

单词 不速



uninvited or unexpected guest


unexpected guest
unwanted presence
arrive without invitation


lit. want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed


lit. want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed
don't try run before you can walk

External sources (not reviewed)

輿論的焦點,主要在於「長毛」如何拿捏其在建制內外的角色矛盾;而政界的困擾,則是如何與這 不速 之 客 周旋。
The focus of the discussion, was how "Long Hair" could handle his contradictory roles within and outside the establishment.
至於剛才所說的行動會否構成罪行,我想我們 可能需要視乎個別情況和動用多大的武力而定,但我認為任何㆟均有權 不速 之 客逐 出屋外。
I think it probably depends on the circumstances and the degree of force used, but I think that someone is entitled to remove someone from their premises.
梅 特 涅 去 職 ﹐ 匈 牙 利 亦 發 生 叛 變 ﹐ 俄 國 一 則 以 其 破 壞 了 正 統 主 義 的 原 則 ﹐ 二 則 深 恐不 速 予 制 止 ﹐ 勢 將 延 及 波 蘭 。
The resignation of Metternich and rebellion in Hungary were regarded by Russia both as a threat to the principle of legitimacy and as a sign of revolutionary spread to Poland if unchecked.
同样,将您的幼犬介绍给不同种族、文化背景、年龄和职业的人也是很重要,有些狗狗对于那些看起来不喜欢您的人可能会形成反感,因此将他们视为 不速 之 客 ”。
It is also important to introduce your puppy to people of different races, ethnic backgrounds, ages
and professions as some dogs might develop an aversion to people who don't look like you
[...] and thus seem "unusual" to them.
Adams在题为“前方绿灯:客货运铁路和轨道交通的标准无线通信”的演讲中,介绍了机车和轨道基础设施之间的无线通信标准怎样帮助车载系统在满足美国联邦政府的铁路安全指令要求外,还能确保列车不超限 不 超 速 、 不 危 及 轨道工安全、不出现道岔切换错误等情况。
In his presentation, Green Signals Ahead: Standards-Based Wireless Communications for Freight and Passenger Rail and Rail Transit, Adams will share how wireless communications standards between trains or locomotives and track infrastructure can help onboard
systems to ensure that
[...] trains do not 'exceed limits authority,' exceed speed restrictions, endanger [...]
trackside workers or
move through a misaligned track switch as well as meet the Federal mandate for rail safety.
We must not spread these efforts so thin that we may end up with no noticeable improvements on the entire front.
除此之外,SpeedFan还可以提供你相关信息,并且让你管控风扇 速 , 不 仅 可 以避免过高风扇转速产生噪音,还可以降低电脑温度,就是如此简单。
And that is not the main function of Speedfan, because it
offers you the information and... it allows you
[...] to control the speed of the fan to avoid [...]
unnecessary sound or speed it up to cold your computer.
如果用作超越离合器,同步速不能 超 过离心非 接触式运转的最低转速的40%。
If used as an overrunning clutch,
[...] the driving speed must not exceed 40% of the lift-off speed.
当电机速不断增 加时,生成频谱,每时刻记录发动机的转速。
While the motor speed is sweeping up, spectra [...]
are generated, and the engine’s RPM is recorded at each instant.
强调会员国必须继续将《世界预防道路交通伤害报告》作为道路安全工作的 纲领,酌情采用其中的建议,特别注意其中列出的不使用安全带和儿童约束装置、 不使用头盔、酒后和吸毒后驾驶、 速不 当 和 超速以及缺乏适当基础设施等重大 风险因素,加强道路安全管理,尤其注意行人、骑自行车和骑摩托车以及使用不 安全公共交通工具的人等易受伤害的道路使用者的需要,以及改进道路重大碰撞 事故受害者碰撞后的救治
Underlining the importance for Member States to continue using the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention as a framework for road safety efforts and implementing its recommendations, as appropriate, by paying particular attention to the main risk factors identified, including the non-use of safety belts and child restraints, the non-use of helmets, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, inappropriate and excessive speed and the lack of appropriate infrastructure, by strengthening road safety management and by paying particular attention also to the needs of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, and users of unsafe public transport, as well as by improving post-crash care for victims of road crashes
对于驱动系统应用,确保马达在空载以及平坦路面工况下 的速不要超过此限定值。
In a machine propel
