单词 | 不规范 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不规范 —abnormalless common: irregular • not standard See also:规范 n—standard n • rule n • regulation n • parameter n 规范—specify • fix rules • within the rules
第一类涉及在非集中化过程中进行活动情况报告,第二类属于系统收集结果的做法 不规范,第 三类与人员发生变动时递交项目文件的机制有关。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The third category relates to mechanisms followed for handing over project portfolios when there were changes of personnel. unesdoc.unesco.org |
09.17 一些不规范只能 由原属局补正,不能由申请人补正,另一 些 不规 范《细 则》规定原属局和申请人均可补正。 wipo.int | 09.17 Certain irregularities can only be remedied by the Office of origin and not by the applicant, while for [...] others, the Regulations provide for either the Office [...]or the applicant to rectify the irregularity. wipo.int |
对不规范的回 复必须在规定的期限内经由原属局发至国际局。 wipo.int | The reply to the irregularity must be sent [...] to the IB through the Office of origin within the prescribed time limit. wipo.int |
监察组的独立调查(包括对 Manyani [...] 的培训员和受训人员的访谈)都证实所有 这些做法都的确存在,但是监察组无法评估这 些 不规范 做 法 的规模。 daccess-ods.un.org | Independent Monitoring Group investigations, including interviews with trainers and trainees from Manyani, have [...] confirmed that all of these practices did indeed take place, but the Group cannot [...] assess the scale of the irregularities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在工程 领域发生这种争执的可能性总是很大的;在这里由于某些附加金额使用 的 不规范, 这种可能性又被进一步加大了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Construction work always involves a significant risk of disputes, and in this case it is increased by the informal nature of some orders for additional services. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各种不规范的业 绩评估报告,即使毫无公正可言,通常也是以长期的和毫无把握 的诉讼不了了之。 unesdoc.unesco.org | poor performance evaluation reports, even when they are unjustified, generally result in lengthy proceedings of uncertain outcome. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而底层延绳钓可能接触和损害海洋底层动物,使底层物体位置 不规范,延 绳钓渔业的确有潜力在捕鱼时不对生境造成严重损害,并按照相对节 [...] 省能源的方式进行。 fao.org | While bottom-set longlines may snag and damage benthic [...] epifauna and irregular objects on the [...]bottom, longline fisheries do offer the [...]potential to conduct fishing without severe habitat damage and to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner. fao.org |
因此,报告的不规范行为不会改变独立选举委员会宣布的第二轮选举结 果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reported irregularities would therefore [...] not alter the outcome of the second round of the elections as announced by the [...]Independent Electoral Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
一种被称为“灰色工作”的工作指的是从形式上看起来是合法规范的,但是却 带有不规范的因 素在里面:工作时间不符(一般来说他们让你工作的工作时间超过法律所规 [...] 定的时间);一部分的工资在“工资单以外”支付(你得到的工资和合同上的不符,会比合 同上的工资多或者很多时候比合同上的少);在合同上注明的工作种类不同于事实上你在工 [...] 作中所作的事情(比方上在合同上注明你是一般工人或搬运工,而事实上你是一个专业工人 或是一个酒店的前台工作人员)。 sistemaservizicgil.it | There is the so-called “grey work”, i.e. work which is [...] formally regular, but which includes some [...] elements of irregularity: different working [...]hours (often you are made to work [...]more hours than those permitted by law); a part of your payment is not registered on the pay bill (i.e. you receive a wage which is different from the contractual one, it can be higher or, often, also lower); you are taken on with a qualification (for example of simple worker or porter) which is different from the duties you really carry out (as a matter of fact you are a specialised worker or you work at the reception of a hotel). sistemaservizicgil.it |
