单词 | 不苟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不苟—carefulless common: conscientious not lax not casual Examples:一丝不苟—meticulous not one hair out of place not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according the rules 一笔不苟—lit. not even one stroke is negligent [idiom.] fig. write characters (calligraphy) in which every stroke is placed perfectly See also:苟—careless negligent temporarily surname Gou supposing
我们复查了内部监督办公室的审计文件以及财务审计处对未清偿承付款所做的监督工 作,我们对他们工作一丝不苟的精神表示满意。 unesdoc.unesco.org | We reviewed IOS audit files as well as the follow-up work done by DCO on ULOs and are satisfied with the rigour of the work done. unesdoc.unesco.org |
每个细节都经过一丝不苟的设计,兼顾功能性和艺术感官。 manfrotto.cn | Each feature was meticulously designed to correspond with its functionality and aesthetics. manfrotto.com |
该品牌的钟表制造糅合了一丝不苟的技术和新颖唯美的艺术理念,打造出 Ebel Classic Wave 手表向“时间建筑师”的殊荣致敬。 hk.ashford.com | They approach horology with both technical meticulousness and artistic ingenuity to create Ebel Classic Wave Watches as a tribute to their heritage as ‘the architects of time’. ashford.com |
这些批 评促使分析师们将假设、原理和已知局限一丝不苟地建档。 teebweb.org | Criticism reminds analysts todocument assumptions, rationales and known limitations meticulously. teebweb.org |
如果可以的话,我要很客气地说,他对于想法 设法使法律得到遵守似乎是一丝不苟。 daccess-ods.un.org | If I may, with all due respect, he seems to be very meticulous about looking for ways that the law be respected. daccess-ods.un.org |
将 Breitling 一丝不苟的理念和 Bentley 追求性能的热忱进行完美地融合,就产生了所有 Breitling Bentley Motors 手表及其所有子系列。 hk.ashford.com | The unique merger of Breitling accuracy and Bentley’s passion for performance inform all Breitling Bentley Motors watches including all the various sub collections. ashford.com |
该录音室对质量要求一丝不苟,自然会使用目前最佳的参考扬声器:CT800 [...] 系列是 Bowers & Wilkins 800 旗舰系列的直系产品。 bowers-wilkins.cn | It’s a studio that’s uncompromising [...] about quality, so naturally it uses the very best reference speakers available: Bowers [...]& Wilkins' flagship 800 Series, of which the CT800 Series is a direct descendant. bowers-wilkins.eu |
RAYMOND WEIL的特点是它的活力和创新精神,并支付一丝 不苟创建反映品牌价值的独立性,创造性和制表的专业知识,可钟表。 zh.horloger-paris.com | RAYMOND WEIL is distinguished by its dynamic and innovative, and pays meticulous attention to create timepieces that reflect the brand values: independence, creativity and watchmaking expertise, accessibility. en.horloger-paris.com |
为了达到真正天然护肤品的最高要求,整个生产过程我们都抱以一丝 不苟的态度并坚守严格的规条。 beyorgbeauty.com | To do justiceto thehigh claimthat we [...] place on our authentic natural skin care, we always act holistically and to our own stringent principles. beyorgbeauty.com |
我们呼 吁索马里冲突所有相关方一丝不苟地遵守已经达成 的协议,并以建设性方式共同努力,推动巩固其社会、 恢复国家地位并在该国重建长期和平的进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | We call upon all parties to the Somali conflict to scrupulously abide by the agreements reached and to work together constructively to advance the process of consolidating their society, restoring statehood and restoring longterm peace in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们始终一丝不苟地履 行安全生产、员工健康和环境保护方面的规定,严格遵守可持续发展原则,可持续发展是我们的商业理念和实践中不可分割的一部分。 reports.wacker.com | Health, safety and environmental protection are of paramount importance. We are fully committed to sustainable development, a principle that is an integral part of our business thinking and practices. reports.wacker.com |
VYTAL mei以微注颜料秀眉技术,为您重新创造「一丝 不苟」的理想眉型,从此告别似有还无、短小或稀疏眉毛。 vytalmei.com | Using eyebrow micropigmentation techniques, VYTAL mei can recreate your desired shape of eyebrows “hair by hair” when these are non-existent or very fine, short, or sparse. vytalmei.com |
我希望以色列在遵守联合国 40 多年来的决议 上也能一丝不苟。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish Israel were meticulous about complying with United Nations resolutions for over 40 years. daccess-ods.un.org |
四月於新濠天地全新开幕的御膳房,严选全球最上乘的材料,以一丝 不苟及力臻完美的烹调理念,为客人提供经典欧陆美馔。 yp.mo | Utilizing the freshest seasonal ingredients from around the world, the Tasting Room, opened in April, offers classical European delicacies to its customers. yp.mo |
采用顶级物料,配合一丝不苟的卓越工艺,严谨认真处理车内每一个细节。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Fine materials, perfectly finished with great attention to detail, distinguish the style and character of the interior. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
无论是表盘上的首字母缩写或数字、设计师绘制的装饰图案,或是别出心裁的图纹,雕刻工艺大师都必需对细节一丝 不苟,以全神贯注的精神和巧夺天工的技艺进行雕刻。 audemarspiguet.com | From engraving initials, numbers on the face, or decorations drawn by a designer to the ad-hoc creation of a motif, the work of this goldsmith demands patience, dexterity, attention to detail and an aesthetic sensibility. audemarspiguet.com |
在 2010/11 年度,法院将一如在 2009/10 年度一样,一丝不苟、不偏不倚地对待现有案件和 将接到的案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court will give the same meticulous and impartial attention to present and future cases coming before it in the 2010/11 session as it has during the 2009/10 session. daccess-ods.un.org |
