单词 | 不衰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不衰—enduringless common: unfailing never weakening unstoppable Examples:经久不衰—unfailing never-ending See also:衰—wane mourning garments become weak or feeble
政府有意在人权 方面系统努力的雄心长盛不衰,打算在这份报告以及即将进行的审议的结果的后 [...] 续跟进方面,与所有相关的利益攸关方密切合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government intends [...] to maintain a high levelof ambition [...]regarding the systematic work on human rights and intends to [...]collaborate closely with all relevant stakeholders when following up on this report and the results of the upcoming review. daccess-ods.un.org |
该技术突破巩固了他们在所有计时器方面做到精确和卓越这一经久不衰的美誉。 hk.ashford.com | This technological breakthrough cemented their enduring reputation for precision and excellence in all their timepieces. ashford.com |
iv) 尽管 1974 年建议书的价值经久不衰,但它在某些重要方面存在着用语过时、范 围过于狭窄的问题,导致将当代关切的一些重要问题排除在外或轻描淡写,这些 问题包括但不限于:性别平等、私营部门和军事研究的作用、科学和技术全球化 以及新的信息技术的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (iv) Despite its enduring value, the 1974 Recommendation suffers in certain important respects from out-dated language and from an excessively narrow framing that excludes or underplays important issues of contemporary concern, including but not limited to gender, the role of the private sector and of military research, the globalization of science and technology, and the impact of new information technologies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一个和平与法治长盛不衰的世界对我们所有人 都利益攸关,在这个世界中,所有国家都是安全的而 [...] 且能够繁荣昌盛,而《宪章》承诺给予所有人的人权 和基本自由也都能得到保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | We all have astake in a world where [...] peace and the rule of law prevail, where all States are secure and can prosper and [...]where all people are guaranteed the human rights and fundamental freedoms promised them in the Charter. daccess-ods.un.org |
除非通过倡导相互理解、尊重、宽容和对话的包容教育系统找到在本国 公民之间建立相互信任的途径,否则没有一个国家能奢望为和平创造经久不衰的条件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | No country can hope to establish lasting conditions for peace unless it finds ways of building mutual trust between its citizens through inclusive education systems that promote mutual understanding, respect, tolerance and dialogue. unesdoc.unesco.org |
摇摆木马受小 [...] 孩子欢迎的地方是,造型具真实或怀旧意味(如历经数代儿童而不衰者)和可以发声。 cpsc.gov | Features that make rocking horses popular include their [...] realistic or nostalgic (like those popular for previous generations of children) appearance, [...] and their ability to make sounds. cpsc.gov |
徐西-尼科洛夫的算术很受欢迎,以致1856年出了第二版,但这本书第一版的前言却奠定了其历久不衰的价值,该前言促成了新保加利亚标准语的形式的争论。 wdl.org | Sichan-Nikolov’s arithmetic was popular enough for a second edition to be published in 1856, but the lasting value of the book is based mainly on the preface to this first edition, which contributed to the debate over the form of the new Bulgarian literary language. wdl.org |
这种雌性鲟鱼的鱼卵由於营养价值丰富,矜贵美味,因而盛名不衰。 think-silly.com | This very type of roe laid by [...] female sturgeon is especially [...]nutritious, and therefore recognized as a valuable delicacy. think-silly.com |
之后公司传给他的儿子尼古拉斯·唯舒亚二世,他出版了大量的地图集,通过包含最新可用的地理信息与采用高品质的雕刻,使公司的声誉长久不衰。 wdl.org | The business then passed to his son, Nicolaus Visscher II, who published a large number of atlases and sustained the firm’s reputation for incorporating the most recently available geographic information and for using high-quality engraving. wdl.org |
公司创立者、董事长及简化先驱Alan Siegel(艾伦·思睿高)解析了简化的力量、简化运动的诞生及其经久不衰的切合度。 siegelgale.cn | Founder, Chairman and simplification pioneer Alan Siegel speaks about the power of simplicity, the birth of the simplification movement and its enduring relevance. siegelgale.com |
委员会还获悉,为准备使谈判取得突破,达尔富尔混合 行动已开始与非洲联盟高级执行小组进行初步协商,商讨如何发起达尔富尔政治 进程,即如何开展对话,以建立共识和确保和平协定经久不衰。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was also informed that, in preparation for a breakthrough in the negotiations, UNAMID had begun preliminary consultations with the African Union High-level Implementation Panel regarding the launch of the Darfur Political Process, a dialogue designed to build consensus and to ensure the durability of a peace agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |
与其追求无懈可击的完美、以期实现经久不衰,还不如关注事物互联、互动和适应性的内在层面,这样我们也许可以在作品中表达更高形式的智慧。 shanghaibiennale.org | By moving away from the idea of longevity through unassailability, toward finding it in interconnection, interaction, and adaptability, perhaps we can express a higher form of intelligence in our own creations. shanghaibiennale.org |
