

单词 不衞生

See also:

衞生 n

sanitary n

衞生 adj



guard n

External sources (not reviewed)

如使用者使用方法不正確不衞生,例 如使用飲水器飲水時,口部接觸飲水器的噴水口或 [...]
If a user does not use the drinking fountain
[...] in a proper or hygienic way, such as letting [...]
his/her mouth touch the mouthpiece
of the drinking fountain when drinking water from it or spitting into the fountain, the fountain will be contaminated instantly.
在多個政府部門中,整體來說, 不衞生 的部 門便是食環署,即由局長領導的部門。
Among various government departments, generally speaking, the most unhygienic one is the FEHD, that is, the department headed by the Secretary.
他作為領導衞生和經常建議 市民洗手的局長,所領導的部門反而是 不衞生 的。
As the Secretary given charge of hygiene matters who often suggests that the public wash their hands, the department headed by him is, ironically, the most unhygienic.
那些不衞生、最 容易沾染細菌的廁所,便是由局長領導的部門所管理的,局長是否覺得 羞耻呢?
Those toilets which are the most unhygienic and in which one is most likely to be infected by germs are managed by the department headed by the Secretary.
(iv) 該處所或土地的排水渠或污水渠處於欠妥不 衞生的狀況;或
(iv) the drains or sewers of the premises or land are in a defective or insanitary condition; or
此外,也有不 少小孩在局長剛才所提到的防波堤玩耍,我覺得在這種臭味沖天的環 境下玩耍,實在不衞生。
Furthermore, quite a few children were playing along the breakwater as mentioned by the Secretary.
代理主席,事實上,在不少主事官員的心目中,可能街頭文化、攤販活 動等,往往只意味着沒有秩序 不衞生 , 必須在改造新區的過程中加以取締。
Deputy President, in fact, in the minds of many officials charged with these responsibilities, on-street culture and
hawking activities may often mean the lack
[...] of order and hygiene and must therefore [...]
be removed in the course of transformation into new districts.
我 要強調的是,在洗手間哺乳不衞生。
Furthermore, breastfeeding rooms should be built in places far away from toilets.
初生嬰 兒大約兩至 3 小時便要吃奶一次,要餵哺母乳的話,只可以躲在又侷 不衞 生的廁格裏餵哺。
As newborn babies need to be fed milk every two to three hours, if mothers want to breastfeed their babies, they have to hide in a crammed and unhygienic toilet cubicle.
如果母親在進入廁所後 只能使用那塊板餵哺母乳,我便覺得實在非常不方便,而且也 不衞生。
It would be most inconvenient for the mothers if they can only make use of that board as they breastfeed their babies after going inside a toilet.
問題是,如果能設立一個發牌制度,一方面既可以有 規管,令希望從事回收行業的人能得到正規的發展,另一方面,行內僱員也 可以獲得適當的保障,例如工傷賠償及培訓等,令他們無須在一些不安全不衞生的情 況下工作,這亦解釋了為何我們希望在這時候提出設立發牌制 度。
The main point is that a licensing system can, on the one hand, foster the proper development of waste recovery operators, and, on the other, it can also enable the employees of the industry to enjoy due protection, including work injury compensation and training.
不過,有團體曾發現,漁護署在這 4 天之內並沒有善待動物,例如 有些外表不美觀,預計沒有人領養的動物,會被放在籠的最下層,而由於籠 沒有上蓋,住在上層的動物的便溺會流落下層的動物的身上,造成 不衞生 的情 況,而很明顯,下層的動物是受到虐待的。
As the cages do not have any cover, the urine and droppings of the animals at the upper levels will fall onto the bodies of those animals at the lower levels.
這項研究的結果顯示,在烘焙 過程後受到污染、長時間於室溫貯存及處理食物過 不衞生, 都 可能是導致麵包及三文治樣本的微生物質素欠佳的主要原 因。
Findings of poor microbiological quality in the bun and sandwiches samples have revealed that post-baking contamination, prolonged storage at room temperature and unhygienic handling are likely the main causes.
(iv) 該處所或土地的排水渠或污水渠處於欠妥 不衞生 的 狀況;或 (v) 根據《建築物條例》所送達的通知或命令未獲遵從, 則可發出手令,授權監督或獲授權人員為第(1)款所述的任何目的,進入及(如有 必要)破門進入該處所,或進入該土地。 《建築物條例》第 2(1)條所界定的"違反本條例的條文"一語,以其變體出現於《建 築物條例》中,例如"違反本條例任何條文"及 "違反本條例條文"。
The term "contraventions of the provisions of this Ordinance" defined in section 2(1) appears in BO in its varied forms such as "contravention of any of the provisions of this Ordinance" and "contravene the
卓璋的媽媽坦言:「不是帶他到 衞生 署 做 健康評估 不 會 覺 得他胖!只覺他可愛,直至有專業意見說我的兒子超重,並不健康,我才開始擔心。
I didn't realise my son was overweight
until I brought him in
[...] for a health assessment, and received professional advice suggesting he was not healthy,” [...]
Mrs Mok said.
附錄 II)
[...] 林偉強議員: 主席,局長可否告知本會,會否考慮設立機制,定期巡查一些 環衞生不太好的航班,以保障乘客?
