

单词 不禁



unable restrain emotions
cannot help


unable restrain a smile
cannot help laughing


can't help it
can't bear it

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

如果 劳动监察员确定此项工不禁止未 成年人做,工作条件也符合法律要求,劳动监 察员就可以签发雇用未成年人的同意书。
If the labour inspector ascertains that
[...] the work is not prohibited for a minor and [...]
that the working conditions are in accordance
with the legal requirements, the labour inspector may issue a consent to employ the minor.
提交不禁想知 道,为何 在某一个阶段,她可以被视为受害者,而在稍后阶段,却不许她行使自己的权 利。
The author wonders how, at one stage of the proceeding she can be considered a victim and at a later stage be barred from exercising her rights.
但与专利权不同的是,著作权原则上保护的是思想的表现形式,而非思想本 身,著作不禁止别 人对同一思想的使用。
But, unlike patents, copyright in principle protects the expression of ideas, and not the ideas as such, which may be used by others.
不过,波 兰法律不禁止一 人有限责任公司持有另一 个有限责任公司100%的股份。
[...] Polish law does not prohibit the holding of [...]
100% of shares in an LLC by another single-shareholder LLC.
[...] 条款,确保与《公约》相关的直接和间接转让仅在预定用途是为了《公约》不 禁止的目的才予批准。
The Conference calls for appropriate measures, including effective national export controls, by all States Parties to implement this Article, in order to ensure that direct and indirect transfers relevant to the Convention, to
any recipient whatsoever, are authorized only when the intended use is
[...] for purposes not prohibited under the Convention.
當我們知道醫院管理局轄㆘所有員工優厚 的薪酬和福利,佔總開支的八成時,我 不禁 驚 訝 ,而且懷疑醫管局的服務對象,究 竟得到多少權益保障,尤其是在膳食和借助先進儀器及藥物以減少身心痛苦方面。
We further wondered to what extent the rights of the clients of the Hospital Authority were being protected, particularly in such areas as meals, advanced equipment and medicine which could alleviate the physical and psychological sufferings of the patients.
(iv) 如在任何認股權證所代表的認購權獲行使後,認
購權儲備進賬金額不足以繳足該行使權利之認股 權證持有人可享有的相當於上述差額的額外股份
[...] 面值,董事會須運用當時或其後可供此用途的任 何利潤或儲備(在法律准許不禁止 範圍內,包 括股份溢價賬),直至該等額外股份面額已繳足 [...]
及如上所述配發為止,在此之前,當時己發行之 本公司繳足股份將不會獲得派付或作出任何股息 或其他分派。
(iv) if upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Right Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such shortfall as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Directors shall apply any profits or reserves then or thereafter
becoming available (including, to the
[...] extent permitted or not prohibited by law, share premium [...]
account) for such purpose until
such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue.
古巴、埃及、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和牙买加在各自的单独说明中提出类似主张, 认为国际法不禁止死刑。
In their separate notes, Cuba, Egypt, the Islamic Republic
of Iran and Jamaica provided similar arguments and opined that the
[...] international law does not prohibit the death penalty.
报刊法》不禁止言 论自由,而且有适当渠道让人民表达见 解或观点。
The Newspaper Act did not prohibit the freedom of [...]
expression, and appropriate channels existed for people to express their opinions or views.
不禁令人 关切,因为 限制服务提供方为用户行为而承担的责任可能会影响到服务提供方对网上犯罪 调查工作给予的合作和支持,也会影响到对网上犯罪的实际预防。
This raises some concerns, as imposing or limiting the liability of service providers for acts committed by their users could have an impact on the cooperation and support of the service providers for cybercrime investigations, as well as on the actual prevention of cybercrime.
有鉴于此不禁要问为什么那些权力治理机构的追加拨款在报告中被当作超过预算成本,而不是例行管理 [...]
In this context it was questioned, [...]
why those additional allocations by sovereign governing bodies were treated in the report
as cost overruns and not as routine management matter.
[...] 況下,以及根據該等規定取得所有必需的同意(如有)後,就任何人士而言,倘已向人該名人 士以成文不禁止的 方式,送交按適用法律及規例所規定形式載有所規定資料而摘錄自本公司 [...]
本公司年度財務報表及有關的董事會報告的人士,如有需要,可向本公司送達書面通知,要求 本公司除向其寄發財務報表概要外,另行寄發一份完整的本公司年度財務報表及有關的董事會 報告印刷本。
