

单词 不速而至

See also:


rather than

External sources (not reviewed)

才所说的行动会否构成罪行,我想我们 可能需要视乎个别情况和动用多大的武但我认为任何㆟均有权不速逐 出屋外。
I think it probably depends on the circumstances and the degree of force used, but I think that someone is entitled to remove someone from their premises.
现时渔护署 共设置有 11 个山火了望台,在每年 9 4 月山火季节期 间,会根环境因素(如湿度、日习俗等),按 需要作 24 小时侦察山火,务求能尽早发现山火,并会调派灭火 队在不同的郊野公园管理站作 24 [...]
小时通宵候命,以尽快派员在 山火出现之初将其扑灭。
During the hill fire season from every September to the following April and after considering various
[...] factors (such as humidity,wind speedand festivecustoms), the AFCD will, as necessary, deploy staff to carry out 24-hour [...]
hill fire monitoring
in order to detect hill fires as early as possible and arrange fire crews to station at various country park management centres round the clock so that they could be deployed to put out hill fires at the outset of an outbreak.
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元期公布的港大民意调查中,却显示 59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民广深港高 铁的内容及对社会影响,本人现按照《财 务委员会会议程序》第37A段,动议要求政 府搁置广深港拨款,并以独立机 构的民调评估市民对广深港的认 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白广深港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the
[...] [...] respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do notunderstand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposalsof the XRLand assess the public awareness ofthe XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, [...]
and re-submit the funding proposals after
having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
同时,现时没有退休保障生活在水平线之㆘的老㆟, 将会是另㆒群「弃婴」,因为这计划不会为他们提供即时的援助,至不他们纳入 保障网之内。
At the same time, those elderly people who do not have retirement protection now and arestill living below the poverty line are yet another group of "abandoned children" as this scheme will not provide them with immediate help and it maynot even include them in the protection net.
Today’s gasolines have a relatively short
shelf life, and can oxidize
[...] and gum uprather quickly, resulting in poor start, rough idle, increased engine deposits, clogged fuel filters and evenengine seize.
在 “香港现时”之前加上“自七十年代起,香港已开始讨论全民退 休保障制度,香港工会联合会(‘工联会’)早於1986年倡议设立中 央公积金,至1992年工联会再提出退休保障综合方案;港仍未有全民性的综合退休保障计划,因而”;在 “现时长 者贫穷问题”之後加上“依然”;在 “被证明为有效”之後加上“及可 持续”;在“尽快成立全民”之後加上“性的综合”;在“以及订立” 之後删除“推行”,并以“於今届政府内落实推行的”代替;在“落 实全民”之後加上“性的综合”;在“退休保障制度前,”之後删除;及 在 “‘长者生活津贴计划’”之後删除“引入”,并 以 “免去 70岁或以上长者的”代替。
"To add "since the 1970s, Hong Kong
has started to
[...] discuss the universal retirement protection system; the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions ('FTU') advocated the establishment of a central provident fund as early as 1986, and in 1992 FTU further put forward an integrated retirement protection plan;however,to date, Hong Kong has yet to put in place a universal integrated retirement protection scheme, so" after "That"; to add "still" after "elderly poverty in Hong Kong is"; to add "and sustainable" after "to be effective"; to add "integrated" after [...]
"establish a universal";
to delete "an implementation timetable" after "public consultation, and setting" and substitute with "a timetable for implementation within the term of the current Government"; to add "integrated" after "implementation of a universal"; and to delete "refrain from introducing" before "any asset and income test" and substitute with "exempt elderly persons aged 70 or above from".
其中进一步反映了工作组内 进行的讨论,这就是对投资人与国家间基于条约仲裁的透明度的公共利益与仲 裁当事方对速而解决其争议的合法利益这二者之间需加以平衡,而第 7 条所列的例外情形在适用上应严加掌握,仅构成对第 2 6条的透明度规 则的唯一限制(A/CN.9/717,第 129-143 段)。
It further reflects discussions held in the Working Group to the effect that, while there is a need to balance the public interest in transparency in
the field of
[...] treaty-based investor-State arbitration with the arbitrating parties’ own legitimate interest in a fastandefficient resolution of their dispute, the exceptions in article 7 should be applied strictly [...]
and constitute
the only limitations to the transparency rules under articles 2 to 6 (A/CN.9/717, paras. 129-143).
From time to time, UNESCO needs temporary assistance to deal with short-term work overload and provide the expertise and flexibility needed to be able to respondquickly and effectively [...]
to the changing needs of UNESCO’s programme.
The focus of the discussion, was how "Long Hair" could handle his contradictory roles within and outside the establishment.
