

单词 不畏



not submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence


not submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence


shrink back in fear (idiom); too cowardly to advance


fig. the fearlessness of youth
lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

從 過去的經驗 , 我 相 信 很難要求特區的 官 員 能
[...] 學 蔣 醫生一樣 , 面 對 強權亦不 畏懼, 可以說 出 真 心 說 話 , 反映廣 [...]
大 巿 民的意見。
From past experience, I think we can hardly
require the officials of the SAR to act
[...] like Dr JIANG so fearlessly in the face of power [...]
and that they can really say to their
heart's content and to reflect the views of the people.
[...] 处于严重危险之中的平民大声疾呼时,国际社会必须不畏惧地愿意作出反应。
It is important that when civilians in grave danger cry out, the international
[...] community, undaunted, is ready to [...]
荷兰欢迎卡塔尔与各特别程序合作而 不畏 挑 战 ,进一步提高妇女在社会 中的作用。
Netherlands welcomed the cooperation with Special
[...] procedures and the challenges to further [...]
boost the role of women in society.
这次拍摄背后的意义是展现Kyle是男人中的男人 不畏 亲 身 尝试。
The idea behind the shoot was to present Kyle as a man’s man;
[...] someone who is not afraid to get his [...]
hands dirty.
套用總督的說話,香 港 需要的是「㆒個行之有效的制度, 讓成熟
[...] 和練達的市民,有權對如何管理他們的社會發言,並且可以 不畏 懼 ㆞ 指出管理階層 在哪些㆞方和甚麼時候犯了錯。
What Hong Kong needs, to borrow from the Governor's word, "is a well-tried system for our matured and sophisticated people to
have a say how our community is run, and
[...] to tell without fear those running [...]
it where, what and when they have got it wrong.
我们真正不畏艰险环境、帮助危难 人民的联合国员工引以为荣。
We are truly proud of the United Nations staff, who are braving difficult and dangerous circumstances to help those in need.
台灣大哥大在過去的一年中不畏全 球 金融海 嘯肆虐、民間消費力道萎縮的惡劣環境,在全 體同仁齊心戮力下,多項營運指標皆優於主要 競爭對手,交出亮麗的成績單!
In spite of the global financial crisis and weak domestic private consumption, Taiwan Mobile (“TWM” or “the Company”) delivered satisfactory results last year, surpassing its peers in various key performance indexes.
突尼斯人民、埃及人民、利比亚人民、也门人 民和叙利亚人民凭借非凡的勇气 不畏 强 暴 ,要求属 于自己的权利。
With extraordinary courage Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans, Yemenis and Syrians have braved oppression to demand their rights.
平機會主席的人選不單要對平等機會有深入的認識和足夠的遠見,更需要有獨立思考的能力 不畏 權 勢 ,大公無私,開明開放。
Thus, the chairperson of such an organization must not only possess adequate knowledge, sensitivity, and vision about equal opportunities, but must also exhibit independent thinking, openness, and courage to confront the powers-that-be.
这种天性和人道是 神的馈赠,是笃信真主的圣灵的外现,因为真主是整 个宇宙的造物主和设计师,永生不灭,他的言行流露 出同情、大度,公正和正直;也是因为人类在追求尊 严,使自身臻于完美无缺,又渴望升华自身的物质和 精神境界,向往实现自由不畏压迫 、腐败和歧视并 力图支持被压迫者;为所有人谋求幸福和持久的繁荣 与安全。
As everyone knows, the superiority of human beings and their dominance over other creatures lie in the very nature and the truth of humankind, which is a divine gift and a manifestation of the divine spirit embodying faith in God, the everlasting Creator and Planner of the entire universe who shows compassion, generosity, justice and integrity in both words and deeds; the quest for dignity to reach the pinnacles of perfection, the aspirations to elevate one’s material and spiritual status and the longing to realize liberty; defying oppression, corruption and discrimination and trying to support the oppressed; seeking happiness and lasting prosperity and security for all.
他们将继续呼吁国际社会在 结束以色列对巴勒斯坦土地的占领和实现其期待已 久的自决权的长期斗争中不畏强权 坚持真理。
They would continue to appeal to the international community to stand with right above might in their long struggle to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and to achieve their long-overdue right to self-determination.
它重申摩洛哥王国有极大决心,保障公认的人权, 不畏 困 难 和障碍,努力 促使其所有机构尊奉这些权利。
