

单词 不避斧钺

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一些委員認為即使是削減公共開支的 措施,不夠果斷和大刀斧,難 以有效地減低龐大的公共開支。
Some members considered that even the measures on cutting public expenditure were also not decisive and bold enough, thus making it difficult to effectively cutting the colossal public expenditure.
避免过去的失误,海地必须大刀斧 地 改 革其政府机 构和结构,并转变其政治文化。
To avoid repeating mistakes of the past, Haiti must profoundly transform [...]
its governmental institutions and structures and its political culture.
回 歸 後 , 尤 其 因為技 術 官不 斷 大斧 地 推行很 多 新 政 和 改 革 , 處 於 政 府 架 構以外而又深受政 策影響的人士,必 期望能在建 制 內有最起 碼 的發言 權 和 對 自 己 的權益 有 恰 當 的 維 護 ,立法會正 好 提 供 了一個強 而有力 的 監 察 機 制 和 場 所 , 因此, 在某種 程 度上,立法行 政 雙 方的制衡 和 角 力 , 未 必 一 定 能 完避 免 。
Following the reunification, because of, in particular because of, the drastic attempts of technocrats to introduce many new policies and reforms, it is inevitable that those outside the establishment who are affected by such policies will at least want to have a say inside the establishment, so as to ensure that their interests are suitably protected.
這種發 展實非行政機關的意願,因為行攻機關現在必須盡力說服反對派, 不 應 大刀 闊 斧、 草率行事。
This new resistance has forced the executive to become more political than it would otherwise opt to be because it now has to convince the opposition, rather than simply railroad it.
(F) 在公司法及本公司細則下一段之規限下,任何董事或候任或擬委 任董不得因其擔任任何職務或受薪職位,或因其賣方或買方身份或其他原因,而喪 失與本公司訂約之資格; 任何董事亦毋避免訂立以任何方式涉及利益之任何有關 合約或任何其他合約或安排,而訂立有關合約或涉及上述利益之任何董事亦毋須純粹 因為擁有上述職務或因此建立之受信關係,就有關合約或安排所收取之任何報酬、收 益或其他利益向本公司或其股東交代。
(F) Subject to the Companies Act and to the next paragraph of this Bye-law, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested by liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement, by reason only of such Director holding that office or the fiduciary relationship thereby established.
后来,我从一个网站(网址:http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html)中看到了专门制作PDF文件的控件的介绍,暗喜之余,立马下载试验,果然非常轻松地制作出了想要的PDF文件,因为网站为英文,内容又多,读起来非常费力,在解决了自己的问题后,看到许多网友还在为PDF文件制作而郁闷,遂决定将该内容翻译为中文,由于本人英语水平一般,许多地方又晦涩难懂,故翻译质 不 是 很 满意,敬 斧 正 ,但大部分能看懂。
Later, I learned from a website (URL: http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html) see the production of a special control PDF documents, the feel pleased but not show while downloading immediately test was very easy to create a the desired PDF file, as site for the English, the contents of another, very easy to read, in resolving its own problems, many users still see PDF document production and depressed, decided that the content translated into Chinese, I generally as a result of the standard of English in many places
obscure and difficult to
[...] understand, it is not very satisfied with the quality of translation, please¸«Õý, but most can read.
就連一 名普通工人在“打斧頭”時也會說:“ 斧 頭 不 打 多 一點會給雷劈”,既 然政府已把利益送到面前,它們是沒有理由不盡取的。
There is no reason why these consortia should not make the most out of it if the Government is handing them favours.
所以,我很想很想問新任局長,如果按照我們現時的現況,假 如我們沿用一直所採用的統計數字,沒有剔除有關收入的稅收,也沒有剔除 教育、醫療等,我們得出的數字是 0.533,如果根據主體答覆第(三)部分所 述的“斧”,政府不能遏 止有關趨勢,也解決不到當時大家公認存在的 貧富懸殊情況......
So, I very much wish to ask the new Secretary this: Under the present circumstances, if we make use of the statistics that have all along been used before, without eliminating the relevant tax from income and the factors of education, medical benefits, and so on, the figure we get would be 0.533, which means that despite those "skilful means" described in part (c) of the main reply, the Government could not curb the trend or resolve the wealth gap which everyone recognizes as an existing problem
之后埃及代表 向该组织提出若干问题,要求该组 不 要 回 避 委 员会曾就该组织所主张的有关限 制言论自由和宗教自由的想法与原则的影响提出的问题。
The representative of Egypt then posed a number of
questions to the organization,
[...] requesting that it not continue to evade responding to the [...]
Committee’s previous questions on
the implications of the ideas and principles espoused by the organization on restricting the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, as well as on the terminology it uses.
