

单词 不计

不计 verb

except v



lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless


irrespective of
have no concerns whatsoever about

不计后果的 adj

reckless adj

不计其数的 adj

million adj

External sources (not reviewed)

应当指出,如不计与巴 西的合作计划,当期支出额占比最大的地区应是非 洲地区。
It should be noted that without the cooperation programme with Brazil, the Africa region is the region where the largest disbursement has occurred.
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目, 哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽 不计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
另一成员提请注意这样的一项谅解,即:关于建议决定的 (b) 分 段,执行委员会将要考虑的问题是,将要从一个国家起点中扣 不计 的 数 量是否应该以起 点所依赖的年份,而不是是否做这样的扣除,因为后一个问题已由第 61/47 号决定作了决 定。
Another member drew attention to an understanding that, with regard to subparagraph (b) of the proposed decision, the issue the Executive Committee would be considering was whether the amount to be discounted from a country’s starting point should be based on the year or years on which the starting point was based, and not whether or not to make a deduction, as the latter issue had already been decided under decision 61/47.
(b) 被任命或改派至不带家属工作地点的专业及以上职类、外勤事务人员职 类及根据《工作人员细则》4.5(c)视为国际征聘的一般事务职类工作人员可获不计养恤 金的额外不带家属艰苦条件津贴,除非秘书长根据《工作人员细则》 3.15(a)特别批准在该工作地点安置工作人员的合格受抚养人。
(b) Staff in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category, and staff in the General Service category considered internationally recruited pursuant to staff rule 4.5 (c), who are appointed or reassigned to a non-family duty station may be paid a non-pensionable additional non-family hardship allowance, unless the Secretary-General has exceptionally approved the presence of eligible dependants of the staff member at the duty station pursuant to staff rule 3.15 (a).
一些成员指出,与一般事务及有关职类相关 不计 养 恤 金部分,正在关于一般事 务人员薪金调查方法的审查中予以审查,因此宜考虑到其中提出的建议。
Some members noted that the non-pensionable component relating to the General Service and related categories was being reviewed in the context of the review of the General Service salary survey methodologies and hence, it would be appropriate to take into consideration the recommendations reached therein.
而且,有关注释也考虑到来自包装材料的迁移不可避免, 迁移量可忽不计,不会给 人体健康带来风险,而且需要经国家立法批准。
It was also indicated that the note took into account this unavoidable migration from packaging material into the product, that these
migration levels would be
[...] negligible and not pose a risk to human health; and that it would be [...]
subject to national legislation.
最后,专家组根据最近通过的联合国专家组提交的所有报告不超过 23 000 字 (附不计)的字 数限制以及委员会提供的指导和意见,只提出和阐述安理会最关心 的、最重要和最为实质性的违反武器禁运行为。
Finally, in light of the newly adopted limit of 23,000 words (excluding the annexes) for all reports by United Nations expert groups, the Group has sought to identify and target only the most critical and substantive violations of the arms embargo of greatest interest to the Security Council based on the guidance and advice provided by the Committee.
虽然报告的损失量并不大,但这种概念不符合《议定书》的环保目标:如不计算弥 补损失的产量,CFC 生产厂家就不会有减少这种损失的积极性,从而不会减少大 气层中的 CFC 排放量。
Although the loss reported was insignificant, the concept did not promote the environmental goal of the Protocol: if filling losses were not accounted for, there would be no incentive to CFC producers to reduce such losses and thereby reduce emissions of CFCs into the atmosphere.
(b) 在不妨碍以工作人员细则 4.15 规定的晋升作为承认责任加重和确有能 力的通常办法的原则之下,定期或连续任用工作人员奉命临时承担某一职位的全 部职务和责任时,如该职位显然高于其原职,而且为期超过三个月,可在例外情 况下,自担任较高职位后的第四个月开始,准予领 不计 养 恤 金的特别职位津贴。
(b) Without prejudice to the principle that promotion under staff rule 4.15 shall be the normal means of recognizing increased responsibilities and demonstrated ability, a staff member holding a fixed-term or continuing appointment who is called upon to assume the full duties and responsibilities of a post at a clearly recognizable higher level than his or her own for a temporary period exceeding three months may, in exceptional cases, be granted a non-pensionable special post allowance from the beginning of the fourth month of service at the higher level.
尽管粮农组织在本部分所做分析中预计了另外49个国家的船队 规模,但没有预计从来没有数据报告和估计数的剩余18个国家的情况,而这类国 家对全球捕捞船队的贡献可忽不计。
