

单词 不相干

不相干 ()

be irrelevant
have nothing to do with

See also:

相干 adj

relevant adj


have to do with
coherent (Physics: light etc)


do v
interfere v
work v


dried adj
capable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

(7) 就第(4)款而言,住宅物業連同發展項目中的其他物業一同出 售一事,不相干。
(7) For the purposes of subsection (4), the fact that the residential properties are sold with other properties in the
[...] development is not relevant.
咨询委 员会获悉,所需的经费将用于把现有的一级数据中心从秘书处大厦迁移
[...] 到设在北草坪会议大楼内的新一级数据中心,而与新的二级数据中心所 需的经费不相干(见 A/64/346/Add.2)。
The bulk of the resources are requested for contractual services to support the migration of applications. The Advisory Committee was informed that these resources were required in connection with the migration of the current primary data centre from the Secretariat Building to the new primary data centre in the
North Lawn Conference
[...] Building and were not related in any way to the [...]
requirements of the new secondary data centre (see A/64/346/Add.2).
所以,我干脆自己写了一个前后完 不相干 的 紊乱的故事,我被弄烦了!不想弄了,所以后来,内容比较奇怪,扯了很多无关痛痒,但是要继续下去的东西,似乎是关于西方人的:比如牛奶厂,和一个德国丈夫的关于奶汁品质的隐瞒,还有一个关于美国的前后历史背景。
But the things I wanted to carry on with seemed to be about westerners: for example, a dairy farm, a German husband’s cover-up of dairy product quality issues, and something about the historical background in the USA.
通过这次会议,我们呼 吁国际社会和世界公众舆论动员起来,以防止一场已
[...] 经相当严重的危机进一步恶化,防止因为针对与当地 几十万人口的生活不相干的司 法问题而采取的行 动可能带来的进一步影响,现在当地人口的生存已经 [...]
Through this meeting we are calling upon the international community and upon world public opinion to mobilize in order to prevent the future growth of what is already a significant crisis and the future
implications of actions taken in response
[...] to judicial circumstances that have nothing [...]
whatsoever to do with the lives of
these hundreds of thousands of people, whose very existence is now under threat.
这一做法将促进搜集相关信息, 尽量减少搜不相干资料 的活动,以免分散分析工作的注意力。
This approach will promote the
[...] collection of relevant information and [...]
minimize the gathering of extraneous data that distract from the analytical process.
特别是,在核问题出现之前对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国实施的经济制裁与核 问题不相干,只是反映了美国敌视朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的态度。
In particular, economic sanctions imposed on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea before the rise of the nuclear issue have nothing to do with the nuclear issue and merely reflect the hostile concept of the United States towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
在政府內部,現時空氣質素監測是由環保署負責的,而氣象預報則 由天文台負責,在監測“沙塵暴”的工作上,兩個部門其實 不相干 ,亦 沒有溝通。
Within the Government, air quality monitoring is now undertaken by the Environmental Protection Department, while weather forecast is undertaken by the Hong Kong Observatory.
绿色增长方针的核心是要认识到,在环境和发展之间不存在孰轻孰 重的问题,二者并非争夺有限资源的两 不相干 的 道 路,而是一条统筹实 现有效发展的道路。
At the core of the green growth approach is the recognition that there is no trade-off
between the environment and
[...] development: they are not two separate lines of effort competing for limited [...]
resources, but provide
a path for effective development efforts in an integrated manner.
他承認,從自私的角度來說, 中大寧可與教院不相干,然而他覺得,作為一所有承擔的院校,縱 然一開始就否決合併( 甚或探討其可行性) ,中大亦應提供協助。
He admitted that CUHK, from a selfish point of view, preferred not to have anything to do with HKIEd, but felt, as a responsible institution, that it should offer help although merger (even to explore it) was ruled out ab initio.
496.9 各位部长再次强调,应当禁止为政治目的将人权作为一项工具进 行利用的行为,包括基不相干的因 素有选择性地针对个别国家,这种行 [...]
496.9 The Ministers re-emphasized that the exploitation and the use of human rights as an instrument for political purposes, including selective targeting of
individual Countries for extraneous
[...] considerations, which is contrary to the Founding [...]
Principles of the Movement and the UN Charter, should be prohibited.
