

单词 不畏强权

See also:



强权 n

power n
realpolitik n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 结束以色列对巴勒斯坦土地的占领和实现其期待已 久的自决权的长期斗争中不畏强权 坚 持 真理。
They would continue to appeal to the international community to stand with right above might in their long
struggle to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and to achieve
[...] their long-overdue right to self-determination.
突尼斯人民、埃及人民、利比亚人民、也门人 民和叙利亚人民凭借非凡的勇气 不畏强 暴 , 要求属 于自己权利。
With extraordinary courage Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans,
[...] Yemenis and Syrians have braved oppression to demand their rights.
该委员强烈敦 促政府除其他外,确保表达自 权不 受 侵 犯,并迅速和 公正调查所有孕产妇死亡病例。
The Commission strongly urged the Government to ensure that, inter alia, the right to freedom of expression [...]
was not violated and the prompt and impartial
inquiry of all cases of maternal mortality.
它重申摩洛哥王国有极大决心,保障公认的 权 , 并 不畏 困 难 和障碍,努力 促使其所有机构尊奉这些权利。
It reaffirmed the fact that the Kingdom has great ambitions
[...] to guarantee human rights as defined on the [...]
universal level and was trying to include
all its institutions to consecrate these rights despite difficulties and obstacles.
对此,会上指出,对权利持有人平 等待遇的担忧是不成立的,因为:(a)所讨论的规则处理的是担保权 不 是 权 利 持有人实体权利的适用法律问题;(b)欧洲联盟成员国已经采用这种做法 不存 在其违反《知识权强制执 行指令》的问题;(c)在担保协议当事人( 不 是知识产权权利持有人)与现有知识产权登记处相关的期望基础上,这种做法也将 是有其正当理由的;(d)《指南》已经在有形资产方面采用了这一做法(见建议 203 和 205)。
In response, it was stated that the concern about equal treatment of right holders was not valid, since: (a) the rule under discussion addressed the issue of the
law applicable to
[...] security rights and not the substantive rights of right holders; (b) European Union Member States already followed that approach and there was no issue of them being in violation of the IPR Enforcement Directive; (c) such an approach would be [...]
justified on the basis
of expectations of the parties to security agreements (not intellectual property right holders) associated with existing intellectual property registries; and (d) the Guide already followed that approach with respect to tangible assets (see recommendations 203 and 205).
從 過去的經驗 , 我 相 信 很難要求特區的 官 員 能
[...] 學 蔣 醫生一樣 , 面 對 強權亦不 畏懼, 可以說 出 真 心 說 話 , 反映廣 [...]
大 巿 民的意見。
From past experience, I think we can hardly
require the officials of the SAR to act
[...] like Dr JIANG so fearlessly in the face of power [...]
and that they can really say to their
heart's content and to reflect the views of the people.
各位部长强调有必要增加发展中国家的代表权,特别是在高级别的代表 权,以实现性别均衡并改进地理分配,尤其是没有代表权或代 权不 足 的 不结 盟运动成员国在秘书处的代权,并 加 强 征 聘过程的透明度。
The Ministers stressed the need to increase the representation of developing countries, in particular at the senior levels, and to achieve gender balance, improve geographic
distribution, in
[...] particular from member States not or underrepresented, in the Secretariat, and enhance transparency in the recruitment [...]
(a) 法官在审理一切事项时必须以畏、 不 偏 袒 且不存偏见的方式行事; (b) 法官必须确保其任何时候的行为均能维持所有人对法庭公正性的信任
(b ) Judges must ensure that their conduct at all times maintains the confidence of all in the impartiality of the Tribunals
我们必须确认,塞拉利昂若无其至高无上的部落 首领和其他传统领导人、其穆斯林和基督教领袖、其 多样而活跃的民间社会、其妇女组织、其往往英勇畏的记者以及该国的艺术家尤其是其音乐家的贡献, 便不会有今天的面貌。
We must recognize that Sierra Leone would not be where it is today without the contributions of its paramount chiefs and other traditional leaders, of its Muslim and Christian religious leaders, of its diverse and active civil society, of its women’s organizations, of its often courageous journalists and of the country’s artists, above all its musicians.
提交人基于没有证实的怀疑,害怕今后可能遭到恶劣对 待,但缔约国根据其对亚美尼亚的了解,认为提交人的这 畏 惧 并 不 可 信
The author’s fear that he would suffer harsh treatment in the future is based on unsubstantiated suspicions, which the State party, given its knowledge of Armenia, considers implausible.
