单词 | 不登大雅之堂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不登大雅之堂—lit. not fit for elegant hall (of artwork)less common: not presentable unrefined 不登大雅之堂adjective—coarseadj
这里的一个必到之处就是气势恢弘的穆森登教堂(Mussenden Temple)——它位于悬崖边,让人不由心生惊叹。 discoverireland.com | A must-see on any visit has to be the breathtaking Mussenden Temple, an awe-inspiring spot perched on the edge of a cliff edge. discoverireland.com |
(ii) 据 董 事 或 监 事 所 知 悉,概 无 任 何 人 士(不包括董 事、监 事 或 总 经 理)於 二 零 零 九 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 於 本 公 司 股份或相关股份拥有权益或持有淡仓而须遵照证券及期货条例第XV部第2及3分部之规定向本公司作出披露, 或 於 附 有 权 利 可 在 任 何 情 况 下 於 本 公司之股东大会投 票之任何类 别 股 本 中 将 直 接 或 间 接 拥 有 面 值5%或 以 上 之 权 益,或 其 权 益 或 淡 仓 记 录 於 本 公 司 根 据 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 第336条 须 存置之 登记册上 为 任 何 其 它 主 要 股 东。 evoc.cn | (ii) So faras is known to anydirector or supervisor, there isno person other than a director or supervisor or chief executive who, as at 31 December 2009, have an interest or short position in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or will be directly or indirectly interested in 5% or moreof the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of the Company or any other substantial shareholders whose interest or short position were recordedin theregister required to be kept by the Company under section 336 of the SFO. evoc.cn |
奢华的雅生“淋浴天堂”头顶花 洒配有三种截然不同的出水 模式,为这套完美的淋浴设 备画上点睛之笔。 hansgrohe.com.cn | The luxurious AxorStarck ShowerHeaven overhead shower with three different jet types is the finishing touch for a perfect shower. hansgrohe.hr |
我 们 相 信 , 在 诉 讼 当 事 人 如 可 提 供 直 接 证 据 ,当不会力图 提出大量的传 闻 证 据 , 以 作呈堂 之用。 hkreform.gov.hk | We believe that there is little risk that litigants will endeavour to present extensive hearsay evidence when direct evidence is available. hkreform.gov.hk |
在现代化的卡尔·杜伊斯堡公益中心科隆语言学院里, 语言学习将同时伴有丰富多彩的文化和课余活动:从观光市 容,到登上科隆大教堂,再到前往波恩参观历史博物馆,不一而足。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | The language course in the modernly equipped Carl Duisberg Training Center is accompanied by a varied cultural and leisure [...] program: [...] it ranges from a city round trip, climbingtheCologne Cathedral, to a guided tour throughthe Haus [...]der Geschichte in Bonn. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
(1) 倘股东为有关精神健康之病人或已由任何具司法管辖权(可保护或管理无能 力管理其本身事务人士之事务)法院颁令,则可由其财产接管人、监护人、财产保佐人或 获法院委派具财产接管人、监护人及财产保佐人性质之人士投票(无论举手或投票表决), 而该等财产接管人、监护人、财产保佐人或其他人士可委任代表於投票表决时投票,亦可 以其他方式行事及就股东大会而言,视作犹如该等股份之登记持有人,惟须於大会或续会 或投票表决(视情况而定)举行时间不少於四十八(48)小时前,向办事处、总办事处或登记 办事处(倘适用)递呈董事会可能要求之证明拟投票人士有权投票之凭证。 dejinresources.com | (1) A Member who is a patient for any purpose relating to mental health or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction for the protection or management of the affairs of persons incapable of managing their own affairs may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a receiver, committee or curator bonis appointed by such court, and such receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person may vote on a poll by proxy, and may otherwise act [...] and be treated as if he [...] were theregistered holder of such shares for the purposes of general meetings, provided that such evidence asthe Board may require of the authority of the personclaiming to vote shall have beendeposited at the Office, head office or Registration Office, as appropriate, not lessthan [...]forty-eight (48) hours [...]before the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be. dejinresources.com |