巴西知道,这一行动是一种长久不 衰的范例,它印证了不必涉及军事手段、从更广泛的 角度运用保护责任的概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | As Brazil understands, that operation is a lasting example of the concept of responsibility to protect put to use with a broader perspective that does not necessarily involve military means. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会委员Laure Quinlivan表示:“辛辛那提的音乐遗产始于19世纪,至今仍长盛不衰,这也是他们从洛杉矶和亚特兰大等众多城市中选择辛辛那提来主办此次世界合唱比赛的一个主要原因。 tipschina.gov.cn | Cincinnati's musical heritage started in the 1800s and is as strong as ever today, a primary reason they selected Cincinnati to host the World Choir Games over cities like Los Angeles and Atlanta," says Council Member Laure Quinlivan. tipschina.gov.cn |
这正好解释DSG 200为何可历久不衰。超卓的性能和多种特别配置, 为DSG 200带来重大的成功。 ski2.com | The difference lies in the quality of the product characteristics which also explains the DSG 200’s huge success. ski2.com |
在品牌积淀的传奇缔造中,Zippo不断与音乐碰撞出产品设计的创意火花,其大量以摇滚文化为主题的产品系列更是经久不衰,从冰冷硬朗的金属外观到摇滚文化的壳面印花,从清脆响亮的拨盖声音到打磨火石燃起的炙烈火焰,无一不显露出Zippo与摇滚音乐的无间渊源;而Zippo品牌理念中所倡导的率真、随性和前卫独特的生活态度,又与摇滚音乐所表达的精神不谋而合,从而深受众多时尚年轻人士的追捧,成为引领当今潮流生活及消费的风向标。 yugongyishan.com | People can never get tired of Rock N’ Roll themed lighter designs, and Zippo has become the leading trend for trendy consumers and youngsters because of its strong symbol of freedom and independence combined with the edgy lifestyle that rock music signifies. yugongyishan.com |
全新的AMC高级系统质素优良,历久不衰的不锈钢设计,令您留下深刻的印象。 tw.amc.info | The new AMC Premium System will impress you with its high quality, timeless stainless steel design. tw.amc.info |
使命宣言是一个组织使命的清晰阐述, 其常见定义如下: “一份广泛定义、经久不衰的组织声明,旨在阐明组织存在目的,用以区别同类其他组织,同时界定组织的产品(服务)范围。 12manage.com | A Mission Statement is an articulation of a company's mission. An often-used definition of a mission statement is: "a broadly defined but enduring statement of purpose that distinguishes the organization from others of its type and identifies the scope of its operations in product (service) and market terms” (Pearce, J.: The company mission as a strategic tool. 12manage.com |
精湛的制作工艺是每块手表的品质证明,同时实力制表世家的长盛不衰也是其超群出众的最好说明。 hk.ashford.com | Superior craftsmanship is the hallmark of each timepiece while a strong family presence sets this unique brand apart. ashford.com |
自1950年推出传奇的9P和12P两款性能卓越的超薄机芯以来,伯爵就以推出各种工艺革新,打造风格独具的超薄表款而闻名业界,多年以来雄踞高级制表艺术之巅,经久不衰。 piaget.com.cn | Since the 1950s, the legendary 9P and 12P movements have inspired a line of calibres that are as thin as they are high-performance. The Manufacture’s incredible innovative capacities and its unique creations in terms of ultra-thinness have allowed it to stand out from the crowd, assuming a position atthe verysummit of theart of watchmaking. en.piaget.com |
他们能够向广告商展示节目表的优势,及其能够长盛不衰的原因。 deloittetmt.com | They can show advertisers the advantages of the schedule, [...] and why itis not going away any [...]time soon. deloittetmt.com |
岁月流逝, 融合了经典与现代两种风格的这款意大利真皮手表因自己独特的魅力而经久不衰。 playbling.com | Time marches on, this classic design with Italy leather strap connects the classic art and modern style into an unique glamour. playbling.com |
一个品 牌能够在不断满足各个细分市场 的需求,为社会各分支带来 新型灯光中发展,是这个品牌长盛不衰的重要原因。 coemar.eu | Product innovation, quality and the ability to provide an excellent technological response to the demands of a continuously evolving world are the main attributes demonstrated throughout Coemar’s long tradition. coemar.eu |
战后时期他历久不衰、充满乐观的音乐更是感动上百万人,远胜过当时的纯粹爵士迷的数量。 oris.ch | In the post war period Satchmo’s unfailingly [...] optimistic music reached millions, far more than the jazz purists of the time. oris.ch |
印度外交部长阿南德·夏尔马先生代表140个共同提案国在大会提出该决议时指出,决议的提案国广泛而分散,反映了对圣雄甘地的普遍尊敬,也反映了他的思想持久不衰的重大意义。 un.org | Introducing the resolution in the General Assembly on behalf of 140 co-sponsors, India’s Minister of State for External Affairs, Mr. Anand Sharma, said that the wide and diverse sponsorship of the resolution was a reflection of the universal respect for Mahatma Gandhi and of the enduring relevance of his philosophy. un.org |
多尔找到的真相,虽然至今仍然有人置若罔闻,但对各地政府和人民的影响不衰,挽救了全世界数以百万计的生命。 shawprize.org | In this he identified a truth that the world has yet to come to terms with completely, but one that continues to influence governments and peoples internationally and that has led to the saving of millions of lives throughout the world. shawprize.org |
不过,因为有数百万人在数百万个频道中谈话,所以在社交媒体中倾听和参与的挑战是识别谁在谈论你和你的品牌,他们在说什么并且保持这些对话长盛不衰。 tipschina.gov.cn | The challenge, though, in listening and engaging within social media is identifying who is talking about you and your brand and what they are saying, and maintaining this ebb-and-flow of conversation, simply because there are millions of folks talking across millions of channels. tipschina.gov.cn |
150年过去了,这个传奇般的品牌仍然生机勃勃,并享誉全球,Monogram帆布系列从1896年问世以来便长盛不衰,获得了无与伦比的巨大成功,并成为现代奢侈品业的基本元素之一。 lvmh.cn | Strengthened by its international renown, the legend is embodied by the Monogram canvas, which has enjoyed unrivalled success since 1896 and played a starring role in the development of modern luxury. lvmh.com |