

单词 不胜其扰

See also:

不胜 adv

extremely adv


be unequal to
cannot bear or stand

External sources (not reviewed)

如果您能够将本函其附件列为理事会临时议程项目 2(b)下的文件予以发 布,本人不胜感激
I should be grateful if you would circulate the present letter and its annex as a document of the Council, under item 2 (b) of the provisional agenda.
本届政 府需要兼顾多方面的改革,虽然政府经验不足,要 面临的挑战和风险不胜数, 但是它并不能抵制被 压抑的、渴求变革的政治压力—— 其 实 已 经发动 这种变革了。
The challenges and risks are numerous for a government with little experience juggling the many changes required, but it cannot resist the pent-up political pressure for change it has already unleashed.
认识到国内经济目前与全球经济交织在一起,全球化以各 不 同 方 式波及所 有国家,各国一方面有了用以其他 外 战 胜 贫 穷 的贸易和投资机会,但另一方面, 在谋求实现国家发展战略的灵活程度方面也遇到种种制约
Recognizing that domestic economies are now interwoven with the global economy and that globalization affects all countries in different ways, and that countries on the one
hand have trade and
[...] investment opportunities to, inter alia, fight poverty, while on the other hand they face constraints in the [...]
degree of flexibility
they have in pursuing their national development strategies
该法第 25 条进一步规定,“侵犯朝鲜民主主义人民共和国主权、有关机构 有合理理由认其扰乱朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国的安全和公共秩序或患有传染 病的外国人,禁止进入朝鲜民主主义人民共和国”;第 30 条规定,“持有污损或 伪造移民证件或有关机构认不适合离境的外国人 不 得 离 开朝鲜民主主义人民 共和国”。
The law further provides in article 25 that “Foreigners who have violated the sovereignty of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, who
are regarded by the
[...] relevant organ as having reasonable grounds for disturbing the security and public order of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and who have an infectious disease shall be prohibited from entering the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” and in article 30 that “Foreigners who carry soiled or forged immigration certificate or who are regarded by the relevant organ as being unfit to exit shall not leave the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic of Korea”.
(b) 约旦武装部队和安全机构可与主管当局进行协调,在未获得许可证的 情况下,不干扰其他频率的方式使用分配给这些机构的无线电频率。
(b) The Jordanian armed forces and security agencies may, in coordination with the Authority and without
obtaining a licence, use the radio frequencies allocated to them in a
[...] manner that does not interfere with other frequencies.
还值得一提的是,教科文组织在联合国通信组中的作用,因为教科文组织在通 信和信息部门的特殊作用已经得到认可,而且 其胜 任 力得到认可的情况下,也获得了在通 信发展领域开展具体活动的资金。
UNESCO’s role in the United Nations Communication Group is also noteworthy, as the special role of UNESCO in the Communication and Information sector has been recognized and funds have been given to UNESCO for specific activities in recognition of its competence in the field of communication for development.
专门机构的财产和资产不论位 于何处,亦不论由何人执管,应免受搜查、征用、没收、征收 和其他任何方式的扰,不论其出于 执行、行政、司法或立法 行为。
The property and assets of the specialized agencies, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.
前瞻性声明涉及的可引起差异的风险 不 确 定 因素包括:在解决特定用户或地域的网络安装和运行难题中出现的困难;对特定部署过程中产品实际性能造成影响的因素,可导致吞吐量、频谱范围及其他性能标准比实验室测试结果低;超出公司控制范围的因素,如天气、地域条件、政府因素、贸易和风俗、 扰 以 及 其 他 第 三方问题;特定用户在特定情况下的特殊要求;第三方引入的新型和增强型产品;以及在按客户所需的功能、性能、合规性、认证水平、成本、价格及其他特性提供产品过程中出现的困难或延迟。
The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could contribute to such differences including difficulties in overcoming the network installation and operational challenges relating to any specific customer or geographical area; factors affecting actual product performance in specific deployments, which could result in lower throughput, range, and other performance criteria than achieved in laboratory tests; factors beyond our control such as weather, geographic, governmental, trade and customs, interference, and other third-party issues; specific requirements of a given customer in their specific situations; new or enhanced products introduced by third parties; and difficulties or delays in supplying products with the features, performance, compliances, certifications, cost, price, and other characteristics desired by customers.
