

单词 不相称

See also:


mutually compatible

External sources (not reviewed)

但是如果继续保持以往的趋势,这一目标可能无法实现,因为所采取的行 动和承诺的资源同确定的目不相称。
However, if past trends continue, that target may not be reached because the actions taken and the resources committed have not been equal to the objectives set.
在教育计划中,所配备的资源与所确定的有关优先事项 不相称 的 领 域是初等教育,而按照人们的普遍看法,初等 教育是《达喀尔议程》的中心课题。
The most glaring inconsistency between priorities and resources in the Education Programme is in primary education, which is generally regarded as the central item on the Dakar agenda.
他指出,一些指标可能有助于发现结构性歧 视,它们包括:受到攻击或其他犯罪行为侵害的非洲裔人的数量和比例,特别是 当这些罪行是政府官员所为的时候;各自国家内没有或仅有很少数量有关种族歧
[...] 足,以及没有或仅有很少数量对执法官员的申诉;认为该群体犯罪率更高;更严 厉不相称的判 决;关进监狱或预防性拘留的非洲裔人的数量和比例;以及执法 [...]
He pointed out that a number of indicators might be helpful for the detection of structural discrimination, inter alia: the number and percentage of people of African descent who are victims of aggression or other offences, especially when they are committed by State officials; the absence or small number of complaints, prosecution and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination in the respective country; lack or insufficient information on the behaviour of law enforcement officials vis-à-vis people of African descent and lack or small number of complaints against law enforcement
officers; higher crime rates
[...] attributed to that group; harsher or disproportionate sentences; [...]
the number and percentage of
people of African descent held in prison or preventive detention; and insufficient representation of people of African descent among law enforcement officials.
因此,它是武装冲突中某不相称措 施 的一部分,在此情况下,不能认为海 上封锁是相称的。
As such it was part of a single disproportionate measure of armed conflict and as such cannot itself be found proportionate.
就 SRI 所分析的一年(1997 年)来说,毛产量和净 产量的数字是一样的,这很难说明问题,因为其他年份的差额据称都是净产量数字;因 此,根据第 7 条提交的的数字应当与 SRI
[...] 报告和世界银行提出的项目文件中的数据相称, 但多数年份的数据不相称(见附 件一表)。
For the year analyzed by SRI (1997), the figures for gross and net production are the same which is difficult to explain, as are the differences for the other years which are reportedly all net production figures; therefore the figures submitted under Art. 7 should match the data in the SRI
report and the project document presented by the World Bank which for
[...] most years is not the case (see table [...]
in Annex I).
在这种情况下,由于缺乏适当 的空缺职位,相当一部分年轻的专业人员失业或接受与其获得的专业资 不相称 的空缺职位。
In this situation, due to a lack of a proper vacancy, a
considerable part of young professionals become unemployed or take up
[...] vacancies which do not correspond to the obtained [...]
世卫组织报告说资金已经增加,包括通过私营部 门和民间社会的参与,虽然这令我们感到鼓舞,但是,
[...] 我们同意报告的评估意见,即为道路安全问题提供的 资金水平仍然与这个问题的严重程 不相称 , 必须加 强努力,以确保为道路安全项目提供更多资金支持。
While we are encouraged by the increase in funding reported in the WHO report, including through private sector and civil society involvement, we agree with the report’s assessment
that levels of funding for road safety
[...] are still not commensurate with the scale [...]
of the problem and that increased efforts
must be made to secure additional financial support for road safety projects.
但是,我们不认为《公约》要求缔约国采取这一观点,而且 在本案的情况下其相反的决定 不相称 的。
But we do not believe that the Covenant
requires the State party to adopt this perspective, and under the circumstances its contrary
[...] decision was not disproportionate.
保护恐怖主义受害人的人权必须被看作 主要依赖各国的一项真正的法律义务,不得借口侵 犯恐怖嫌犯的人权,为过多的 不相称 的 执 行权力 或其他基本政治目的采取紧急措施而滥用。
