

单词 不畏强暴

See also:

强暴 n

rape n

External sources (not reviewed)

突尼斯人民、埃及人民、利比亚人民、也门人 民和叙利亚人民凭借非凡的勇气 不畏强暴 , 要 求属 于自己的权利。
With extraordinary courage Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans, Yemenis and Syrians have braved oppression to demand their rights.
在今天纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百零五周 年的会议上,我们特别赞扬那些曾 不畏强暴 ,同奴隶制作斗争的男女的勇气和不屈不挠的精神,他 们不仅激励那些与他们一样蒙受苦难的奴隶们,而 且激励许多有着自由思想的其他自由人,这些人冒 着生命危险投身反对奴隶制的运动,并且往往为了 自己的崇高信念而付出最终代价。
What is also so incomprehensible resilience of those brave men and women who stood up and fought against the system, thus becoming an inspiration not only to those who suffered as they did, but also to many other free people with free minds who engaged themselves in anti-slavery movements, risking their lives and often paying the ultimate price for their noble beliefs.
当谈及为解决若开邦持不断的暴力 冲 突需 要深度对话时,吴登强调, “冲突中任何一方的 生命财产损失都是国家的损失”。
Speaking of the need for further
dialogue to address
[...] the ongoing conflict in Kachin State, he stressed that “any loss of life and property from [...]
either side in the
conflict [is] a loss for the country”.
强调了亚洲及太平洋成为一个 妇女和女不遭受贫困暴力和歧视的区域的重要性。
She stressed the importance of Asia and the Pacific being a region where women and girls live free from poverty, violence and discrimination.
根据要求,总干事在与缔约国协商后应提出一份包含有针对性行动的跨部门计 划,旨在:强和平与非暴力文 化教育,推动自然科学成 不 同 文 化间对话、交 流以及和平的普遍语言和工具;突出社会和人文科学在巩固普遍价值观、民主与 人权中发挥的作用;强调文化多样性 不 同 文 化间对话,以及相互理解与和解传 统的作用;发掘媒介机遇,以此作为和解、容忍与不同文化间理解的工具,特别 要突出青年人使用的新媒体的作用。
The Director-General has been requested
[...] to prepare, in consultation with Member States, an intersectoral programme with targeted actions aimed at: strengthening education for a culture of peace and non-violence, promoting natural sciences as a universal language and vehicle for intercultural dialogue and exchange and [...]
peace; underlining
the role of social and human sciences in promoting universal values, democracy and human rights; stressing the role of cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and heritage for mutual understanding and reconciliation; exploring opportunities offered by the media as a vehicle for reconciliation, tolerance and intercultural understanding especially highlighting the use of new media by youth.
今天可能要讨论阿富汗局势的许多方面,但因时 间有限,我仅侧重于四个方面:首先,新西兰赞扬在
[...] 最近的议会选举中投票的数百万阿富汗人,其中许多 人在参加议会选举时面临恫吓, 不畏暴 力 威 胁。
Many aspects of the situation in Afghanistan might be addressed today, but in the interests of time I will focus on just four: First, New Zealand applauds those millions of Afghans who voted in the
recent parliamentary elections, many of them facing intimidation and
[...] defying threats of violence to elect their parliament.
他们将继续呼吁国际社会在 结束以色列对巴勒斯坦土地的占领和实现其期待已 久的自决权的长期斗争中不畏强权 坚 持真理。
They would continue to appeal to the international community to stand with right above might in their long struggle to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and to achieve their long-overdue right to self-determination.
從 過去的經驗 , 我 相 信 很難要求特區的 官 員 能
[...] 學 蔣 醫生一樣 , 面 對 強權亦不 畏懼, 可以說 出 真 心 說 話 , 反映廣 [...]
大 巿 民的意見。
From past experience, I think we can hardly
require the officials of the SAR to act
[...] like Dr JIANG so fearlessly in the face of power [...]
and that they can really say to their
heart's content and to reflect the views of the people.
安全理事会为处理在前南斯拉夫和卢旺达发生的罪行而成立了 两个国际法庭;这两个法庭的规约、《国际刑事法院罗马规约》和《塞拉利昂问 题特别法庭规约》将基于性别暴力 (例 如 强 奸 、 强 迫 卖 淫和在武装冲突中从事 贩卖)以及酷刑或其他残忍不人道 和侮辱人格的待遇和奴役罪包括在战争罪和 危害人类罪的定义中,并作为灭绝种族罪的定义中。
