

单词 不要

不要 ()

must not

要不 ()

either... (or...)
how about...?
or else


要不然 conj

or conj



不必要 adj

undue adj
unwarranted adj

External sources (not reviewed)

不要将桶 放在诸如纸或纸板等非 导电的表面上,这样的表面会影响接地的通导性。
Do not place the pail on [...]
a non-conductive surface, such as paper or cardboard, which interrupts the grounding continuity.
Ghanea 女士总结了五条初步 结论:(a) 讨论表达自由的限度不能 脱离根 据 整 个公约所承 担 的总体义务,例 如,法律面前人人平等,应有的程序 和 少数人 的权利等;(b) 与表达没有合理的联系的随意的或有人指挥的暴力行为不应成为对 表达自由加以限制的理由;(c) 在仇恨本身就引起暴力的地方,表明了一种更广泛 的暴力模式;启动了第 20 条就表明国家没有能够保证第 26 条所规定的不受歧视 的权利;(d) 第 20 条也要求有仔细的分成不同等级的制裁;最低一级,不应侵害 表达本 身 ,最高一级,可引 发制裁要小心不要让 限制对总的表达自由造 成 消极 影响;(e) 在国家范畴内还需要其他的行动。
Ms. Ghanea drew five preliminary conclusions: (a) the discussion on limitations to freedom of expression could not be dissociated from the overall obligations under the Covenant as a whole, such as full equality before the law, due process and rights of minorities; (b) random or orchestrated acts of violence that have no reasonable link to expression should not justify limitations to freedom of expression; (c) where hatred itself incited to violence, it showed a broader pattern of violations; triggering article 20 demonstrated a failure of the State to guarantee the right to non-discrimination under article 26; (d) article 20 also required a careful and calibrated range of sanctions; at a minimum, it should not infringe expression itself and at a maximum it could trigger sanction; care had to be taken for the limitations not to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in general; and (e) other actions in the national sphere were needed.
故此,我要小心,不要被灰心所勝,也要小心我們 的口舌不要成為使別人灰心的出口。
Therefore, in our walk with God, we need to guard against the disease of discouragement, especially discouraging words that may come out of our mouth!
会议向秘书处指出,某些方案可继续保留,比如 C/5 批准不要刊载 那些列举参 与执行每项计划的合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外,单独出版总干事 引言和每个重大计划的引言合订本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 度的优先事项、指导方针和行动的精髓。
It was indicated by the Secretariat that some options could be pursued, such as the non-publication in document C/5 Approved of the context maps which list the partners involved in the execution of each programme and to place this information instead online; furthermore, the separate publication of the Director-General’s introduction and the introductions to each major programme combined could provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers.
法律顾问根据本组织的惯例和工作方法,请委员不要这样 做,避免在法律委员会通过报告时出现任何混淆现象。
The Legal Adviser, referring to the Organization’s settled practice and working methods, invited the Committee to abstain from such a procedure and thus avoid any confusion when the time came to adopt the Legal Committee’s report.
世界和平理事会鼓励越南继续以其自己的方式追求 普世价值观不要强加 有许多限制的程式。
It encouraged the Vietnamese to pursue universal values in their own way and not to impose formulas that had many limitations.
至於業界,則應採用天門冬酰胺及還 原糖含量較低的原材料來製作高溫加工的食物,同 不要 過 度 烹煮食物。
For trade, they should use ingredients that were low in
asparagines and reducing sugars when producing products
[...] processed at high temperature and should not cook food excessively.
此外,《公民和政治权利国际盟约》第 14 条第
3(d)款称,每个人除其他权 利外都应当有权“出席受审并亲自替自己辩护或经由他自己所选择的法律援助
[...] 进行辩护;如果他没有法律援助,要通知他享有这种权利;在司法利益有此需 要的案件中,为他指定法律援助,而在他没有足够能力偿付法律援助的案件 中不要他自己收费”。
Furthermore, article 14, paragraph 3(d) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone should be entitled, among other rights, “to be tried in his presence, and to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing; to be informed, if he does not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance assigned to him in any case where the interests
of justice so require, and without payment by him in
[...] any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it”.
代表团被告 知,许多被剥夺自由者还被警不要 与 小 组委员会代表团坦率交谈。
The delegation was told that many people deprived of their liberty
