

单词 不辍



incessant playing of instruments and reciting of poems [idiom.]

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External sources (not reviewed)

经实践,死亡告诉跳过,他知道他的秘密,他知道,如果 不辍 学 , 会告诉大家。
After the practice, Death tells Skips that he knows his secret, and will tell
[...] everyone he knows if he doesn’t drop out.
我们需要以此为契机,使之成为长期项目,从而在未来多年继 不辍 , 而 这就是我提到的第二个挑战。
We need to lock this in to make it permanent so it endures for years to come, and that’s the second challenge I mentioned.
除其他事项外,受援者必须确保其子 不辍 学, 并必须按照已有的方案为子女进行免疫接种。
Among other things, recipients must make sure that
[...] their children do not drop out of education [...]
and must have their children immunized under established programmes.
[...] 并能提供饮用水、学校膳食、多元文化的教材、教师培训,以及各种扶持性措 施,以确保社区最贫穷的人可以上学 不辍 学 并 取得好成绩。
The education system needs resources to solve infrastructure problems and for drinking water, school meals, culturally diverse teaching materials, teacher training and affirmative
measures of all kinds to ensure that the poorest members of the
[...] community can get to school, stay there [...]
and do well there.
这包括提供基础教育, 以有助于应对不断变化的环境;通过改革薄弱学校,解决提高质量、促进实现公
[...] 平的问题;启动教师交流;关注弱势群体,确保贫穷家庭送孩子上学而 不辍 学; 保护残疾儿童;确保移徙工人子女享有平等的受教育机会;制定少数民族教育政 策。
This includes providing basic education to help address the changing environment, addressing quality enhancement and equity promotion by reforming weak schools, initiating exchanges of teachers, taking good care of vulnerable groups to
ensure that poor families send and
[...] keep kids in school, protecting children with disabilities, [...]
ensuring that children of migrant
workers enjoy equal access to education and establishing policy for ethnic minority groups.
恢复努力已 扩大至包括农村地区在内的伊拉克各省,而且一直在 实施了一项提高社会认识的方案,告诫儿 不 要辍 学。
The rehabilitation effort has been extended to all Iraqi provinces, including
rural areas, and a programme to raise social awareness has
[...] been carried out to warn children not to leave school early.
多数会员国提到,有必要对年轻女孩的就学 不辍 学 提 供支持,确保女孩真正有机会 加入劳动力市场,参与国家的经济。
Most Member States mentioned the necessity to support the schooling and retention of young girls and of ensuring real opportunities for them to join the labour market and participate in the national economy.
国际教育规划研究所继续在教育中的伦理与腐败方面开展工作,具体活动包括:“针 对穷人的倡议在选取目标时的透明度问题”研究,该研究关注的是帮助女童进入初等和中等 学校并保证不辍学的 实践中出现的失职行为的影响;印制新的教师行为守则;以及应各国 或发展机构的要求开展的培训活动。
IIEP pursued its work on ethics and corruption in education through: research on “Transparency in the targeting of pro-poor incentives” – which addresses the effect of malpractices on girls’ access and retention in primary and secondary school; new publications on teacher codes of conducts; and training activities implemented at the request of countries or development agencies.
肯尼亚已采取措施确保最弱势的儿童不掉队,其中包括学校供餐计划,以 及帮助穷人和弱势群不辍学的助学金和图书基金。
Measures to ensure that the most vulnerable children are not left behind have been put in place including school-feeding programmes, a bursary and book funds to help retain the poor and vulnerable in schools.
45. 2009 年,消除对妇女歧视委员会促请几内亚比绍增加对教育的投资,尤其 是在农村地区,并提高对教育重要性的认识,将其视为是一项人权以及提高妇女 地位的基础;当即采取步骤,执行措施,确保女孩和妇女平等接受各级教育并使 女不辍学, 包括通过采取临时特别措施;作出特别努力,提高女孩和妇女的识 字水平。
In 2008, the Security Council reiterated the importance of security-sector reform in Guinea-Bissau, encouraged the Government to sustain its efforts in implementing the national security sector reform programme and underscored the need for the international community to provide further coordinated assistance for its implementation.99 54.
此外,取 消小学教育学费、采用适当的教材、制定适当的教师职前和继续培训政策以及设 立学校食堂,都有助于大力改善学生入学 不辍 学 的 情况。
In addition, the elimination of primary school fees, the introduction of appropriate teaching materials and the implementation of suitable policies for initial and continuing teacher training, as well as the establishment of school canteens, have contributed significantly to improving access and retention.
这将包括:支持女青少年的教育和联合 国女青少年教育行动(UNGEI);促进女青少年接受高质量的初等和中等教育并 保证她不辍学;使普通中等教育适应 21 世纪的挑战。
