

单词 不耐烦地

See also:


patient (not impatient)

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,我呼籲各位尊重說實話的人,尤其是中小企業對最低工資不同聲,並希望他們要耐性和人 性 地 聆 聽 及理解企業的困難和需 要。
Therefore, I call on Members to respect the views on the minimum wage expressed by people who tell the
truth, particular SMEs,
[...] and I hope they will have the patience and rationality to listen to and understand [...]
the difficulties and needs of enterprises.
豆去医院检查后,让他的手停留在一个茶壶,但在等待轮到他变 不耐烦。
Bean has to go to hospital after getting his hand stuck in a
[...] teapot, but becomes impatient while waiting [...]
his turn.
现在所提供的这种车辆数目满不了 观 察团的需求, 尤其是要前往烦地点时
The number of such vehicles currently
[...] available does not satisfy the needs of the Mission, particularly for transportation into trouble spots.
当务之急是避不耐烦情绪 的爆发,并把 它转化为希望的源泉。
It is imperative to defuse the
[...] outbreaks of impatience and convert them [...]
into sources of hope.
[...] 次,只有真相才会胜出,因为在重建工作被迫等待时, 长期的等待可能导不耐烦并带 来伤害。
But, once again, truth alone must prevail, because when reconstruction is left to wait, the long
[...] wait can lead to impatience and bring harm.
通过免提,您可以确切地选择:什么时候想要自己动手管理您的智能手机,什么时候想要快速轻 地 访 问 电话、歌曲和多媒体 不 用 任 何线缆,没有任何 烦。
By going hands free, you choose exactly when you want to manage your smartphone hands-on and when you want quick and easy access to your calls, songs and media without any wires or hassle.
因为不厌其烦地在国 内谈这 一问题,经常直言不讳地呼吁选民不要把选票浪费在 新的、较小的政党身上,因此不能博得新政治家们的 好感。
Because I have
[...] spoken ad nauseam in my country about this issue, I have not earned the [...]
sympathy of the aspiring politicians
with my frequent blunt appeal to voters not to waste their votes on the new, smaller political parties.
但当国家本身蓄意和专地造成当时呼吁它予以 保护和援助的本国人民流离失所时,这个问题就变得特别令 烦 恼 不 堪。
This issue becomes particularly vexing when the State itself deliberately and arbitrarily displaced the very people it is then called upon to protect and assist.
到 那时,我们期望已经克服了现时广泛存在于人们意识中的负面形象,建立起一个 民主制度,在这个制度下,人民自 地 推 选 自己的政府 不 用 历尽 麻 烦 就 能得到 政府的服务,过上免于恐惧和不容忍、有尊严的生活;每个公民都能获得社会公 正、环境保护、人权和平等机会;法治和良政蓬勃发展。
By that time, overcoming the prevailing negative images, we envision a democratic system where people choose their government freely and get services from it without hassle, enjoy freedom from fear and intolerance, live with dignity; where every citizen is assured of social justice, environmental protection, human rights and equal opportunities; and where the rule of law and good governance flourish.
他一不厌其烦地给 Dina 买图画书,但她常常把这些书撕掉。
He never got impatient with buying Dina picture books, which she used to tear apart.
我 呼吁达尔富尔人民要表现耐心,而 不 论 当 地 的 状 况有多困难,并呼吁达尔富尔 所有领导人再次承诺支持和平进程的迅速完成。
I call upon the people
[...] of Darfur to exercise patience, however difficult in [...]
the face of the conditions on the ground, and
on all Darfurian leaders to recommit themselves to supporting the speedy conclusion of the peace process.
[...] [...] 假髮2)24小時在線(旺旺24小時在線)QQ:418429684旺旺在線手機在線手機在線旺旺在線(金鵬假髮1)QQ:932685227旺旺在線手機在線手機在線旺旺在線(金鵬假髮3)(工廠)電話:( 0)15265263453MSN:jp663398@126.com旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線旺旺在線手機在線E-mail---jp663398@126.com原料產地:日本卡尼卡倫 公司高溫絲原料地:韓國耐150度 -200度高溫是指工廠用烤箱恆溫定型效果較好,(注意):電卷 不 容 易 上卷要時間長一點才可以。
Beijing Photography Equipment City No. 365, 3rd Floor, Tel :86-010-88,140,095 Jinpeng wig store shop in Suzhou: Suzhou Tiger Rose Tin 59 Jinpeng wig shop Tel :86-0512-67043348QQ: 100 663 398 Want Want Online phone line phone line Want online (Jinpeng wig 2) 24 hours (24 hours Want Online) QQ: 418 429 684 Want Want Online phone line phone online Want online (the Jinpeng wig 1) QQ: 932 685 227 Want Want Online phone line phone line Want online (Jinpeng wig 3) (factory) Tel: ( 0) 15265263453MSN: jp663398@126.com Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Online Want online phone the online E-mail---jp663398@126.com of raw materials: Japan Carney Karen