The statutes of the two International Tribunals created by the Security Council to address crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and
the statute of the
[...] Special Court for Sierra Leone all include gender-based violence, such as rape, enforced prostitution and trafficking during armed conflict, [...]
as well as torture
or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and enslavement, within the definition of war crimes, crimes against humanity and as components of the crime of genocide.
(c) 对政策和方案以及立法和司法行动进行投资,以使妇女和女孩获得经 济资源、技术培训和社会支助,并保护其控制及 不 受 强 迫 、 歧视暴力的条件下自由和负责任地决定与其性行为相关的问题(包括性健 康和生殖健康)的人权。
(c) Invest in policies and programmes, and legislative and judiciary actions, that give women and girls access to economic resources, skills training, and social support and that protect their human right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence.
我们必须确认,塞拉利昂若无其至高无上的部落 首领和其他传统领导人、其穆斯林和基督教领袖、其 多样而活跃的民间社会、其妇女组织、其往往英勇畏的记者以及该国的艺术家尤其是其音乐家的贡献, 便不会有今天的面貌。
We must recognize that Sierra Leone would not be where it is today without the contributions of its paramount chiefs and other traditional leaders, of its Muslim and Christian religious leaders, of its diverse and active civil society, of its women’s organizations, of its often courageous journalists and of the country’s artists, above all its musicians.
提交人基于没有证实的怀疑,害怕今后可能遭到恶劣对 待,但缔约国根据其对亚美尼亚的了解,认为提交人的这 畏 惧 并 不 可 信
The author’s fear that he would suffer harsh treatment in the future is based on unsubstantiated suspicions, which the State party, given its knowledge of Armenia, considers implausible.
套用總督的說話,香 港 需要的是「㆒個行之有效的制度, 讓成熟
[...] 和練達的市民,有權對如何管理他們的社會發言,並且可以 不畏 懼 ㆞ 指出管理階層 在哪些㆞方和甚麼時候犯了錯。
What Hong Kong needs, to borrow from the Governor's word, "is a well-tried system for our matured and sophisticated people to
have a say how our community is run, and
[...] to tell without fear those running [...]
it where, what and when they have got it wrong.
安全理事会根据其第 1882(2009)号决议扩大了秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突 年度报告附件涵盖范围不仅列 入招募和使用儿童的武装冲突方,而且列入武装 冲突局势中违反适用的国际法杀害和致残儿童以及(或)对儿童实 强 奸 和 其他暴力行为的武装冲突方。
Under Security Council resolution 1882 (2009), the Security Council expanded the gateway to the annexes of the annual report of the Secretary-General on
children and armed
[...] conflict to include not only parties to conflict that recruit and use children, but also those parties that are responsible for the killing and maiming of children in contravention of international law, and/or rape and other forms of sexual violence committed against [...]
children, in situations of armed conflict.
安全理事会成员商定对新闻界发表声明,其中他们表示欣见南苏丹全民投票 进程结束了大体上和平、有序的投票阶段;对在阿卜耶伊发生的暴力深表遗憾, 重申对未就阿卜耶伊达成协议深表关切 强 调 必 须继续执行《全面和平协议》, 敦促有关各方就阿卜耶伊和其他至关重要的问题达成协议;对达尔富尔境内暴 力活动和不安全 状况加重深表关切,敦促所有当事方停止敌对活动;回顾在达尔 富尔结束有罪不罚现象并伸张正义的重要意义;重申支持非洲联盟和联合国领导 的达尔富尔和平进程。
The members of the Security Council agreed on a statement to the press in which they welcomed the conclusion of a largely peaceful and orderly voting period for the Southern Sudan referendum; deplored the violence that had occurred in Abyei and reiterated their deep concern about the
absence of an
[...] agreement on Abyei; stressed the importance of continued implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and urged the parties to reach an agreement on Abyei and other critical issues; expressed their deep concern at the increase in violence and insecurity [...]
