles online was already "appropriate" or even hoped it could be [...]
more lenient than now.
Nomad腕表呈现雅高贵的外观,带 有双时区功能,具有清晰素淡的显示和最佳的可读性,可谓超凡独特,与 不 同。
Featuring two time zones, the elegantly refined look of the Nomad sets it apart, opting for a sober display and optimum readability.
盧 永 雄 先生表 示 ,報業公會贊 成 設 立 評
定委員 會 的 建 議 , 並
[...] 特別向事務委員會提出有關以下事 項 的意 見 : 報販在禁 止 青 少 年 接不雅刊物方面的 責 任 、 如何 識別含不雅內容的報章、諮詢文件所提出的建 議 對 新 聞報道 產 生 的 [...]
影 響 ,以及如何加 強執法行動。
Mr LO Wing-hung expressed NSHK's support for the proposed establishment of the Classification Board and highlighted to the Panel its comments on the responsibility of newspaper
vendors in denying
[...] young people access to indecent materials, how newspapers with indecent content should be identified, [...]
the implications
of the proposals in the Consultation Paper on news reporting, and how enforcement could be strengthened.
全新 Aventador LP 700-4
[...] Roadster 是一款具有优美弧线、实现运动性能 雅 致 外 观 完 美 平衡的全敞篷跑车。
The new Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster is a completely open vehicle with sleek lines combining
[...] perfectly balanced sportiness and elegance.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所, 不 是 以 前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追 观 察 ;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
它主要关注于占领结合了创新设计理念、优秀产品质量以及 雅 精 致 外 观 的 计 时器市场,从而吸引年轻时尚人群。
Its main focus is to inhabit a niche market of timepieces with
innovative design concepts coupled with
[...] superior quality and elegant refinement in order [...]
to attract the young and hip crowd.
研发、规划、建筑、景观、营销每一部分都以具有多年房产开发经验的老将和具有敏锐市场洞察力的房产界新秀相结合,引入深圳、上海等地的房产界专业人士,同 不 间 断 地对国内国际现有的楼盘进行考察、调研,力创做出最适合区域人群、超前性的居住氛围,同时以拓普的品牌、精神为根本,积极与国内国际房产界配套企业相互协商合作----新加 雅 克 景 观 设 计、戴德梁行、建工集团、……等等,目前已组建出一个过硬过强的产业配套联合,以雄厚的资金实力,正式进入宁波地产行业。
The research and development, the plan, the construction, the landscape, the marketing each part all by the veteran general which has many years real estate development experience and has the keen market
insight the real estate beautiful to unify, introduces places the such as Shenzhen, Shanghai real estate professional, simultaneously uninterrupted carries on the inspection, the investigation and study to domestic and international existing building, the strength creates makes most suits the region crowd, in advance the housing atmosphere, simultaneously take develops Pu's brand, the spirit
[...] as a basis, is positive and the domestic international real estate necessary enterprise mutually consults the cooperation ---- Singapore elegant gram landscape design, Daide Liang Xing, the construction work group...Has at present set up to stand up to the most rigorous test the strong industrial [...]
necessary union, by the abundant fund strength, officially enters the Ningbo real estate profession.
(f) 擔任電影、報刊及物品管理副專員,以協助總監( 身分為電影、報 刊及物品管理專員) 執行《淫褻不雅物品 管制條例》( 下稱「該條 例」)(第 390 章 ) ;監督有關該條例的公眾教育工作;協助相關的 決策局檢討該條例和其他執法工作,包括檢查所有在本港上映的 電影和執行《電影檢查條例》( [...]
第 392 章 ) 。
(f) acting as Deputy Director of Films, Newspapers and Articles Administration to
assist the DG Com
[...] (acting in the capacity of Director of Films, Newspapers and Articles Administration) in enforcement of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles [...]
Ordinance (COIAO) (Cap.
390), overseeing the public education work on COIAO, assisting the relevant policy bureau to review COIAO and other enforcement work, including censorship for all films exhibited in Hong Kong and enforcement of the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap. 392).