咨询委员会经询问获悉,现有组织结构基本 上能胜任其任务
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that the existing organizational structure was largely adequate.
不靠“正确的”解胜出, 而是靠条约的所有缔约国认定的解释胜 出――在这种情况下它被称为“正宗的”解释――或者由一个获得授权的机构以对 [...]
It is not the “right” interpretation that wins out, but the one that [...]
was given either by all the parties to the treaty —
in which case it is called an “authentic” interpretation — or by a body empowered to interpret the treaty in a manner that is binding on the parties.
建议 33 C/5 的主要工作重点是:(i) 以教育,包括幼儿教育为重 点,因为这是增强贫困家庭其子女 能力的最有效的手段;(ii) 开展关于对赤贫和持久存在 的贫困现象的研究,从而深刻了解贫困的性质以及 胜 贫 困 需要有什么样的决心和行动; (iii) 创造政策制订者和穷人能够共同制订对所有社区都有益的包容性政策的机会; (iv) 提高公众的认识和推广全面而又注重人权的消除贫困的方法。
Main courses of action recommended for document 33 C/5 were: (i) to place emphasis on education, including early childhood education, as the most effective means to
empower the poorest
[...] families and their children; (ii) to carry out research on extreme and persistent poverty so as to gain an understanding of the nature of poverty as well as the type of commitment and [...]
actions necessary to
overcome it; (iii) to create opportunities where policy-makers and poor people could work together in setting inclusive policies that would benefit whole communities; and (iv) to raise public awareness and promote a holistic and human rights-based approach to the eradication of poverty.
世界 遗产名录》上增加了几个新的小岛屿发展中国家的 胜 , 其 中 包括基里巴斯的凤 凰群岛海洋保护区和马绍尔群岛的比基尼岛核试验基地。
Several new SIDS sites were added to the World Heritage list, including the Phoenix Islands marine protected area in Kiribati and the Bikini Atoll nuclear test site in the Marshall Islands.
发展集团在联合国系统职工学院的支持下,制定了若干加强驻地协调员制度 的培训方案其中有 些属一般性质的培训方案,而另一些则具体针对如下职能,诸 如:对首次委任的驻地协调员进行上岗培训、针对驻地协调员的在职情况简介、依胜任能 力的绩效评定、团队建设、联合国改革和国别方案编制程序培训,以及联 发援框架战略规划务虚会。
UNDG has developed several training programmes
with support from the
[...] United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) to strengthen the RC system; some of them are of a general nature and others specific to the function, such as: induction training for first-time RCs, in-service briefings for RCs, competency-based [...]
training for
performance appraisal, team-building, United Nations reform and country programming processes and UNDAF strategic planning retreats.
执行此项核查的咨询员在其此前为工发组织开展的 类似活动中显示其胜任能力。
The consultant who carried out the verification has demonstrated his competence in earlier exercises of a similar nature for UNIDO.
土著人口构成如下:曾经居住在一个国家当前全部或部分领土内的人民的现 存后裔,当时来自世界其他地方的人 不 同 文 化或种族到来之后 胜其 祖先 并通过征服、定居或其他手段,使他们陷入非主导地位或殖民地状况;那些 更多的是按照特殊社会、经济、文化习俗和传统而不是按照他们成其一部分 [...]
Indigenous populations are composed of the existing descendants of the peoples who inhabited the present territory of a country wholly or partially at the time when persons or a different culture or
ethnic origin arrived
[...] there from other parts of the world, overcame them and, by conquest, settlement or other means, reduced [...]
them to a non-dominant