MR DANIEL LAM (in Cantonese): President, can the Secretary inform this Council whether he in consider establishing a
mechanism to inspect on a regular basis aircraft in poor
[...] environmental hygiene conditions so as to protect the [...]
根據膳食暴露評估,飲用該等奶類產品樣 不 會 超 出世 衞生 組 織 就飲用水含甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯所訂立的每日可容忍攝入量,不會對健康造成不良影響。
Dietary exposure estimation showed that
consumption of the
[...] samples would not exceed the tolerable daily intake levels established by the World Health Organization for [...]
drinking-water quality
for toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes, indicating that adverse health effects are unlikely.
至於衞生方面,我希望一提的是,香港是亞洲國際都會,雖然市區的環衞生不錯, 但現時新界很多圍村及偏遠的旅遊區,衞生間仍然是使用茅 [...]
As regards health care services, I would like to say that Hong Kong
is an Asian cosmopolitan and while
[...] environmental hygiene in the urban area [...]
is quite good, latrines are still used in many
walled villages in the New Territories and also at tourist spots in the remote parts of the territory, and the hygiene conditions there do give cause for concern.
更新的人口推算由2013年開始第二類嬰兒的數目推算為零,是由於已╱將會實施一連串措施,包括(一)2013年所有公立醫院不會接受任何非本地孕婦預約分娩服務、(二 衞生 署 不 會 向 丈夫為非香港居民的內地孕婦(雙非孕婦)簽發2013年在港出生的「預約分娩服務確認書」,以及(三)香港私家醫院聯會亦表示已一致同意停止接受明年雙非孕婦的分娩預約。
It has been taken in this updated set of population projections that there are no Type II babies starting from 2013 because of a series of measures which has been /will be implemented, including (i) public hospitals would not accept bookings for delivery in 2013 from
non-local pregnant
[...] women,  (ii) the Department of Health would stop issuing the "Confirmation Certificate on Delivery Booking" to non-local Mainland women [...]
whose husbands are
not Hong Kong residents for giving birth in Hong Kong in 2013 and (iii) the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association also indicated that consensus was reached to stop accepting delivery bookings from non-local Mainland women whose husbands are not Hong Kong residents next year.
該等措施包括:在醫管局轄下所有醫院和診所推廣手 衞生; 透過社區老人評估服務、社康護理服務及到訪醫生計劃,加強 對安老院舍的支援;增設觀察地方及臨時地方,以解決急症科 病房容量有限的問題,以及減少內科病 不 必 要的入院安排; 加開病房及/或病床,以應付兒科、內科及老人科病人的額外 需求;增加兒科、內科及老人科病房的巡房次數,以確保及早 安排病人出院;以及把急症病房的探病時間限於每日兩小時, 以預防交叉感染。
This included promoting hand hygiene in all HA hospitals and clinics; enhancing support to residential care homes for the elderly by Community Geriatric Assessment Service, Community Nursing Service and Visiting Medical Officer programmes; creating additional [...]
observation areas and temporary areas to
solve the capacity limitation of Emergency Medical Wards and reduce unnecessary admission to medical wards; opening additional wards and/or additional beds to accommodate the extra demand by paediatric, medical and geriatric patients; more frequent ward rounds in paediatric, medical and geriatric wards to ensure early discharge of patients; and restricting visiting hours to acute wards to two hours per day to prevent cross infections.
任何人除非得到授權人員的書面特准,否 不 得 在 吊車系統區內出 售、為出售而展示或要約出售任何貨品、貨物或服務,而《公衞 生及市 政條例》(第 132 章)第 86、86A、86C 及 86D 條適用於本條所訂的罪行, 猶如該罪行是該條例第 83 條所指的小販罪行一樣。
No person shall, unless authorized in writing by an authorized official, sell or expose or offer for sale any goods,
wares or services in the
[...] Cable Car System area, and sections 86, 86A, 86C and 86D of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) shall apply to an offence under [...]
this section as
if such offence were a hawker offence within the meaning of section 83 of that Ordinance.
至於經修訂的《吸煙(公衞生)條例》實施後,就吸煙者人數、 次數和習慣的改變、二手煙在法定禁煙區範圍外的影響,以及市 民對整體控煙措施的反應,我們會在稍後時間進行調查和研究, 以便評估新例的效果。