While FAO has estimated the fleet size for another 49 countries for the analysis in this section, no estimation has been made for the remaining 18 countries for which data have never been reported or estimated and whose contribution to the global fishing fleet is considered to be negligible.
(d) 如根据上市规则的规定,要求某成员就任何特定决议投弃权票或只限就任
[...] 何特定决议投赞成票或反对票,该成员或其代表违反该要求或限制下所作 的任何表决,不计算在内。
(d) Where any Member is, under the Listing Rules, required to abstain from voting on any particular resolution or restricted to voting only for or only against any particular resolution,
any votes cast by or on behalf of such Member in contravention of such requirement or
[...] restriction shall not be counted.
就本段而言,作为被动 或托管受托人的一位董事或其联系人士所持有的任何股份(彼或彼等任何一人于其
中概无拥有实益权益)、于一项信托(当中如若及只要在其他人士有权就此收取收 入的情况下,则董事或其任何联系人士的权益将还原或为剩余)中的任何股份,以
[...] 及于一项获授权的单位信托计划(其中董事或其联系人士仅作为一位单位持有人拥 有权益)中的任何股份不计算在内。
For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director or his associate(s) as bare or custodian trustee and in which he or any of them has no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest of the Director or his associate(s) is/are in reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, and any shares
comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director or his
[...] associate(s) is/are interested only as a unit holder.
土耳其将普遍定期审议机制政治化的决定表明,土耳其没有认识到塞浦路斯 两族人民通过回顾其心酸历史,已经变得成熟,他们现在希望能 不计 前 嫌 ,按 照安全理事会相关决议的规定,在具有单一主权、单一国际人格、单一公民资格 和政治平等的两族两区联邦结构下建设一个更加美好的未来。
By its decision to politicize the universal periodic review mechanism, Turkey demonstrated that it cannot understand that the members of the two communities in Cyprus have grown mature, through the assessment of their past painful history, and that they now wish to leave the past behind and build a better future in a bizonal, bicommunal federal Cyprus with a single sovereignty, a single international personality, a single citizenship and political equality, as defined in the relevant Security Council resolutions.
随后中国代表表示,可以接不计入 已 提名的 9 吨豁免中的 7 吨,但如排 除由一家位于中国偏远地区的公司生产的 2 吨豁免,将会在当地造成经济、社 会和人体健康方面的问题。
Following the presentation, the representative of China said that the party could accept exclusion of 7 of the 9 tonnes nominated for exemption, but exclusion of 2 tonnes manufactured by one company in a remote area of China would create economic, social and human health problems in the locality.
这这种情况下进行碳计量时,采伐林木的 地下生物质碳储量不计为排 放,而计为采伐前的量,并维持不变,直到重新 植苗造林更新为止。
As the coppice plantation matures, the root-shoot ratio tends to decrease to a level close to planted forests. Therefore the carbon stock in below-ground biomass of harvested trees may be conservatively accounted as the level at the moment before harvesting and remain constant until replanting, rather than assumed as a carbon stock loss
最后,不计算在 里约热内卢市中心举办的汽车游行观众数量的情况下,第 10 届米其林环保挑战赛吸引了超过 6000 名观众,包括 1500 名巴西学生,其中有些都可能是未来工程师,他们将设计明天的清洁、安全和互联的汽车。
In total, without counting the many members of the public who attended the vehicle parade right in the centre of Rio, this 10th Challenge Bibendum attracted more than 6000 visitors, including 1500 Brazilian students, among whom may well have been future engineers who will go on to invent the clean, safe and connected car of tomorrow.
计不推荐使用本产品: 表示相关产品已过时,ADI公司不再推荐新设计使用。
Not Recommended for New Designs: This designates products ADI does not recommend [...]
broadly for new designs.
具有铰链-夹箍作用的后卡套计不仅 进 一步增强了传统卡套设计所具有的坚固性能、而且还提 供了
The hinging-colleting back ferrule design expands on the already robust performance of the traditional ferrule design and provides
标准型以及出口 SSV 和 MPC 型都提供 高吹扫选项;高吹扫 SSV
[...] 元件采用不同 于标准 SSV 元件的接口计, 不能与其 它 SSV 型元件互换。
The high-purge option is available on standard and outlet SSV and MPC models;
the high-purge SSV components employ a
[...] different interface design from standard [...]
SSV components and cannot be interchanged with other SSV models.
提交人选择的离境方式表明,他 计不 会 遇到 当局制造的麻烦。
The author’s chosen method of leaving the country suggests
[...] that he did not anticipate any trouble [...]
with the authorities.
