

单词 不白之冤

External sources (not reviewed)

故此我要求在检讨的同时,要求廉署考 虑向那些证明是清白的市民发出㆒份证书,证明他们是清白的,使他们不用蒙 不白之 冤
For this reason, I would like to propose that the ICAC should, in the course of the review, consider the idea of issuing certificates to clear the names of those who prove to be innocent.
王国兴议员:主席,你刚才的解释十分重要,否则以讹传讹,本会将 蒙不白之冤
MR WONG KWOK-HING (in Cantonese): President, the explanation given by you just now is very important because otherwise, an unfounded rumour will circulate and this Council will bewrongfully accused.
今天,我希望在联合国大会堂 中点亮事实真相之光,哪怕只有几分钟,我国在这里 蒙不白之冤太久。
Today I hope that the light of truth will shine, if only for a few minutes, in a Hall that for too long has been a place of darkness for my country.
因此,特首有责任及义务交代这位朋友的背景,这 也可让他的朋友好受一点,不用蒙不白之冤
Therefore, the Chief Executive has the responsibility and duty to give an account of the background of these
several friends of his and this will also make his friends feel better
[...] as theydo not have tosuffer any wrongful accusation.
那人会一世蒙不白之冤是以较消极的眼光来看,只要控制立法会的大多数,经过政治审查後,弹劾 议案将不获通过,而同时由於司法公正的问题,他不能接受公正审讯,所以 便不再起诉。
Either the person is wronged for the rest of his life, or judging from a comparatively more negative angle, the motion on impeachment would fail to get passed upon political scrutiny after securing a majority of votes in the Legislative Council, and that he would be freed from prosecution in the absence of a fair trial because of the problem with judicial fairness.
我认为,由於西九是一个对香港非常重要的建设项 目,我们必须保证当中整个设计比赛及投票过程合乎公平和公正的准 则,不能让别人觉得处事有欠公允,或让任何涉事一方蒙 不白之 冤
I believe that since the WKCD is a development project of great importance, we must ensure that the whole design competition and voting process must be consistent with the principle of fairness and impartiality.
况且 , 香港最 後一次爆 发 禽 流 感 时,受影响的 农 民更 没有获得一分一毫 的
赔偿, 这 还 未计算多次禽 流 感 对 业 界 及 从 业员带来的 损 失,故 此,对於那 些
[...] 妄 说 业 界“搵  数”的人,请他们 用 心 了解业 界 的 困 境, 不 要 误 导 公 众 , 令 业 界 蒙不 白 之 冤
Furthermore, during the latest outbreak of avian flu, affected farm operators have not received a single cent from the Government in compensation, not to mention the losses incurred by the industry and the workers during the various outbreaks in the past. Therefore, may I ask those who accused the industry of making "attempts to gain special advantages" to understand and feel
the predicaments of the industry with their
[...] hearts, anddo not mislead the public and make theindustry feel aggrieved?
我认为除非他本人愿意,否则我们未必有权利只要求让他保外就 医,因为这样可能会令他间接蒙不白之冤我们的坚持不单是对真理的 坚持,也是对他的一种鼓励。
I believe that unless he is willing, otherwise, we may not have the right to only demand that he be released on medical parole
because this may
[...] indirectly prevent the wrong he suffered from ever being righted, whereas our insistencedoes not amount just to an [...]
insistence on the
truth but is also a kind of encouragement to him.
given that the information disclosed only includes the names of the employers or officers, company names and business registration numbers, it is therefore not easy to distinguish the employers involved from persons with the same names, how MPFA solves the problem that innocent persons with the same names may as aresult be subjectedto unjustified suspicions?
原因 是由一个没有公信力、“自己人查自己人”的投诉警察课说他们是无辜 的,他最後仍然不白之冤然有人对他们有怀疑,使他们不能洗 [...]
The officers concerned would
[...] still sufferfrom unredressedinjustice, and [...]
people would still be suspicious of them.