为确定有权收取拟派之末期及特别末期股息, 所有过户文件連同有关股票最迟须於二零零八年五月八日(星期四)下午四时三十分前送 达本公司於香港之股份过户登记分处卓佳雅柏勤有限公司,地址为香港湾仔皇后大道东二 十八号金钟汇中心二十六樓,办理登记手续。 giordano.com.hk | In order to qualify for the proposed final and special final dividends, all transfer documents accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company’s branch share registrars in Hong Kong, Tricor Abacus Limited, at 26th Floor, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong for registration no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 2008. giordano.com.hk |
此外,由於3号曾健成名单和5号黄锦辉的得票率都不及2%,本文不会分析其票源的特质,应该无伤大雅。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides, since the support ratings of both no. 3 Tsang [...] Kin-Shing and no. 5 Wong [...] Kam-Fai were less than 2%, this article will not analyze the characteristics of their source [...]of votes. hkupop.hku.hk |
在不同的国 家,还举行了宗教仪式,萨尔瓦多大使馆和领事馆以及海外萨尔瓦多社区的代表 参加了这些仪式。15 在该国首都圣萨尔瓦多,于罗梅罗主教遇害的圣普罗维登斯医院教堂举行了弥撒,随后人们穿过城市前往圣萨尔瓦多大教堂罗梅罗主教的墓 室表示敬仰。 daccess-ods.un.org | Religious ceremonies were also [...] conducted in anumberof different countries, in which representatives from the Salvadoran embassies and consulates, as well as Salvadoran communities abroad, participated.15 In the country’s capital, San Salvador, a mass was heldat the chapelofthe Hospital of Divine Providence, where Monsignor Romero was killed, following which people marched through the city to Monsignor Romero’s crypt in the Cathedral of SanSalvador [...]to pay their respects. daccess-ods.un.org |
对於因登入位元堂网站而导致的任何资料上之损失或对其器材或财产上之损失,位元堂恕不负责。 waiyuentong.com | Wai Yuen [...] Tong shall not be liable to the user of this website for any loss of data information or any damage totheir equipment or property. waiyuentong.com |
一) a) 年满 18 岁的合资格澳门永久性居民身份证持有人可亲往香港入境事务 处设在香港上环信德中心港澳客輪码头的登记处(位於入境大堂办理入 境手续之前的区域)或尖沙咀中国客运码头的登记处(位於入境大堂办理入境手续之後的区域)办理预先登记手续,成功登记後 15 分钟即可 使用自助过关通道(e-道)入出境香港。 dsi.gov.mo | 1) i. The eligible Macao SAR Permanent Resident Card holders, aged 18 or above, can proceed to the enrollment office of the [...] Hong Kong Immigration [...] Department located at Hong Kong-Macao Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan (the arrival hallarea beforegoing through the immigration) and China-Hong Kong Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui [...](the arrival hall area [...]after going through the immigration). dsi.gov.mo |
酒吧就座落于邮轮的大堂中,珍爱吧是一个高雅和完美的场所对于想要在餐前会面碰头小酌的人们。 msccruises.com.cn | Located in the ship’s main foyer, the elegantPreziosa Bar is the ideal [...] place to meet up for a relaxing drink before dinner or at any other time of day. msccruises.com.eg |
先以 奥迪美WP515 刚性防水砂浆防止墙底渗水情况;以 奥迪美BP168 高性能底层批料作为墙身批荡层,并提供大于1.0MPa的高粘结力;再在其表面加上 奥迪美WP533 弹性防水涂层来有效控制墙身批荡和饰面粘结层可能出现的水份或水气之流动及走向,及后以 奥迪美TA338S 专业型强韧瓷砖粘结剂 (C2TES2) 粘贴云石颗粒组成之饰面层,其强劲的粘结力和极高柔韧性能适应任何有可能的基底及饰面层的移动,并加上独特的防泛碱功能,最后以 奥迪美TG410ES 彩色防霉填缝剂填充云石颗粒间的缝隙,其弹性及特有的防泛碱性能,保证饰面层表面密封性及防止不雅观的泛碱产生。 optimix.com.hk | Using OPTIMIX WP515 Waterproofing Slurry to resist the backing seepage water while OPTIMIX WP533 Semi-Flexible Waterproofing Slurry, to control the possible moisture movement at the rendering and tiling layer; OPTIMIX BP168 Premium Base Plaster is being used asrender layer with target bonding strength of over 1.0MPa; and OPTIMIX TA338S High Performance Tile Adhesive (C2TES2) and OPTIMIX TG410ES Tile Grout to provide extra adhesion and ultra flexibility to accommodate any possible movement, together with the anti-efflorescence properties for fixing the marble mosaic tiles. optimix.com.hk |
教育程度达大专或以上者较其他被访者倾向认为政府现时对互联网上涉及淫亵及不雅物品的规管工作已经适中,或希望比现时更宽松。 hkupop.hku.hk | Those with tertiary education or above tended to think that the current [...] government [...] regulation of publishing obscene and indecent articles online was already "appropriate" or even hoped it could be more lenient than now. hkupop.hku.hk |
