

单词 不瞅不睬

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External sources (not reviewed)

Unfortunately, our Government is still adopting an attitude of indifference.
我们向“ 财爷” 提出的建议,每项均和预算案有关,他不瞅不 睬括在2009年时,当时陈家强也在场,我们要求他“派钱”,6,000 元强积金,给我们现金,不要顾左右而言他,然後再多给5,000元, 记得吗?
Each and every proposal that we made to the Financial Secretaryis related to the Budget but he simply pays no attention tous. An example is that in 2009 ― K C CHAN was there too ― we asked him to hand out cash to the people and pay out the $6,000 MPF injections in cash, and we asked him not to beat about the bush and evade the core issue, and we further asked for the provision of an additional $5,000.
有许多建议,是明知一些 议员、政党和团体是会支持的,因为大家都希望调校和处理一下贫富悬殊的 问题,改变我们向有钱人倾斜的政策,但政府完不瞅不睬天还坐在这 里说我们没有处理过、没有谈过、没有共识等。
There are many proposals obviously supported by some Members, political parties and groups, because we all wish to adjust and address the wealth disparity between the rich and the poor and change the policies which are biased towards the wealthy people, but the Government has adopted an attitude of indifference.
我 希 望 透过这 项 修 正 案 , 表达议员对 政 府 拖 延 的 愤怒, 亦向政 府 清 楚 表 明,我们 不 会 因为官 员 无须向市民 问 责 , 以 致 选择性地 对各方不 满视而不见 、 听 而不 闻不瞅 不 睬便会 就 此 罢 休 。
I hope that this amendment could reveal Members' fury at the procrastination of the Government and tell the Government in clear terms that even though the officials are not accountable to the public, such that they can choose to deal with the discontent of different groups selectively, to look without seeing, to hear without listening and to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear, we will notallow this matter tobe dropped.
李卓人议员: 代 理主席,对 於 司徒华议员今 天的议案 , 除了自由 党 、 民 主 党 和前 之外, 其他政 党 ,例如港进 联 、 民 建 联 、 工 联 会 和 新 世 纪 论 坛 , 今 天 是否真 的 打不 瞅不睬呢?
I am not sure whether or not other parties such as the Hong Kong Progressive Alliance, the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong, the Federation of Trade Unions and the New Century Forum are notresponding to the motion or planning to disregard it.
先别说他们只有 27 万人,即使是有 60 万人的观塘区,争取兴建大会堂亦已争取了十多二十年, 但政府仍然不瞅不睬
Leaving aside the fact that there are only 270 000 people there as opposed to some 600 000 people in Kwun Tong, residents in Kwun Tong have been fighting for a town hall for almost two decades, and thereis still noresponse from the Government.
法庭对他的受酷刑的指根 本没有进行审查。
The court simply ignored his allegations of torture, without examining them.
但是,很可惜,我看到当这只异形越长越大, 变成异形加异形,超级异形的时候,它根
Unfortunately, just as we are witnessing this alien growing bigger and bigger, just as it is becoming a king of the aliens, a super-alien, it is simply giving us a cold shoulder.
他还报告,各部多其提出的资料要 求。
Furthermore, he reports that his requests [...]
to the Ministries for information were largely ignored.
如果兼容文件可通过扫描应用程序读取、显示并转换为 PDF 格式, 便可采用这些任务步骤处理位图影像 (TIFF、 JPEG 以及光栅影像 PDF)。
Bitmap images, such as TIFF, JPEG, and raster image PDF’s may be processed by these job steps if the compatible files can be read, displayed, and converted to PDF format by the scanning application.
磁 栅鼓内的特殊形状使其在最高允许转速时 也能保持稳定。
The special shape of the drum’s inside ensures stability even at the maximum permissible speeds.
例如少量的杂散寄生电感 可能导致栅极至源极电压发生较大的过 冲现象,进而有可能损坏器件。
For example, small amounts of stray parasitic inductance can cause large overshoot in the gate-to-source voltage that could potentially damage devices.
如果我们不利用 这个议会压迫政府,政府简
If we do not make use of this Council to press the Government, the Government would simply take no notice of us.
虽然没有收到来自冲突 地区的正式投诉,但有可靠的报道指出,军方仍在下述等活动中蓄意利用强迫劳 动:从事搬运工作、执行哨兵或卫兵的任务、以及从事建造军营安全栅栏等工 作。
Although formal complaints are not received from conflict areas, there are reliable reports on the systematic use of forced labour by the military in such activities as portering, sentry or guard duty and camp security fence construction.
The contour of the bonnet in the area of the headlamps and radiator grille emphasises the V-shape of the front section more heavily than before.
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当我们看到一件完全没有公理、明明引起公愤的事情,而当我们质 问政府,政府,连开会也不准,保皇党的议员更投票反对我们 开会,企图阻挠我们讨论,我们便惟有提出这项议案,根据特权法来要求有 关文件,但他却指这是内耗。
When we come across an incident that is obviously unfair and has aroused public anger, but the Government has turned a deaf ear to us and even prevented us from holding a meeting as Members from the pro-government camp even voted against our proposal to hold a meeting, attempting to stop us from discussing the issue, we have no choice but propose this motion to seek the relevant documents under the legislation on powers and privileges.
格栅的全部操作信号/报警将免费提供(可提供单独的控 制描述或图表)。
All operating signals/alarms for the grate are potential free signals (separate control description or chart can be provided).
本会全心全意甘心接受财政司司长对本 会采不睬不来则来,可不来则不来 的态度并致以热烈鼓掌作支持。