(h) 为了对现有的 2000 名 APSARA 工作人员的工作进行管理,避免将活动职责分散 到太多不相干的部 门而影响工作效率,应通过一个行动计划,明确工作重点。
(h) In order to control the work of the existing 2,000 employees of APSARA and avoid efficiency being reduced by the division of responsibilities into too many disparate sections, a plan of action ought to be adopted.
( 《禁止酷刑公约任择议定书》) 的问题,Spies 女士解释说,荷兰没有限制
[...] 该议定书对仅以刑法为依据被剥夺自由者的适用范围;剥夺自由的理由 不相干 的。
Concerning the question related to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OP-CAT), Ms. Spies explained that the Netherlands did not limit the scope of
application to people deprived of liberty solely on the basis of criminal law; the ground
[...] of deprivation was irrelevant.
这份报告,尤其是关于达 尔富尔问题的那部分是苏丹代表团及其政府无法 接受的。这是一起政治化的行动,与法治和特别 报告员的使不相干。
The report, and in particular the section concerning Darfur, was unacceptable to his delegation and Government: it politicized the issue and had nothing to do with the rule of law or with the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.
第 1907(2009)号决议实质上是一种政治行为,与国际法和国际正义 不相 干。
Resolution 1907 (2009) is in essence a
[...] political act that has nothing to [...]
do with international law and justice.
[...] 为提高所有学习者的教育质量的一个手段,以避免全纳教育被视为与更广泛的 教育系统之不相干这一危险。
It needs to be seen as a means of improving the quality of education for all
learners in order to avoid the danger of inclusion being seen as
[...] something that does not concern the wider [...]
education system.
而对于新生 力量中的其他人,选举几乎不相干 的 事 情,而国家统一给他们日益稳固的经济 利益带来危险。
For others among the Forces nouvelles, the elections remain almost irrelevant, while reunification presents a danger to their increasingly entrenched economic interests.
联盟指出,保留率差的原因 包括:在 小学使 用 英 语 或法语 而不是母 语 、 学校人 满 为 患 、 使 用 机 械 性 学 习 方法、使 用
[...] 来自其 他 国家而与 该国 所需技不相干的教材。94 在这方面,MA/FMSI/FI [...]
建议该国政府继续努力制定政 策 和建立基础设施,如监 督师资 培训和 监 测 的 质量的 机 构、收集学生 成 绩 数据, 以及监 测 和提高课程 质量的系统 。
In order to explain poor retention, the NGO Coalition listed other causes such as the use of English or French instead of the mother tongue in primary school, overcrowding of schools, the use of rote learning and the use of teaching material
from other countries,
[...] which are seen as irrelevant to skills needed [...]
in the country.94 In this regard, MA/FMSI/FI recommended that the Government continue its good efforts in setting up policy
and infrastructure, such as bodies to oversee the quality of teacher training and monitoring, collection of data on student results, and a system to monitor and improve the quality of the curriculum.95 The NGO Coalition recommended the Government to introduce local languages as an additional tool of instruction and improve the overall quality of education.96 III.
这种计谋同叙利 亚、其人民或政府的利益不相干。
Such designs have no bearing whatsoever on the interests of Syria, its people or its Government.
從前,有些人的思維是,深圳河以北 ⎯⎯ 正如 劉秀成議員所說 ⎯⎯ 與香港是互不相關的,皆因我們有一套思維, 認為要保護香港的“高度自治”,香港內部要決定如何規劃自己的發展, 所以這些長遠規劃最好不相干。
It was because our mindsets wanted to protect a "high degree of autonomy" in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong itself should determine how to make its own development plans.
根據《公司條例》第38A(2)及 342A(2)條,證監會可藉 在憲報刊登的公告,豁免某類公司或公司發出的某類招股章 程,使其無需符合《公司條例》任何或所有有關條文的規定, 但該項豁免只可在下述情況下作出︰證監會於顧及有關情況 後,認為該項豁免並不會損害投資大眾的利益,而要求該類公 司或該類招股章程符合任何或所有該等規定,會 不相干 的或 會構成不適當的負擔,或在其他情況下是無需要或不適當的。
By virtue of sections 38A(2) and 342A(2) of the CO, the Commission may, by notice published in the Gazette, exempt any class of companies or any class of prospectuses issued by companies from any or all of the requirements of the relevant provisions in the CO if, having regard to the circumstances, the Commission considers that the exemption will not prejudice the interest of the investing public and compliance with any or all of those requirements would be irrelevant or unduly burdensome or is otherwise unnecessary or inappropriate in relation to that class of companies or class of prospectuses.
