单词 | 不管三七二十一 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不管三七二十一—recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic forecastregardless of the consequencesSee also:三七二十一—the actual situation the facts of the matter three sevens are twenty-one [idiom.] 三不管—unregulated of undetermined status
该等购股权乃由两名分别於二零一零年三月二十日及二零一零 年六月二十七日不再为本集团雇员之承授人所持有,并於期内已失效。 shougang-resources.com.hk | Such share options lapsed during the period. shougang-resources.com.hk |
第六十三次会 议审议了多边基金 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,在对所提议项目作出 若干修订后,执行委员会:认可了 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,同时指出,认可既不表示 对所确定项目的核准,也不表示对其供资金额或吨数的核准;根据缔约方第二十一次会议 的第 XXI/2 号决定,为低消费量国家销毁消耗臭氧物质设立一个金额 300 万美元的窗口; 并决定可以为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第二阶段的活动提供项目编制的资金,并在 2012-2014 年业务计划第一阶段结束前予以列入,以及下一个业务计划的持续时间应仅限于下一个 2012-2014三年期,并包括 2014 年之后的任何多年期供资(第 63/5 号决定)。 multilateralfund.org | The63rd meeting considered the 2011-2014 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund, and after making some amendments to the projects proposed, the Executive Committee endorsed the 2011-2014 consolidated business plan while notingthat endorsement denoted neither approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding or tonnage levels; established a window for ODS destruction for LVC countries, pursuant to decision XXI/2 oftheTwenty-firstMeeting of the Parties, amounting to US $3 million; and decided that the project preparation could be funded for stage II HPMP activities and12 might be included prior to the completion of stage I in business plans for the years 2012-2014 and that the duration of the next business plan should be only for the nexttriennium 2012-2014, and [...] include any multi-year [...]funding after 2014 (decision 63/5). multilateralfund.org |
已 於 二 零零八 年 一 月 一 日 起 开 始 之五年 税 项 豁 免优惠 将 於 二 零 一二年 十 二月三 十 一日完结 , 期间不论武汉 阳 逻 港 获 利 与 否 ; 五 年 税 项 减 半 优 惠 将 於 二 零 一三年 一 月 一 日 起 开 始 至 二零一七年 十 二月三 十 一日完结 , 应 缴 税 项 将 以 12.5 % 计 算 。 cigyangtzeports.com | The 5-YearExemption Entitlement, which commenced on 1 January 2008, will end on 31 December 2012 irrespective of whether WIT is profit-making during this period and the 5-Year 50% Tax Reduction Entitlement will commence from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017 and tax payable will be charged at 12.5%. cigyangtzeports.com |
审核委员会於二零零七/二 零零八年度与本公司的高级管理层及核数师审阅各自的审核发现、本公司采纳的 会计原则及实务、法例及监管规定的遵守,以及财报告事项(包括未审核的季度和中期业绩及截至二零零八年 三月三十一日止 年度的经审核财务报表)。 equitynet.com.hk | For 2007/08, the Audit Committee reviewedwith senior managementand the auditors of the Company their audit findings, the accounting principles and practices adopted by the Company, legaland regulatory compliance,and financial reporting matters (including the unaudited quarterly and interim results [...] and audited financial statements [...]for the year ended 31 March 2008). equitynet.com.hk |
有关本集团扩充计划的详情,请参阅本公司日期为二零一二年三月二十七日的公布内「管理层讨论与分析」一节。 cre8ir.com | For further information regarding the Group’s [...] expansion plans, please refer to [...] the section headed ‘‘Managementdiscussion and analysis’’ of the Company’s announcement dated 27 March 2012. cre8ir.com |
尽管截至二零零七年三月三 十 一日止年 度 的 纸 品 销 售 额 轻 微 下 降2.2%至 3,003,000,000港元,但为 [...] 贵集团所带来的盈利贡献则上升22.7%至约42,300,000港元,此 乃 归功於 贵集团向优质客户销售较优质纸品的策略。 cre8ir.com | Despite the slightdrop of paper product sales by 2.2% to approximately [...] HK$3,003 million for the year ended 31 March 2007, its [...]profit contribution to the Group has increased by 22.7% to approximately HK$42.3 million, being the credit given to the Group’s strategy on selling higher quality products to quality customers. cre8ir.com |
(2) 在法例第 89 条之规限下,除非於股东周年大会举行前发出不少於二 十一(21)日之书面通知表明有意提名他人出任核数师,否则概无人士 符合资格於股东周年大会上获委任为核数师(退任核数师除外),此 外,本公司须向退任核数师寄发有关通知之副本,而有关通知,须於 不少於股东周年大会举行前七(7)日向股东发出,惟以上送递该通告副 本予现任核数师之规定可因退任核数师向秘书发出通知书而豁免。 northmining.com.hk | (2) Subject to Section 89 of the Act, a person, [...] other than a retiring [...] Auditor, shall not becapable of being appointed Auditorat an annual general meeting unless notice in writing of an intention to nominate that person to the office of Auditor has been given not less than twenty-one (21) days before the annual general meeting and furthermore, the Company shall send a copy of any such notice to the retiring Auditor and shall give notice thereof to the Members not less than seven(7) days before [...]the annual general meeting [...]provided that the above requirement for sending a copy of such notice to the incumbent Auditor may be waived by notice in writing by the retiring Auditors to the Secretary. northmining.com.hk |
