

单词 不虞



Poverty is a stranger industry. [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

The Vertical Integration of production systems, the supplement of
[...] material doesnot worry about to [...]
be lacked.
因 此不 虞关 罪 名 而 被 定 罪 的 配 偶 [...]
应 有 资 格 为 控 方 作 证。
Thus a spousewho is nolonger in peril [...]
of conviction for the offence should be competent for the prosecution.
反 之,不存在一贯公然侵犯人权的情况并不意味着参照某个人的具体情况,他或她遭受酷刑
Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern
of flagrant violations of human
[...] rights does not mean that a person might not be subjected [...]
to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
如果没有这些基本要素,各国便实现千年发展目标方 面也会面临更大的困难。
Without these essentials, States risk instability and will face even greater challenges in reaching the Millennium Development Goals.
不 赞 成 有 作 证 资 格 的 一 般 原 则 的 论 点 包 括:有 关 证 供 可 能 带 有 偏 私 成 分 , 有 造 成 夫怕 会 破 坏 夫 妇 间 推 心 置 腹 的 关 系,以 及 会 令 配 偶 在 履 行 防 止 罪 行 的 社 会 责 任 和 忠 於 配 偶 之 间 左 右 为 难 等 。
The arguments advanced against a general rule of competence include the danger of the evidence being tainted by interest, the risk of causing marital discord, the fear of violating the confidentiality of the marital relationship and the problem of placing the spouse in a dilemma of choosing between a duty to society to prevent crime and loyalty to the spouse.
整合针对的是有轻度障碍的学生, 因此采用这一办法可能会有“ 说起来好听做起且可能会更 多地注重如何把教室的空间扩大,而不是如何根据儿童的学习需要改变课程设 置内容和教学方法。
Mainly focused on students with mild impairments, integration can risk becoming a rhetorical device rather than a reality in practice; it can become more about a spatial change of school classrooms than a change of curricular content and pedagogy relevant to children’s learning needs.
我们的主讲嘉宾,畅销书作家、教授延斯•魏德纳博士 (Jens Weidner),他的演讲“辣椒成功哲学”是当天的一个高潮,该理论可以促进执行力,产生的氛围。
A highlight of the day was also our guest speaker, the best-selling author Prof. Dr. Jens Weidner, with his speech about the "Peperoni strategy", which promotes assertion without elbow tactics.
最后,我愿重申尼日利亚对原子能机构的支持信念,并重申我们相信,在让原子能惠益之光 普照一个更为安全界里所有人的工作中,它 可发挥领导作用。
In conclusion, I wish to reiterate Nigeria’s support for and abiding faith in the IAEA, and our confidence in its leadership in putting the benefits of the atom within the reach of all in a safer and secure world.
这 种看法的好处,是可以让契约双方讨回款项或财物,而契约追认後未 成年人本身亦不会有需负上责任
The advantage of such a view lies in both parties being able to recover their money or property and the minor being in no danger of rendering himself liable by ratification of the contract.
我知道,圆桌会议 2 的与会者提议采取下列行动, 事涉把预防工作在全球铺开的共同责任问题,即,通 过减少吸烟饮食和酗酒,防止非传 染病造成的很大一部分负担;采取所有国家都负担得 起的“最划算”的干预措施;考虑到采取行动的各种 场所,特别是学校、工作场所、家庭和社区;通过创 新办法,比如烟酒税收入专款专用而使卫生筹资后继
I understand that participants in round table 2 proposed the following actions related to the shared responsibility to make prevention work worldwide: prevent a major proportion of the NCD burden by reducing exposure to tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity and the harmful use of alcohol, using “best buys” interventions affordable in all countries; consider various settings for action, particularly schools, workplaces, households and communities; and sustain health financing through innovative approaches such as earmarking revenue from alcohol and tobacco taxes.
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( 4 ) 夫 妇 二 人 共 同 被 控 犯 了 某 罪 时 , 任 何 一 方据 上 述 第 ( 1 ) ( a ),( 2 ) 或 ( 3 ) 款 的 规 定 而 具 有 资 格 或 可 受 强 制 在 审 讯 中 尌 该 项 罪 行 作 证 , 除 非 该 配 偶 由 於 认 罪 或 其 他 任 何 理 由 而 在 该 审 讯 中 没 有 或 再 没 有 被 判 有 罪
(4) Where a husband and wife are jointly charged with an offence neither spouse shall at the trial be competent or compellable by virtue of subsection (1)(a), (2) or (3) above to give evidence in respect of that offence unless that spouse is not, or is no longer, liable to be convicted of that offence at the trial [...]
as a result of pleading
guilty or for any other reason.
His words fell on deaf ears, for the king of Yu was too stupid to seethe misfortune hiding in the immediate interests.
在拉脱维亚和塞浦路斯,65 岁及以上妇女过半有贫穷化
In Latvia and Cyprus, over half of women 65 and older are at risk of poverty.
公约》第一六二条第 2 款第(X)项为留出具体的区域提供了可能的法律依 据,前存在着“重要证据”证明所提议区域内的海洋环境有受 严重损害
Article 162 (2) (x) of the Convention provides a possible legal basis for
setting aside
[...] specific areas, but it is not clear that there currently exists “substantial evidence” to indicatethe risk ofserious harm to the marine [...]
environment in the areas proposed.
条约必须规定,各国有义务采取一切必要措施,确保武器在其境内的进口、 出口和过境安全防止其被转用。
The treaty must oblige States to take all necessary measures to ensure the secure import, export and transit of arms within their territory in order to prevent them from being diverted.
Some delegations expressed the view that the geostationary orbit — a limited natural resource clearly in danger of saturation — must be used rationally and should be made available to all States, irrespective of their current technical capacities.
理事 会应优先审议这种建议;9 (b) 因有充分证据证明海洋环境有受严重损害包者或企业部开 发某些区域;10 (c) 视察人员的指导和监督事宜,这些视察员应视察“区域”内活动,以确 定《公约》的规定和管理局的规章和程序得到遵守。
Such recommendations shall be taken up by the Council on a priority basis;9 (b) The disapproval of areas for exploitation by contractors or the Enterprise in cases where substantial evidence indicates the risk of serious harm to the marine environment;10 (c) The direction and supervision of a staff of inspectors who shall inspect activities in the Area to determine whether the provisions of the Convention and the regulations and procedures are being met.11 6.
在由《中经评论 》杂志〔插入链接〕主办的2012年中国投资论坛上,玛泽企业融资部合伙发表有关首次公开招股中尽职调查的重要性的演讲。
During the 2012 China Investment Conference organized by the China Economic Review , Tim Wei Yu – Corporate Finance Partner at Mazars – will be delivering a speech on the importance of due diligence in the IPO process.
於 本 公 布 刊 发 日 期 ,本 公 司 董 事 分 别有 董事 会 主 席 兼 独 立 非 执行 董 事 王 阳 元 先生 、 本 公 司 总 裁 、 首 席 执行 官 兼 执 行 董 事张 汝京 先 生 、 本 公 司 非 执行 董 事 汪 正 纲 先生 、 以 及 本 公 司 独 立 非 执行 董 事 徐 大 麟 先生 、川 西 刚 先 生 、 萧 崇 河先 生 、 陈 立 武 先生先生及江上舟 先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are Yang Yuan Wang as Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company; Richard R. Chang as President, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company; Wang Zheng Gang as Non-Executive Director of the Company; and Ta-Lin Hsu, Tsuyoshi Kawanishi, Henry Shaw, Lip-Bu Tan, Albert Y.C. Yu and Jiang Shang Zhou as Independent NonExecutive Directors of the Company.




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