

单词 不能信赖的

See also:


must not
should not

不能不 v

have to v


rely on
have confidence in
have faith in

External sources (not reviewed)

不能事先推断,认为第三方 应能够依赖于成员国的责任
There is clearly no presumption that a third party should be able to rely on the responsibility [...]
of member States.
然而,许多人和许多国家,特别是最贫 的 人 和国 家 不能 有 效 地和公平 地利信息,并因此得不到发的机 会
However, many people and nations, especially the poorest ones, do not have effective and equitable access to information, and therefore, to development opportunities.
各国政府和其他公共当局应推动公开、透明、平衡和讲求科学的进程,促进 制定能充分反映生产和消费影响的标签制度和其他机制,并与私营部门合作确保标 签、公司报告和宣传内容准确、成本效益高且值 信赖 , 从 而让消费 能 够 作 出知 情选择,特别是在对人类和自然系统影响重 的 领 域 ,同 不 应 制 造贸易壁垒。
Governments and other public authorities should promote open, transparent, balanced and science-based processes for developing labelling schemes and other mechanisms that fully reflect the impact of production and consumption, and work with the private sector to ensure that labelling, corporate reporting and
advocacy are accurate,
[...] cost-effective and trustworthy so as to enable consumers to make informed choices, particularly in areas of high impact on human and natural systems, without creating barriers to trade.
做最糟的设定,以典型的 SAC 合金来用作回流,其所能设定的回流顶温必 不 低于 235 摄氏度,仅仅只能提供 18 摄氏度 的所谓温差,这也确是一个免强可以让 SAC 形成可靠焊接点的最低温差,但是,在很大的 程度上,对那些热敏感零件仍然会造成 能 性 的 破 坏 ,从而使整个组装 信赖 度 方 面也只能 达到最低水平。
To illustrate, for the worst scenario, only 18 degree Celsius “differential” temperature above the melting point of a typical SAC alloy subject to a peak reflow temperature of 235 degree Celsius, which certainly a minimum setting that can be attained for a proper joint to form and to a large extent, still subject to a borderline case of reliability performance should a highly heat sensitive component be involved.
原料鱼可加工成范围更为广泛的产品,满足不同市场的 消费者需求,并在供应量、外观上充分灵活,具有对供应 的信赖 度 以 及适应不同产品具体技术要求能力。
Raw fish can be processed into an even wider range of products to meet consumer demands that differ according to markets, flexibility in supply volumes, physical proximity, suppliers’ trustworthiness, ability to adapt to different portion-size specifications, etc. In the last two decades, the
consumption of fish and
[...] fishery products has also been influenced considerably by globalization in food systems and by innovations and improvements in processing, transportation, distribution, marketing and food science and [...]
此外,审 计委员会或能信赖监督事务的工 作 而 不 一 定 非要开展额外的深入的后续工 作。
In addition, the Board of
[...] Auditors might be able to place reliance on the work of DOS and not necessarily [...]
perform additional in-depth follow-up work.
(5) 在整段相關時間內,有關各方的關係緊張和敏感,並因互相 猜疑不信任而受到損害,以致他們 能 對 說話 作 不 公 平的 詮釋及不合理的推論。
(5) Throughout the relevant time span, the parties had a strained and sensitive
[...] [...] relationship marred by mutual suspicion and distrust, leading to possible unfair interpretations [...]
of what had been expressed and unjustified inferences thereof.
铜焊盘脱落就 现在您知道,为什么我们大力推荐 VIROMET 严不和其 他无铅材料混合使用,那是有助 于感热成分过敏的线路板和零件,以避免更高熔点无铅材料在更高操作温度需求下所引的 信赖度问题。
Now do you see why we highly recommend VIROMET to be used strictly without interfacing with other Lead Free material for the benefit of heat sensitive component and board due to higher operating temperature requirement with the use of higher melting point Lead Free materials.
SKYPE是非常稳定能信赖的免费 通话软 体 , 不 过 推 荐事前先完成通话语音测试。
Skype is a very reliable software, but we recommend to make a Skype test call first.
检查干事根据情况避不谈信息来自何 方,以维护受访者在访谈中对其寄 的信赖。
The Inspector does not cite information sources, where appropriate, to protect the confidence interviewees entrusted [...]
to him during the interviews.
