单词 | 不知所措 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不知所措—not knowing what do (idiom); at one's wits' endless common: embarrassed and at a complete loss 不知所措noun—confusionnExamples:不知所措的adj—lostadj 使不知所措adj—overwhelmedadj 令人不知所措的adj—overwhelmingadj See also:不知—unaware unknowingly fig. not admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc) 所知—known what one knows 不知adj—not knowadj
尽管我们不时 地听到世界各地爆发暴力行为,我们或许正经历着一场风暴来临之前的寂静,这 场风暴的破坏程度可能会为使我们不知所措。 daccess-ods.un.org | In spite of the news of sporadic violent outbursts around the world, we are experiencing, perhaps, the calm before the storm, one whosedevastation could overwhelm us. daccess-ods.un.org |
员工可能会感到紧张和不知所措,试图尽力应付所有这些渠道并仍然有效地工作。 jabra.cn | Employees can feel stressed and overwhelmed trying to juggle all these channels and still work effectively. jabra.com |
但是,您需要了解自己的市场薪资情况,防止万一提及具体薪资要求或范围而不知所措。 robertwalters.cn | You should however, know your marketvalue and [...] be prepared to specify your required salary or range. robertwalters.com.tw |
据评估,下降的原因可归结于多 种因素,包括恶劣的天气条件、阿富汗和国际部队开展的成功努力,诸如加大逮 捕和收缴藏匿武器的力度,一些塔利班领导人采取的在政治上更娴熟的姿态,战 斗人员对和平谈判和国际部队即将缩编的相关报导不知所措等。 daccess-ods.un.org | This decrease in incidents is assessed as the result of a number of factors, including poor weather conditions, successful efforts by Afghan and international forces, such as increased arrests and cache finds, the more political posture adopted by some Taliban leaders and the uncertainty of fighters over reports of peace talks and the upcoming international military drawdown. daccess-ods.un.org |
车里的其他人受袭击惊吓不知所措是可以理解的,但作为车里的主要 安保专业人员,人们本期待他在这个关键的时刻发挥领导作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is understandable that others in the [...] vehicle would be overwhelmed bythe shock of [...]the attack, but as the lead security professional [...]in the vehicle, he would have been expected to provide leadership at that critical moment. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,如果国家政 治领导层软弱、分裂或不知所措,缺乏有效保护人民的能力,或面临威胁实施或 正在实施与保护责任有关的犯罪和侵害行为的武装反对派,第二支柱的措施便可 以在国际社会履行保护责任方面发挥重要作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, when national political leadership is weak, divided or uncertain about how toproceed,lacks the capacity to protect its population effectively, or faces an armed opposition that is threatening or committing crimes and violations relating to the responsibility to protect, measures under pillar two could play a critical role in the international implementation of the responsibility to protect. daccess-ods.un.org |
她设立了24小时专线电话,接听不知所措的年轻孕妇打来的求助电话。 clarinsusa.com | A 24-hour/day hotline takes calls from distressed young women who are [...] pregnantand donotknow howto handle their [...]situation. clarinsusa.com |
否则,广大会员国会不知 所措,而且也不会有机会,就决议草案 A/64/L.67 的 内容及其对联合国职能和完整性的广泛影响达到可 以接受的共同理解水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Otherwise, the general membership would be at a loss and there would be no opportunity to develop an acceptable level of common understanding on the content of draft resolution A/64/L.67, or on its broad implications for the functioning and integrity of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一场面吸引了附近的许多村民来围观,村民们议论纷纷,不断地打量着这辆奇特的车以及车上不知所措的乘客。 voith.com | The spectacle attracts many onlookers from the village, nosily inspecting the unusual vehicle and its perplexed passengers. voith.com |
由于巨大的在线信息量可能会让您的客户不知所措,特别是如果他们对于互联网并不精通时更是如此。 providesupport.cn | The enormous amount of information available online can overwhelm your customers, especially if they are not experiencedwith the Internet. providesupport.com |
我当时有点不知所措,幸好隔壁的Hans,镇定地向柜台人员了解究竟。 4tern.com | Luckily, Hans who was beside me, asked for solutions. 4tern.com |