temperature wire
[...] material origin: South Korea resistant to 150 degrees -200 degrees high temperature refers to the factory with the oven thermostat setting effect is better (Note): curling is not easy on the [...]
volume to be a long time before I can.
不耐烦情绪的表现是,越来越多的 人认为,如果以色列和巴勒斯坦不能达成协议,那么 [...]
外界或者其他可能发挥作用的力量将别无选择,只能 迫使双方接受和平。
This impatience is reflected by [...]
the growing view that if Israel and Palestine cannot come to terms, then the outside world
or other forces that may come into play have no choice but to impose peace on them.
其它的症状可能包括:主诉生理症状,比如头痛、胸痛、恶心和腹泻;与家人和朋友相处有问题;行为变化,比如变得脾气暴燥、无缘无故的愤怒或无端哭泣;退化或行为举止不适龄;睡眠模式失调;沟通障碍或个性变化 不耐烦。
Other symptoms may include: physical complaints such as headaches, chest pain, nausea and diarrhea; problems getting along with family and friends; changes in behavior such as developing a short temper, unexplained anger, or crying for no
reason; regression or
[...] behavior that is not age-appropriate; dysfunctional sleeping patterns; difficulty communicating or personality changes; impatience.
首先,我要告诫各位提防许多关于伊拉克的讨论 和报告中常有的怀疑态度不耐烦情 绪
First, I would like to caution against the persistent
[...] skepticism and impatience that characterize [...]
much of the discourse and reporting on Iraq.
然而,对身处国家中地带的 缅甸人民来说,冲突是眼不见、 不烦。
But for most Burmans in the centre of the country, the conflicts were out of sight and out of mind.
(e) 过去15 年里,我不厌其烦地一再 重申,本会议是为谈判而设,不单 单是为了讨论裁军议题。
(e) Over the past 15 years we have
[...] repeated ad nauseam that the Conference was set up to negotiate, not simply to discuss disarmament topics; nevertheless, we have devoted [...]
ourselves, year after
year, to debating the programme of work as the central issue.
瓦克环保专员 Koreen Lail女不厌其烦地通过 各种直观实例向员工讲述 如何回收利用材料,怎样给废物分类和减少废物量。
This award recognizes Siltronic’s recycling and waste reduction accomplishments. Siltronic’s
Koreen Lail (environmental
[...] coordinator) regularly explains to employees how everyone [...]
can help the environment by reusing
materials and by separating and reducing waste.
人人皆知, 在安全理事会最近一次开会后(见S/PV.6810),一 些常任理事国不可耐地宣布 ,特使的使命已失去 意义,并表示它们将立即寻求采取安全理事会以外 的手段,来推翻叙利亚政府。
It is not a hidden fact that, after the recent meeting of the Security Council (see S/PV.6810), some permanent members rushed to pronounce the mission of the Special Envoy as dead and indicated that they would immediately pursue other means than the Security Council to overthrow the Government in Syria.
我们再次要求:结束使两个邻国持续陷于紧张状态和 在整个加勒地区产生关切烦恼和 不 安 的 封锁。
We call once again for the end to an embargo that has preserved a state of tension between two neighbouring countries and generated concern, disquiet and discomfort throughout the Caribbean.
我会在这个讲台不 厌其烦地重复 这一点:我们生活在二十一世纪。
I will not tire of repeating this from this [...]
rostrum: We are living in the twenty-first century.
我们过去这样说 过,但不厌其烦地重复这一点。
We have said this before, but will never tire of repeating it.
在过去 3 年中,一些国家的暴力似乎 显示,贩运毒品收入已经为年纪轻 不耐烦 的 一 代军官和社会团体提供了极其诱 人的捷径,而他们则感到被剥夺了其在犯罪市场收入中的公平份额。
Violence in some countries in the last three years seems to demonstrate that drug
trafficking revenues already
[...] offer a highly tempting fast track for a younger, impatient generation of [...]
military officers or social
groups that feel deprived of their fair share of criminal market revenues.
