

单词 不规则四边形

See also:

不规则 adv

irregularly adv

四边形 pl

quads pl

四边 adj


External sources (not reviewed)

内部空间以一不规则四边形庭院 为中心,连接了建筑的4个开口,呼应了景观朝向和流线安排。
The central courtyard connects four openings, responding [...]
to the orientations and circulation.
有人指出,一些条约规 则,比如国际人道主义法的规则和确 边 界 的 规则 , 不 能 以 援引自卫权而终止或 中止。
It was pointed out that there were certain treaty rules, such as those of
international humanitarian law
[...] and those establishing boundaries, which could not be terminated [...]
or suspended through the invocation of the right to self-defence.
(d) 委内瑞拉同意,执行委员会四十四 次 会议 原 则 上 同 意为全部关闭其氟氯化 碳生产所提供的资金,是为了使该国能够充分遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》氟氯 化碳生产淘规定所 提供的全部经费, 边 基 金 将 不 再 提供任何新的资金用 于相关活动,包括发展生产替代物质的基础设施、进口替代物质、或最终关 闭任何使用现有氟氯化碳基础设施的氟氯烃设施。
(d) Venezuela agrees that the funds being
[...] agreed in principle by the Executive Committee at its 44th Meeting for complete closure of its CFC production, is the total funding that will be available to it to enable its full compliance with the CFC production phase out requirements of the Montreal Protocol, and that no additional Multilateral Fund resources will [...]
be forthcoming for
related activities including the development of infrastructure for the production of alternatives, the import of alternatives, or the eventual closure of any HCFC facilities that use existing CFC infrastructure.
请注意:不要使金属夹开口超四 (4) 毫米,则其将永远保持弯形状。
Please note: Do not extend the metal-clip by more than four (4) millimeters, as it will bend out of [...]
shape permanently.
由于多种原因,起草适形式或不连 续 形 式 的 具体条款如公约或 示范法供纳入国家法律体系并不总是可行:各国家法律体系经常使用 差异很大的立法方法和办法解决特定问题,各国可能还没有准备好就 单一办法或共规则达成 一致,可能就找到统一办法解决特定问题的 必要性不存在共识,或者就特定主题的关键问题以及如何处理这些问 题存在着不同程度的共识。
For a number of
[...] reasons, it is not always possible to draft specific provisions in a suitable or discrete form, such as a convention or a model law, for incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems often use widely disparate legislative techniques and approaches for solving a given issue, States may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule, there may [...]
not be consensus on
the need to find a uniform solution to a particular issue, or there may be different levels of consensus on the key issues of a particular subject and how they should be addressed.
教科文组织边办事 处在日本的一项捐赠款资助下,支助修复 四 种 形 式 的 传统剧 院,这些剧院在柬埔寨的数十年冲突期间几乎消失殆尽。
UNESCO Phnom Penh, with a grant from Japan, has supported the revitalization of four forms of traditional [...]
theatre, which were almost
entirely lost during decades of conflict in Cambodia.
叶子全部基生;托叶宽三角形, 3-4 * 3-4
毫米,无毛,先端锐尖; 叶柄2-6厘米,具长柔毛; 叶片肾形到近圆形, 4-6 * 7-11 厘米,厚草质,
[...] 背面脉上具长柔毛,正面无毛,基部3-5脉,第三级脉随机地网状,不明显,基部心形或浅 形 , 边 缘 不规则 残 波 状,细齿和具缘毛,不具明显先端。
Leaves all basal; stipules broadly triangular, 3-4 × 3-4 mm, glabrous, apex acute; petiole 2-6 cm, villous; blade reniform to suborbicular, 4-6 × 7-11 cm, thickly herbaceous, abaxially villous on veins, adaxially glabrous, basally 3-5-veined, tertiary veins randomly
reticulate, obscure, base cordate or
[...] shallowly so, margin irregularly repand, denticulate [...]
and ciliate, without a distinct apex.
托叶semicordate,扩大,草本,边缘有锯齿; 叶柄近无毛; 叶片羽状,具小叶,白色被绒毛和具柔毛在脉上,正面无毛; 通常顶生小叶浅裂的7-9,等长或稍大比侧生的,裂片线形或披 形 , 边 缘 规则 地 有锯齿与否,先端渐尖; 侧生小叶象顶生的一,对于叶的基部变得更小 不 那 么 浅裂。