[...] 性与当地社区特性的方方面面,它们都是城市历史 观不 可 分割的组成部分。
The Executive Board also stressed the importance of including in a new text on urban conservation the intangible dimensions of heritage and all
aspects of cultural diversity and identity of local communities, as an integral
[...] component of the historic urban landscape.
為求完美,“時雅”不但專 注產品研發和技術 提升,更緊貼市場潮流來迎合顧客需求。
In order to approach perfection, Sultana keeps with its exploring with its product development, technology advances and market trends to meet the consumers’ needs.
IGEL 瘦客户机具有雅的外观,非常符合酒店的尊贵形象。
The sleek look of the IGEL thin client fit the hotel’s sophisticated image, providing the processing power and memory required to support the Biltmore’s applications within a small footprint.
尤其是Limelight Gala,纤长的观,不对称 表耳,充分展现了伯爵品牌特征,集经典、现代与创意于一身, 雅 非 凡 ,无疑将跻身品牌重量级珠宝腕表之列。
The Limelight Gala in particular, with its elongated, asymmetric lugs, is very much a Piaget product, being at once classic, contemporary and creative, and
[...] will doubtless establish itself as one of our important jewellery watches, with that inimitable touch of elegance I already mentioned.
当外部部件如表壳,表玻璃,表盘,指 针,柄头或表带损坏时,有时可能使⽤ 观不 ⼀ 样 的备⽤部件。
When an exterior part such as the watch case, glass, dial, hand, crown or band is damaged, a
[...] spare part with different appearance may sometimes [...]
be used.
According to the cross-tabulation analysis with the respondents' knowledge level of the COIAO, the "more knowledgeable" group was relatively stricter than the other two groups when deciding which articles were not suitable for persons under the age of 18 or even prohibited from publication for all ages.
古巴认为和平应被视为一项人类价 观 ,不 应仅 仅将和平界定为没有战争的状态,而应将其视为全世界所有人共同发展的包 [...]
Cuba believes that peace should be considered a human value and
[...] should be defined not simply as the absence [...]
of war, but rather as the development
of an inclusive culture by the men and women of the world that leads to the recognition of and respect for the diversity of cultural identity at the international level.
木塑门:绿色环保、一体成形不易变形、抗菌防霉、UV表面处理,光洁度较好、抗紫外 线 不 容 变 色;PVC门:价格低廉、免漆;钢木门:价格低廉、抗冲力好,可当防盗门;实木门:天然木纹,高 雅观 ; 实 木复合门:天然木纹、比天然实木价格稍低;免漆门:价格低廉、可用于各需常换装修工程用门,如小酒店、饭店、低档娱乐场所。
Wood plastic door: green, one-piece
[...] easy to distort, inhibit bacteria and mold, UV surface finish better UV resistance can not be discolored; PVC door: low prices, paint; steel doors: the price is low, the impact [...]
force can be When the
security doors; wood doors: natural wood, high-grade decency; wood composite doors: the natural wood grain prices lower than the natural wood; paint the door: cheap, can be used for various needs often change the fitting-out works with doors, such as small hotels , restaurants, low-grade entertainment.
关于改善委员会工作方法的问题,有关第 1373(2001)号决议执行情况的初步评估具有根本性
[...] 的重大意义;它们作为与各国进行定期对话的基本文 件,也是监测各国反恐努力的观、 不 加 歧 视和有系 统的基础。
In terms of improving the Committee’s working methods, the Preliminary Implementation Assessments regarding resolution 1373 (2001) continue to be of fundamental
importance; they serve as basic documents for
[...] regular dialogue with States and as an [...]
objective, non-discriminatory and systemic
foundation for monitoring the counter-terrorism efforts of States.
条约的宗旨应该是,根据所有参与从武器的制造到销毁的整个生命周期的当 事方的共同责任,并根据观、不歧 视 和透明的准则,拟订出武器贸易的规则。
The treaty’s purpose should be to establish regulations on arms trading, based on the shared responsibility of all parties involved in the life cycle of a weapon, from manufacture to destruction, and on objective, non-discriminatory and transparent criteria.




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