当局订有明确的投诉及申诉程序,确保员会迅速及公 平㆞处理他们的投诉。
There are clearly laid down complaints and grievance procedures to ensure that staff are protected from victimization and that their complaints are dealt with promptly and fairly.
如果员工感诉程用或立,就不会利用;如果出现 不当行为,他们也不会举报,以免受到打击报复。
If staff feel that the grievance procedures are not working or not independent enough, they will not use them, nor will they blow the whistle in the event of misconduct for fear of retaliation.
当然,只要客观地 有该等情况存在,加上有法治制度,们的,对吗?
Of course, if such things do happen and provided
that there is rule of law, these companies will get
[...] caught and theywill not be cracked down [...]
for no justifiable reason.
如果今天我们在这里,由於某种理 由令民意不能彰显,竟然不能通过运用《立法会(权力及特权)条例》
[...] (“《权力及特权条例》”)来调查雷曼事件的话,情况跟四川省由於豆腐 渣工程而丧生的人冤不白没有分别的。
If, for some reason, we cannot pass the motion to invoke the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (the Ordinance) to investigate the Lehman Brothers incident here today, this situation is no different from that experienced
by those people in Sichuan, who perished due to those jerry-built projects and
[...] whose grievanceshave not been addressed.
未 审这样 产 生 了 。
As a result, injustices are done in the absence of trial.
(17) 经营所有或任何涉及以任何方式预备、纺织、编织、梳理、冲刷、裁切、漂 白、着色、染色、印刷及整理或制造棉、羊毛、丝、亚麻、麻、亚麻布、黄 麻、皮革、合成纤维及其他纤维或纺织品任何状态 、植物 或矿物纤维 否类似上述物质),及处理及使用及买卖任何来自任何该 等业务本公司或其他人士进行或业务,亦生产硫酸 盐及 整物料以及买入及卖出及买卖上述所有或任何物质。
(17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting, doubling, weaving, combing, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing and finishing, working or manufacturing in any way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, hemp, linen,
jute, leather, synthetic fibresand other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or
[...] mineral in any stateand whether similar to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriolandof bleaching, dyeing, and finishing materials,and the [...]
buying and selling of and
dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances.
2.4 假如对本风险披露声明的内容或创业板市场的性质及在创业板买卖的股份所涉风险白之应寻求独立的专业意见。
2.4 You should seek independent professional advice
if you are uncertain
[...] of or have not understood any aspect of this risk disclosure statement or the nature and risks [...]
involved in trading of GEM stocks.
为说明这特别是考虑到 2009 年 7 月引入新的内部司法系统, 道德操守办公室目前正协同所有相关实体审定一本手册,标题暂定为“工作人员 获取咨询和指导、解、举为或对裁决提出上诉的手册”。
Toclarify these distinctions, especially in the light of the introduction of the new internal justice system in July 2009, the Office, in collaboration with all relevant entities, is in the process of finalizing a handbook whose working title is “A staff member’s handbook on obtaining advice and guidance, resolving grievances, reporting [...]
wrongdoing, or appealing a decision”.
为甚麽赵连海会得到这麽多人同情,正因 为毒奶粉事件人尽皆知,因为赵连海是一个慈祥父亲,於是便触动了 我们的心灵,但他只是中国大陆共产政权下千千万万的 其
He is nonetheless only one of the tens of thousands of aggrieved Chinese peopleunder the Chinese Communist regime.
於是,苦主或其家人很多时候都会有理 诉,他 们感到十分无助。
As a result, both victims and their family members often find themselves in an extremely helpless position for there isno way for themto state their cases clearly or voicing out their grievances.
个从事正常采访 活动的香港记者,竟然被判监 12 年,而且在㆒个「黑箱作业」的审讯过程㆗,席扬更 是辞莫辩。
A Hong Kong reporter engaging in normal journalistic activities was sentenced to jail for 12 years and through a secret trial into the bargain.