or colonial condition; who today live more in conformity with their particular social, economic and cultural customs and traditions than with the institutions of the country of which they now form part, under a State structure which incorporates mainly the national, social and cultural characteristics of other segments of the population which are predominant.17 19.
其理解对有移民背景的儿童优先进行挪威语教育,但同时也鼓励挪 威应当强调胜任的 语言教师开展母语教育。
Turkey, while understanding the priority given to Norwegian language education for children with an immigrant background, encouraged [...]
Norway to put an
emphasis on mother-tongue education by competent language teachers.
宪法》还规定不得制定有 违第9条的精神的法律,但是它规定了可能需要采取合理行动的情形:出于国防、 公共秩序、公众安全、公共道德或公共健康的需要;为保护他人的权利和自由, 包括在没有任何扰其他宗教信徒 不 当 行为的情况下信奉和实践任何宗教的 权利。
The Constitution further safeguards against the promulgation of laws contrary to the spirit of article 9; however, it identifies instances in which reasonable action may be required: in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health; or, for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms of other persons, including the right to observe and practise any religion without the unsolicited intervention of members of any other religion.
劳工。第三,各项劳工组织法律文书引起的报告义务对摩纳哥这样的国不胜繁琐 ,它无力切实和有效履行这些义务。
Thirdly, the reporting obligations resulting from the various ILO legal
instruments were too onerous for a State like
[...] Monaco, which would not be in a position [...]
to respect these obligations with diligence and efficiency.
其结 论不能是事先作出的判断不得干 扰其 工 作
Its conclusions must not be prejudged, and there must be no interference with its work.
因此,双方一致同意,本协定之任何规定 不 得 解 释为要求双方中的任一方提供 机密信息,因为在拥有此类信息的一方看来,这样做会削弱其任何成员或任何向其提 供机密信息者的的信任,或是会 扰其 活 动 的顺利进行。
They therefore agree that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring either of them to furnish such information as would, in the judgement of the Party possessing the information, constitute a violation of the confidence of any of its Members or anyone from whom it has received such information or otherwise interfere with the orderly conduct of its operations.
熟练技师可以不打扰其他工 作的情况下,迅速开展回收工作。
Skilled technicians can do recovery practice quickly
[...] without any disturbance of other works.
罗姆尼对佛罗里达州桑福德市(Sanford)的支持者表示:"如果你们相信我们能做得更好,如果你们相信美国应该走上更好的道路,如果你们已经厌倦 不胜其 烦 ,那 麽我请求你们为真正的改变而投票.
Romney on Sanford Florida ( Sanford ) supporters said: " if you believe that we can do better, if you believe that the United States should go on the road better, if you are tired to be pestered beyond endurance, so I ask you to really change and vote
仲裁庭应当确保非争议方的提交材 不扰 乱 程 序或对任何一方造成不适当 的负担或不公正的损害,并给予当事双方就非争议方的提交材料发 其意 见的机会。
The Tribunal shall ensure that the non-disputing party submission does not disrupt the proceeding or unduly burden or unfairly prejudice either party, and that both parties [...]
are given an opportunity
to present their observations on the non-disputing party submission.
地(居住地)的劳动监察员许可,可以要求 15-17 岁和没有义务上学的未成年人在
[...] 晚上 23:00 之前从事文化、体育或广告领域的创造活动,如果是参加表演艺术 机构的艺术活动,则可以在晚上 24:00 之前,条件是工作不得损害未成年人的 健康、安全、发育或道德,不得干 扰 未 成 年人的学习。
Exceptionally, with the permission of a labour inspector of the location (residence) of the employer, minors who are 15–17 years of age and not subject to the obligation to attend school may be required to work as persons engaged in creative activities in the areas of culture, sport or advertising during night time until 23.00 or, in the event of participation in the artistic activities of performing arts institutions, during night time until 24.00
on condition that the
[...] work does not harm the health, safety, development or morality of minors or interfere with their studies.




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