

单词 不规则



scalene triangle (math.)

不规则的 adj

uneven adj


irregular quadrilateral

See also:


rule n
principle n
standard n

conjunction used express contrast with a previous sentence or clause
classifier for written items (such as an official statement)

External sources (not reviewed)

秘书处代表解释了,消耗臭氧物质消费 不规则 波 动模式可能将一个国家的置于不 遵守情事风险和为什么有必要进行监测。
The representative of the Secretariat explained how fluctuating irregular patterns of ODS consumption could place a country at risk of non-compliance and why there was a need for monitoring.
12. 水资源的数量和质量是索马里的主要发展挑战,而在各地和不同季节反复出 现的毁灭性干旱不规则降雨 ,加剧了这一挑战。
The quantity and quality of water resources are a major development challenge for
Somalia, aggravated by recurrent devastating
[...] droughts and irregular rainfalls that vary according to location [...]
and season.
有时,药物或某些特殊的治疗手段可以使 不规则的心律恢复正常。
Sometimes, an irregular heartbeat can be returned to normal with medicines or special medical procedures.
检查电容器是不规则,例 如裂缝、泄漏、烧痕不规则形状
Inspect the capacitor for irregularities such as cracks, leakage, burn marks, [...]
or irregular shape.
填充的洞孔类型包括:圆 形、矩形不规则形状 (例如,双穿孔,或从文件夹中取出文档时可能 [...]
The types of holes that are filled include: round,
[...] rectangular, and irregularly shaped (e.g., [...]
double-punched or those having
a slight tear that could have occurred when the document was removed from a binder).
(c) 评估电离层和等离子体球形不规则 形 状的作用及其对全球导航卫星 系统和非洲区域通信系统的影响,该区域显著的信号衰减(闪烁)已成为一个 [...]
(c) To estimate the contribution of ionospheric and
[...] plasma spherical irregularities and their effect [...]
on global navigation
satellite systems (GNSS) and communications systems in the African region, where significant signal degradation (scintillation) had become a challenging problem.
发动机不规则性可 导致显著的振动和噪音问题。
Engine irregularities can lead to significant [...]
vibration and noise problems here.
[...] 签署股份转让文书给接受股份出售或处置的人,该人到时应登记为股份持有人, 且无须审视购买款(如有)的运用,他对于股份的所有权也不受股份没收、出售 或处置程序的任不规则或无 效之处所影响。
The Company may receive the consideration, if any, given for the share on any sale or disposition thereof and may execute a transfer of the share in favour of the person to whom the share is sold or disposed of and he shall thereupon be registered as the holder of the share and shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money, if any, nor shall his
title to the share be
[...] affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings in reference to the forfeiture, [...]
sale or disposal of the share.
(c) 为令任何此等出售有效,董事会可授权某人转让该等股份,而由该人或其
[...] 代表签署或以其他方式签立的转让文书,应属有效,一如它是由股份的登 记持有人或受让所有权人签立般,买方无须审视购买款的运用,他对于股 份的所有权也不受出售程序中的任 不规则 或 无效之处所影响。
(c) To give effect to any such sale the Board may authorise some person to transfer the said shares and an instrument of transfer signed or otherwise executed by or on behalf of such person shall be as effective as if it had been executed by the registered holder or the person entitled by transmission to such shares, and the purchaser shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money
nor shall his title to the shares be
[...] affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings relating to the sale.
冲突依然是“混合战争”的一个严酷例子,其兼具常规能力 不规则 战 术和非正 规编制以及肆意的暴力行为、胁迫和刑事骚乱的特点——就索马里而言,区域国 家的干涉而使这一局面变得更加严峻。
The conflict remains a grim example of “hybrid warfare”: a combination of conventional capabilities, irregular tactics and formations, as well as indiscriminate violence, coercion, and criminal disorder — compounded in the Somali case by the interference of regional powers.
四栋大小型制各不相同的小楼看似随意地散布在整个场地中:居中横跨于船坞之上的是底层大部架空的会所;二层是一个内向透明的四进三院结构,四进不同功能的实体由四片相互倾斜 不规则 屋 顶 所覆盖,两两之间由狭长的庭院分隔或联系。
The quadruple volume's spaces of different functions are
[...] covered with four irregularly shaped roofs [...]
with two pairs connected with or separated by a narrow courtyard.
身体因应压力所产生的蛋白质可能在白癜风——这是一种造成人们在随机的皮肤区域失去色素从而导 不规则 白 色 斑块但其它方面感觉像是正常皮肤的皮肤疾病——的发病中扮演着某种角色。
Proteins produced by the body in response to stress may play a role vitiligo, a skin condition that causes people to lose pigment in random areas of the skin, resulting in irregular white patches that otherwise feel like normal skin.
范围广泛的海底扩张网(与构成边界的断裂带 的走向约成正交),提供了大量的平底谷地,谷地 不规则 而 且往往是不连续的 几百米高的海脊分隔(见附件一,图一)。