我們在議會內這個有票無權的困局下,如 不 去 思 量如何運用我 們最後的斧及手中的一票,強迫這個涼薄,甚至充滿盲點、活在一 個與我們完不同的生活環境的政府,為這些每天皆在掙扎如何可以 令生活好過一點的市民做些工作的話,我才會覺得慚愧。
In this Council where we are trapped in this quagmire of having the votes but not the power, and if we do not ponder how we can make use of the last resort that we have and the votes [...]
in our hands and force this
heartless government which is so full of blind spots and totally detached from the people to do something for those who struggle for survival every day, so that their life can be made somewhat better, then we would feel ashamed of ourselves.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国 不 法 行 为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
[...] 品出廠、運送以至貯存和零售期間採取措施,包括使用合適的容器 不 透 光 的箱 避免 產 品暴露在強光下;保持正確的低溫環境(盡量維持温度於攝氏20度或以下,切勿超過 [...]
From production throughout shipment to storage and retail, they should also take measures to prevent products from light
exposure by means of proper
[...] containers and covering boxes; and to minimise heat exposure [...]
by maintaining the correct cold
chain, preferably at or below 20°C and critically not above 38°C, by means of appropriate insulated containers, to be coupled with shipping schedules and storage facilities; and to keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle.
[...] 将继续执行重实际的政策,与联合国系统的合作伙伴磋商,以便就征收管理费用达成一致, 从避免当前不恰当 的“压价竞争”以及捐助者利用这种竞争施加压力要求降低管理开支的 [...]
UNESCO will continue its policy of realism in terms of the calculation of overhead rates, and will pursue consultations with United Nations system partners so that a common approach may be
agreed upon concerning the levying of
[...] overhead charges, thus avoiding the current trends [...]
towards unseemly “price-undercutting
competition” and the potential exploitation of such practices by donors to increase pressure for lower overheads.
數㆝後該㆟尋回斧 子,再觀察鄰居的舉動時,卻覺得他的㆒舉㆒動,都顯示 不 可 能是 偷 斧 者。
Strangely, the young man's every action now shows he cannot possibly be a stealer of axes.
项目很有挑战,因为必须符合三不 同 的 标准:在中央系统中部署解决方案、大刀 斧 地 更 换 现有解决方案、符合非常严格的截止日期。
The project was very challenging because it had to match three different criteria: Deployment of the solution in the central system, replacement of the existing solution using a big bang approach and meeting very strict deadlines.
我同意多位同事所說,街市本身在設計、管理等 方面已過時,為何我不能“大刀 斧 ” , 以一個現代化的模式來處理這 個問題,而任由它逐漸地陰乾呢?
Why do we not adopt a broad-brush approach and deal with the problem in a modernized way to avoid the gradual extinction of our markets?
在改變某 些 人 物 或 制度時, 我 希望能採取較大刀斧 的 做不要讓 久 延殘喘 的 現 象 存 在 , 不要“只做一 半 , 不 做 另 一 半 ” 。
We should not let some long-standing problems continue to exist, nor should we be halfhearted.
[...] 法征税并提升国内安全水平,以防科特迪瓦共和军成员的敲诈勒索、抢劫和掠夺 行为,从避免不明款 项可能被转用于违反制裁制度的情况。
The Group recommends that the Government of Côte d’Ivoire take all possible measures to immediately stop all types of illegal taxation and increase the level of internal security to avoid acts of racketeering,
robbery and pillaging by members of
[...] FRCI, with a view to avoiding diversions of unaccounted [...]
money that might be used in violation of the sanctions regime.
鉴于核心资金的数不可避免地 影响到联合国系统执行这一任务 的能力,我们敦促捐助国和其它有能力的国家,大幅度增加对联合国发展系统, [...]
特别是对其各基金、方案和专门机构的核心/经常预算的自愿捐款,并以持续和 可预测的方式提供多年捐款。
Given that the level of core funding inevitably affects the ability [...]
of the United Nations system to fulfil this mandate,
we urge donor countries and other countries in a position to do so to substantially increase voluntary contributions to the core/regular budgets of the United Nations development system, in particular its funds, programmes and specialized agencies, and to contribute on a multi-year basis, in a sustained and predictable manner.
对性别 敏感的措施特别关注信息和传播技术政策以及能力建设,以纠正男 不 平 等 现象 避 免 媒 体 对妇女的陈规定型的刻画,并突出强调了妇女获得信息的权利。
Gender-responsive approaches implied particular attention to ICT policies and capacity-building, for the correction of gender imbalances and the stereotypical portrayal of women in the media, and to highlight women’s rights to information.