在估算油类厚度方面出现不相干现 象 和困难可能会妨碍正确解读油类观察结果。
The correct interpretation of oil observations can be hindered by unrelated phenomena and difficulties in estimating oil thickness.
她當時只能指 出 (a)她跟葉先生不相干;(b )她不是葉先生的上司;以及(c)她與葉 先生不屬同一學系;再者,如要解僱員工,在任何情況下都必須依循 適當程序處理。
Professor Mok said she was afraid and shocked at Mrs Law’s demand, and was only able to point out that (a) she had nothing to do with Mr Ip; (b) she was not Mr Ip’s superior at work; and (c) she was not in the same department as Mr Ip, and in any event a due process had to be followed to dismiss a staff member.
当然, 为了实现全民教育(EFA)的目标,教科文组织要促进其相关机构和地区办事处、多国办事 处以及秘书处之间的联系和工作协调性,但
[...] IESALC 和 OREALC 在法律、业务和行政管理 方面是完不相干的单位。
While UNESCO may promote links and coordinate work between its institutes and its regional offices, cluster offices and Secretariat in pursuit of the
Education for All (EFA) goals, IESALC and
[...] OREALC are wholly distinct in terms of their [...]
legal, operational and administrative nature.
[...] 尼亚领导人不止一次不仅在口头上,而且在行动上证明,道德、和平和人道主义 等概念与该国不相干。
At the same time, it is well known that the Armenian leadership
proved more than once, not only by words, but also deeds, that such notions as ethics, peace and
[...] humanism are alien to it.
关于经其他国家同意在其他 国家领土上部署的其他特派团,它们与我们 不相 干,虽然如我刚才指出的那样,我们曾经协助为联合 国南苏丹共和国特派团运输设备。
With regard to other missions deployed on the territory of other countries with their consent, they are of no concern to us whatsoever — although, as I have indicated, we did provide assistance in transporting equipment for the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan.
海盗行为从索马里沿岸进一步转移到更远 地区则表明,这些行为与保护国家利益的愿望 不相干。
The extension of acts of piracy further away from the Somali coast shows
[...] that those acts have nothing [...]
to do with a desire to protect national interests.
由 於 時間實在倉猝 ,再 加 上這些規則對這個明 顯沒有 競 爭 對 手 的 所 謂 選 舉來說實 際 上 是不相干 的,自 然 沒 人 有興趣浪 費 時間來 糾 正 那些錯誤。
Such is the great hurry and these Rules are in reality of such complete irrelevance in a manifestly uncontested travesty of an election that nobody is interested to waste time in correcting them.
如果把前40年留下來的不幸遺產理解為 與我們自己不相干的某件東西,那是非常不明智的,相反,我們必 [...]
It would be very unreasonable to understand the sad legacy of the
last forty years as something alien,
[...] which some distant relative bequeathed to [...]
us. On the contrary, we have to accept this
legacy as a sin we committed against ourselves.
1 在二战之后,产生一个较狭义的国际性发展 概念,并制定了体制、政策、科目形式,以及―― 最重要的一点是,旨在第三世 界减贫的干预措施。2 虽然现代发展事业的根源也来自于产生国际人权运动的同 一冲突,但这两个领域在很大程度上是 不相干 的 , 尽管它们有着共同目标,却 在很大程度上保持各处独立的轨迹,一直到近代。
Broadly speaking, development refers to processes of social change and to projects meant to transform national economies, particularly in former colonies or third world States.1 A narrower conception of international development evolved after the Second World War with the establishment of institutions, policies, disciplinary formations and – most importantly – practices of intervention aimed toward the alleviation of poverty in the third world.2 Although the modern development enterprise found its roots in the same conflict as that which gave birth to the international human rights movement, the two disciplines have largely existed in parallel and, despite their shared goals, have largely remained separate pursuits until recent times.
国际法禁止袭击平民和平民目标;但是,正在使 用导弹和炸弹对利比亚领土进行狂轰滥炸,在同禁飞 区或保护平民不相干的地 区杀死平民甚至反对派 的部队。
Attacks on civilians and civilian targets are banned under international law; however, indiscriminate attacks using missiles and bombs are being launched on Libyan territory, killing civilians and even troops of the opposition forces, in places that have no connection with the no-fly zone or the protection of civilians.




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