这枚腕表只接受订制,每制作一枚机芯需,都要由一名专门的制表师投入700个小时的工作时间单独打造——唯有一丝 不苟的工 作态度和追求完美的无比耐心,才能制造一枚如此卓越的机芯。 audemarspiguet.com | This is because, above and beyond mere words, this contemporary horological work of art remains a creation made individually and exclusively to order by a single artisan who will devote over 700 hours of patient craftsmanship to every single watch. audemarspiguet.com |
精工细作,一丝不苟:拥有 CT700 系统,您在自己家中即可享受到真正的影院般体验。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Forget compromise: withaCT700 system, what you get is nothing less than a genuinely cinematic experience in your own home. bowers-wilkins.eu |
因此,我 们认为,在不偏不倚、一丝不苟地执行在武装冲突中 保护平民的任务授权的背景下,保护在以色列占领下 受苦受难的巴勒斯坦、叙利亚和黎巴嫩平民是这种备 受赞赏的国际努力的不可分割的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore believe that the protection of Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese civilians suffering under Israeli occupation is part and parcel of this much-appreciated international effort in the context of the impartial and exact implementation of the mandate to protect civilians in armed conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
全部规定的编写都是一丝不苟地进 行的,旨 在赋予该程序应有的特性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All of these rules were carefully drawn up in order to reflect [...] the distinctive character of the procedure [...] and they should not be infringed, failing [...]which the very existence of the “104 [...]procedure” would be jeopardized. unesdoc.unesco.org |
维护和平任务和维和人员应一丝不苟地履行联合国关于职业操守的规 则和程序,包括一旦发生不当值后所犯的不轨刑事行为时,应撤销赦免权,以便 地方居民可诉诸法律诉讼和补救办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Peacekeeping missions and peacekeepers shall comply fullywith United Nations rules and procedures regarding professional conduct, including the lifting of immunity in cases of criminal misconduct committed off-duty, to allow local population recourse to legal proceedings and redress. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使标准型号也配备铝质饰边的中央控制台,顾客亦可选择高亮面的黑色碳灰木纹饰边,尽显一丝 不苟的卓越工艺。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Even in the base version the centre console and other trim parts gleam in brushed aluminium. Wood can be selected as an option inhigh-gloss black ash. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
Christophe Claret 以一丝不苟的严谨态度进行每枚元件的 加工,以审美精神设计加工处理,使其配合腕表整体,达到全体和谐和统一美感。 christopheclaret.com | Christophe Claret devotes particular care to the finishing of each component, which is designed to ensure the overall harmony and aesthetic coherence of the model. christopheclaret.com |
这一质量来源于我们独特的经验和知识,并由一丝 不苟的检测和质量控制提供支持。 bksv.cn | It is the result of our unique experience and knowledge, backed up by meticulous testing and quality control. bksv.ru |
她 强调,皈依某人自行选择的宗教、改变或信奉宗教权,是宗教或信仰自由权的一 个核心要素,而国家绝不可加以限制。122 特别报告员说,(1951年) 《人民代表 制法》,包括撤销议会议员和邦立法委员身份的条款应一丝 不苟地执 行,以遏制 有人基于宗教、种族、种姓、族群或语言原因,在印度各不同阶层公民之间煽动 敌意或仇恨。 daccess-ods.un.org | She emphasized that the right to adopt a religion of one’s choice, to change or to maintain a religion is a core element of the right to freedom of religion or belief and may not be limited in any way by the State.122The Special Rapporteur recommended that the Representation of the Peoples Act (1951) be scrupulously implemented, including the provision on disqualification for membership in Parliament and state legislatures of persons who promote feelings of enmity or hatred between different classes of the citizens of India on grounds of religion, race, caste, community or language.123 45. daccess-ods.un.org |
从每一件材料的选用,到来料的检验,到生产过程的控制,到品质测试的把关,我们对每一个环节都力求一丝 不苟,严格按照标准化流程作业,公司目前产品均已通过中国信息产业部的进网与检测认证,并已于2008年1月通过IS09001质量体系认证、ISO1400环境管理体系认证、ISO18001职业健康安全体系认证,以期为客户带来更加安全和卓越的产品。 tethin.com.cn | Arrival of material from every piece of material selection, testing, production process control, quality test checks, we have sought to link the meticulous, in strict accordance with the standardization process, the company's current products are approved by China Ministry of Information Industry network access testing and certification, and was adopted in January 2008 IS09001 quality system certification ISO1400 environmental management system certification, ISO18001 occupational health and safety system certification, safer and superior products to customers. tethin.com.cn |
首次把自已的时装世界景观向读者展示,Alber Elbaz让我们从最开初的时装绘图开始阅读,慢慢至衣服的制作过程和剪裁布料的程序,到为模特儿量身试穿的情况,至最终在时装舞台上展示,完整地记下了一丝 不苟的创 作过程,让我们目击一个Lanvin系列的诞生。 think-silly.com | Through this book Alber Elbaz takes us on a journey to experience the birth of a new collection, from sketching tothe choice of materials and model fitting. The book surely had exposed the entire production process to the readers. think-silly.com |