不过,如果在一个不不白况下, 在这麽多市民提出要包括贱卖资产、包括一些最低限度的要 求,例如为伤残人士提供乘车优惠和地铁公司应该提供的一些服务(例如厕 所),如果对这些不具体的事项也不说清楚,而我们这个立法会却通过了, 我相信市民届时一定会质问我们当时有否考虑清楚,质问我们是否知悉在表 决赞成时,便会令他们将来饱受单一铁路公司垄断之苦,会令他们在缺乏足 够竞争、缺乏足够法例保障的情况下不断受苦。
However, if under such a situation of uncertainties and with so many requests madeby the public ― including the accusation of selling public assets at dirt-cheap prices and some minimum requests, such as offering concessionary fares and certain essential services (such as the provision of toilets) to people with disabilities, and if we fail to clarify these unsolved issues, thus resulting in the passage of the Bill by this Council, I believe the public will definitely question us in future whether we have considered the Bill clearly and whether we are aware that, in voting for the Bill, we will make them suffer as a result of the future monopolization of the railway by one single corporation and subject them to constant suffering as a result of a lack of competition and protection in law.
许多市售药物的代谢中均涉及这三者,而人体和动物 白之物种差异意味着传统的动物研究可于人类预测。
All three are involved in the metabolism of many
marketed drugs, and species
[...] differences betweenthe human andanimal proteins meansthat studies in conventional animals may not be predictive of man.
即使找到适合地点建 设这个集散批发市场,但活鱼批发的运作复杂,来自不同鱼塘的货源经常混
[...] 杂批发,当有活鱼出事时,当局又如何确保能够追踪到正确的祸源,人呢?
Fish from different fish ponds are often mixed together in the wholesale process and when problems are found in
the live fish, how can the authorities be sure that the right source can be
[...] traced and the innocent willnot be blamed?
第 四 , 绝问 犯 人 —— 亦 即 当 犯 人 作 出白 之只 可 向 他 提 出 澄 清 语 意 含 糊 或 暗 晦 难 懂 之 处 的 必 要 问 题 。
Fourthly, a prisoner should never be cross-examined - that is, while he istelling his story he must be [...]
asked only such questions
as are necessary to remove ambiguities or to clear up obscurities.
答: 如阁之白遗失或被窃或遭冒用,阁下须对於本行实际收到该等通知前所产 经授 交易负责,阁下所 需承金额HKD500 。
A: Ifyour Platinum Card is lost or stolen or misused, you are liable to the Bank for all unauthorised Platinum Card transactions up to HKD500 before the Bankis actually notified of such event.
因第二章所述情况以外的原因导致在第一个承诺期与随后各承诺现 的白不本说明的讨论范围。
Consideration of a gap between the first and subsequent commitment periods resulting from conditions other than those described in chapter II isbeyond the scope of this paper.
律政司 锐意推行调解服务,但调解是无法代替法律程序的,而且如果我们能
[...] 够使市民及早了解自己的问题,究竟是适合寻求调解或真的要诉诸法 庭,便会令两者都能有效运用 这麽
However, mediation can never replace legal proceedings. Besides, if we are able to make the public understand their own problems at an early stage, that is, whether it is
appropriate to seek for mediation or to go to the Court, and both means can be
[...] used effectively to save many unnecessary efforts.
抗议者质疑该法 律的内容,在班加西用暴力对抗全国过渡委员会副主席阿卜杜 勒·哈菲兹·古贾,导致后者于 2012 年 1 月 22 日辞职。
Protesters disputing elements of the law and also motivated by other grievances violently confronted the Vice-Chairman of the National Transitional Council, Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, in Benghazi, as a result of which he offered his resignation on 22 January 2012.
如果是到法 院 提出民 事 诉 讼 , 并 检 控 成 功 ─ 换言之
[...] ,已证实警察曾 经 打 人哪 管 赔偿金只有 1 元 , [...]
照 理 一 定会作出跟 进,即 在 纪律或 其 他 方 面的跟 进。
If one goes to the Court to take civil action
and the legal action was successful ―
[...] in other words,if onesucceeds in proving [...]
that the police really did beat or frame
up someone or the like ― and even if the compensation amounts to only $1, normally, follow-up action should be taken, that is, disciplinary action or other follow-up action should be taken.




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