单词 | 不耐烦 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 耐adj—durableadj resistantadj 耐—patient hardy capable of enduring able tolerate 耐烦adj—impatient 耐烦—patient (not impatient)
(3) 耶稣似乎不耐烦的责备门徒说:「你们也是这样 不明白麽? lordsgrace.ca | (3) Jesus didnot mince with words and rebuked the disciples for being “so dull”. lordsgrace.ca |
就 在被许可起飞後,发动机还在增加推力的同时,塔台又以不耐烦地语 气再次颁发起飞许可,而当时航机已在加 速当中,并未耽误任何时间。 tacare.org.tw | Having been issued with and acknowledged our take-off clearance, the engines were still spooling up when the tower controller re-issued the clearance with a strong tone of impatience. tacare.org.tw |
政府里外的一些新兴及年轻的日本领袖也对那些年老的元老感到不耐烦,因为他们仍垄 断着政坛;这些年轻日本领袖包括: [...] a. 数目日多的政府公务员:他们均是透过公务员考试而得到官职的,并不曾受到元老 的私人提携。 hkahe.com | New, younger Japanese leaders, both in the government and [...] outside it, were impatient withthe domination [...]of the aged genro. hkahe.com |
目前各位若在星期一早晨骑车上路,与众多上班族一同骑车前往伦敦市中心,会出现与夥伴同行的感受,若不小心摔车,其他骑士可能会停下来帮忙;若有汽车驾驶不耐烦超车,各位也可以和其他骑士一起讨论或抱怨,周遭不少人都能感同身受。 thisbigcity.net | For the time being, if you find yourself in the Monday morning peloton of the employed and working heading for central London there is a sense of camaraderie. thisbigcity.net |
(c) 任何相当可能会对吊车系统上的人造成不便或烦扰的 物品,或任何相当可能会损害吊车系统的安全操作的 物品。 np360.com.hk | (c) any object likely to cause inconvenience or annoyanceto any person on the Cable Car System or prejudice the safe operation of the Cable Car System. np360.com.hk |
因此备份整个系统磁碟 (建立磁碟影像)不仅能在电脑遭遇重大灾难时爲您节省大量宝贵时 间,而且让您免受其他麻烦。 seagate.com | So making a backup of your entire system disc (making a disc image) will save you a lot of valuable time in case of a disaster, as well as safeguard you against other possible problems. seagate.com |
家长和玩具爱好者在今年假期无须为制定宠物安排清单而烦恼,也不用对宠物进行再次关照,因为这款玩具在功能、设计、耐用性、安全性以及娱乐价值上都达到了专家认可的最高标准。 tipschina.gov.cn | Parents and gadget-lovers alike neednot fret about making a list and checking it twice this [...] holiday season, for when it comes to function,design, durability, safety,and play value, the toy experts know best. tipschina.gov.cn |
这个构想立意良好,但却不实用,我几乎从一开始就使用,可是在大约三个月前放弃,因为有一回耗费超过一小时,经过九个租借站才找到空位停车,对上班族而言太过麻烦,不过观光客应该会觉得很新鲜。 thisbigcity.net | I used it from nearly day one, but I gave up about three months ago when I hadto go to nine different docking stations before I could park my bike, which took over an hour. thisbigcity.net |