( 见上文第11-14段) ,不承认他 们是境内流离失所者,有时甚不厌 其 烦地 将 他们改称为“流动的弱势人群”、 “迁离住处者”或“境内移徙者”。
The Representative is concerned that there are several States that host large numbers of
internally displaced
[...] persons but do not recognize them as such – sometimes going to great lengths to re-label the [...]
internally displaced
as “mobile and vulnerable populations”, “dislocated people” or “internal migrants” despite international recognition of the description of internally displaced persons in the Guiding Principles (see above, paragraphs 11–14).
在这种情况下,请 允许我建议一种方式,这种方式坚 地 以 耐 心 为 其基础 不 会 因 为过早作出判断 和宣布而离开原定进程;它扎根于对当前现实的根源和各方面进行的深入评估”。
In this context, allow me to humbly suggest an approach
[...] that is firmly anchored on patience; that is not derailed by [...]
premature judgments and pronouncements;
and, that is rooted on a profound assessment of the genesis and dimensions of the prevailing realities.
博纳地板色漆是耐用性 很强的聚氨酯漆,具有出色的覆盖特性,专为木质地板而开发。
Bona Wood
[...] Floor Paint is a durable polyurethane paint [...]
with excellent covering properties, developed specifically for wooden floors.
我们希望在下届缔约国大会耐心、 务实和善地审议 这些问题,并要铭记两个关键因素:需要继续 提高国际刑院工作的效力和效率并承诺对国际司法 [...]
作出投资,同时认识到它对和平、共存和人的尊严的 益处大大超过其成本。
We hope that this issue will be
considered at the next Assembly
[...] of States Parties, with patience, realism, goodwill and [...]
keeping in mind two key factors:
the need for continuing improvements in the efficacy and efficiency of the work of the Court, and the commitment to invest in international justice, with the understanding that its benefits for peace, coexistence and human dignity vastly outweigh its costs.
您真的可以带着您的 Solemate 到任地方;耐用的 设计既防尘又防溅。
You really can take your
[...] Solemate anywhere; the durable design is dust and [...]
splash resistant.
視察範圍涵蓋樓宇安全及相關規定(即逃生途徑、門鎖、樓 宇結構規定、照明及通風不可容忍的違例建築工程 耐火 結 構、升降機及殘疾人士洗手間等項目)和消防安全規定(即 [...]
自動/手動火警警報系統、花灑系統、應急照明系統及出口 指示牌等項目)。
The survey covered building safety and related requirements (in terms of their means of escape, locking devices, structural requirement, lighting and ventilation, objectionable unauthorised building works, fire
resistant construction
[...] separation, lifts and accessible toilets, etc.) and fire safety requirements [...]
(in terms of their automatic/manual
fire alarm system, sprinkler system, emergency lighting and exit signs, etc.).
轻质砖具备体积密度小,导热系数低,性能稳定等特点;耐火砖具备耐压抗折强度大,耐火度、荷重软化点高等特点,均可广泛用于冶金、石油、化工、陶瓷、机械、玻璃等行业的各种窑炉、热工设备的隔热层及内衬,可帮您改善劳动条件,减轻设备自重,缩短加热时间,降低热材损耗,节能效果显著的目的, 地耐 火 原 材料资源丰富、种类齐全、质地精良;煤、电、水等能源充足;铁路、公路四通八达,距天津新港仅90公里,有利于及时交货,随着京唐港的建成 不 断 发 展,为我公司的产品直销海外提供了更为便利的条件。
Light brick has small volume density, low thermal conductivity, stable performance,etc; Refractory bricks have compression the flexural strength, refractory degree, softening point higher characteristic, all can be widely used in metallurgy, petroleum, chemical industry, ceramic, machinery, glass and other sectors of the kiln, the thermal insulation layer of thermal technology equipment and lining, can help you improve working conditions, and reduce weight equipment,
shorten the heating time,
[...] lower the heat material loss, remarkable energy saving purpose, local refractory rich raw material resources and complete kinds and top quality; Coal, electricity, water and energy adequate; Railway, the road extends in all directions, only 90 kilometers away from tianjin xingang port, be helpful for timely delivery, along with the development [...]
of jingtang harbor
were built, for my company's product direct sale overseas, provides a more convenient conditions.




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