套用總督的說話,香 港 需要的是「㆒個行之有效的制度, 讓成熟
[...] 和練達的市民,有權對如何管理他們的社會發言,並且可以 不畏 懼 ㆞ 指出管理階層 在哪些㆞方和甚麼時候犯了錯。
What Hong Kong needs, to borrow from the Governor's word, "is a well-tried system for our matured and sophisticated people to
have a say how our community is run, and
[...] to tell without fear those running [...]
it where, what and when they have got it wrong.
实现千年发展目标基金的文化与发展项目成为其 他联合国合作伙伴、开发署、儿童基金会、卫生组织和粮农组织开展合作的主要领域,其活 动将大大有助于实现联发援框架的优先领域,旨在 强 社 会 文化做法,促进尊重 权 、 不歧 视和文化与民族多样性。
This MDG-F project on culture and development constitutes a main area of cooperation with other United Nations partners, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO and FAO, and its activities are significantly contributing
to the UNDAF priority
[...] area aimed at reinforcing socio-cultural practices that promote respect for human rights, non-discrimination [...]
and cultural and ethnic diversity.
但是,也表示了关切,认为如果采取的方法基于以知识产权是否可以在知 识产权登记处登记来决定适用的法律,则可能与某些国家宪法规定的权利持有 人平等待遇要求背道而驰,不符合 欧洲议会和欧洲理事会 2004 年 4 月 29 日 关于知识权强制执行的第 2004/48/EC 号指令(也称作“(知识权)强制 执 行 指令”或“强制执行指令”)所采取的做法。
The concern was expressed, however, that an approach based on whether an intellectual property right might be registered or not in an intellectual property registry for determining the applicable law might run counter to the requirement for the equal treatment of right holders under constitutional law in certain
States and the approach taken in Directive
[...] 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (also known as “(IPR) Enforcement Directive” or “IPRED”).
当缔约国对行使言论自权强加某些限制时,这些限 制或不会扼 杀权利本身,但缔约国必须证明强制施加的限制对于实现合法目的 之一是“有必要的”。
When a State party imposes certain restrictions on the exercise
[...] of freedom of expression, these may not put in jeopardy the right itself, and [...]
each time
the State party must justify that the imposed restrictions are “necessary” to achieve one of the legitimate purposes.
每个会员国都权禁止人员入境,但正如最近第 1904(2009)号决议第 1 段(b)所重申的,旅行禁 令不强制要求“任何国家拒绝本国国民入境或要求本国国民离境”。
Every Member State has a right to forbid entry to its territory, but the travel ban, as most recently reiterated in paragraph 1 (b) of resolution 1904 (2009), does not oblige “any [...]
State to deny entry or require
the departure from its territories of its own nationals”.
小组权强迫证 人作证,调查的依据是以色列和土 耳其对事件进行的国家调查,而两者得出的结论 不 相 同
The Panel did not have the power to compel witnesses to testify and based its review on the Israeli and Turkish national investigations into the incident, which reached very different conclusions.
台灣大哥大在過去的一年中不畏全 球 金融海 嘯肆虐、民間消費力道萎縮的惡劣環境,在全 體同仁齊心戮力下,多項營運指標皆優於主要 競爭對手,交出亮麗的成績單!
In spite of the global financial crisis and weak domestic private consumption, Taiwan Mobile (“TWM” or “the Company”) delivered satisfactory results last year, surpassing its peers in various key performance indexes.
我发誓/郑重承诺独立和公正地履行我作为联合国上诉行政法庭/联合 国争议法庭法官的司法职责不偏不 倚 , 无 畏 无 惧 ,刚 不 阿 , 且在任何时 候都遵守《行为守则》。
I swear/solemnly undertake to carry out my judicial duties as a judge of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal/United Nations
Dispute Tribunal
[...] independently and impartially and without fear or favour and that I shall abide [...]
at all times by the code of conduct.
安全理事会不能重蹈覆辙,就象在 2003 年 2 月那样,仅凭美国国务卿鲍 威尔的单方面谎言,即沦为美强权 和 霸 权的工具,为其武装入侵伊拉克提供合 法外衣。
It is imperative for the Security Council not to step into the same situation in which it was once misused as a tool of high-handedness and hegemony of the United States by giving legitimacy to its armed invasion into Iraq, based on a single word of lies of Powell, United States Secretary of State, in February 2003.
尽管这些挑战无疑令人畏,但我们 强 调 , 通过协调 和集体行动,这些挑战都是可以应付的。