of quality; adapting general secondary education to the challenges of the twenty-first century.
其他主要社会挑战还包括少 女怀孕及在校成不佳和辍学等 问题,后者对男孩而言尤为严重。
Teenage pregnancies and school underachievement and drop outs, for boys in particular, also represent major social challenges.
如果允许社会支出下降,危机过后,这种情况 有可能加剧和延长不利的影响,例如使营 不 良 程度 、 辍 学 率和长期失业率更加 严重。
If social expenditures are allowed to decline in the wake of the crisis, such a situation is likely to exacerbate
and prolong its adverse impacts on, for example, levels of
[...] malnutrition, school dropout rates and long-term [...]
不断努力降辍学率 ,仍需要进一步努力,因为在近东救济工 程处系统中,约有 10%的男生和 [...]
Despite continued efforts
[...] to decrease the dropout rate, further efforts [...]
are needed, as approximately 10 per cent of boys
and 5 per cent of girls in the UNRWA system do not finish the full cycle of basic education.
在这个犯罪率、失业率辍学率居高 不 下 的 城市中,为了更美好的未来而苦苦挣扎。
He is struggling to provide himself a better future in a city blighted by high
[...] crime, unemployment and school dropout rates.
承诺到 2015
[...] 年解决限制患者接受治疗和助长下列情况的因素:治疗服务短 缺,药品生产和交货延误,药品储 不 足 ,患 者 辍 治 ( 包括前往诊所的交通条件 不足不便),缺少了解信息、资源和地点的渠道(特别是残疾人缺少这种渠道), [...]
Commit by 2015 to address factors that limit treatment uptake and contribute to treatment stock-outs and delays in drug
production and delivery, inadequate storage of
[...] medicines, patient dropout, including inadequate [...]
and inaccessible transportation
to clinical sites, lack of accessibility of information, resources and sites, especially for persons with disabilities, sub-optimal management of treatmentrelated side effects, poor adherence to treatment, out-of-pocket expenses for non-drug components of treatment, loss of income associated with clinic attendance and inadequate human resources for health care
它还鼓励瓦努阿图收集统计数据,分析从小学到中学入学率偏低,以 辍 学 的原 因。
It also encouraged Vanuatu to collect
statistical data and to analyse the causes of the low rate of progression from primary to secondary
[...] school and the drop-out rates.
因此,为更好地理解初中和其 他教育阶段的辍学现象,已经开始进行研究,以明确影响这方面情况的多种因素, 并据以开发更为有效的相关公共政策来继 不 断 减 少 辍 学 现 象(公共教育部,2011 年)。
It is with the aim of understanding better the drop-out phenomenon in lower secondary education and in the other education levels, that studies have been started in order to identify the multiple factors that have an impact in this area, and thereby to develop more effective public policies that will allow the reduction of the school drop-out rate to continue (SEP, 2011).
国际教育研究规划所启动了关于中等教育发展政策和策略的三项研究(印度、智利、经合发 组织国家)这个研究所已经完成了关于减少中等教育入学机 不 平 等 和 辍 学 现 象的战略研究 (阿根廷、巴西、乌干达)。
IIEP launched three studies (India, Chile and OECD countries) on policies and strategies for the development of secondary education.
如果一 个学生不能完成学业,这不仅仅会给学生个人和所在学校带来直 接损失,而且也会由于接受这个学生而造成间接损失,因为如不是这个中辍学的学生占了这个名额的话,那么很有可能是一 个可以完成学业的学生出现在那个位置上。
When students fail to complete their degree there are not only direct costs to the student and the university, but also opportunity costs, since the student who left was filling a space that might have been occupied by a student who would have graduated.
[...] 议将讨论非正规教育的办法,共享在该区域有关 辍 学 青 年提供教育的最佳做法。
UNESCO was again invited and will send participants to the next meeting which will discuss approaches
to non-formal education, share best practices in the region related to the provision of
[...] education to out-of-school youth.
教科文组织增强了南撒哈拉非洲地区成员国在改进教学质量方面的能力,增加了实现全民教 育目标所需的合格教师人数,并使师资培训机构得到了加强,具体的做法是对主要院校进行
[...] 前期评估,制定改进计划;下发政策方面的新指标;明确教师资格、短缺 辍 学 、性 别 不平 等现象;并提高对教师职业重要性和专业性的认识。
UNESCO strengthened capacities of Member States in sub-Saharan Africa to improve the quality of teaching and increased the number of qualified teachers needed to achieve the EFA goals and strengthened teacher-training institutions through pro-active assessments of main institutions and resulting plans for improvement; disseminating new policy-oriented
indicators; identifying teacher and
[...] qualification, shortages, drop-outs, gender inequities; [...]