[...] 架和继承的传统容忍态度,土耳其与其他信仰社会一样 不 能 完 全 避 免 一 些侵害 土耳其社会成员的事件。
Despite the legal framework and the inherited tradition
of tolerance, Turkey, like other
[...] multi-faith societies, is not totally immune to isolated [...]
incidents against some members of the Turkish society.
[...] 中指出,不应以粮食作为施加政治或经济压力的手段,并在这方面重申国际合作 和团结的重要性,以及必避免采取 不 符 合 国际法和《联合国宪章》且危及粮食 安全的单方面措施
Reiterating, as in the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the Declaration of the World Food Summit: five years later, that food should not be used as an instrument of political or economic pressure, and reaffirming in this regard the importance of international cooperation and
solidarity, as well as the
[...] necessity of refraining from unilateral measures that are not in accordance [...]
with international law
and the Charter of the United Nations and that endanger food security
与 其如现在这样尝试渐进办法,看不 如 大刀 阔 斧 地 改 变做法,要求全面遵守这些 原则,以解决有损援助实效的持续零散化问题和国家自主权问题。
Rather than the gradual improvements that are currently being attempted, a more radical shift towards full adherence would seem to be needed in order to overcome continued fragmentation and problems of country ownership which undermine aid effectiveness.
至於是否有間接利益 ⎯⎯ 多位 “大狀”也在席,不應班門弄斧 ⎯⎯ 則要經過test of remoteness才 能確定。
As regards whether there was indirect interest ― I should not show off my incompetence in the presence of experts since a number of barristers are sitting here ― it can only be confirmed with a test of remoteness.
这就意味着要大刀斧改革 衍生工具市 场,对金融机构提出更高和更严格的资本要求,消除监督方面的重大缺口,并建 立新的结算和清算框架来管理任何金融公司缩小业务的工作, 不 论 其 性质、规 模和相互联系,而且由该行业自己、 不 是 纳税人承担费用。
This has meant drastic reforms of derivatives markets, higher and more rigorous capital requirements for financial institutions, eliminating major gaps in oversight and a new resolution and liquidation framework able to manage the winddown of any financial firm, regardless of nature, size or interconnectedness, and paid for by the industry itself, not the taxpayer.
这也给所有会员国敲响了警钟,也就是,如果 我不立即大刀斧地改 变现有的食品供应和向消 费者推销食品的做法,我们的国家不久就将无法生存 [...]
This is also a warning message for all Member
[...] States, that is, if we do not make immediate radical [...]
changes in the available food supply
and the marketing of food to consumers, we will not be able to survive much longer as nations.
這些問題一天不改善不處理,不大 刀 闊 斧 進 行 全面改革,正如 我在十多年前曾批評香港足球總會(“足總”),我 說:“香港足總一天不 改革,香港足運沒有前途!”這個是1990年代中期已經說過了,所以 政府不能漠視體育總會存在的問題,繼續坐視不理。
I said this when I criticized the Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA) more than a decade ago, "Football has no future in Hong Kong if the HKFA is not revamped!
理事会的基本原则是:普遍性、公正性、客观性和非选择性,目 不 是 让各 国避批评 ,而是创造一个大家都能得到公平对待的环境,从而最终使理事会的工 作更有效力。
The founding principles of the Council: universality, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, were not intended to shield countries from criticism but to create an environment in which all will be treated fairly, and ultimately make the Council more effective.
他提出,有鉴于此,向委员会这一处理此事件的唯一机构提出对他被 引渡至墨西哥的决定的合理性的质疑是正当的,并辩称,在被引渡到墨西哥之后 遭受酷刑提出的损害诉讼显不能构 成 避 免 他 被引渡的有效补救措施,因此也不 能被看做国内补救办法的一种可用手段。
He submits that it is thus valid to challenge the legality of the decision to extradite him to Mexico before the Committee, the sole body dealing with the matter, and argues that clearly, a suit for damages filed subsequent to the torture he endured after extradition to Mexico cannot constitute an effective remedy that would have prevented his extradition and thus cannot be considered as an available means of domestic remedy.
決定機關應當以保證獲准保釋不逃 避 、 不 妨 礙 刑事訴訟活 動為原則,綜合考慮該人對社會的危險性、案件的情節及性質、 可能被判處刑罰的輕重、該人的經濟狀況,以及當地的經濟發展 水平等情況,確定收取保證金的數額。
When setting the amount of bail, the competent authorities shall take into account the bailed person's potential risk to society, the circumstances and nature of the case, the severity of the possible sentence, the person's financial situation, the level of local economic development and so on with the underpinning principle that the person concerned will not evade or jeopardize the criminal proceedings.




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