[...] were also warned not to talk frankly [...]
to SPT delegation.
鉴于重新拟定的第 A1 条草案,特别报告员认为可取的做法是,按照一些
[...] 委员的建议,通过删除“非法”一词保持第 B1 条草案的案文:务不要离开《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十三条的案文。
In the light of the reformulation of draft article A1, the Special Rapporteur thought it preferable not to change the text of draft article B1 through the deletion, as suggested by some members of
the Commission, of the word “lawfully”: it
[...] was preferable not to depart from the [...]
text of article 13 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights.
他介绍了委员会关于经济及社会理事会 2011 年 实质性会议通过的决议和决定所引起的订正估计数 问题报告(A/66/7/Add.9),对此他说,由于 不要求 超 越 2012-2013 两年期方案概算的经费数额,而且大 会通过经社理事会所建议的决议也不会导致对 2010-2011 两年期方案预算要求追加经费,咨询委员 会不反对秘书长的报告(A/66/510)第 31 和 32 段中所 提出的行动安排。
Introducing the Advisory Committee’s report on revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of 2011 (A/66/7/Add.9), he said that, since no additional appropriations were being sought over and above the level of funding of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 and adoption by the General Assembly of the resolutions recommended by the Council would not entail any additional requirements for the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, the Advisory Committee had no objections to the course of action set out in paragraphs 31 and 32 of the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/510).
[...] 和平进程中的战略重要性,圣城委员会主席国王穆 罕默德六世敦促有关各不要采取 任何有可能破坏 阿克萨清真寺和耶路撒冷其他场所的神圣性的行 [...]
动,从而维护该城市作为一个三大天启宗教的和平、 共存和宽容的圣地。
Given the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and its strategic importance in the peace process, King Mohammed VI, Chairman
of the Al-Quds Committee, had urged the
[...] parties involved not to take any action [...]
likely to impair the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa
Mosque and other sites in Jerusalem, thereby preserving the City as a place of peace, coexistence and tolerance among the three revealed religions.
在分接开关未连接好的情况不要 操作电动机构。
Do not operate the motor-drive unit while the on-load tap-changer is not coupled.
同日, 在记者招待会上,外交部长提出就群岛主权开始对话,并敦促联合王国遵守众多 的大会决议,这些决议呼吁双方坐到谈判桌前 不要 使 南大西洋军事化(见 A/66/696-S/2012/86,附件)。
The same day at a press conference the Minister for Foreign Affairs called for the start of dialogue on the sovereignty of the Islands and urged the United Kingdom to comply with the numerous General Assembly resolutions which called for both parties to sit down at the negotiating table and to refrain from the militarization of the South Atlantic (see A/66/696-S/2012/86, annex).
由于其它谷物的无机砷含量一般较米饭为低,个别人士若想 减少摄入无机砷,可考虑多选择其它谷物作为膳食的一部分;此外,亦 可采纳以下建议:煮饭前先彻底洗米, 不要 过 度 清洗以免部分营养素 流失,并倒去洗米水,以减低米的砷含量,尤其是无机砷含量。
Those individuals, who wish to reduce the exposure to inorganic arsenic, can consider choosing more other cereals, which generally contain lower levels of inorganic arsenic than rice, as part of their diet, and observe the following advices: wash rice thoroughly but without excessive washing as some nutrients may be lost, and discard the washed water before cooking so as to reduce the arsenic levels, especially the inorganic form.
审判分庭继续采取有力措施,通过以下方式,确保诉 讼程序的迅速进行:限制辩方的举证时间;与会议和语文支助事务科联络,确保 及时翻译文件;与当事方接触,有效安排证人,防止在审判时间的安排上出现空 档;获得生病被告的弃权书,使审判能够在他们不在场的情况下也可继续进行; 鼓励辩方以书面方式举证;严格限制询问证人的时间;劝阻使用重复证据;考虑 辩方关于接受律师桌上的文件不要 求 每 份文件都通过证人席上作证的证人提 交这一请求。
The Trial Chamber has continued to take rigorous measures to ensure the expeditiousness of the proceedings by, inter alia, limiting the time within which the Defence teams may present their evidence; liaising with the Conference and Language Services Section to ensure the timely translation of documents; engaging with the parties to efficiently schedule witnesses to prevent breaks in the trial schedule; obtaining waivers from ill accused so that the trial can continue in their absence; encouraging the Defence to present evidence in written form; strictly enforcing time limits on examination of witnesses; discouraging duplicative evidence; and entertaining Defence motions for the admission of documents from the bar table rather than requiring each document to be tendered through a witness on the stand.