and raising awareness of the importance
and professionalism of the teacher profession.
加拿大提到青年失业率、中辍学率以 及具有移民背景人员的无家可归率。
Canada referred to the youth unemployment rate, the secondary school dropout rate and the homelessness rate for persons of an immigrant background.
教科文组织加强了会员国改善教学质量的能力,使会员国增加了合格教师的数量,以 便实现全民教育计划目标。为此,教科文组织:推广信息与传播技术以及远程教育的应用; 通过对主要机构的前瞻性评估和随后制定的改进计划来提高非洲国家教师培训机构的质量; 下发以政策为导向的新指标;确定教师及教师资格、教师缺编、学 辍 学 和男 女 不 平 等等情 况;提高对教师职业的重要性和职业特性的认识。
UNESCO strengthened Member States’ capacities to improve the quality of teaching and increase the number of qualified teachers needed to achieve the EFA goals through promoting the use of ICTs and distance education; strengthening teacher-training institutions in Africa through pro-active assessments of main institutions and resulting plans for improvement; disseminating new policy-oriented indicators; identifying teacher and qualification, shortages, drop-outs, gender inequities; and raising awareness of the importance and professionalism of the teacher profession.
教育是对未来的投资,是一种减少贫穷和消除歧视的手段;(b) 土著人 民有权,包括(在相关情况下)享有条约规定的权利,接受对其全面世界观、
语文、传统知识及其文化其他层面有敏感认识、有助于增进人权、认同感和 不同文化间对话的优质初等教育;(c)
[...] 以母语为中介语文的双语教育对于促 进土著儿童的有效学习和降辍学率 是 不 可 或缺的;(d) 如果做不到公正而 有效地执行针对土著人民需求的、对文化问题有敏感认识的教育方案、课程 [...]
2 而开展的任何努力都不可能获得成功;(e) 土 著儿童在接受各级优质教育和社会文化教育方面面临特别的困难。
Education is an investment in the future, a means to reduce poverty and counter discrimination; (b) indigenous peoples have the right, including treaty rights (as relevant) to quality primary education that is sensitive to their holistic worldviews, languages, traditional knowledge and other aspects of their cultures, which contribute to human dignity, identity and intercultural dialogue; (c) mother-tongue mediated bilingual education is indispensable for effective
learning for indigenous children and for
[...] the reduction of dropout rates; (d) any efforts [...]
to achieve Millennium Development
Goal 2 are likely to fail if impartial and effective implementation of culturally sensitive educational programmes, curricula and actions addressing the needs of indigenous peoples are not undertaken; (e) indigenous children experience particular difficulties relating to access to education of quality and sociocultural relevance at all levels.
[...] 得公平和包容性的成果,注重兼顾失学儿童以及 辍 学 和 不 学 习 风险的儿童,关 注与教育部门计划有关的上游政策工作以及公平教育预算,重视加强国家监测和 [...]
UNICEF will focus its interventions more strategically on promoting equitable and inclusive results within education sector plans, on
maintaining attention to both out-of-school children and children at
[...] risk of dropping out and not learning, on upstream [...]
policy work
related to education sector plans and equitable education budgets, and on strengthening national monitoring and evaluation systems.
该研究的预期成果是提 出建议,一方面是为了制定国家预 辍 学 战 略,另一方面是为了更有效地实施新的教 学大纲以提高学习成绩。
The expected outcomes of the study are the formulation of recommendations on the development of a national strategy to prevent dropping out from school, on the one hand, and, on the other, greater effectiveness in implementing new curricula in order to raise the levels of learning achievements.
与会者还认为以下 方面对于今后计划的制定至关重要,也应给予优先关注:优质教育/关连性以及“全民教 育”国家行动计划的执行;联合国教科文组织支持国家教育战略(UNESS);教育编制和管 理,艾滋病病毒和艾滋病教育;儿童早期教育;技术和职业教育(特别针 辍 学 者 );利用 信息传播教育技术(ICTs);还应更多关注能为政策对话及高等教育和研究提供信息的研究 工作。
The following areas were also deemed critical for preparing the future programme and should receive priority attention: quality education/relevance and implementation of EFA National Action Plan; development of UNESCO National Support Strategy (UNESS); educational planning and management, HIV and AIDS education; early childhood education; technical and vocational education (especially of school drop-outs); use of ICTs for education; and greater emphasis on research that would inform policy dialogue as well as on higher education and research.




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