in Darfur and urged all parties to cease hostilities; recalled the
importance of ending impunity and of justice for crimes committed in Darfur; and reaffirmed support for the peace process for Darfur led by the African Union and the United Nations.
安全理事会在第 2021(2011)号决议中,深为关切地注意到刚果民主共和国
[...] 东部一直有侵犯人权和违反人道主义法的行为,包括大量平民被杀和流离失所, 招募和使用儿童兵,暴力屡见不鲜 , 强 调 必 须将侵权和违法者绳之以法。
By resolution 2021 (2011), the Security Council noted with great concern the persistence of human rights abuses and humanitarian law violations against civilians in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, including the killing and displacement of significant numbers of civilians, the recruitment
and use of child soldiers, and
[...] widespread sexual violence, and stressed that the perpetrators [...]
must be brought to justice.
瓦克博格豪森生产基地在报告年度参与 强 风 暴 研 究 项目SAFE(基于传感器与执行器 强 风 暴 预 警 系统)。
The period under review also saw the WACKER
Burghausen site
[...] participating in a storm research project known as SAFE (Sensor-Activated Severe Storm Early Warning [...]
台灣大哥大在過去的一年中不畏全 球 金融海 嘯肆虐、民間消費力道萎縮的惡劣環境,在全 體同仁齊心戮力下,多項營運指標皆優於主要 競爭對手,交出亮麗的成績單!
In spite of the global financial crisis and weak domestic private consumption, Taiwan Mobile (“TWM” or “the Company”) delivered satisfactory results last year, surpassing its peers in various key performance indexes.
我发誓/郑重承诺独立和公正地履行我作为联合国上诉行政法庭/联合 国争议法庭法官的司法职责不偏不 倚 , 无 畏 无 惧 ,刚 不 阿 , 且在任何时 候都遵守《行为守则》。
I swear/solemnly undertake to carry out my judicial duties as a judge of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal/United Nations
Dispute Tribunal
[...] independently and impartially and without fear or favour and that I shall abide [...]
at all times by the code of conduct.
在问答环节中,Reshma的父亲Dr Vedhakumar Valliappan解释道他们当初决不畏精神 分裂症的传统观念以救出Reshma让她重拾信心与鼓励 强 化 了 治疗疗程。
In the question and answer session, Reshma’s father, Dr
Vedhakumar Valliappan
[...] explained that it was their decision to defy the conventional notions of Schizophrenia that rescued Reshma from her other world which encouraged and empowered in her own healing [...]
[...] 处于严重危险之中的平民大声疾呼时,国际社会必须不畏惧地愿意作出反应。
It is important that when civilians in grave danger cry out, the international
[...] community, undaunted, is ready to [...]
(a) 采取了哪些包括立法在内的措施,以打击贩运妇女、家 暴 力 、强奸和 抛弃女婴等各种形式的暴力侵害妇女行为,对所有有关虐待和凌辱的指控 进行调查及保护受害者。
(a) The measures, including legislative ones,
taken to combat various
[...] forms of violence against women, including trafficking, domestic violence, marital rape and abandonment [...]
of girl babies, to
investigate all allegations of ill-treatment and abuse, and to protect the victims.
委员会进一步建 议,缔约国强家庭暴力方 面的研究和数据收集能力,在下一次定期报告中提供 这方面的详细资料,并提供以下资料:受害者投诉数字、提供的补救办法以及对 犯罪人的起诉和判刑情况。
The Committee further recommends that
[...] the State party strengthen its research and data collection capacity on domestic violence and provide detailed [...]
information on this
in its next periodic report, together with information on the number of complaints filed by victims, remedies granted, and prosecutions and sentences imposed on perpetrators.
(g) 确保提供顾及受害人需要的适当医疗、法律和社会服务,以 强 对 暴力 侵 害妇女案件的刑事司法管理,并鼓励发展专门的保健服务,包括由训练有素的 保健提供者进行的全面、免费和保密的法医检查和适当治疗,包括专门的艾滋病 [...]
(g) To ensure that adequate medical, legal and social services sensitive to
the needs of victims are
[...] in place to enhance the criminal justice management of cases involving violence against women and [...]