在宣布厄立特里亚、萨尔瓦 多、马里和乌克兰成为决议草案提案国时,他说计不涉及方案预算问题。
Announcing that Eritrea, El Salvador, Mali and Ukraine had become sponsors of the draft resolution, he said that no programme budget implications were anticipated.
这种短期减少计不代表 将来长期投资绩效。
This short
[...] term decrease is not expected to be [...]
representative of future performance on the long term investments.
津巴 布韦报告说,其雷区横跨与莫桑比克的边界,两国的国家排雷行动管理局已经在
[...] 技术层面上讨论了进入这些雷区及其排雷责任的问题,不久,两国之间业已存在 的政府双边高层论坛将讨论这些问题,解决这些问题 计不 会 存在困难,因此本 阶段第三方没有理由介入。
Zimbabwe has reported that it has mined areas that straddle its border with Mozambique, that issues of access and responsibility for clearance of these mined areas have been discussed at the technical level between the two countries’ respective national mine action authorities, that these issues will be subject to discussion in due course at bilateral high level government forums that already exist between the two countries and that no problems in
dealing with these issues
[...] are anticipated and therefore the involvement of third parties is not warranted at [...]
this stage.
虽然目前计不会匀支,但秘书处今后几个月将确认可以进一步调拨资 源的领域,以支付委员会在 2012-2013 [...]
两年期所需的经费,并将根据因经济及社 会理事会 2012 年实质性会议通过的决议和决定而产生的订正估计数,就此向大 会第六十七届会议作出报告。
[...] absorption is not foreseen at this time, the Secretariat [...]
will seek, over the coming months, to identify areas from
which further resources can be redeployed to meet the requirements for the Committee in the biennium 2012-2013 and will inform the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session accordingly in the context of the revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of 2012.
直接支持树和表的界面计,不需要 写代码,直观的采用界面操作,便可以直接生成表和树的数据模型代码。
Directly support
[...] the interface design tree and table , do not need to write [...]
code , using an intuitive interface operation
, we can directly generate the table and the number of treesAccording to the model code .
会议热烈欢迎在注重结果计划编 制方法方面所取得的进展 不 过 ,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 成,使预期结果、预期成果及监督手段和汇报标准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
虽然认识到委员会计不会在通过《公共采购示 范法》的同时通过《指南》修订本,但工作组指出还是打算将第二十届会议产 [...]
生的《指南》修订本暂订草案提交委员会,以协助后者审议示范法草案 (A/CN.9/713,第 138 段)。
Although it was understood that the
[...] Commission was not expected to adopt the [...]
revised Guide together with the Model Law on
Public Procurement, the Working Group noted its intention of submitting a working draft of the revised Guide emanating from the work of its twentieth session to the Commission, so as to assist the latter with its consideration of the draft Model Law (A/CN.9/713, para. 138).
人们认为造成最常见的虫媒病,包括疟疾和登 革热的环境因素包括:灌溉和供水系统 计不 当、住房不足、废物处置和蓄水差、砍伐森林、生物多 样性的损失等。
Environmental factors, such as poorly designed irrigation and water systems, inadequate housing, poor waste disposal and water storage, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, all are regarded as factors contributing to the most common vector-borne diseases, including malaria and dengue.
[...] 入医疗工作的医生和护士、我的家人和朋友以及全世 界数以计不知姓名的友人、领袖和不论身份、地位 [...]
和年龄的一般人民以及对国内外无时一刻不为我祷 告的所有人表达我永恒的感激。
Once again, to the devoted doctors and nurses in Dili and
Darwin, my family and friends and the
[...] anonymous thousands around the world, leaders [...]
and common people, of all walks of life
and of all ages — to all those who devoted countless hours to praying for me, in my own beloved country and elsewhere — I reiterate my eternal gratitude.
该建议是基于这样一项谅解: 即拨给特别法庭的任何经常预算资金均将在法院清 理结束时退还联合国;计不会再 给特别法庭划拨额 外的补助金;联合国秘书处、管理委员会、书记官长 和特别法庭的其他高级官员将加倍努力,通过自愿捐 助来资助法院的活动。
Its recommendation was made on the understanding that any regular budget funds appropriated for the Special Court would be refunded to the United Nations at the time of the Court’s liquidation; that no additional subventions for the Special Court were expected; and that the United Nations Secretariat, the Management Committee, the Registrar and other senior officials of the Special Court would intensify their efforts to fund the Court’s activities through voluntary contributions.




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