二、除非根据第六十七条或第七十二条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选 择协议,承运人或海运履约方提起的诉讼寻求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或提 起的其他任何诉讼将剥夺一人根据第六十六条或第六十八条选择诉讼地的权利 的,该承运人或海运履约方应在被告已选择根据第六十六条或第六十八条(两者 以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以 [...] 在该法院重新提起诉讼。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2. Except when thereis anexclusivechoice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, a carrier or a maritime performing party that institutes [...] an action seeking a declaration [...]of non-liability or any other action that would deprive a person of its right to select the forum pursuant to article 66 or 68 shall, at the request of the defendant, withdraw that action once the defendant has chosen a court designated pursuant to article 66 or 68, whichever is applicable, where the action may be recommenced. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行局在其第 171 EX/58 号决定中,决定建议大会第三十三届会 议同意让教科文组织 成为“2007 年蒙特雷世界文化论坛”项目各个阶段活动的主要合作伙伴,并请总干事与论 坛主办者合作拟定关于协作方式的框架协定及行动计划,将其提交给执行局第一七二届会议,同时向该届会议汇报本决定的执行情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By 171 EX/Decision 58, the Executive Board decided to recommend that [...] the General [...] Conference, at its 33rd session, grant approval for UNESCO to be the main partner of the Universal Forum of Cultures – Monterrey 2007, throughout the various phases of the project and invited the Director-General to draw up, in cooperation with the Forum’s organizers, a draft framework agreement on the modalities of the partnership, together with a plan of action, for submission to the Executive Board at its172nd session, and [...]to report to it at that [...]time on the implementation of the above-mentioned decision. unesdoc.unesco.org |
公务员制度委员会在其 2009 年年度报告中指出,它已请 [...] 其秘书处与共同制度下的各组织和养恤基金合作,起草一份关于改变规定离职年 龄的可能性的全面报告,并指出它将在其第七十二届会议上再次讨论这一问题(见 A/64/30,第三章,第 20 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its annual report for 2009, the Commission indicates that it has requested its secretariat, in cooperation with the organizations of the common system and the Pension Fund, to prepare a comprehensive report on the possibility of changing the mandatory [...] age of separation and [...] that it will revert to the issue at its seventy-second session (see A/64/30, chap. III, para. 20). daccess-ods.un.org |
本协定是对执行委员会与中国之间的下列三份 协定的补充: (1)第二十三次会议上关于淘汰哈龙行业的哈龙的协定; (2)第二十七次会议上关于淘汰中国的氟氯化碳生产的协定;以及(3)第三十五次会议上关于淘汰中国 聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业中的各类氟氯化碳的协定,但仍在编制中的两个剩余行业、即计量吸 入器生产淘汰氟氯化碳和药用气雾剂淘汰氟氯化碳的计划不在其例。 multilateralfund.org | This Agreement supplements the Agreements between the Executive Committee and China entered into (1) at the 23rd Meeting for phase-out of halons in the halon sector, (2) at the 27th Meeting for the phase-out of CFC production in China, and (3) at the 35th Meeting for the phase-out of CFCs in the polyurethane foam sector in China. multilateralfund.org |
在 2004 年前六个月,取得的成果有:(a) 通过 2004 年第一期为100 多名来自非洲、加勒比海和中东等七个不同地区参与计划的工作人员举办的讲习班,成果管理制试点培训计划得以落实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the first six months of 2004 the results attained were the [...] following: (a) [...] Implementationof an RBMpilot training programme through workshops offered to more than 100 staff members involved in programming during the first semester 2004 in seven different locations in Africa, the Caribbean and theMiddle East. unesdoc.unesco.org |