如果您外出旅行,建议您同其他人一起旅行,确保你们中始终有人知晓你们的方位,而 不要 离 开 公路或步行路径,轻易涉险。
If you are going on a trip, travel with other people, make sure someone knows where you are at all times and stay on a road or a walking track.
[...] 向该组织提出若干问题,要求该组 不要 回 避委员会曾就该组织所主张的有关限 [...]
The representative of Egypt then posed a
number of questions to the organization,
[...] requesting that it not continue to evade [...]
responding to the Committee’s previous
questions on the implications of the ideas and principles espoused by the organization on restricting the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, as well as on the terminology it uses.
如果您已离开住所,则在相关机构表示可以安全返回之 不要 返 回
If you have left your home, don’t return until authorities indicate it is safe to do so.
1.2 委员会根据议事规则第108条第1 款要求缔约国在申诉审议期不要将申 诉人驱逐至多哥。
1.2 Under rule 108, paragraph 1, of its
rules of procedure, the Committee requested
[...] the State party not to expel the complainant [...]
to Togo while his complaint was under consideration.
另外还有许多政府无法回避的问题,包括:确 保汇率维持稳定状态,但不要使汇 率被高估,以 保护和推动制造业生产和工业生产;打击腐败;防 止可能出现的通胀;处理猖獗的土地投机行为和可 能发生的土地兼并;以及确保新的土地法规不会造 成小土地所有者以及拥有传统土地所有权的人们的 土地遭到流失。
There are many other issues that the authorities cannot avoid dealing with, including: ensuring the exchange rate remains stable, but also not overvalued, so as to protect and promote manufacturing and agricultural produc tion; tackling corruption; protecting against the possibility of rising inflation; dealing with rampant land speculation and the potential for land grabbing; and ensuring that new land legislation does not lead to dispossession of small landholders and those holding traditional title.
(c) 如不要求对有争议的决定进行管理评价,则为申请人收到行政决定后 90 个历日内。
(c) 90 calendar days of the receipt by the applicant of the administrative decision in cases where a management evaluation of the contested decision is not required.
在一份国际刊物上提到可能会出现一个新的国 家、提议崇尚民族主义的政治人物应该开始讨论和平 解散波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那或这个国家根本就不应 该存在的论点,但所有这些论点都遭到反击,指出心 怀不满的人可以离开,不要带走国家的任何东西。
References in an international gazette to the possible emergence of a new State, and proposals that nationalist politicians should start discussing the peaceful dissolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina or that the country should not exist at all have been met by counter-statements to the effect that the disaffected elements are welcome to leave, but will not be allowed to take any part of the country with them.
延长的网片和囊网由四个部分组成,包括一台渔网摄影机以及从拖网中释 不要 的鱼的不同装置。
The extension piece and the codend are made of four panels and include a net camera and various selection devices to release unwanted fish from the trawl.
(a) 摩洛哥政府同不要求多 边基金为完全淘汰附件 A 第一类物质的相关活动提供 额外的资金。
(a) The Government of Morocco agrees that no additional resources will be requested from the Multilateral Fund for activities related to the complete phase-out of Annex A, Group I substances.
阿鲁尔称,中国特别代表重申了中国政府 对苏丹的支持,但苏丹不要做一些可能会引发国际社 会对其施加制裁的事情”。
Alor said the Chinese envoy reaffirmed his government’s support but called on Sudan “not to do things that will cause the international community to impose sanctions”.
取下或清洁进纸模块周围 时请务必小心不要损坏 存在纸张传感器。
Be careful not to damage the paper [...]
present sensor when removing or cleaning around the feed module.
在危机发生后,一再劝说和要求发展中世 不要 采 取某些政策的发达国家却实行 了这些政策,包括反周期政策和国家加大对经济的直接干预。
The aftermath of the crises has seen the developed countries pursuing policies they were preaching and prescribing to the developing world not to do, including countercyclical policies and greater direct State intervention in the economy.




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