Stipules semicordate, enlarged, herbaceous, margin serrate; petiole subglabrous; leaf blade pinnate, with 2–5 pairs of leaflets, abaxially white tomentose and pilose on veins, adaxially glabrous; terminal leaflet usually 7–9-lobed, equaling or slightly larger than lateral ones, lobes linear or lanceolate, margin regularly serrate or not, apex acuminate; lateral leaflets resembling terminal one, becoming smaller and less lobed toward base of leaf.
规则》适 用 于联合国使用咨询人和个体订约人服务合同雇用咨询人和 其他人(见 ST/AI/1999/7/Amend.1,附件)或者联合国各基金和方案使用类似合同 格式与咨询人和个体订约人签订合同(例如,见 A/62/748 和 Corr.1,第 13 段; 以及 A/65/373 和 Corr.1,附四,第 3 段 ) 的形。
The Expedited Rules would apply to consultants and other individuals engaged by the United Nations under a contract for the services of a consultant or individual contractor (see ST/AI/1999/7/Amend.1, annex), or under analogous contract forms used by United Nations funds and programmes to contract with consultants and individual contractors (see, e.g., A/62/748 and Corr.1, para. 13 and A/65/373 and Corr.1, annex IV, para. 3).
(4)在Color Management Policies的选项中共四种,Leave Color Unchanged 是转换PDF档时,保留所有数值不变,如知道下一个工序已设定好色彩管理模式,可选用此选项;Tag Everything for Color Mgmt (no conversion)是保留所有数值不变,但将Working Spaces 中所选定的ICC Profile 按需要内嵌于PDF档内,方便下一个工序的工作人员知道档案来源的ICC Profile;Tag Only Images for Color Mgmt (no conversion)与上一个选项功用相同,但祗是影响点阵图像部份,文字及外框 形则 没 有 影响,如页面内的图像是RGB模式,而文字及外框图形是CMYK,又或者是想文字部 不 要 转 换色彩,则可选用此选项;Convert All Colors to sRGB 如PDF档将来用于网页或一般展示用途可选用此选项,因这选项转换成的PDF档案较细,方便传送。
(4) of the Color Management
[...] Policies in a total of four options, Leave Color Unchanged is converted PDF file to retain all the values remain unchanged, who knows a good process has been set up color management model, can choose this option; Tag Everything for Color Mgmt (no conversion) is to retain all the values the same, but in the Working Spaces will be selected in accordance with ICC Profile embedded in need PDF file to facilitate a process under the staff to know the source file ICC Profile; Tag Only Images for Color Mgmt (no conversion) with an option on the same function, but the impact is only part of lattice images, text and frame graphics are not affected, such as the page is RGB mode images, and text and graphics frame is CMYK, or do not want to convert [...]
part of the text color,
can use this option; Convert All Colors to sRGB if the PDF file will for the general purpose of display pages or to choose this option, this option due to the PDF files into smaller, easy to send.
埃及坚决反对施加单方面经济措施作为向发展中国家进行政治经济胁迫的 手段,理由如下:(a)
[...] [...] 这种措施违反《联合国宪章》的原则、国际法规范、尊重 主权和领土完整原则;(b) 完全违背多边主义原则和所有国家都应遵守的按规 则的多边贸易体制;(c) 对受影响国家的关键经济部门造不 利 影 响,包括金融、 银行、投资和旅游业部门;(d) 损害受影响国家人民的福利及社会经济发展,因 [...]
Egypt is firmly against the imposition of unilateral economic measures as instruments of political and economic coercion against developing countries for the following reasons: (a) these measures are in breach of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the norms of international law, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; (b) they are in total contradiction of the
[...] [...] principles of multilateralism as well as the rules-based multilateral trading system to which all countries should [...]
adhere; (c) they have an adverse impact on the vital