大会于 2003 年 10 月通过的第 32 C/39 号决议重申“支持总干事为制定保护耶路撒冷老 城的综合行动计划而在大会第三十一届会议上宣布的措施;就此忆及世界遗产委员会第二十 七届会议作出的决定,请总干事尽早与有关方面合作,成立一个纯技术性质的高水平考察 团,前往耶路撒冷调查耶路撒冷老城及其城墙文化遗产的保存状况,并要求总干事在一年之 内成立一个人员构成公正合理的专家委员会,委托它完全以科学技术为依据,提出该行动计 划的指导方针和实施建议”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Resolution 39 (adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session in October 2003) reiterated “its support for the initiative announced by [...] the Director-General at the 31stsession ofthe General [...] Conference to prepare a comprehensive plan of action to safeguard the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem; in that connection, recalling the decision taken bythe World Heritage Committeeat its27thsession, invited [...]the Director-General [...]to set up, as soon as possible, in cooperation with the concerned parties, a highly qualified and purely technical mission to Jerusalem, concerning the state of conservation of the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls and requested the Director-General to establish, within a year, an equitably composed committee of experts to be entrusted with proposing, on an exclusively scientific and technical basis, guidelines for this plan of action and proposals for its implementation”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会在其第七十一届会议上审议了一份包含新业绩管理框架内容的文件,其中特别 提出关于表彰、激励和奖励措施的建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At its seventy-firstsession, the Commission considered a document containing the elements of anupdated performance management frameworkthat included, [...] inter alia, proposals [...]for recognition, incentives and rewards. unesdoc.unesco.org |
二零零五年上半年来自中国内地业务的营业总额为港币二十七亿一千九 百 万元(二零零四年:上半年为港币二十二亿三千九百万元;全年为港币四十四亿九千六百万元)。 swirepacific.com | Total turnover from Mainland China operations was HK$2,719 million in the first half of 2005 (2004: first half HK$2,239 million; full year HK$4,496 million). swirepacific.com |
於二零零九年六月十六日,Cenith与控股股东订立一份转 让契据(「契据」),据此,Cenith同意将其於日期为二 零零八年三月七日之托管协议、日期为二零 零八年三月 十三日之托管协议补充协议及日期为二零零八年十二 月九日之融资契据所拥有之权益、权利、利益及好处,全数转让予控股股东。 equitynet.com.hk | On 16 June 2009, Cenith and the Controlling Shareholder entered into a deed of [...] assignment (the “Deed”) inwhich Cenith agreedto assign absolutely to the Controlling Shareholder all its interest, title, benefit and advantage in the escrowagreement dated 7 March 2008, the [...]supplemental [...]agreement to the escrow agreement dated 13 March 2008 and the funding deed dated 9 December 2008. equitynet.com.hk |
谭先生 亦担任其他五间香港联交所主板上市公司信星鞋业集团有 限公司(自一九九四年五月起)、中建电讯集团有限公司(自 一 九 九 九年十 二月起)、 首 长 四 方( 集 团 )有 限 公 司( 自 一九九六年二月起)、星光集团有限公司(自二零零四年七月起)及万顺昌集团有限公司(自二零零四年九月起)以及 一间香港联交所创业板上市公司北亚策略控股有限公司(直至二零一三年二月)的独立非执行董事。 westchinacement.com | Mr. Tam also serves as an independent nonexecutive director of five other listed companies on the main [...] board of the HKSE, namely, [...] Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Limited, CCT Telecom Holdings Limited, Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited, Starlite Holdings Limited and Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited since May 1994, December 1999, February 1996, July 2004 and September 2004, respectively, and a listed companyon the GEM board of the HKSE, namely, North Asia Strategic Holdings Limited, till February 2013. westchinacement.com |
(4) 除本章程细则有任何相反的规定,股东在根据本章程细则召开的股 东大会上可以通过普通决议案在某一董事任期届满之前罢免该董事, 不管本章程 细则中或本公司与该董事之间的协议如何规定(但不得影响该董事根据所述协议 向本公司提出的任何损害索偿),惟为了罢免董事而召开的该等大会的通知应当 包含一份关於罢免该董事的意向声明,并且将通知在大会召开之前前十四 (1 4)天 送达该董事,同时在该大会上该董事应有权就罢免动议发言。 coscopac.com.hk | (4) Subject to any provision to the contrary in these Bye-laws the Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Bye-laws, by ordinary resolution remove [...] a Director at any time before theexpiration of his [...] period of office notwithstanding anything inthese Bye-laws or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement) provided that the notice of any such meeting convened for the purpose of removing a Director shall contain a statement of the intention so to do and be served on such Director fourteen (14) days before [...]the meeting and at [...]such meeting such Director shall be entitled to be heard on the motion for his removal. coscopac.com.hk |
(e) 毒品和犯罪问题办公室应与国际麻醉品管制局协商,探讨扩展网上出 口前通知系统,以提供本区域一些国家实施管制但根据 1988 年《联合国禁止非 法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》表一和表 二不受国际管制的前体化学品的进 出口信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) UNODC should explore, in consultation with the International Narcotics Control Board, the expansion of the Pre-Export Notification Online (PEN Online) system to provide a platform for exchange of information on the import and export of precursor chemicals controlled [...] by some States of the [...] region, but not underinternationalcontrol in accordance with Tables I andII ofthe United [...]Nations Convention [...]against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988. daccess-ods.un.org |