That this Council wholeheartedly and willingly accepts and supports with warm applause the Financial Secretary's adopting an attitude of showing a disregard for this Council and choosing whether to come to attend the meetings of this Council at his own will.
Whenever there is the likelihood of causing trouble to the rich, it will desist from
[...] doing anything andwillnot pay any heed.
自从接到实况调查团的建议之后,以色列一取消封锁和停止关 闭进出加沙的过境点的呼吁允许人道主义援助和将加沙的生活水准 恢复到以前状态所需的其他物品及物资过境的呼吁,包括允许用于加沙在 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 1 月以色列军事侵略和封锁造成灾难性影响之后重建和恢复所 必需的物品毫无阻拦地进入以满足巴勒斯坦平民人口日常生活需要的呼吁。
Since receiving the recommendations contained in the report of the FactFinding Mission, Israel has notcomplied with the calls to lift the blockade and to cease the closing of border crossings with Gaza and to allow for the crossing of humanitarian assistance and other supplies and materials needed for the restoration of the standard of living in Gaza to its status quo ante including by allowing for the unfettered entry of goods that are essential for both the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Gaza following the Israeli military aggression in December 2008 and January 2009 and the disastrous impact of the blockade for meeting the daily subsistence needs of the Palestinian civilian population.
[...] 立法会要求减税,但当条例草案通过後,他们便税款放进自己的 口袋,别人也奈他们不何。
The present Government is not a strong one. The alcoholic beverage trade came to the Legislative Council to request a duty
reduction, however, after the passage of the
[...] Bill, they could not care less and pocketed [...]
the savings in duty themselves, yet
there is nothing others can do.
这些形式包括威胁和恐吓行为;施加毫无道理的全面隔 离;关押条件使被拘留者无从知道自己被关在哪里、关了多久;对人实 施假处决;完人或将其带入刑具室,或者将其置于一个可 能产生拘留当局准备实施酷刑的印象的环境。
Those forms include acts involving threats and intimidation; the imposition of total and unjustified isolation; detention in conditions that render the detainee incapable of knowing where he is being held or how long he hasbeen there; subjecting a person to mock execution; and totally neglecting a person or putting him in a place equipped for the infliction of torture or giving the impression that the detention authorities are preparing to inflict torture.
运动主要 针对乡村妇女工人、椰子工人、乡村和栅户区黑人妇女亚马逊妇女、橡胶工人和 农民,它设立文化事务处、举办学校活动、拟订无线电广播和无线电连续剧节目 及教育活动,以期建立一个终止侵犯妇女暴力的团结网。
The campaign, which focuses on women working in rural areas, women coconut workers, black women in rural and quilombo communities, Amazonian women, rubber tree workers and rural dwellers, involves setting up cultural offices, organizing activities in the schools and developing radio programmes, soap operas and educational activities in order to set up a network of support for ending violence against women.
这些器件采用专有环氧氯丙烷材料和四分之一微米凹进栅极工艺技术,可以生产出更高线性度(+48 dBm IP3,在 1 W P-1 dB 无线放大器中)和更低相位噪声(-125 dBc,在 17.5 GHz DRO 条件下发生 100 KHz 偏移时)的额定功率输出从 10 毫瓦至 5 瓦的器件。
These devices employ proprietary epi material and quarter micron recessed gate process technology, which result in highly linear (+48 dBm IP3 in a 1 W P-1 dB Wireless Amp) and low phase noise (-125 dBc @ 100 KHz Offset in a 17.5 GHz DRO) devices with power outputs ranging from 10 milliwatts to 5 watts.
在开发KD33阶梯格栅的过程中,特殊设计了可移动格栅 部分,从而确保了石头及其它磨损成分可以从渠道底部 提起来,同时保证格栅间距恒定。
In connection with the development of Step Screen KD 33, particular care has been taken in connection with the movable screen part to ensure that stones and other abrasive elements are lifted from the channel bottom, and furthermore that the gaps are kept as constant as possible.
叙利亚政府已呼吁联合国、欧洲联盟和国际 政府和非政府组织提供援助,解决那里的严重问题, 但是,像往常一样,以色列根
His Government had appealed to the United Nations, the European Union and international governmental and non-governmental organizations for assistance in resolving the situation but, as usual, Israel had paid no attention.
在2008 年 5月 2日的内务委员会会议上,李柱铭议员曾 动议下述议案,对财政司司长在《2008年拨款 条例草案》二读辩论期间长时间不在席,表示 不满:"本会全心全意甘心接受财政司司长对本 会采不睬不来则来,可不来则不来的态 度并致以热烈鼓掌作支持。
At the HC meeting on 2 May 2008, Mr Martin LEE moved the following motion to express dissatisfaction about the poor attendance of the Financial Secretary during the resumption of the Second Reading debate on the Appropriation Bill 2008: "That this Council wholeheartedly and willingly accepts and supports with warm applause the Financial Secretary's adopting an attitude of showing a disregard for this Council and choosing whether to come to attend the meetings of this Council at his own will.
最后,对南苏丹共和国不断的侵犯活动采取自我克制的苏丹政府敦促尊敬的 理事会要求南苏丹政府立即停止侵犯,并停止向各种反叛运动提供援助,如果南 苏丹政要求,则苏丹共和国政府保留对南方任何侵略作出反应的权 利,以确保其领土安全与完整。
In conclusion, the Government of the Sudan, which exercises self-restraint towards the continued aggression by the Republic of South Sudan, urges the esteemed Council to call on the Government of South Sudan to refrain immediately from its aggression and the assistance it renders to the various rebel movements.




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