不 过,就仲裁通知是否应在仲裁庭组成之前的仲裁程序启动的早期阶段公布这一 问题,发表了各种不同的意见,尤其是考虑到,当根据《贸易法委员会仲裁规 则》诉诸临时仲裁时,透明度规不 可 能 依 赖 一 个 机构处理仲裁庭组成之前可 能产的问题(A/CN.9/717,第 62 段)。
However, diverging views were expressed on the question whether the notice of arbitration should be published at the early stage of the initiation of the arbitral proceedings, before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, in particular taking account of the fact that, where applied to ad hoc arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration
Rules, the rules on transparency could not rely on an institution to handle issues that might arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal (A/CN.9/717, para. 62).
您在该网站上和/或通过我们产品提交的信息将会被用于大量的商业目的,例如,完成产品交易和付款;向您提供我们的产品;验证您的身份;回应您对服务或帮助的请求;预测和解决我们的产品的实际和潜在的问题;创建并改进产品;推荐其 不 同 的产品;对目前和将来的产品作出内部商业决定;提供个性化服务和用户体验;保护我们的权益和财产;以及收 的信 息 在 其他条款或条件下适用于该网站和/或产品的特定 能。
Any information you submit on this Site and/or through our Offerings will be used for a variety of business purposes, including for example, to complete transactions and bill for Offerings; provide you with our Offerings; verify your identity; respond to your requests for service or assistance; anticipate and resolve actual and potential problems with our Offerings; create and
improve Offerings;
[...] suggest additional or different Offerings; make internal business decisions about current and future offers; provide customised service and user experiences; protect our rights and property; and as otherwise disclosed at the point where such information is collected or in any additional terms and conditions applicable to the particular feature of this Site and/or [...]
the Offerings.
他说,厄瓜多尔、列支敦士登、立陶宛、黑山、圣 马力诺、斯洛文尼亚和多哥等已经成为提案国,并 敦促委员会以协商一致的方式通过该决议草案,从 而在巴勒斯坦人民寻求主张自不可 剥 夺的权利, 即拥有一个以东耶路撒冷为首的有 生 存 能 力 的主 权 国家,与以色列和平安全地共处的时候,向他们 发出声的信息。
He said that Ecuador, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Montenegro, San Marino, Slovenia and Togo had become sponsors and urged the Committee to adopt the draft resolution by consensus, thereby sending a message of solidarity to the Palestinian people as they sought to assert their inalienable right to a sovereign and viable State with East Jerusalem as its capital, living in peace and security with Israel.
全球食品领域,包括渔业 领域,不得不面对 来自人口、饮食、气候和经济变化的挑战,包括减少对化能源的依赖以及 对其他自然资源越来越多的限制。
The global food sectors, including the fishery sector, will have to face
several challenges stemming from
[...] demographic, dietary, climate and economic changes, including reduced reliance on fossil energy and increasing constraints on other natural resources.
综合的解决方能为建筑提供一个舒 的 , 可 信赖的 以 及 可控的室内环境,确保了每个员工以及银行的客户在任何季节都能享受到最舒适的室内环境。
The integrated solution now provides a com- fortable, reliable and controlled indoor cli- mate throughout the building, enabling both staff and the bank’s many customers to enjoy a pleasant indoor climate all year round.
最后,专家小组强调其信,不应推 迟实行国际公共部门会计标准,应尽 能保 留的目标 日期,并坚决支持有关决定草案。
Finally, the Group of Experts emphasized its belief that there should be no delay in implementing IPSAS and that [...]
original target dates should be maintained
if possible and strongly endorsed in the draft decision.
世服宏图全体员工一贯以来极高的支持水平和专业环境,在预见和满足客户需求方面的辛勤工作,以及充满阳光、愉快的工作面貌 不 仅 为 香港专业服务界的同行树 立了一个很高的标杆,而且反映了客户对世服宏图及其管理层、员工以及香港特别行政 的 高 度 信赖。
The consistently high level of support and professional environment, diligence in anticipating and meeting customer needs, and the bright and cheery attitude of
the entire Servcorp staff, serves not only to set a