Subject to due compliance with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements of Article 149 shall be deemed satisfied in relation to
any person by sending to the person
[...] in any manner not prohibited by the Statutes, [...]
summarised financial statements derived
from the Company’s annual accounts and the directors’ report which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the annual financial statements of the Company and the directors’ report thereon may, if he so requires by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to summarised financial statements, a complete printed copy of the Company’s annual financial statement and the directors’ report thereon.
然而,大多数议员缺乏经验和知识,立法程序效率 低下,议会制定的立法议程过于雄心勃勃,立法的 决策速度过快,这一切不禁让人 深深质疑将来立 法的效力,第 V 章将专门就此展开讨论。
Nevertheless, the lack of experience and knowledge of most legislators, inefficient procedural rules, the very ambitious legislative agenda that is being pursued and the speed with which legislative decisions are being taken all raise profound questions about the effectiveness of lawmaking going forward, as discussed in Section V below.
在这种情况下,严格来说,它 似不禁止保 留,如果某一个国家提出保留,从逻辑上讲,其他各方应该对它提 出反对。
In a case of this type, it could seem that
[...] reservations are not strictly speaking prohibited, but that if a [...]
State formulates a reservation,
the other Parties should, logically, object to it.
[...] 住在科索沃,而塞族却没有住在那里,使 不禁要 提 出一个简单的问题:在战争期间被杀的 [...]
12 000 至 15 000 名阿族人是否真正仍然住在科索沃?
I say this with reluctance, but to say
that all Albanians are still living in
[...] Kosovo but Serbs are not begs the simple [...]
question: Are the 12,000 to 15,000 Albanians
who were killed during the war really still living in Kosovo?
(cc) 緊隨有關行使後,須全數繳足新增股份面額的認購權 儲備進賬額應予以資本化,用於全數繳足須隨即向可 行使認股權證持有人分配並入賬列作繳足股款的股 份的該等新增面額;及 (iv) 倘任何認股權證所指的認購權獲行使時,認購權儲備的進 賬額不足以全數繳足可行使認股權證持有人有權獲得相 等於上述該等差額的新增股份面額,則董事應運用當時或 其後成為可供作此用途的任何溢利或儲備(以法律准許不禁止者 為限,包括股份溢價賬),直至繳足該等新增股 份面額及按上述分配為止,在此之前,不得就當時本公司 已發行繳足股份支付或作出股息或其他分派。
(iv) if upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Right Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such shortfall as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Directors shall apply any profits or reserves then or thereafter becoming available (including, to the extent permitted or not prohibited by law, share premium account) for such purpose until such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue.
虽然我知道在博彩界永远不要恣意妄为,但我还 不禁 想 到 希腊在2012年欧洲杯中的积极表现,另一方面是对其对手的了解。
While I know the heart should never rule the head in the betting world I can’t help but think but view the positives Greece showed in Euro 2012, the side is well established and know each other.
第 4條亦將新的第(4A)款加入主體規例第16條,訂明如有為施
[...] 行新的第15A條而批給的許可證正就任何指明船隻有效,則主體規例第 16(4)條不禁止任何人將該船隻帶入海岸公園,或在海岸公園內駕駛 [...]
Section 4 also adds a new subsection (4A) to section 16 of the principal Regulation to provide
that section 16(4) of the principal
[...] Regulation does not prohibit a person from [...]
bringing into, or navigating or causing to
be navigated within, a marine park any specified vessel if there is in force in respect of the vessel a permit granted for the purpose of the new section 15A.
在新庄朋友家的日子,看到许多被烧伤的人踉踉跄跄地走着的情景,我自己也 不禁伤 心流泪,只好闭上眼睛不看。
Since I couldn‘t keep from crying at the sight of these people, I shut my
[...] eyes in an effort not to see them.
登記人員通常不應請求此類型的披露, 因為它並不包含登記人員有權獲得的所有資訊 (但不禁止登記人員這樣做)。
Registered persons should not normally request type of disclosure
because it does not contain all the information to which they are entitled
[...] (but they are not prohibited from doing so).
但是,在法律诉讼完成之前,这 不禁 止 希 腊主管部 门为新的合同开展初步的准备工作。