economic sectors of the affected countries, including the financial, banking, investment and tourism sectors and; (d) they have detrimental effects on the well-being as well as the socio-economic development of the population of affected countries, since they directly negatively impact health, nutrition, water quality, education and culture.
二、不影响本条第一款的情况下,承运人可以按照本条第三款和 四 款规 定的情形和方 式,对第三十六条第一款中述及的信息作出保留,指出承运人对于 托运人所提供信息的准确性不负责任。
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1 of this article, the carrier may qualify the information referred to in article 36, paragraph 1, in the circumstances and in the manner set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article to indicate that the carrier does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information furnished by the shipper.
2010 年 7 月 10 日,一架 C-130 和一架 C-160 土耳其军用飞机违反国际空中 交规则四次并 侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空四次。
On 10 July 2010, one C-130 and one C-160 Turkish military
aircraft violated
[...] international air traffic regulations four times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus four times.
总务委员不妨建 议大会第六十五届会议于 2010 年 12 月 14 日星期二休会, 并于 2011 年 9 月 12 日星期一闭幕(议规则第 2 条和议规则附件四第 4 段)。
The General Committee
[...] may wish to recommend to the General Assembly that the sixty-fifth session of the Assembly recess on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 and close on Monday, 12 September 2011 (rule 2 of the rules of procedure and para. 4 of annex IV to the rules [...]
of procedure).
叶基生和茎生 托叶早落,卵形,5-7毫米,边缘有细锯齿; 带红色的叶柄通常,在25厘米; 叶片卵形, 不对称 ,对27×18厘米,
[...] 背面无毛 ,正面稀疏粗糙的,掌状脉,6或7脉,基部斜, 形 , 边 缘 不规则 细 锯齿,浅裂,先端锐尖或短渐尖。
Leaves basal and cauline; stipules caducous, ovate, 5-7 mm, margin serrulate; petiole often reddish, to 25 cm; blade ovate, asymmetric, to 27 × 18 cm, abaxially glabrous, adaxially sparsely scabrous, venation
palmate, 6- or 7-veined, base
[...] oblique, cordate, margin irregularly serrulate, shallowly [...]
lobed, apex acute or shortly acuminate.
我们要与代表不发达 国家发言的尼泊尔以及 欧洲联盟等各方一道强调指出,下周的世贸组织日内 瓦部长级会议将带来机遇,可借以重申我们致力于讲规则的多边贸易体系,过去 60 年来,这个体系特 别是在经济衰退时为保障贸易流动、制止保护主义发 挥了极其宝贵的作用。
of the least developed countries, and the European Union, which have
highlighted the
[...] opportunity that next week’s WTO ministerial meeting in Geneva presents to reaffirm our commitment to the rules-based multilateral trading system that has been so valuable in safeguarding trade flows and stemming protectionism for the [...]
past 60 years,
particularly in times of economic downturn.
根状茎匍匐; 节间的0.3-1.1 厘米叶全部基生; 托叶卵形或者宽卵形, 10-12 * 7-10 毫米;
叶柄3-16毫米,最初带白色长硬毛状柔毛,老时脱落;叶片斜宽卵形或近圆形, 3.5-18
[...] * 4-14 厘米,草质,具细纤维,具长柔毛在脉上, 最初带白色的毛,锈色的的晚些时候,绿色,深绿色,或装饰具带白色或浅马蹄形污点, 疏生贴伏锈色的具细纤维在幼时,后无毛,基部5-8脉,基部 形 , 边 缘 不规则 齿 或 细齿,长缘毛,先端短渐尖,钝或圆形。
Leaves all basal; stipules ovate or broadly ovate, 10-12 × 7-10 mm; petiole 3-16 mm, initially whitish hirsute-villous, glabrescent when old; blade obliquely broadly ovate or suborbicular, 3.5-18 × 4-14 cm, herbaceous, abaxially fibrillose, villous on veins, hairs initially whitish, later rusty, adaxially green, dark green, or adorned with a whitish or pale
horseshoe-shaped maculation,
[...] sparsely appressed rusty fibrillose when young, glabrescent, basally 5-8-veined, base cordate, margin irregularly dentate or denticulate, [...]
long ciliate,
apex shortly acuminate, obtuse, or rounded.
按照大会议规则附件四第 28 段中的建议,大会应确保尽可不将 同 一问题或某一问题的同一方面交付一个以上的主要委员会审议,这项建议 应得到更充分地实施,除非其他主要委员会审议中的问题的法律方面有必要 [...]
The recommendation in paragraph 28 of annex IV to the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, according [...]