[...] high benchmark for other members of the Hong Kong professional services community to achieve, but also reflects exceptional credit on Servcorp, its management and staff, and on the Hong Kong SAR.
环境调查机构观察员应主席之请发言,呼吁通过一项总体战略, 不 更 多 依 赖 全球 升温能值高的氢氟 碳化物的情况下淘汰生产。
The observer for the Environmental Investigation Agency, speaking at the invitation of the Chair,
called for the adoption of an overarching
[...] strategy for production phase-out without increased reliance on high-GWP HFCs.
(vi) 针对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践能 、 将 为特殊人群提供强化戒烟支持作为其工作重心的卫生工作者 需要学习3 ——为将提供戒烟支持作为其工作一部分的医务工作者提供的所有内容,加上适用于伴心血管疾病 或合并其它疾病的患者、孕妇、接受精神卫生和成瘾治疗服务的患者(尤其是有严重心理障碍者)的戒烟药 物;吸烟对多种药物代谢的作用;在依赖评估和治疗计划上允许并记录的步骤,收集和整理以保证对患者进 行标准监督和服务有效性的戒烟服务数据;使用不止一种有效的行为支持方法;对患者进 不 间 断 的 支 持; 尼古丁赖的治疗
(vi) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in
cessation and gain the
[...] practical skills to provide intensive cessation support to specific populations as their sole focusa – all of the content for health staff providing cessation support as part of their role, plus cessation medications in clients with cardiovascular disease and other co-existing medical conditions, pregnant women, and users of mental health and addiction treatment services (especially for those with complex psychological disorders) effects of smoking on the metabolism of various medications; allowing and documenting steps in dependence assessment and treatment planning and collecting and collating data on the cessation service provided to allow the standard monitoring of clients and service effectiveness; using more than one effective behavioural support method; ongoing support for clients; and treating nicotine dependence.
8 凡財政司司信納從外匯基金如下述般轉撥款項,相 不 可能 對其達致根據第3(1)或 (1A)條須運用或可運用外匯基金的的 的能力有不利影 響,則他在諮詢外匯基金諮詢委員會後並在行 政長官會同行政會議事先批准下,可將超出用以維持外匯基金 資產在當其時尚未履行的各項責任總和的105%之數的任何款 項或其部分,從外匯基金轉撥入政府一般收入或轉撥入由行政 長官會同行政會議所核准的政府其他基金,並可為該轉撥而將 [...]
8 Where the Financial Secretary is satisfied that such transfer is not likely to affect adversely his ability to fulfill any purpose for which the Exchange Fund is required to be or may [...]
be used under section 3(1)
or (1A), he may, after consulting the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee, and with the prior approval of the Chief Executive in Council, transfer from the Fund to the general revenue or to such other fund or funds of the Government as may be authorized by the Chief Executive in Council any sum or part of any sum in excess of the amount required to maintain the assets of the Fund at 105% of the total obligations of the Fund for the time being outstanding and may for the purpose of any such transfer realize any of the assets of the Fund.
协力为善”这 一工具要取得成功,就应当“知名”(在拥挤的市场中与众不同)、“可提供”(给 必要数量的全球旅的销售 者)、“中选” ( 而 不 是 其 他捐助选择办法)和“值信 赖”(它以明确和连贯一的方式解释捐款给了谁,是如何使用的)。
For the “Massivegood” instrument to be successful, it should be “known” (by differentiating itself in a crowded market), “available” (to a
critical mass of the
[...] global travel sellers), “chosen” (over other donation options) and “trusted” (by explaining where the donated money went and how it was used in a [...]
clear and consistent manner).
从看上去像您的银行或诸如 Skrill (Moneybookers)这样值信赖的服务 提供商那里发出的电子邮件要求您“更新”“验证”或只是“确认”您的详细信息,这会将您引至一个貌似合法网站的假网站上,但该网站却运行于一 不 同 的 网址上。
Emails from what looks like your bank or trusted service like Skrill (Moneybookers) asking you to either ‘update’ ‘validate’ or simply ‘confirm’ your details will lead to a fake website that looks exactly like the legitimate version but is hosted [...]
on a different URL.
在网上(尤其是在拍卖网站)付费购物时,请牢记:如果有人叫您将您银行账户上的钱直接转入他们的账户,那么他们 能 是 在 欺诈您—即使他们叫您将钱直接付给像Skrill (Moneybookers)这样值信赖的第三方。