委员会也敦促缔约国迅速采取 措施,落实真相委员会的建议,特别是对实行酷刑、虐待和强迫或非自愿失踪的 犯罪者进行速而的起诉和处罚,将被确认为侵害人权行为人的公职人员停 职,建立特别基金以向被害者提供赔偿,建造刻有所有被害者姓名的国家纪念 碑,并设立国定假日以缅怀受害者。
The Committee nevertheless
[...] urges the State partyto take prompt steps to implement the recommendations of the Truth Commission, and in particular to prosecute and punish promptly and impartially those responsible for acts of [...][...]
torture, ill-treatment or enforced or involuntary disappearance, to remove from their posts all officials who have been identified as alleged perpetrators of human rights violations, to create a special fund to compensate victims, to construct a national monument bearing the names of all the victims, and to declare a national holiday in memory of the victims.
以铀为原料的核能生产近技术的开发则导致稀有金属、包括 稀土元素的需求增加。
Nuclear energy production, requiring uranium, hadbeenaccelerating in recent times,while the development [...]
of clean technologies
had led to an increased demand for rare metals, including rare earth elements.
除 於 大 会 上 卸 任 之 董 事 外 , 除 非 任 何 人 士 获 得 董 事 提 名 参 选 , 否 则 概 无 人 士 符 合 资 格 於 任 何 股 东 大 会 膺 选 为 董 事 , 惟 以 下 情 况 除 外 : 经 获 正 式 合 资 格 出 席 及 於 会 上 投 票 之 股 东 ( 获 建 议 参 选 人 士 除 外 ) 签 署 的 通 知 , 表 明 有 意 提 名 该 名 人 士 参 选名 之 人 士 亦 签 署 通 知 表 明 其 参 选 意 愿 , 提 交 至 办 事 处 或 总 办 事 处 , 且 在 该 通 知 提 交 後 已 给 予 本 公 司 最 少 七 (7) 天 之 最 短 通 知 期 ,( 倘 通 告 於 有 关 该 选 举 董 事 之 股 东 大 会 通 知 寄 发 後 提 交 ) 提 交 该 ( 等 ) 通 知 之 期 限 应 由 不 早 於 寄 发 该 选 举 董 事 之 股 东 大 会 通 知 翌 日至 不该 股 东 大 会 指 定 举 行 日 期 前 七 (7) 天 止 。
88. No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such Notice is give of his intention to propose such person for election
and also a Notice
[...] signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall be lodged at the Office or at the head office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at least seven (7) days and that (if the Notice(s) are submitted after the dispatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election) the period for lodgement of such Notice(s) shall commence on the day after the dispatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and endno less than seven [...]
(7) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
合作组织必须有一致的专题和战略议程,速至2015 年实现全民 教育的目标和千年发展目标,并为本区域各国就 2015 年之后的任务达成协议创 [...]
[...] organizations must align their topics and strategic agendas to accelerate achievement [...]
of the goals of Education
for All and the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 and to generate suitable conditions for agreements between and among the countries of the region on tasks that emerge in the post-2015 period.
4 段 的 规 定 , 即 在 晚 上 九早 上 九 时 这 段 时 间使用 扬 声 设 备 , 但 据 悉 一 些 助 选 人 士 只 在 警 方 干 预 时 将 声 量 调 低 , 过 後 不 久 又 再 将 声 量 调 高 , 对 附 近 居 民 造 成 严 重 滋 扰 。
Although the use of sound amplifying devices wasnot made in the hours of 9 pm to 9 am as restricted by the EAC in paragraph 12.4 of the Guidelines, it was noted that some supporters only lowered the volume when there was police intervention, and then turned on a loud volume again shortly afterwards, causing much disturbance to the residents nearby.
尽管很少提及,但公共卫生支出的变化和教育支出的变化有着同样的增在 2002 年至 2006 年期间从占国家预算的 8%上10.5%一时期 内分别占国内生产总值的 2.5%和 5%。
Albeit to a lesser extent, public health spending is following the rise in spending on education, from 8 per cent to 10.5 per cent of the State budget, or from 2.5 per cent to 5 per cent of GDP, between 2002 and 2006.
全新Quattroporte总裁轿车在发动机转速只有1750 rpm的情况下即可提供500 Nm的扭矩,V6车型6秒的时间内即可由静止速至100km/h,其NEDC混合工况燃油消耗量仅为9.8升/100km,使其成为玛莎拉蒂历史上燃油经济性最佳的Quattroporte总裁车型。
With 500Nm of torque arriving as early as 1750rpm, the new Quattroporte V6 will accelerateto 100km/h in less than six seconds and will deliver an NEDC combined fuel consumption of 9.8 litres/100km, creating the most efficient Quattroporte in history.
If bleeding continues, go to a hospital emergency room.
她 在专利申请中公开了复合药剂的潜在用途,但是她所申请的专利权的范围延至不括 该复合剂的那个用途括该复合剂本身及其所有的潜在用途。
She discloses thepotential use for her compound in her patent application, but her claims extend beyond that use to the compound itself, and all its potential uses.
以电子文本发布的文件可节省时间保 证会不至需要在会议室中分发文件的打印文本而受到干扰。
Publishing documents electronically saves time and allows meetings to proceed uninterrupted by the distribution of paper documents in the meeting room.
联合国预防少年犯罪准则》(利雅得准则)(大会第 45/112