As for changes in the number of smokers and their smoking frequency and habits, the impact of second-hand smoke outside the statutory no smoking areas, as well as public reaction towards the overall tobacco control efforts after the implementation of the amended Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (the Ordinance), we will conduct survey and study at a later stage to assess the effect of the new legislation.
衞生防護中心今天(4月29日)公布,由昨天中午12時至今天中午12時,中心接獲三宗符合呈報準則的懷疑人類感染甲型禽流感H7個案,和一 不 符 合呈報準則的個案。
From noon
[...] yesterday to noon today, the Centre for Health Protection received notification of three suspected human cases of avian influenza A(H7) which fulfilled reporting criteria, and one case which did not.
食物業處所承諾人須在其食物業處所內 實踐「食物安全五要點」,展示「食物安全五要點」證書、標貼以及由中心提供的任何 「食物安全五要點」宣傳品,並向員工提供有關食物安全 衞生 的 培訓;至於食物業協 會,則須在其處所內展示「食物安全五要點」證書、標貼以及由中心提供的任何「食物 安全五要點」宣傳品,鼓勵屬下會員簽署『食物安全「誠」諾』並推廣和實踐「食物安 全五要點」。
Signatories of FP should practise 5 Keys in their food premises, display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their food premises, display the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their food premises and provide training to staff on food safety/hygiene, whereas those of FTA should display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their premises, display any of the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their premises, encourage members of their associations to sign up to the FSC and encourage members to promote and practise the 5 Keys.
張瑞珍女士續說,有關塑化劑污染事件,當局根據《公 衞生 及 市政條例》(第132 章)第78C(3)條六度發出第78B條命令,從市面上回收食品或禁止受污染食品輸入和在本 [...]
Ms. S. C. CHEUNG continued that, in connection with the plasticiser contamination incident, there were
six Section 78B Orders under Section
[...] 78C(3) of the Public Health and Municipal Services [...]
Ordinance (PHMSO), Cap. 132, issued
to recall food from the market or to prohibit the tainted foods from importing and supplying within Hong Kong for which risk assessment showed that long-term consumption of such products may pose a health risk.
(c) 回 收 廢 物 活不 得 對 鄰 近 地 方 造 成 環 境 影 響 , 例 如 噪 音 滋 擾 、 異 味 、 毒 氣衞 生 問 題 、 阻 塞 通 道 、 排 放 污 水 、 火 警 危 險 等 ( 除 非 把 影 響 減 低 , 並 達 到 可 接 受 水 平 。 )
(c) Operation of the
[...] recycling activities should not cause any environmental impact such as noise nuisance, unpleasant smell, toxic gas, hygienic problems, obstructions, [...]
effluent discharge,
potential fire hazard, etc in the neighbourhood (unless mitigated to acceptable level)
我相信這個前提是沒有人會表示反對的,因為所有人 也是把健康及安全放在首位的,一 衞生不 合 格 甚至有危險的中成藥, 政府確實有責任禁止它們在市面上出售。
The Government is indeed obliged to ban those substandard or even dangerous pCms from being put on the market.
為加強監察藥品上市後的工作衞生 署 藥 物辦公室收集醫護人員使用藥劑製品所 引起的藥不良反 應報告,進行因果關係評估,並在需要時候,協助制定風險管 理策略。
To enhance the post-market drug
[...] surveillance activities, the Drug Office of the Department of Health (DH) collects ADR reports of pharmaceutical products [...]
for use in Hong Kong
from healthcare professionals and conducts causality assessment to assist subsequent formulation of risk management strategies when necessary.
(b) 若有關公司在接受第二次視察時,仍沒有糾正不符合規定的情 況,警方應發出首次警告信,說明須予糾正的範疇,以及若該 公不作出 糾正,警方可能隨即向其發出最後警告信或向保安 及衞業管理委員會(管理委員會)申請撤銷其牌照。
(b) If the company fails to rectify the same on second inspection, the Police shall issue a first warning letter specifying the areas that need to be corrected and that failure to comply may result in an automatic final warning letter or application to the Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority (Authority) for revocation of its licence.
衞生組織的「藥不良反應」定義為“使用正常劑量藥品於人體作為預防、 診斷、治病或調節生理機能用途時,所出現的有害及與用藥目的無關的反應。
The World Health Organization defines Adverse Drug [...]
Reaction (ADR) as “a reaction to drug which is noxious and unintended,
and which occurs at doses normally used in man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease, or for the modification of physiological function.




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