to which the
Assembly should ensure, as far as possible, that the same questions, or the same aspects of a question, are not considered by more than one Main Committee, should be more fully implemented, except when it would be helpful for the Sixth Committee to be consulted on the legal aspects of questions under consideration by other Main Committees.
根据这规定,援助可采四种形式之一:(a) 鼓励各国履行第一支柱的责任(第 138 段); (b) 帮助各国行使这种责任(第 138 段);(c) 帮助各国建设保护能力(第 [...]
139 段); (d) 协助“在危机和冲突爆发前处于紧张状态的国家”(第 139 段)。
These provisions suggest that this assistance could take one of four forms: (a) encouraging [...]
States to meet their responsibilities
under pillar one (para. 138); (b) helping them to exercise this responsibility (para. 138); (c) helping them to build their capacity to protect (para. 139); and (d) assisting States “under stress before crises and conflicts break out” (para. 139).
与其将之视为规则和例外的问 题、以豁免规则,不如从 国家及其代表在有限的几种情况下担负的责任的角度 审视这一问题更为准确――人类的良心将受到震撼――再考虑是否存在豁免这形 式的例外。
Instead of addressing the matter in terms of rule and
exception, with immunity
[...] being the rule, it seemed more accurate to examine the issue from the perspective of responsibility of the State and its representatives in those limited situations — which shock the conscience of humankind — and consider whether any exceptions thereto, in the form of immunity, may exist.
重大改变所涉及的是:可能影响边 基金 规则和政 策的问题;将要修改本协定的任何条款的改变;分配给单独的双边 或执行机构不同付 款的年度供资金额;以及,现行已核可年度执行计划中 未包括的方案或活动的资金的提供,或已自年度执行计划中删除的某一活 动,其费用大于付款总费用的 30%或以上的重新分配。
Major changes would relate to issues potentially concerning the rules and policies of the Multilateral Fund; changes which would modify any clause of this Agreement; [...]
changes in the annual levels of funding
allocated to individual bilateral or implementing agencies for the different tranches; and provision of funding for programmes or activities not included in the current endorsed annual implementation plan, or removal of an activity in the annual implementation plan, with a cost greater than 30 per cent of the total cost of the tranche
总苞片叶柄平, 10-20(-30) * 3-5
毫米,具翅,疏生柔毛或近无毛; 三出,比叶的大的苞片, 3-6 * 4-8 厘米,被微柔毛; 小叶柄5-10(-20)毫米;
[...] 3浅裂的中心裂片,狭菱形到椭圆形,基部 形 , 边 缘 不规则 具 牙 齿或有锯齿,先端渐尖; 侧裂片歪,小于中间一枚,末级小裂片钝。
Involucral bract petiole flat, 10--20(--30) × 3--5 mm, winged, sparsely puberulent or subglabrous; bract blade ternate, larger than that of leaves, 3--6 × 4--8 cm, puberulent; petiolules 5--10(--20) mm; central
segment 3-lobed, narrowly rhombic to elliptic,
[...] base cuneate, margin irregularly dentate or serrate, [...]
apex acuminate; lateral
segments oblique, smaller than central one, ultimate lobules obtuse.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关边机构 ,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基 规则 、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into
global processes, and
[...] in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable [...]
and non-discriminatory.
范围广泛的海底扩张网(与构边界的断裂带 的走向约成正交),提供了大量的平底谷地,谷地 不规则 而 且往往是不连续的 几百米高的海脊分隔(见附件一,图一)。
The widespread seafloor spreading fabric, oriented
approximately orthogonal to
[...] the trend of the bounding fracture zones, provides a large number of flat-floored valleys, separated by irregular, often discontinuous [...]
ridges a few
hundred metres high (see annex, figure I).




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