代 表 委 任 表 格 连 同 签 署 表 格 之 授 权 书 或 其 他 授 权 文 件( 如 有 )或 经 核 证 之 该 等 授 [...] 权 书 或 授 权 文 件 副 本 , 必 须 於 大 会 或 其 任 何 续 [...] 会( 视 情 况 而 定 )指 定 举 行 时 间 四 十 八 小 时 前 交 回 本 公司之香港股 份 过户登记分处 卓佳雅柏勤有 限 公 司 , 地址为 香 港 湾 仔 皇后大道东二 十 八 号 金 钟 汇 中 心 二 十 六 楼 , 方 为 有 效 。 hmdatalink.com | In order to be valid, the form of proxy together with a power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a certified copy of such power or authority must be deposited at the branch share [...] registrar and transfer [...] office of the Company in Hong Kong, Tricor Abacus Limited at 26th Floor, Tesbury Centre,28 Queen’s RoadEast, Wanchai, Hong Kong not less than 48 hours [...]before the time [...]appointed for the holding of the meeting or any adjournment thereof (as the case may be). hmdatalink.com |
2.12 乘客赔偿之责任 若乘客损坏承运人任何财产,则必须负责赔偿,包括但不限於船只之 结构、机器、机件、齿轮组、配件、装饰、设备及用品及承运人之登岸阶梯及码头建筑物,而承运人保留扣留乘客的托运行李的权利,直 至承运人以其绝对之酌情权认为所获之赔偿达满意为止。 cotaijet.com.mo | A Passenger shall be held responsible for and shall indemnify the Carrier against any damage caused by him to any [...] property of the Carrier, [...] includingbutnot limited to the structure, machinery, gear, fittings, furnishing, equipment and appliances of the Vesseland the Carrier’slanding stage and terminal [...]buildings, and the [...]Carrier reserves the right to detain the Passenger’s Checked Luggage until compensation satisfactory to the Carrier in its absolute discretion has been made to the Carrier. cotaijet.com.mo |
为确保个别住宅单位的业主能从政府给予的楼面面积宽免中真正获益,一 些有助改善居住环境的楼宇设施及建筑设计,若能取得社会共识,而公共财政又 能承担的话,应纳入法定的楼宇设计要求之内;例如:绿化屋顶、建筑物後移、 露台、设施平台、较宽阔的走廊和升降机大堂、遮阳檐篷、追风器等。 procommons.org.hk | To ensure that individual buyers of residential units would genuinely benefit from the government’s concessions of GFA, those amenities features which are beneficial for the general public and of good architectural design benefits may become statutory design requirements. procommons.org.hk |
该系列拥有男女成衣和配饰,其风格完美游走于精致摩登与都会雅痞之间。新系列的“Gucci Viaggio”标签由黑色、墨绿色和灰色组成,连同标志性的织带条纹也是黑-灰-黑的组合,彰显与众不同的个性。 gucci.com | Balancing the contemporary values of dynamic elegance and cosmopolitan nonchalance, the line includes an extensive selection of ready-to-wear [...] garments and accessories, [...] for both women and men, distinguished by the new “GucciViaggio”label and a focused color palette of black, ink and grey, which even appearson the signature web stripe in a black-grey-black combination. gucci.com |
在上海和睦家医院接种进口流感疫苗只需88元(全部费用只可以现金或信用卡支付,不能享受进一步折扣),接种流感疫苗无需预约,您只需在医院大堂接待处简单地提出申请即可。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Receive an imported flu shot at Shanghai United Family Hospital & Clinics for only RMB 88 (cash and credit card only, no further discounts apply). shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
今届参选名单中,大部份的派别划分其实十分清楚,但不同研究对下列名单的分类可能不所不同,因此须要注明,本文的「亲中派」包括范徐丽泰、曹宏威,「民主派」包括黄宏发,而黄锦辉、柳玉成、邹秉恬、查锡我、伍得良、和吕孝端名单则不作分类,亦不作分析,应该无伤大雅。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, different researches may have different classifications towards the following lists and thus we need to specify as follows: The "pro-China camp" mentioned in this article includes Rita Fan and Tso Wung-Wai, while "democratic camp" includes Andrew Wong. hkupop.hku.hk |
若家长对翻译/传译服务感到不满意,他们亦可以用其母语填写一份投诉表格,然後 把它交回你所属学校校务处、三藩市联合校区中央办事处(Franklin街 555 号,一楼大 堂)或学生服务事务处 (555 Portola Drive, 1号临时课室) 。 sfusd.edu | If you have a complaint about translation/interpretation services, you may complete a complaint form in your home language and return it to your school’s main office, SFUSD’s Central Office (555 Franklin Street, first floor lobby) or Student Support [...] Services (555 Portola Drive, Bungalow #1). sfusd.edu |