单词 | 不舒服的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不舒服的 adjective—tight adjless common: constrained adj 舒舒服服 adjective —comfortable adj舒舒服服 —with easeExamples:使人感到不舒服的事情 n—discomfort n 有点不舒服的 adj—peculiar adj See also:不舒服—feel uncomfortable • unwell • uneasy • feeling ill 舒服 adj—comfortable adj • very comfortable adj 舒服—feeling well 舒服 adv—comfortably adv
例如,通过环糊精可以将诸如绿茶等苦味植物提取物添加到食品配方中,而且不会带来明 显 不舒服的 气 味 或口味。 wacker.com | For example, bitter-tasting plant extracts such as green-tea [...] extract can be formulated with cyclodextrins so that no unpleasant odor or tastes are [...] noticeable when they are added to foods. wacker.com |
它也能减 低癌症复发的风险,有时也能帮助减低一 些 不舒服的 症 状 ,例如疼痛。 breastcancersingapore.com | It can also reduce the risk of cancer coming back or sometimes [...] helps to reduce uncomfortable symptoms such [...]as pain. breastcancersingapore.com |
对某些人而言,考核简直就是神经摧残或极 为 不舒服的 体 验,原因在于他们感觉自己将被置于聚光灯下,不得不根据公司的预期接受评估。 robertwalters.cn | Appraisals can be a nerve [...] wrecking or uncomfortable experience for some people, as they may feel they are [...]being thrown under the [...]spotlight and evaluated against their company’s expectations. robertwalters.cn |
然而,CAVAMAX® 环糊精不仅用于保护调味品,还可用于掩盖食品添加剂带 来 的不舒服的 味 道 或难闻异味。 wacker.com | However, CAVAMAX® cyclodextrins are not only used for protection of flavorings, but also for masking unpleasant-tasting aromas or undesirable odors that accompany food additives. wacker.com |
不管会员国作出何种决定,这些报告将公布的任何令 人不舒服的事实总会被世人所知。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any uncomfortable facts that would be made public by those reports were bound to be revealed, regardless of any decisions taken by Member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
离庄重却不舒服的“路 易十四的大寝宫”不远的地方,路易十五在1738年让人为自己布置了一个更小的朝南的寝宫,因此房间的采光取暖条件更好。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | Not far from the great "bedchamber of [...] Louis XIV" as impractical as it was majestic, Louis XV had a new, smaller, south-facing [...]room installed in 1738, which was easier to heat. en.chateauversailles.fr |
无论是观众或演讲人都不会在黑暗的房间里感到眩目,投影屏幕上也不会出现任何来自展示台令 人 不舒服的 散 射 光。 wolfvision.com | Neither the audience nor the speaker will be blinded in a darkened room, and there is no disturbing stray light from the Visualizer on the projection screen. wolfvision.com |
使用之初,Jurcan感觉稍微不舒服的是 调 音台的常用外部设备,但Si Compact [...] 24的内置处理器简化了它的设置,并大大减少了安装时间。 acehk.com | At first, Jurcan felt slightly uneasy without [...] all his usual outboard gear, but the Si Compact's built-in processing has [...]simplified his patching and dramatically cut down on setup time. acehk.com |
通过采访一些儿童和青少年,防止酷刑小组委员会收到可靠、一再出现的 [...] 酷刑和虐待指控,其中包括:工作人员徒手、用木棍或金属棍击打后脑勺和身体 其他部位,扒光儿童和青少年的衣服,强迫他们用 很 不舒服的 姿 势 站立,侮辱和 威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through interviews conducted with a number of children and adolescents, the SPT received credible and reiterated allegations of torture and ill-treatment. These included beatings by staff on the back of the head and other parts of the body with open hands, wood or [...] metal batons, stripping of children and adolescents, [...] forcing them to stand in uncomfortable positions, insults [...]and threats. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果有 任何讓你不舒服的地方 ,使用注意邊緣。 avatarepc.com | If anything seems upsetting, mind the edges. avatarepc.com |
Arkaute 警察局拘留的三天内,他被迫面壁, 以 不舒服的 姿 势 站 立,遭到殴打,昏倒了也照样打,不让他睡觉、吃东西和喝水( [...] 除非为保持清醒 强迫他喝水 ) ,而且遭到威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the course of the [...] proceedings, the complainant recounted that, during his three days [...]of detention in Arkaute police station, [...]he had been forced to stand facing the wall and in uncomfortable positions, been beaten even when he fainted, been deprived of sleep, food and water, except when forced to drink, and been subjected to threats. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有医生的处方也能随意购买到的OTC累药物中,应常会含有镇静抗组胺药,这种成分在服用后的第二天也对人产生影响,就象喝醉酒后的第二天 也 不舒服的 情 况 一样。 tohoku.ac.jp | Taking sedating antihistamine [...] often included in Over-the-Counter drugs has a similar effect as hangover until the next day. tohoku.ac.jp |
据称特种行动部门人员采取的手段包括:将大量被拘留 者拷在一起并保持极不舒服的姿势 ,戴手铐,没有通风条件,打开车门并朝他们 [...] 喷辣椒水,然后再把车门锁上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The alleged methods used by SOE personnel included: locking-up a high number of [...] detainees in uncomfortable positions, handcuffed, [...]and with no ventilation, [...]opening the vehicle and spraying pepper spray on them and then locking up the vehicle. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您的座垫不舒服,不妨请 合格的 Brompton 经销商将座垫设置到您的最佳骑乘位置。 support.brompton.co.uk | If you are not comfortable on your saddle, ask [...] a qualified Brompton dealer to set the saddle to your optimal riding position. support.brompton.co.uk |