This, however, has not prohibited the Greek authorities [...]
from preparing the preliminary groundwork for a new contract, pending
the completion of the legal proceedings.
虽然国际法不禁止拘 留违反了某个国家的刑法或移徙法的个 人,各国还是应当确保本国法律符合国际法,各种 [...]
[...] international law did not prohibit the detention of [...]
persons who had violated a country’s immigration or criminal
laws, States must enforce such laws in a manner consistent with international law, including as parties to human rights treaties.
倘股票損毀、遺失或毀壞,可於支付董事會不時決定的有關費用(如有) (倘為任何於香港證券交易所上市的股本,則不超過 2.50
[...] 港元或不超過香 港有關證券交易所規則可能允許 不禁 止 的 有關其他款額,而倘為任何其他 股本,則為董事會可能不時決定為合理並以有關股東名冊存置的地區的貨幣 [...]
符合有關刊登通告、憑證及董事會認為適當的賠償保證的條款及條件(如 有);而於磨損或損毀的情況下,則須交回舊股票後,方可更換新股票。
If a share certificate is defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be replaced on payment of such fee, if any, (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, HK$2.50 or
such other sum as may from time to time
[...] be allowed or not prohibited under the rules [...]
of the relevant stock exchange in Hong
Kong, and, in the case of any other capital, such sum in such currency as the Directors may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situated, or such other sum as the Company may by Ordinary Resolution determine) as the Directors shall from time to time determine and on such terms and conditions, if any, as to publication of notices, evidence and indemnity as the Directors think fit and in the case of wearing out or defacement, after delivery up of the old certificate.
(B) 除非由本公司於股東大會上批准,否則本公司不得就董
[...] 事或任何其聯繫人的任何貸款作出任何貸款、擔保、彌 償保證或抵押,惟本細則不禁止授出任何貸款或提供 任何擔保、彌償保證或抵押
(B) Except with the approval of, or ratified by, the Company in general meeting, the Company may not make any loans to, or provide any guarantee, indemnity or security in respect of any loan to a Director or
any of his associates, provided that this
[...] Article does not prohibit the granting of [...]
any loan or the provision of any guarantee, indemnity or security
本段的规定不禁止为使运动员、学生、或其他人 员了解反兴奋剂计划和禁用物质或方法的培训而进行授课。
This paragraph does not prohibit presentations [...]
to educate Athletes, students, or others concerning anti-doping programs
and Prohibited Substances or Methods.
20 现如今企业可能要在时间和金钱上付出相当大的成本才能谨防自己的 研究侵犯他人专利并保护自己的专利, 不禁 令 人 深思,专利制度带来的益处一定要花这 么巨大的代价吗?
20 Companies may now incur considerable costs, in time and money, determining how to do research without infringing other companies’ patent rights, or defending their own patent rights against other companies.
尽管如此,黎巴嫩不禁要欢迎安全理事会目前 在保护冲突和战争局势中的平民——尤其是妇女和 儿童——以及在确保遵守国际人道主义法的规则方 面所发挥的作用。
Despite all this, Lebanon cannot help but welcome the role that the Security Council is currently playing in the protection of civilians in conflict and war situations, especially women and children, and in ensuring compliance with the rules of international humanitarian law.
[...] 面,推荐做法、双边协议和一般最佳做法都规定,欧盟和美国有关机构可分享各 自法不禁止分 享的任何情报,并且每个机构必须对从对方收到的情报加以保 密。
In relation to the exchange of information, recommendations, bilateral agreements and general best practice stipulate that EC and United States
authorities can share any information that
[...] their laws do not prohibit them from sharing [...]
and that each authority must maintain
the confidentiality of information received from the other.
樂隊淋漓的樂器演奏和獨特的編曲,加上Dan和Spencer放任的歌唱,結合成一種宛若未經琢磨的聲音,讓我每次聽著的時候 不禁 懷 疑 :「下次再播放這張唱片,曲子還會是同一個模樣嗎?
The performance of the band with unique arrangement, topped with the indulging vocals of Dan and Spencer forms such a raw sound that makes me wonder if the songs would ever sound the same next time round.




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