对授权机制的审计表明, 现行行政规则方面存在不规范之处。 daccess-ods.un.org | The audit of mechanisms for the delegation of authority [...] revealed irregularities in relation to the administrative rules in force. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,作为申请人,你可以向原属局表达你 对不 规范的意 见,原属局也可能会寻求你的意见。 wipo.int | However, you, as the applicant, may communicate your views regarding the irregularity to your Office of origin, or the Office may seek your views. wipo.int |
新的工程监理公司所遇到的困难,是在前一个工程监理公司和施工 单位领导下,工地施工的高价拖延引起的,是施 工 不规范 造 成 的,尽管有联合国教 科文组织的监督。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The difficulties encountered by the new ACA, which were at the root of the costly delays in the conduct of the project, are the result of a lack of rigour in the operations conducted, under the supervision of UNESCO, by the previous ACA and by the architectural and engineering team. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这种宽泛的定义意在强调,《示范法》 并不规范其他 类别的拍卖,即使有些法域的公共采购实务中可能使用此类拍 [...] 卖,这是因为贸易法委员会决定不对任何其他类别的拍卖作出规定,如《示范 法》第六章介绍的评注[**超级链接**]对此作了解释。 daccess-ods.un.org | This broad definition is designed to [...] emphasize that the Model Law does not regulate other types [...]of auctions, even though they may [...]be used in public procurement practice in some jurisdictions, as UNCITRAL decided not to provide for any other type of auction, as explained in the commentary in the introduction to Chapter VI of the Model Law [**hyperlink**]. daccess-ods.un.org |
原属局可在通知之日起三个月内提出纠 正 不规范 的 建 议。 wipo.int | The Office of origin may, within three months of the notification, make a [...] proposal to remedy the irregularity. wipo.int |
创业型组织的简单性还反映在它的技术系统方面:既不复杂, 也 不规范。 12manage.com | Another condition common to simple structures is a technical system that is both [...] non-sophisticated and non-regulating. 12manage.com |
如果条约不规范保留 ,就必须区分对于保留是否经受与条约的目标和宗旨 的兼容性测试的问题提供不同答案的许多情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | (6) If the treaty does regulate reservations, [...] a number of cases must be distinguished which offer different answers to the [...]question whether the reservations concerned are subject to the test of compatibility with the object and purpose of the treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
21.01 驳回不规范有两 种,一种可以补正,另一种将导致驳回通知不被 [...] 国际局视为驳回通知。 wipo.int | 21.01 There are [...] two kinds of irregular refusals, those [...]which can be remedied and those which entail that the notification [...]of refusal will not be considered as such by the International Bureau. wipo.int |
宪法委员会宣布该国北部下列 7 个省的选举结果无效:布瓦凯、达巴卡拉、卡蒂 奥拉、本贾利、费尔凱塞杜古、科霍戈和塞盖拉,瓦塔拉先生在这 7 个省均赢得 了压倒多数的选票,宪法委员会的理由是存 在 不规范 行 为,包括使用暴力,阻挠 了人们的投票,以及在计票单上没有总统多数派联盟代表的签名。 daccess-ods.un.org | Invoking alleged irregularities, including the use of violence, which had prevented people from voting, and the absence of the signatures of LMP representatives on the tally sheets, the Constitutional Council cancelled the election results received from seven departments in the north of the country — Bouaké, Dabakala, Katiola, Boundiali, Ferkessédougou, Korhogo and Séguéla — all of which had voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Ouattara. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些不规范包括 工会在劳动部登记 过程中的困难和拖延,参加抗议的工人被解雇,以及暴力侵害工会领袖及成员的 行为 daccess-ods.un.org | These include difficulties and delays in the registration process of trade unions by the Ministry of Labour, the dismissal of workers who engage in protests, and acts of violence against trade union leaders and members (art. 8). daccess-ods.un.org |
图3这种不规范的页 面数据,如果让Excel处理起来就会出现这样的结果(图4),看着是不是感觉很乱,所有的东西都错位了,一般的人会感到速手无策的。 oapdf.com | Figure 3 pages of this non-standard data, if Excel [...] will appear to deal with such a result [...](Figure 4), looking at not feeling great [...]confusion, everything has been misplaced, the average person would be Super hands-free policies. oapdf.com |