The widespread seafloor spreading fabric, oriented approximately orthogonal to the trend of the bounding fracture zones, provides a large number of flat-floored valleys, separated by irregular, often discontinuous ridges a few hundred metres high (see annex, figure I).
会上提出的意见包 括:由于规则》不仅对 仲裁作出规定,而且也对谈判和协助下调解作出规 定,应当注不使《规则》的这些方面无法适用,特别是如果绝大多数案件是 在仲裁前的阶段处理的话;就该提案意在提出一条实体法规则而言,在一套合 同规则中放入这样一条规则有可能造成问题;不妨考虑作为协助下调 规则而 不是作 为仲裁规则来重塑《规则》,以此避免该提案意在解决的问题;借用 《贸易法委员会电子商务示范法》第 1 条的说明中的措词似可达到预期结果, 大意是,其规定并非意在减损旨在保护消费者的法律规范。
These included the following observations: that since the Rules provide not only for arbitration but for negotiation and facilitated settlement as well, care should be taken not to render those aspects of the Rules inapplicable, particularly where the vast majority of cases are disposed of at the stages prior to arbitration; that to the extent the proposal purports to state a rule of substantive law its presence in a set [...]
of contractual rules may be problematic;
that consideration could be given to re-casting the Rules as facilitated settlement rules rather than arbitration rules and thus avoiding the problem that the proposal is intended to address; and that the intended result might be achieved by using wording found in a note to Article 1 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce to the effect that its provisions are not intended to derogate from legal norms aimed at consumer protection.
但补救办法的施行如发生不当稽延,则 规则不 适 用
This shall not be the rule where the application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged.
09.17 一些不规范只能由原属局补正,不能由申请人补正,另一 不规 范《细则》规定原 属局和申请人均可补正。
09.17 Certain irregularities can only be remedied by the Office of origin and not by the
applicant, while for
[...] others, the Regulations provide for either the Office or the applicant to rectify the irregularity.
三、本章不得影响加入本公约的区域经济一体化组织对其成员国彼此承认或 执行判决适用本组织规则,不论这 些 规 则 的 通过时间是在本公约之前还是之后。
This chapter shall not affect the application of the rules of a regional economic integration organization that is a party to this Convention, as concerns the recognition or enforcement of judgements as between member States of the regional economic integration organization, whether adopted before or after this Convention.
以下情形在现实中可能极少发生,即各国赞同第 7 条的有限引力规则,也赞 同删除第 14 条,但不想运用有限引力规则来处理以前由第 14 条第 1 款(b)项涵 盖的事项,如果出现了这种情形的话,可以明文规定,这 规则不 适 用 于第 3 款 (c)项涵盖的事项。
In the event, likely to be very rare in practice, of States agreeing to a limited force of attraction rule in Article 7 and also to deletion of Article 14, but not wishing to apply
the limited force of
[...] attraction rule to cases formerly dealt with by Article 14 (1) (b), it could explicitly be provided that such a rule did not apply to subparagraph [...]
(3) (c) cases.
在这规则不断演 变时,只有将决策稳固地建立在证据上,而不是建立在对价值 [...]
As the rules evolve, it is important [...]
that their actual and potential impact be properly understood if policymaking is to
be more firmly based on evidence, and less on preconceptions of the value or otherwise of these rules to developing countries.
11.3 根据《公约》第22条第5款(b) 项,除非委员会已查明所有可利用的国内 补救措施已经用尽,否则不审议任何来文;如果确认利用国内补救措施的申请已
[...] 被或将被不合理地延长,或者不可能带来有效的救济,则 规则不 适 用
11.3 Article 22, paragraph 5 (b), of the Convention precludes the Committee from considering any communication unless it has been ascertained that all available domestic remedies have been exhausted; this rule does not apply if it is established that the
application of domestic remedies has been or would be unreasonably prolonged or
[...] would be unlikely to bring effective relief.
不 过,就仲裁通知是否应在仲裁庭组成之前的仲裁程序启动的早期阶段公布这一 问题,发表了各种不同的意见,尤其是考虑到,当根据《贸易法委员会仲裁规 则》诉诸临时仲裁时,透明规则不 可 能 依赖一个机构处理仲裁庭组成之前可 能产生的问题(A/CN.9/717,第 62 段)。
However, diverging views were expressed on the question whether the notice of arbitration should be published at the early stage of the initiation of the arbitral proceedings, before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, in particular taking account of the fact that, where applied to ad hoc arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the rules on transparency could not rely on an institution to handle issues that might arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal (A/CN.9/717, para. 62).
突紧密相连——再次成为以色列亵渎袭击的目标, 成为连续征用和驱逐圣城祖先居民的主要场所,以
[...] 色列不顾圣城的历史并违反所有的法 规则 , 不可 原 谅地试图将圣城犹太化,使挑衅不断升级——伊 [...]
斯兰会议组织对此给予严厉谴责——并再次挑战安 全理事会和整个国际社会的权威。