The protection of the human rights of the victims of terrorism must be seen as a genuine legal duty resting primarily on States, not misused as a pretext for violating the human rights of those suspected of terrorism, for taking emergency measures that provided for excessive and disproportionate executive powers, or for other essentially political purposes.
有人指出,第 3
[...] 款的含义不很清楚,会引起问题;该款的强制语气与特别 报告员在其报告中透露出的怀疑语 不相称。
It was noted that the meaning of paragraph 3 was not entirely clear
and was question begging; its
[...] mandatory language did not correspond to the doubts that [...]
the Special Rapporteur expresses in his report.
许多不同的机构已通过各种各样的方式投入大量资金,但效果似乎与所 付出的努力不相称。
Much money has been spent in various ways by many different institutions but the
[...] results do not seem commensurate with the effort.
许多厄立特里亚人对埃塞俄比亚不执行正式结束两国 1998 年至 2000
[...] 年边界战争的划界决定深感不满,或许这可能情有可原,但阿斯马拉领导 人为实现其目标而打算采用的手段 不相称 和 不 合 理 的。
Although many Eritreans harbour profound and arguably legitimate grievances against Ethiopia for failing to implement the boundary decision that formally ended the 1998-2000 border war between the two countries, the
means by which the leadership in Asmara apparently intends to pursue its
[...] objectives are no longer proportional or rational.
阿尔及利亚对于结果文件表示失 望,因为它与过去一年里建立桥梁的努 不相称。
It expressed disappointment at the outcome
[...] document as not doing justice to the efforts of bridge-building made over the past year.
[...] 为它们质量高、具有一致性而且范围广,同时认为预期成果与教科文组织所拥有的非常有限的人力和财 不相 称。
While praising the quality, consistency and scope of the planned actions which are based on UNESCO’s mandate and comparative advantages as well as on emerging challenges,
several delegates agreed that the resulting
[...] expectations are not matched by the very limited [...]
resources at UNESCO’s disposal, both human and financial.
此外,此举违反“不突击”政策,是联合王国采取的一 不相称 和 不 友 好 的 措施,完全无助于建立军事领域信任或维持南大西洋和平与安全的努力;然而, [...]
It also contravenes the “no surprise” policy and
[...] constitutes a disproportionate and unfriendly [...]
measure on the part of the United Kingdom,
which in no way contributes to the efforts aimed at building confidence in the military sphere and maintaining peace and security in the South Atlantic, to which the Southern Cone countries, on the other hand, are strongly committed.
访问团根据收集到的证据,确认对示威活动的反应,包括派出 大量武装士兵的做法不相称的。
On the basis of the evidence gathered, the mission was able
to confirm that the response to demonstrations, including the presence of numerous armed
[...] soldiers, was disproportionate.
令人遗憾的是,占领国以色列公然违反安全理事 会第 1860(2009)号决议,并不顾区域和国际努力,继 续其军事攻击,过度、不分青红皂白 不相称 地 使用 各种重型武器,从空中、地面和海上对加沙地带平民 人口稠密地区使用武力。
Regrettably, in blatant violation of Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and despite regional and international efforts, Israel, the occupying Power, continues its military attacks, using excessive, indiscriminate and disproportionate force by all means of heavy weaponry by air, land and sea against heavily populated civilian areas in the Gaza Strip.
发达国家由于采取 了不可持续的工业模式和化学集约农业,长期以来造成了大量的温室气体排放,而 承担的责任却与其排放不相称。
Developed countries share a disproportionate responsibility for historic greenhouse gas emissions due to unsustainable industrial model and chemical-intensive agriculture.
[...] 种种冲击,造成相互提升和加剧的恶性循环,加上气 候变化产生的负面不相称影响 ,诸如喜马拉雅山等 地冰川融化、反复无常的天气模式及水灾等,大大限 [...]
The vicious cycle of the mutually reinforcing and exacerbating impacts of food, energy, economic
and financial crises, together with the
[...] adverse and disproportionate impacts of [...]
climate change, such as the melting of glaciers
in the Himalayas and elsewhere, erratic weather patterns and floods, have significantly constrained our efforts to meet the MDGs.
代表们强调,粮农组织对亚太区域的预算拨款与本区域食物不足人口的 数量不相称。