所需经费增加主要是因为更换了陈旧过时 的台式计算机和膝上型计算机、服务器和不值得维修 的 不规范 的 网 络开关,且由 于网络打印机推迟交货,需添购备件和耗材。 daccess-ods.un.org | The higher requirements are owed mainly to the replacement of obsolete desktop and laptop computers, servers and non-standardized network switches that were uneconomical to repair, as well as spare parts and the purchase of increased quantities of consumables owing to the delayed delivery of network printers. daccess-ods.un.org |
媒体报告和国际非政府组织都指称,在培训方案管理中存在很 多 不规范现 象 ,包括招募未成年青年,招募肯尼亚公民,虚假的经济报酬承诺,以及招募难 民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Media reports and international [...] non-governmental organizations have [...] alleged numerous irregularities in the management [...]of the training programme, including [...]recruitment of underage youth, of Kenyan citizens, false promises of financial remuneration, and recruitment of refugees. daccess-ods.un.org |
Tapped” 通过镜头与观众深度探讨一 个 不规范不 为 人 知的美国瓶装水行业,主旨在私有化和出卖一个本不应该成为商品的资源:我们的水源。 we-impact.com | Tapped” is a behind the scenes look into the unregulated and unseen world of the American bottled water industry that aims to privatize and sell back the one resource that ought never to become a commodity: our water. we-impact.com |
有些项目在执行过程中缺乏程序和法律保障造成 了 不规范 的 发展环境,其 特点为缺乏透明度、磋商和包容性的规划,是不可持续的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of procedural and legal safeguards administered when implementing some projects has created a climate of unregulated development characterized by a lack of transparency, consultation and inclusive planning, which is unsustainable. daccess-ods.un.org |
防范小组委员会明确指出,这种登记制度 既 不规范 也不 全面 ,而且还缺少可信度,从中不能有效地了解或监控犯人的情况,而这一切反 倒会加剧犯人的不利处境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee observed that the recordkeeping system is haphazard, rudimentary and unreliable, and does not provide an adequate information and surveillance mechanism, which increases prisoners’ vulnerability. daccess-ods.un.org |
竞争对手、客户或供应商行为与我公司 的 规范 不一致,是否可以成为我们不遵守规 范 要 求的 借口? lubrizol.com | Does competitor, customer or supplier behavior that is inconsistent with the Guidelines give us an excuse for failing to meet the requirements of the Guidelines? lubrizol.com |
如果愿意,我们可以不 顾他人意见,但外交规范不允许 我们这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | We may ignore others if we want to do so, [...] but diplomatic norms will not allow us to. daccess-ods.un.org |
两性不平等和有害的性别规范不仅与 艾滋病毒的蔓延有关联,还与其各种后 果有关联。 daccess-ods.un.org | Gender inequality and [...] harmful gender norms are not only associated [...]with the spread of HIV but also with its consequences. daccess-ods.un.org |
地拉那研讨会的目的在于就以上问 [...] 题开展后续工作,研讨会指出,虽然这两个问题同属于地雷行动这一大的范畴, 但排雷和受害者援助分别具有不同的时间表,涉及不同的国家和国际行为者 ,不 同的国内制度、规范框架及预算项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted that while both matters belong to the larger family of mine action, mine clearance and victim assistance have different timelines, involve distinct [...] national and international actors and relate to different [...] national institutional and regulatory frameworks and budget lines. daccess-ods.un.org |
组织和人力资源主管Argyris Tsilidis先生表示:“INTRALOT认识到采用道德商业实践并寻求新的方法去不断促进其业务和增强财务以及道 德 规范 , 不 仅 仅 是一个重要的战略决策,而且也是一个是实实在在的需求。 bilot.bg | Mr. Argyris Tsilidis, Organisation & Human Resources Director, stated: “INTRALOT recognizes that applying Ethical Business Practices and seeking for new ways to further improve its business and excel in both financial and ethical terms, is not only an important strategic decision but also a true necessity. bilot.bg |