Al-Haram al-Sharif, an Islamic holy place, whose fate was inextricably linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, had again been the target of blasphemous attacks by Israel and the basis for continuous expropriation and expulsion of the ancestral inhabitants of Al-Quds, in an inexcusable
attempt to Judaize it despite its history
[...] and against all the rules of law, adding one [...]
more step in the escalation of provocations
— vigorously condemned by the Organization of the Islamic Conference — and challenging yet again the authority of the Security Council and the entire international community.
如果您刚刚搬来上海,重要的是您该意识到自己以前所设置 规则不 应 当 改变,考虑到在新环境中有许多未知的风险,在某些情况下,这些规则可能还需要收紧。
If you just moved to Shanghai, it is important to
[...] realize that the rules you set before should not change and [...]
in some cases may need to be tightened
given the many unknown risks in a new setting.
不过,包括《日内瓦公约》在内的 国际人道主义规则不仅适 用于国际关系中国家间 发生冲突的情形,而且也适用于有非国家武装团体参 与的武装敌对行为的频度和烈度已不止是零星暴力 行为、偶发骚乱或内乱的情形。
Nevertheless, the rules of international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions, apply not only wherever [...]
there is conflict between
States in international relations, but also when armed hostilities involving non-State armed groups rise to levels of frequency or severity that go beyond that of sporadic violence, occasional riots or internal disturbances.
然而,A 分节下适
[...] 用于被判刑囚犯的规则,也应当同样适用于 B 分节所涉及的囚犯类别,前提是这规则并不与管辖这一类别的女性的规则冲突,并且对这些女性有利。
Nevertheless, the rules under subsection A, applicable to prisoners under sentence, shall be equally applicable to the category of prisoners
dealt with in subsection B,
[...] provided they do not conflict with the rules governing [...]
that category of women and are for their benefit.
但是,为了保障黎巴嫩利益得到全面保护,避 免其主权受不当侵 犯,根据《程序和证 规则 》 规则 77(B ),检察官的决定应 受司法监督:在必要和适当时,检察官必须经过预审法官授权,方可在没有本国 [...]
However, in order to guarantee that the interests of Lebanon are fully
preserved and that
[...] its sovereignty is not unduly encroached upon, rule 77 (B) of the Rules of Procedure [...]
and Evidence provides
that the decision of the Prosecutor is subject to judicial scrutiny: when necessary and appropriate, the Prosecutor must be authorized by the Pre-Trial Judge to carry out investigative acts without the involvement of national authorities.
其他发言者认为,第 B 条草案中载列规则不够灵 活或过于详细:从这样的要 求看,更是这样:为了驱逐而拘留外国人不得使用关押被判处剥夺自由刑罚的人 [...]
的场所;有人还建议,在某些情况下,可能需要拘留非法居留的外国人,以便确 定事实,甚至保护这些人。
According to other
[...] speakers, the rules set out in draft article B were not flexible enough [...]
or were too detailed: that was
particularly the case with the requirement that the detention of an alien pending expulsion must be carried out in a place other than a facility in which persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty were detained.
一些国家作出了相当大的努力,对 不发 达国家产品实行简单和透明的原产 规则 , 但 其他严重的贸易障碍依然存在,包 括有悖世界贸易组织规则和义务的非关税壁垒,还有就是供应方面的制约因素, [...]
Some countries have or made considerable
[...] efforts to implement simple and transparent rules of origin for least developed country products, [...]
but other serious
obstacles to trade remain, including non-tariff barriers that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization rules and obligations and supply-side constraints, in particular lack of infrastructure and modern technologies and energy deficiency.
一些具体意见如下:营销母乳代用品方面的法典参考很重要;法典应该通用,着重 保护一些尚无适当食品质量控制措施国家的消费者;法典应集中在第 3 条的核规则方 面,不应当 用来解决与遵守有关的问题,遵守问题应由食品进出口检验和认证系统委员会 来处理;一些发展中国家的文盲问题对向消费者提供信息和提高他们对食品安全问题的认 [...]
A number of specific comments were made as follows: the reference of the Code on the Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes is important; the Code should be generic and focus on the protection
of consumers in
[...] countries which do not have adequate control measures for food quality; the Code should concentrate on the core provisions in Article 3 and [...]
should not be used to
resolve issues dealing with compliance, which should be addressed by the CCFICS; the problem of illiteracy in some developing countries may be a challenge in order to provide consumer information and raise their awareness on food safety issues; and the Code should not reiterate existing provisions in Codex texts or the WTO agreements.




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