

单词 不遂



paralysis of one side of the body

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 香港有多少张复康病床;其㆗有多少张主要为半不遂而设;及
(b) of the total number of convalescent beds in Hong Kong; of these, how many have been assigned mainly for hemiplegics; and
(a) 过去 1 年内,有多少半不遂住院,如无此统计数字,有否关於脑血管意外 病㆟的数字
(a) of the
[...] number of hemiplegics admitted to hospital for treatment in the past year; if such statisticsare not available, [...]
whether the number of
patients suffering from cerebrovascular diseases can be made available
There were media reports on 4 October 2009 that Hon KAM Nai-wai dismissed his female assistant because of his unsuccessful advances to her.
不过,最“离谱” 的是一些涉及骗取客户签约的不良行为,当中包括自称收费电视职员以检查 电视为名上门,讹称年底推行数码广播,游说安装解码器,否则不能再收看 免费电视;又或是透过电话推销,当推不遂便藉词为用户核实个人资 料,暗地里为用户确认新服务等。
For instance, promoters who claimed to be staff of pay television company approached the residents on the pretext of conducting checks on television reception and then persuaded the residents to install the decoder by lying that the installation was to ensure compatibility with digital broadcasting to be introduced at the end of the year, or else the residents could no longer enjoy free television programmes, or when the promoters tried to sell their service by telephone calls but in vain, they would secretly confirm the new service subscription for the residents using the excuse that they need their personal data for verification purposes.
Since then
[...] Alison, who has been wheelchair bound since the age of 14,has managed to [...]
raise over £170,000, which is quite
an achievement considering that Alison also works full time as a researcher in medical ethics.
由於 经 济 情况恶 劣 , 雇 主 对 劳 工的需求缩 减 ,可能使 很多求不 遂士 感 到是由於 他们所 属 年 龄 受 到 歧 视 。
The shrink in the demand for labour resulting from the unfavourable economic conditions has probably led unsuccessful job seekers to attribute their failure in securing the jobs to age discrimination.
被告人是一名的士司机,并曾对半不遂告人作出一连串行为,包括拒 载、拒绝帮助原告人登上的士及把她的轮椅放在车尾箱,以及当原告人在的士内 的时候,向她讲出一些关于其残疾的无礼及冒犯说话。
These conducts included unwillingness to accept the Plaintiff’s patronage, refusal to assist the Plaintiff in getting into the taxi and putting her wheelchair into the boot of his taxi, as well as rude and offensive remarks towards the Plaintiff concerning her disability while the Plaintiff was in the taxi.
这个家庭的男户主 62 岁,而死者则 57 岁,他们有两名儿子,长 子在马会工作,而二十多岁的幼子则智障及先天半不遂坐轮椅。
They had two sons. The elder son worked in the Hong Kong Jockey Club, whereas the younger son, in his twenties, was mentally disabled and paraplegic at birth and was wheelchair-bound.
Clean your ring as recommended in the section on Cleaning, and if you are still not happy with the result, entrust it to Piaget.
於是,我便立即前 往医院照顾半不遂妈。
So, I went to the hospital at once to take care of my mother who was paralyzed on one side of her body.
至於是否因为 示好或示不遂也只是两位当事人和他们家庭的私事,更不属於立 法会的事务。
As tothe question of whether there were unsuccessful advances, this is a personal matter between the two parties and their families only and does not fall within the scope of the business of this Council.
(ii) 否认因求不遂雇该女助理,并指出他是根据聘任 合约,以一个月的代通知金终止该女助理的聘任合约, 但他并无提及他曾向该女助理表示好感。
(ii) denied that he had dismissed his female assistant because of his unsuccessful [...]
advances, and pointed out that the employment
contract with his female assistant was terminated by giving one-month payment in lieu of notice which was in accordance with the employment contract, but did not mention that he had expressed affection towards her.
是次指控相当严重,其实不单後果严重,主席,後果当然是褫夺议 员的资格,即使是刘健仪议员所说的第(二 )项,她的意思似乎是指甘乃 威议员因为求不遂雇女事主。
President, one of the consequences is disqualification of a Member from office. In part a(ii) of the
Schedule, Ms Miriam
[...] LAU seemed to be implying that Mr KAM Nai-wai dismissed the lady concerned because of his unsuccessful [...]
看到经济衰退的一场乱局,看到金融海 啸的波涛汹涌,看到特区的管治无方,看到香港的民怨沸腾,看到民生 的火头处处,看到民主的遥遥无期,特区已经重现董建华的败象,连新 贵刘皇发也求得下签,这彷佛与何志平遥相呼应“内有家鬼,自身不安, 家宅不吉,求不遂简直是黑色幽默,令人哭笑不得,不知道经历 民望起跌浮沉的曾荫权,有何感想和反思?
We can see the chaotic situation triggered by the economic recession, the roaring waves caused by the financial tsunami, the SAR's incompetence in governance, the seething discontent among the masses, the widespread occurrence of problems relating to the people's livelihood, and the remote prospects of democracy.
Brixton still remains a part of town with an ambiguous reputation and whose policies have had difficulties getting executed in the last decade.
只 编 纂 串 谋 罪 及法 律煽 惑 罪 , 一 定 会 产 生 古 怪 的 後 果 。
Toencode the law of conspiracy and attempt and leave aside incitement would produce a decidedly odd result.
我 们 因 此 建 议性 的 辩 护 理 由 应 予 废 除 。
We accordingly recommend that the defence of impossibility in attempt be abolished.