[...] application, maximum motor speed during unloaded, on - road travelling on level ground should not exceed this limit.
同步运行时,内环和外环的转速一致,空 转运行时,内环和外环速不同。
In driving operation the speeds of the inner and outer ring are equal, while in freewheeling
[...] operation they are different.
8.吁请叙利亚政府确保联叙监督团有效开展行动,即:提供便利,让执行 规定任务所需要的人员和能力速不 受 阻碍地进行部署;确保监督团立即拥有完 成任务所必需的充分、不受阻碍的行动和通行自由;在这方面强调叙利亚政府和 [...]
畅并允许监督团自由私下与叙利亚境内任何个人沟通,不对任何与联叙监督团有 往来者进行报复
the Syrian government to ensure
the effective operation of UNSMIS by:
[...] facilitating the expeditious and unhindered [...]
deployment of its personnel and capabilities
as required to fulfil its mandate; ensuring its full, unimpeded, and immediate freedom of movement and access as necessary to fulfil its mandate, underlining in this regard the need for the Syrian government and the United Nations to agree rapidly on appropriate air transportation assets for UNSMIS; allowing its unobstructed communications; and allowing it to freely and privately communicate with individuals throughout Syria without retaliation against any person as a result of interaction with UNSMIS
該公司表示,航機於B機場起飛時常會有風向 速不 穩定 之情況發生,當時可能因為「請繫安全帶指示 [...]
Airline A further explained that the aircraft had continuously
experienced varying wind
[...] directions and wind speeds during takeoff from [...]
Airport B. It was possible that the cockpit crew did not find it necessary to explain the
takeoff conditions to the passengers since the fasten seatbelt light of the reported flight had already been illuminated.
赞扬 赞扬 赞扬 赞扬一些会员国已加入联合国道路安全国际法律文书,一些会员国已就主要
[...] 危险因素,包括不使用安全带和儿童约束装置、不使用头盔、在酒精和药物影响 下驾驶、速不当和 过快、开车时发短信和不恰当使用手机等因素,制定全面立 [...]
Member States that have acceded to the United Nations international legal instruments on road safety and that have adopted comprehensive legislation on major risk factors, including the non-use of safety belts and child restraints, the non-use of helmets, driving under the
influence of alcohol and drugs,
[...] inappropriate and excessive speed, and texting and inappropriate [...]
use of cell phones while driving
各国政府和合作伙伴要求儿童基金会 速不 断 增 加为其采购的产品和服 务:2009 年得益于关键产品的培养市场战略,采购服务量超过 [...]
10 亿美元。
Governments and partners are requesting
UNICEF to procure products and services on
[...] their behalf at a rapidly increasing rate: [...]
in 2009, procurement services throughput
exceeded $1 billion, helped by market-shaping strategies related to key products.
速不仅违 法,会被处以罚款,还会增加发生车祸的风险
Not only is it illegal and [...]
you will be fined, but it also increases the likelihood of a crash.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民不瞭解 廣深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港速鐵路 撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港速鐵路 的認 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire
[...] [...] XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of [...]
the XRL with an opinion poll conducted
by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
因 此 ,
[...] 中 國 的 粗 鋼 產 量速 不 會 很 高 , 但 總 產 量 [...]
仍 將 維 持 在 一 個 高 的 水 平 上 , 將 繼續支 撐 鐵 礦 石 市 場 的 未 來 需 求 。
Accordingly, the
[...] rateofgrowthofcrudesteeloutputinChina may not reach a high level, [...]
but the aggregate output will still maintains
at a high level, which will in turn be the continuous support for the future demand for the iron ores market.
他还指出,有许多申请的等待时间延长,但是委员会成 员仍未采取任何行动速对这 些申请做出决定;他呼吁委员会成员一视同仁地处 理所有申请组织,并认为表决结果会使委员会继续保持与该组织的互动和对话, 以打不同成员的关切。
He also pointed out that
[...] many applications are pending for longer periods, but no action is taken by any member of the Committee to expedite the decision on them, and called on Committee members to deal with all applicant organizations in a non-selective [...]