When paying for goods online, particularly on auction websites, bear in mind that people asking you to transfer funds directly
from your bank account
[...] into their own may be trying to scam you – even if they ask you to pay into a trusted third party such as Skrill (Moneybookers).
虽然有关长期药理疗法的数据能看 起 来令人忧虑, 但在解读这类数据时应看到:(a)目前缺少被确认为可治疗兴奋剂 赖的 药 物; (b)由于类阿片赖问题不是一 个普遍的国家问题,因此缺少提供药理治疗的必 要性;(c)会员国缺少提供长期药理物质的适当立法;或(d)上述各项因素并存。
Although the data concerning long-lasting pharmacological therapies may appear worrying, the results should be read in the context of either: (a) the current
absence of medications
[...] clearly recognized for the treatment of dependence on stimulants; (b) the lack of the need to provide pharmacological therapy because opioid dependence is not a prevalent national problem; (c) [...]
the lack of appropriate
legislation in the Member State to make the long-lasting pharmacological substances available; or (d) a combination of the above.
私营部门轨的许多活动探讨了不 发 达 国家通过农业、旅游、 信、 能源服 务、水务和采矿等关键经济部门实现可持续发展的问题。
Many of the private sector track events explored sustainable development through the prism of key economic sectors in the least developed countries, such as agriculture, tourism, telecommunications, energy services, [...]
water and extractives.
专家们提到向小型生产者提供的短期融资的风险,包括交 易对手风险和交不到风险,在赖 初 级 商品出 的 许 多 发展中国家取消了专门 的营销机构之后,有能被放大了。
Risks associated with short-term financing for small producers, including counterparty risk and non-delivery performance risk, were discussed and it was suggested that these may have been amplified following the dismantling of marketing boards in many CDDCs.
若本 EV 证书在任何方面存在不准确或误导,而这种不准确或误导是因 CNNIC
[...] 可信网络服务中心的疏忽所导致,则 CNNIC 可信网络服务中心将可以因合理信 任本 EV 证书的这种不准确或误导事项而造 的 经 证 实损失向每 信赖 方 支 付 最多为 EV 证书购买价格的 10 倍,只有这种损失不属于并且不包括(1)任何直 [...]
失去项目、失去或无法使用任何数据、设备或软件等;(2)任何间接、相应而生 或偶然引起的损失或损害。
If this EV Certificate is inaccurate or misleading in any aspect, while such inaccuracy and misleading is caused by the omission of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center, CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center shall pay each relying party at most ten times of the
purchase price of EV Certificate according
[...] to the testified loss caused by reasonably trusting inaccurate or misleading matters in this EV Certificate, [...] [...]
except that such loss does not belong to and exclude: (1) any direct or indirect loss, including loss of profit or income, loss or injury of fame or commercial fame, business opportunity or chance, loss of item, loss or failure to use any data, device or software, etc.; (2) any indirect, correspondent and accidental loss or injury.
不管你 是承包商、供应商还是俱乐部业主,你 能信赖 Har-Tru 在安装前、安装中和安装后深入细 的 技 术 支持、定制的解决方案和第一流的服务。
Whether you’re a contractor, supplier or club owner, you can count on Har-Tru for in-depth technical assistance, customized solutions and top-notch [...]
service before, during and after your installation.
安理会还 通过了主席声明(S/PRST/2011/17);安理会在主席声明中强调,需要改进安全理 事会、部队派遣国和警察派遣国、联合国秘书处和其他利益攸关方之 的 沟 通, 形成协作、合作信赖和互 信精神,确保安全理事会在对维和任务做出决定能 听到在实地工作的人的意见。
The Council also adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2011/17), in which it stressed the need to improve communications between itself, troop- and police-contributing countries, the United Nations Secretariat and other
[...] [...] stakeholders so as to foster a spirit of partnership, cooperation, confidence and mutual trust and to ensure that the Council has the benefit of the views [...]
of those serving in the field when
making its decisions about peacekeeping mandates.




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