常规的背包通常只提供少许的支撑性,并且基本不提供任何重量分配及透气性, 都 不 属 于 舒服的 背 包。 salewa.com.cn | A conventional rucksack offers only limited support and practically no distribution of weight or ventilation. salewa.com |
无论让某些人听起来多么不舒服,关 于片面宣布 独立的真理 都是这样做不会导致和平与稳定,因为和 平是协议的产物,正如稳定是共识的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The truth about UDI, however uncomfortable it may be for some to hear, [...] is that it cannot lead to peace and stability, for [...]peace is the product of agreement, just as stability is the result of consensus. daccess-ods.un.org |
他曾抱怨在去医院的路上所受 的待遇,他说当时感觉不舒服和疲倦。 daccess-ods.un.org | He has complained about his treatment during [...] transport to hospital, which he describes as uncomfortable and tiring. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果这种 方式让您感觉不舒服,或 未能解决这个问题,您可以提交至经培训可以专 门处理这种情况的人力资源部。 chemtrend.com | If you do not feel comfortable with this approach or it does not resolve the issue, you can raise your concerns with HR who are trained [...] to deal with such situations. chemtrend.com |
不要惊慌!这是一个让他们能讨论一些敏感话题的时间,这些话题通常让看护人和青少 年 不舒服 , 但 这些话 题 的 讨 论 对尽可能好的照顾这个年龄段的孩子来说,又是必不可少的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Don’t be alarmed! This is a time for them to discuss some [...] sensitive topics that often make [...] caregivers and adolescents uncomfortable, but that are essential [...]to providing the best possible care to this age group. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
以色列对于联合国机构在被占领的巴勒斯坦领 土上的工作和仅仅是存在感到不舒服 , 不 足 为 奇。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is no surprise that Israel does not feel comfortable with the work and the mere presence of the United Nations agencies in the occupied Palestinian territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,实施他的任 务必然会在实质、诠释和方法方面产生一些意见分歧,所有这一些将使一些国家 感到不舒服;然而,酷刑的残酷 性质要求所有各方迅速和积极地工作以解决这些 互相的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, the implementation of his mandate will, inevitably, raise differences of opinion with regard to the substance, interpretation and approach, all of which may cause some discomfort for some States; however, the brutal nature of torture requires that all parties work quickly and constructively to address these mutual concerns. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样您就很快会发现宝宝不舒服或 肚子 饿 的 时 候的行为,也很快学会怎么照护他/她 (换尿布,洗澡,皮肤、眼睛、脐带的保健等)。 cicpraha.org | This ensures that you will soon learn how your baby behaves when he/she is hungry or upset and how to take care of him/her (changing nappies, bathing, taking care of the skin, cleaning the eyes, bellybuttons, etc.) cicpraha.org |
这些挑战包括长距 离海运、货物流量不平均 、以及出口品单位价值较低等,以及如何使船 只的 大小、服务速 度、港口装卸能力、安全 和 舒 适 程 度等要素与航运量较低、而 且常常不固定等实际情况相匹配。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include long voyage distances, imbalanced cargo flows and low unit values of exports as well as challenges in matching ship size, service speed, port capacity, safety and comfort with low and often irregular traffic volumes. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近房屋的拍賣雖然有回落跡象,但大家須 留意,過去數年土㆞買賣的價格㆖升,現時只是短期的大概㆒兩季的回落, 並 不 足以令長遠來說,香港樓價的最主要部分,即土㆞的價格,㆘降至令 ㆟ 舒服的 水 平。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, there are signs that the upset price of properties in auctions is on the decrease, but we must note that the prices of land sales over the past last years had risen so much that the present short-term drop in [...] prices in one to two [...] quarters should not be enough to make the major constituent of property prices, namely land prices, drop to a comfortable level in the long run. legco.gov.hk |
博世公司的Martin Kruessmann认为,CVT尺寸紧凑,重量轻,而且具有良 好 的舒 适 性 和极出色的经济性,这些对用户来说都很有 说 服 力 ;而JATCO公 司 的 S h i nj i Morihiro则总结道,这种解决方案提供了适应全球汽车市 场 不 同 需求的最佳能力。 cn.drivelinenews.com | For Bosch’s Martin Kruessmann, CVT presented a convincing case to the customer with its compact dimensions, light weight, good comfort and very good economy; for Shinji Morihiro of JATCO it was the solution that offered the best capability of adapting itself to the very different tastes of the world’s automotive markets. drivelinenews.com |
这种观点同某一个单位提供的是服 务(比如,清洗衣物)而不是商 品(水)的原则是一致的,其假定用更少的水提 供相同的服务、带给客户同等的舒适 感 受。 wrdmap.org | This perspective is consistent with the principle of a utility providing a service (e.g. clean clothes) rather than a commodity (water) and it assumes that providing the same service with less water provides the same amenity to the consumer”. wrdmap.org |
在有的办公场合,自己辛苦制作的EXCEL表格,包括编写的程序等源文件等,不便于拷贝给别人,那么你要做的就是将你的EXCEL文件XLS转换成PDF文件,这样别人看起来 又 舒服 , 又 保护了 你 的 知 识版 权 不 被 侵 犯。 oapdf.com | office in some occasions, the production of their hard EXCEL table, including the procedures for the preparation of source documents, not easy to copy to someone else, then you need to do is to your EXCEL file XLS [...] file into PDF, so [...] other people Also look comfortable, but also to protect your intellectual property rights are not violated. oapdf.com |