to encourage the development
of specialized health services, including comprehensive, free and confidential forensic examinations by trained health providers and appropriate treatment, including HIVspecific treatment.
[...] 和生存产生的不利影响,包括因海平面升高、珊瑚漂白现象增加并日趋严重、海 洋表面温度升高和暴强度提 高而产生 不 利 影 响,加之废物流入海中、过度捕 捞、破坏性渔捞方式、外来入侵物种和珊瑚开采的协同负面效应
Expressing grave concern about the adverse impact of climate change and ocean acidification on the health and survival of coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world, including through sea-level rise, the increase in the severity and incidence of coral
bleaching, rising sea
[...] surface temperature and higher storm intensity, combined with the [...]
synergistic negative effects of waste
run-off, overfishing, destructive fishing practices, alien invasive species and coral mining
安理会在第 13(e)段中将旅
[...] 行和金融措施扩大到适用活动于刚果民主共和国境内,并严重违反国际法,在武 装冲突局势中以儿童或妇女为目标,从事包括杀害和残害、 暴 力 、 绑架 强迫 流离失所等行为的个人。
By paragraph 13 (e), the Council extended the travel and financial measures to individuals operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and committing serious violations of international law involving the targeting of children or
women in situations of armed conflict, including killing
[...] and maiming, sexual violence, abduction and forced [...]
以下优先领域决定了《国家儿童行动计划》的结构:(1) 减少贫 困,(2) 对所有儿童进行优质教育,(3) 使所有儿童更健康,(4) 改善残疾儿童的
[...] 地位和权利,(5) 保护无父母照看的儿童的权利,(6) 保护儿童免受虐待、忽 视、剥削暴力,以及(7) 加强国家解决儿童问题的能力。
The following priorities determine the structure of the National Plan of Action for Children: (1) poverty reduction, (2) quality education for all children, (3) better health for all children, (4) improvement of status and rights of children with disabilities, (5) protection of the rights of children without parental custody, (6) protection of
children against abuse, neglect,
[...] exploitation and violence and (7) strengthening national capacities [...]
to resolve the problems of children.
这种天性和人道是 神的馈赠,是笃信真主的圣灵的外现,因为真主是整 个宇宙的造物主和设计师,永生不灭,他的言行流露 出同情、大度,公正和正直;也是因为人类在追求尊 严,使自身臻于完美无缺,又渴望升华自身的物质和 精神境界,向往实现自由不畏压迫 、腐败和歧视并 力图支持被压迫者;为所有人谋求幸福和持久的繁荣 与安全。
As everyone knows, the superiority of human beings and their dominance over other creatures lie in the very nature and the truth of humankind, which is a divine gift and a manifestation of the divine spirit embodying faith in God, the everlasting Creator and Planner of the entire universe who shows compassion, generosity, justice and integrity in both words and deeds; the quest for dignity to reach the pinnacles of perfection, the aspirations to elevate one’s material and spiritual status and the longing to realize liberty; defying oppression, corruption and discrimination and trying to support the oppressed; seeking happiness and lasting prosperity and security for all.
所谓“狭路相逢勇者胜”这句话,正好验证了李总和他的团队为民族工业和民族品 不畏强 势 , 披荆斩棘,力挽狂澜的大无畏精神。
Just as the old saying goes, the brave one will win in the fierce competition, which suitably demonstrates the great spirit of Li Ke and his team in forging ahead for national industry and national brand despite the troubles.
使团到访的影响没有产生预期的结果:1688年帕那莱被推翻了,一个令人 畏 的 暴 君 皮 拉查(Pitracha)登上王位,此人长期向西方各国关闭暹罗的国门,只对荷兰开放。
The mission did not produce the expected result: Phra Narai was overthrown in 1688 and replaced by a dreadful tyrant, Pitracha, who closed off Siam to Westerners for a long time, except for Holland.




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