还是关于英文本,尽管不涉及 以前文本使用的术语,因为以前文本不曾出现这一术语,但我们认为第二B.3 节的标题使用了一个不恰当的形容词:也许 删除“实质性”一词,该语句可取得同样令人满意的效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Still on the [...] subject of the English version, though not in relation to a term used in the previous texts, since it does not appear in them, we feel that an unfortunate adjective is used in [...]the heading of section [...]II B.3: perhaps the phrase would be equally satisfactory with the deletion of the word “substantive”. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一些国家,一罪不二审原则在下列情形下不适用,罪行被定为国际犯罪, 或国外做出的判决不是基于法院地国的请求(如芬兰),或在犯下罪行的时候,该 行为在两国都无法受到惩罚,而根据国际社会承认的习惯规则和原则,此行为被 认为是刑事犯罪(须经指定主管部门准许)(如斯洛文尼亚)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some countries, doublejeopardy didnot apply where there was a determination that itwas an international crime or where the judgement rendered abroad was not based on a request from the forum State (e.g., Finland) or if, subject to the permission of a designated authority, the act was not punishable in both States at the time an act was committed, it was [...] considered a criminal offence [...]according to the customary rules and principles recognized by the international community (e.g., Slovenia). daccess-ods.un.org |
以对环境友好型社会和创新照明的不懈追求,早在2000年以前,神谷茂先生即预见到,21世纪的前50年里一定会出现更理想的新光源,而这种光源则与电子器件和电子线路的进步密切相关,并预测了两种未来理想新光源,一种是半导体发光二级管,而另一种就是无极放电光源,即无极灯,光效性、显色性都将较传统照明明显提高,且节能耗、无污染。 cn.lvd.cc | In hot pursuit of environment-friendly society and innovative lighting, around the year 2000, Mr. Shen Gumao predicted that a better new illuminant must appear in the early 50 years of the 21st century, which is closely connected with the progress of electron [...] device and electronic circuit; and he also forecasted that there would be two excellent illuminants in thefuture, one of them, the semiconductor LED, and the other one, electrodeless discharge illuminant, namely induction lamp, whose lighting effect and color rendering would obviously be increased in comparison with traditional lights and which would be energy-saving and pollution-free. [...] en.lvd.cc |
(1) 准则草案2.6.3 所规定的不考虑到保留的有效性( 或无效性) ,提出反对的自 由,也包括反对条约在提具保留的国家或国际组织与提出反对的国家或国际组织 之间生效的自由,这一可能性源于《维也纳公约》第二十条第四款乙项和第二十 一条第三款,其中规定了这种效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | (1) The freedom to [...] make objections irrespective of the permissibility (or impermissibility) of the reservation, as set out in guideline 2.6.3, also encompasses the freedom to oppose the entry into force of the treaty as between the reserving State or international organization, on the one hand, and the author of the objection, on the other. daccess-ods.un.org |
决定 决定 决定 决定接下来在其第七十二届会议上考虑到秘书长在第六十六届至第七十二届会议之间收到的有意加入为成员的新的表示,大会以往的各项决议,并酌 情考虑到秘书长关于科学委员会的所有报告,以及公平地域分配原则和确保科学 委员会工作效率和质量的必要性,考虑对增加科学委员会成员的可能性进行审 查,以便在第七十三届会议上确定可能进一步增加成员的程序,并请秘书长将此 程序及时告知所有会员国。 daccess-ods.un.org | to next consider reviewing the possible increase in the membership of the [...] Scientific Committee at [...] its seventy-second session, taking into account new expressions of interest in membership received by the Secretary-General between the sixty-sixth and seventy-second sessions of the General Assembly, all previous resolutions of the Assembly and, as appropriate, all relevant reports of the Secretary-General on the Scientific Committee as well as the principle of equitable geographical distribution and the need to ensure the effectiveness and the quality of work of the Scientific Committee, with a view to establishing a procedure at the seventy-thirdsession for the possiblefurther increase [...]in the membership, [...]and requests the Secretary-General to duly inform all Member States about this procedure. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如, 一名士兵指出,他的部队接到的指示是,进入任何住 宅后,看到任何人,不问三七二十一立即开枪,理由 是任何留在加沙的人都是恐怖分子。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, one soldier stated that instructions to his unit were, upon entering any house, to start shooting indiscriminately against anyoneon the grounds that anyone remaining in Gaza was a terrorist. daccess-ods.un.org |