arguing that the result of the vote would allow the Committee to continue its interaction and dialogue with the organization to alleviate the concerns expressed by different members.
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主要起因加以预防,包括 速 、 不 使 用 安 全带和儿童约束装置、酒后驾驶、两轮和三轮机动车驾驶员不带头盔、道路设计 [...]
Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be
prevented by addressing the leading causes,
[...] which include excess speed, lack of seat-belt [...]
and child restraint use, drinking and
driving, lack of helmet use by riders on two-wheel and three-wheel motorized vehicles, poorly designed and inadequately maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care.
国内总产值增长与就业率速不符, 工资在总收入中的份额在下降,并且很 多国家的中位收入停滞不前,表明收入分配方面的不平等在不断加剧。
The pace of employment was not being met by [...]
GDP growth, the share of wages in total income was declining and median incomes
were stagnant in many countries, signifying rising inequality in income distribution.
国 际人道主义法规定,人道主义救援人员和运送的物 资应能安全、速、不受阻碍地通行。
International humanitarian law
[...] provides for safe, rapid and unimpeded access [...]
of humanitarian personnel and delivery of supplies.
近年中國內地經濟發展速,不少內 地企業赴港上市,或籌劃B股轉H股。
Owing to the rapid economic growth in [...]
China, many mainland enterprises seek to be listed in Hong Kong or plan to convert their B shares into H shares.
我们相信中国经济会继续提升,但 速不 会 达 到2010年和2011年的水平。
We believe China's economy will continue to
[...] improve, but not to the growth rates of 2010 and 2011.
根 据第
[...] 2042(2012)号决议的要求,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府要提供便利,让执行规 定任务所需要的人员和能力速不受 阻 碍地进行部署;确保特派团立即拥有完成 [...]
任务所需要的充分、不受阻碍的行动和通行自由;允许特派团保持通讯通畅,允 许特派团自由私下与该国境内的任何个人交往,而不得因与特派团有往来而报复 任何人。
As called for by resolution 2042 (2012), it is incumbent upon the
Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to
[...] facilitate the expeditious and unhindered [...]
deployment of the personnel and capabilities
of the mission as required to fulfil its mandate; to ensure its full, unimpeded, and immediate freedom of movement and access as necessary to fulfil its mandate; allow it unobstructed communications; and allow it to freely and privately communicate with individuals throughout the country without retaliation against any person as a result of interaction with the mission.
但 人工主动脉瓣置换术后,以及心输出量增加或左室流出道 (LVO)狭窄的患者,瓣膜附近的流速升高(>1.5m/s),因 此这个速不能再被忽视。
In patients with aortic prostheses and high cardiac output
or narrow LV outflow
[...] (LVO), the velocity proximal to the prosthesis may be elevated and therefore not negligible (proximal velocity > 1.5 m/s).
今天的汽油保存期限相对较短,并且易发生氧化和快速胶结,从而导致启动性能差、 速不 良 、发动机沉积物增多、燃油滤清器堵塞,甚至使发动机停止运转。
Today’s gasolines have a relatively short shelf life, and can oxidize and
[...] gum up rather quickly, resulting in [...]
poor start, rough idle, increased engine deposits,
clogged fuel filters and even engine seize.
自进行干预,同安全理事会其他成员一道,要求对以色列在国际水域攻击无辜平 民的行为进行速、不偏不倚、 可信和透明的调查,并要求有关各方遵守联合国 [...]
关于巴勒斯坦问题的多项决议,包括 2010 年 6 月 1 日安全理事会主席声明(S/PRST/
2010/9)中提到的安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议。
I would like to seek your personal intervention with
the other members of the Security
[...] Council to call for a prompt, impartial, credible [...]
and transparent investigation into
the Israeli attack on the innocent civilians in international waters and to demand that all parties concerned comply with the multitude of United Nations resolutions concerning the question of Palestine, including Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), as stated in the Security Council’s presidential statement adopted on 1 June 2010 (S/PRST/2010/9).




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