While these challenges are no
[...] doubt daunting, we stress that they can be overcome [...]
through concerted and collective action.
这不可能有别的理解,只能说是在故意无视这个问题的实质——直接关系到 一个国家生存问题的实质,只能说是在保护某国 强权 政 治 ,处事 不 公 平
This cannot be construed as other than intentionally ignoring the essence of the matter,
which is directly related to the existence of one country,
[...] protecting someone’s power politics and turning to [...]
大韩民国致力于全球定期审查,这一机制 引起一些批评,可是大韩民国代表还是强调其功效, 因为它能够强不同当 事方在国家和国际两级进行 对话与合作,共同致力于实现所有 权。
The universal periodic review mechanism, in which his country was engaged, tended to draw criticism, but it was effective
in that it facilitated enhanced dialogue and
[...] cooperation at the national and international levels among the participants in the collective pursuit of human rights.
他强调,不赋予受影响的人群权力和所权,不增强民主 结构和良政,就无法持久地解决难民局势和冲突。
He stressed that sustainable solutions to refugee situations and conflict were not possible without the empowerment of and ownership by affected populations, nor without enhanced structures of democracy and good governance.
面对这种顽不化和以色列强权逻 辑,我们强 调,我们致力于利用法律的力量,并寻求在安全理事 会第 242(1967)和第 338(1973)号决议、马德里和平 框架、土地换和平原则以及阿拉伯和平倡议的基础 [...]
Faced with that intransigence and Israel’s logic of might, we emphasize that we are [...]
committed to the force of the law and
that we seek a just, comprehensive and lasting settlement of the conflict in the Middle East based on Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), the Madrid terms of reference for peace, the principle of land for peace and the Arab Peace Initiative.
关 于被占领的叙利亚戈兰的决议(A/C.4/65/L.16)以多 数票获得通过还证实,以色列竭力吞并被占领的叙利 亚戈兰并将其法律、管辖权和行 权强 加 于 戈兰,建 立和扩大定居点,对戈兰的叙利亚人民实行种族主义 做法的决定是无效的不具有 国际法律效力。
The adoption, by a majority vote, of the resolution on the occupied Syrian Golan (A/C.4/65/L.16) furthermore confirmed that the Israeli decision to
endeavour to annex the
[...] occupied Syrian Golan and impose Israeli laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Golan, to build and expand settlements and to pursue racist practices against [...]
the Syrian
people of the Golan were null and void and without international legal effect.
在问答环节中,Reshma的父亲Dr Vedhakumar Valliappan解释道他们当初决不畏精神 分裂症的传统观念以救出Reshma让她重拾信心与鼓励 强 化 了 治疗疗程。
In the question and answer session, Reshma’s father, Dr
Vedhakumar Valliappan
[...] explained that it was their decision to defy the conventional notions of Schizophrenia that rescued Reshma from her other world which encouraged and empowered in her own healing [...]
这种天性和人道是 神的馈赠,是笃信真主的圣灵的外现,因为真主是整 个宇宙的造物主和设计师,永生不灭,他的言行流露 出同情、大度,公正和正直;也是因为人类在追求尊 严,使自身臻于完美无缺,又渴望升华自身的物质和 精神境界,向往实现自由不畏压迫 、腐败和歧视并 力图支持被压迫者;为所有人谋求幸福和持久的繁荣 与安全。
As everyone knows, the superiority of human beings and their dominance over other creatures lie in the very nature and the truth of humankind, which is a divine gift and a manifestation of the divine spirit embodying faith in God, the everlasting Creator and Planner of the entire universe who shows compassion, generosity, justice and integrity in both words and deeds; the quest for dignity to reach the pinnacles of perfection, the aspirations to elevate one’s material and spiritual status and the longing to realize liberty; defying oppression, corruption and discrimination and trying to support the oppressed; seeking happiness and lasting prosperity and security for all.
所谓“狭路相逢勇者胜”这句话,正好验证了李总和他的团队为民族工业和民族品 不畏强 势 , 披荆斩棘,力挽狂澜的大无畏精神。
Just as the old saying goes, the brave one will win in the fierce competition, which suitably demonstrates the great spirit of Li Ke and his team in forging ahead for national industry and national brand despite the troubles.




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