由於现 时 适用於政府服务合约承办商所雇 用 的工人的雇佣合约 在工人的每 月工资 及工作时数 方 面有含糊之处, 当采用标 准 雇 佣合约,清楚订 明雇员的每 月工资 及工 作时数,以 确 保 政府外判服务承办商 雇 用 的 非技术工人 所 得 的工相关的 市场工 资 率 。
As there was ambiguity in respect of the monthly wages and working hours of workers in the existing employment contracts for workers employed by contractors of government service contracts, a
standard employment contract which set
[...] out clearly the monthly wages and working hours of the employee was proposed to ensure that the wages of non-skilled workers engaged by government service contractors were notlower than the relevant market rates.
鉴于国家研究系统和相关科学政策严重依赖社会科学能力台进行审查,以更 加突出地反映这一点。
Given that national research systems and associated science policies rely heavily on social science capacities, thework of the Platform has been reviewed to reflect this more strongly.
美利坚合众国自知难以隐瞒真相出种种卑鄙伎俩方客观地 证实朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星的和平性质,顽固地称之为远程导弹发 射,此后蛮横无理地强求安全理事会不许朝鲜民主主义人民共和国甚至为和平目 的发射卫星。
The United States, finding it hard to conceal the truth, after hatching all sorts of dastardly tricks to prevent the peaceful nature of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s satellite launch from being confirmed objectively and persistently terming it a long-range missile launch, imposed upon the Security Council its brigandish demand that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should not be allowed to launch even a satellite for peaceful purposes.
Later, I learned from a website (URL: http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html) see the production of a special control PDF documents, the feel pleased but not show while downloading immediately test was very easy to create a the desired PDF file, as site for the English, the contents of another, very easy to read, in resolving its own problems, many users
still see PDF document
[...] production and depressed, decidedthat the content translated into Chinese, I generally as a result of the standard of English in many places obscure and difficult to understand, itis not very satisfied [...]
with the quality
of translation, please¸«Õý, but most can read.
17.4 根据《侵害人身罪条例》(第212章) ,任何人士意图促致任何女子( 包括残 疾女子 )流(女子是否怀孕) 而非法向其施用或导致其服用任何毒药或其他 有害物品,或非法使用任何器具或任何其他方法意图,均属犯可循公诉 程序审讯的罪行。
17.4 Under the Offence Against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), any person who, with intent to procure the miscarriage of any woman (including women with disabilities), whether she is or is not with child, unlawfully administers or causes to be taken by her any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means whatsoever with the like intent, shall be guilty of an offence triable upon indictment.
还有那位因为延揽梁展文而被立法会以涉嫌利益冲突为由传召 询问遂不告议会以泄愤的郑家大少家纯,亦是民建联的监委大 员。
There was also that Master Ka-shun of the CHENG's family, who went to the length of suing the Legislative Council to vent his anger over his being summonsed by the Legislative Council on suspicion of a conflict of interest in recruiting LEUNG Chin-man.
Because salary cut is now a focal problem on the Budget, and because it involves lots of interest at stake, POP therefore further analyzed the difference in opinion among different groups of affected people.
关於此点,事务委员会注意到,廉政 专员在其陈述㆗表示,由於在㆒九九㆔年十㆒月至㆒九九㆕年㆒月期间,有关方面正
[...] 在进行㆒项机密调查,为免对调查造成影响,他当遂不露解雇徐氏的理由。
In this respect, the Panel noted the Commissioner's statement that because of a covert investigation was
under way between November 1993 and January
[...] 1994, he could notdisclose the reasons [...]
for Mr TSUI's dismissal at that time
since such disclosure would compromise the investigation.
因此,考虑到其重要性,有鉴 于联合国系统没有其他组织拥有类似于教科文组织全国委员会的模式,教科文组发 署签订了《谅解备忘录》,其第 III.2 条规定“驻地协调员可请一名或多名教科文组织全国 委员会成员参加联合国国家工作队(UNCT)的个别会议,特别是在教科文组织为非驻地机 构的国家且其正在讨论相关的计划编制问题,而委员会的参加又被视为是有益的。
As a result and in view of their importance, as no other organization in the United Nations system had a model similar to that of UNESCO’s National Commissions, UNESCO and UNDP had signed a Memorandum of Understanding stipulating in Article III.2 that “The Resident Coordinator may invite a UNESCO National Commission’s member(s) to attend certain United Nations Country Team (UNCT) meetings, especially in countries where UNESCO is a non-resident agency when relevant programming issues are being discussed and commission participation is deemed useful.
谨转递所附格鲁吉亚外交部就 2011 年 6 月 2 日主义行为和俄罗斯 总理访问被占领的阿布哈兹地区一事发表的声明(见附件一和二)。
I have the honour to transmit the annexed statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia regarding the foiled act of terrorism of 2 June 2011 and the Russian Prime Minister’s visit to occupied Abkhazia (see annexes I and II).




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