[...] 号决议,附件)提出,对受到经济、社会和文化上速而不变化影响的家 庭的儿童,尤其是土着、移民和难民家庭的儿童,应给予特别的关注。
The United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines) (General Assembly resolution 45/112, annex) provide that special attention should be given to
children of families affected by problems
[...] brought about byrapid and uneveneconomic, [...]
social and cultural change, in particular
the children of indigenous, migrant and refugee families.
获得的信息随后可用叠加在照片上的 2D 平面声学云图表示,从而速而地了源的来源。
The information can then be represented in 2D
planar acoustic maps that can be overlaid
[...] on a photo toquickly show the origin of the various [...]
sound sources in fine detail.
(B) 如果敦沛有失责行为导致阁下遭受金钱上的损失,投资者赔偿基金的法律责任仅限於证券及期货条
[...] 例规定的有效申索并受制於该条例指明的金额上限;因此,并不保证阁下能够从投资者赔偿基金全 部或一部分收回或至不回因该失责行任何金钱上的损失。
(B) that in the case of a default committed by Tanrich and you having suffered pecuniary loss thereby, the liability of the Investor Compensation Fund will be restricted to valid claims as provided for in the SFO and will be subject to the monetary limits specified in the SFO and accordingly that there can be no 13 assurance that any pecuniary loss
sustained by reason of such a
[...] default will necessarily be recouped from the Investor Compensation [...]
Fund in full, in part, or at all.
但就贸易量而 言,世界商品出口增长率在 2011 年速至5.0%2010 年曾大幅回弹至 13.8%。
In volume terms, however, the growth of world merchandise exports decelerated to5.0 per [...]
cent in 2011, after a sharp rebound of 13.8 per cent in 2010.
According to the latest opinion survey published last week by the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong, people's dissatisfaction with the current political environment has declined from 60% to 47%, and according to a new survey to be published soon, the popularity rating of Tung Chee-hwa has gone back to 50, first time in two years.
This results in a surprising amount of
[...] power when pulling away. The smart electric drive accelerates from0 - 60 km/h in 6.5 seconds – just as quickly [...]
as a petrol model which it initially leaves behind.
The State party should ensure the real and effective implementation of the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association for all migrant workers, without the exercise of these rights becoming grounds for loss of employment or for the deportation of the persons involved.
918 Spyder这款超级概念跑车完美结合尖端的赛事科技以及电子移动性能,令人着迷的性能表现:一方面有着每公里仅70克二氧化碳排放量及惊人每百公里3公升的油耗表现,比一般都市小车更加节能!另一方面却又有着超级跑车般的性能表现,由静止速至1003.2秒,极速可超过时速320公里,Nürburgring的单圈时间更是在7分30秒内,比保时捷Carrera GT还要快
The 918 Spyder prototype combines high-tech racing technology with electric mobility to provide a truly fascinating range of qualities: On the one hand the emissions of a small compact car of just 70 grams of CO2
per kilometre on three
[...] litres of fuel per 100 kilometres, on the other hand the performance of a super sports car accelerating from a standstill to 100 km/h in just under 3.2 seconds, reaching a top speed of more than 320 km/h, and lapping the Nürburgring-Nordschleife in less than 7:30 minutes, faster even than the Porsche [...]
Carrera GT.
[...] 在促进集体安全中的核心作用,审议大会必须重申 所有国家都应采取协调行动以确保严格遵守其不扩 散义务,并且国际社会必须情事做出速 而的反应。
In order to preserve the central role of the Non-Proliferation Treaty in promoting collective security, the Review Conference must reaffirm that all States should take concerted action to ensure strict compliance with their
non-proliferation obligations, and that the international
[...] community mustrespond quickly and effectively toinstances ofnon-compliance.
鼓励过渡联邦政府、继任政府、非洲联盟和非洲联盟索马里特派团加强 努力,让人道主义援助速而不碍地到达人民手中,又鼓励非洲联盟在国际 [...]
社会的支持下,支持特派团加强对其部队人员的人权和国际人道主义法方面的宣 传和培训,支持其保护平民,同时注意到,人道主义援助的畅通无阻和安全与人
Encourages the Transitional Federal Government, the successor Government, the African Union and the African Union
Mission in Somalia to intensify their
[...] efforts to facilitate rapidand unhindered humanitarian [...]
access, and also encourages the
African Union to support the Mission in increasing awareness and training among its troops on human rights and on international humanitarian law, as well as in the protection of civilians, with the support of the international community, while noting that humanitarian access and security and the fulfilment of human rights are linked, and that assistance efforts should take these linkages into account




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