Delegates highlighted that the FAO budget allocated to Asia and the Pacific was not proportional to the magnitude of undernourished in the region.
发现的不足还有预 算额与人员配备情不相称(即某些总部外办事处专业人员执行计划的资金极少)。
Some observations point also to a disconnect between the volume of programme budget and the volume of staffing (i.e. certain field office professionals with very little programme funds to implement).
如果产品由买方收到的不符合其控制范围内的指定产品,该产品将被更换或修理,根据买方表达的愿望,这个愿望,除非涉及到成本明 不相称 其 他 方式。
If the product received by the Purchaser does not comply with designated product within its control, this product will be replaced or repaired, according to
the wishes expressed by the Purchaser, unless this wish involves a manifestly
[...] disproportionate to cost the other modality.
[...] 实,即在许多几代同堂的家庭,家庭资 不相称 地 分 配给了儿童和工作年龄的 人。
Measures of old-age poverty that rely on household income ignore
the fact that in many multigenerational
[...] households resources are allocated disproportionately [...]
towards children and those of working age.
[...] 证据表明,全世界非传染性疾病的负担日益增加,我 们做出的反应不相称。
Despite strong evidence of an ever-increasing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide, our
[...] response has not been proportionate.
一些代表担心 文件中所述战略的规模与可以得到的资 不相称 他们认 为 应该在通过战略之前确定为执行战略所可能需要的费用 并确定应如何为战略 提供资金
Some representatives expressed concern that the scale of the strategy outlined in the document was out of proportion with the financial resources available.
2 款所规定的限制。即使“ 民主与权利”
[...] 的申请材料不完 全符合国内法的要求,但缔约国当局所做出的拒绝社团登记的反应也 不相称 的。
Even if the application materials of „Democracy and Rights‟ did not fully comply with the requirements of domestic
law, the reaction of the State party‟s authorities in denying the
[...] registration of the association was disproportionate.
增强农村地区妇女的权能,就需要在国家和地方各级作出注重性别平等的发 展战略和针对具体部门的计划、方案和预算,以克服她们在就业和体面工作、教
[...] 育和培训机会、保健护理和运输方面面临的具体障碍,以及由于 不相称 的 家庭 责任而受到的制约。
The empowerment of women in rural areas requires gender-responsive national and local development strategies and sector-specific plans, programmes and budgets to address the specific obstacles they face in accessing employment and decent work, education and training
opportunities, health care and transportation, as well as
[...] constraints due to their disproportionate family responsibilities.
深为关切在国家或国际两级用于防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病的资金仍与这一流 行病的严重不相称,全 球金融和经济危机继续对各级应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病的 [...]
努力产生负面影响,其中包括国际援助首次没有在 2008 和 2009 年水平上提高; 在这方面,欣见在许多发达国家制订到
2015 年使官方发展援助达到国民生产总 值 0.7%目标的时间表后,可利用的资源增加,又强调指出,除传统筹资方式外, 开辟补充创新筹资来源也具有重要意义,包括用官方发展援助支持防治艾滋病毒 和艾滋病的国家战略、筹资计划和多边努力
Express deep concern that funding devoted to HIV and AIDS
[...] responses is still not commensurate with the magnitude [...]
of the epidemic either nationally
or internationally and that the global financial and economic crisis continues to have a negative impact on the HIV and AIDS response at all levels, including the fact that, for the first time, international assistance has not increased from the levels in 2008 and 2009, and in this regard welcome the increased resources that are being made available as a result of the establishment by many developed countries of timetables to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance by 2015, stressing also the importance of complementary innovative sources of financing, in addition to traditional funding, including official development assistance, to support national strategies, financing plans and multilateral efforts aimed at combating HIV and AIDS




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