It reaffirmed the fact that the Kingdom has great ambitions to guarantee human rights as defined on the universal level and was trying to include all its institutions to consecrate these rights despite difficulties and obstacles.
熟知 X100 方方面面的开发者们正不畏挑战 ,与开发 X100 时一样,考虑了与光路及传感器的兼容性,创造出一款可与主镜头媲美的转换镜头。
The developers, who know every single characteristic of X100,have created a conversion lens that offers the image quality comparable to X100's master lens by ensuring optimum compatibility with the camera's light channel and sensor.
2013年1月2日,100多名热情饱满的运动 不畏 严 寒 ,以完成在吉林省长春市举办的2013“中国长春净月潭瓦萨国际滑雪节”越野滑雪赛的方式迎接了新年的到来。
On 2 January more than a hundred eager athletes started the new year by defying the cold setting out to finish the 52,5 km track in Vasaloppet China in Changchun, Jilin.
在康培小学就读小六 EM3源流时,嘉不畏艰难 ,努力不懈,终于在2002年的小六离校考试中考取优异的成绩,并升上中一普通学术源流的课程。
As an EM3 student at Canberra Primary School in 2002, she defied all odds to emerge as the EM3 student who obtained the second highest national scores in the PSLE, and secured for herself a well-deserved place in the Normal (Academic) stream.
在问答环节中,Reshma的父亲Dr Vedhakumar Valliappan解释道他们当初决不畏精神分裂症的传统观念以救出Reshma让她重拾信心与鼓励,强化了治疗疗程。
In the question and answer session, Reshma’s father, Dr Vedhakumar Valliappan explained that it was their decision to defy the conventional notions of Schizophrenia that rescued Reshma from her other world which encouraged and empowered in her own healing process.
所谓“狭路相逢勇者胜”这句话,正好验证了李总和他的团队为民族工业和民族品 不畏 强 势 ,披荆斩棘,力挽狂澜的大无畏精神。
Just as the old saying goes, the brave one will win in the fierce competition, which suitably demonstrates the great spirit of Li Ke and his team in forging ahead for national industry and national brand despite the troubles.
只要「青春鳥王」音樂響起,即使有多少困難與問題,他們都會一鼓作氣向前去!二十年前,四名年輕人擁抱著青春, 不畏 懼 ,完成香港到巴黎16,000公里的單車長征。
Inspired by a beautiful melody called The Bird on Fire, four intrepid youngsters set out on a 16,000 km cycle ride from Hong Kong to Paris, overcoming all the obstacles they encounter along the way.
拼 搏 ——拼搏就是使出全部力量搏斗或争取,是一种不怕困难 不畏 惧 艰 险、敢想敢干、勇往直前的精神和勇气,体现的是创业精神、竞争精神、奉献精神。
Hard work------ Hard work is exerting all their efforts to fight or compete; it is the spirit and courage not afraid of difficulties, doing not fear hardship, daring to think and work, marching fearlessly onward; it embodies the entrepreneurial spirit, competitive spirit and dedication.
當 地 方 議 會 的 主 憲 份 子 向 尼 古 拉 請 願 時 ﹐ 尼 古 拉 稱
[...] 「 我 會 堅 決 地 ﹑不 畏 縮 地 維 護 專 政 原 則 [...]
﹐ 正 如 我 那 已 故 的 ﹑ 令 人 緬 懷 的 父 親 所 作 的 一 樣 。
When the zemstvo constitutionalists petitioned, Nicholas II commented that “I
shall preserve the principle of autocracy just as
[...] firmly and unflinchingly as my late [...]
unforgettable parent preserved it.
提交人基于没有证实的怀疑,害怕今后可能遭到恶劣对 待,但缔约国根据其对亚美尼亚的了解,认为提交人的这 畏 惧 并 不 可 信
The author’s fear that he would suffer harsh treatment in the future is based on unsubstantiated suspicions, which the State party, given its knowledge of Armenia, considers implausible.
(a) 法官在审理一切事项时必须以畏、 不 偏 袒 且不存偏见的方式行事; (b) 法官必须确保其任何时候的行为均能维持所有人对法庭公正性的信任
(b ) Judges must ensure that their conduct at all times maintains the confidence of all in the impartiality of the Tribunals
为中国的政治领袖祷告,让他们能够越来越明白对主的 畏 , 不 再 刚 硬他们的心,召致祂的审判。
Pray for the political leaders in
China, that they would
[...] increasingly know the fear of the Lord and would not harden their [...]
hearts, inviting His judgment.
本人以謹慎、畏、無 私的精神履行裁決的職責,因 為裁決的結果或會成為日後裁決的先例及依據。
I exercise this duty with great
[...] care, without fear or favour, as [...]
such rulings may be used as precedents and references for future rulings.
我发誓/郑重承诺独立和公正地履行我作为联合国上诉行政法庭/联合 国争议法庭法官的司法职责不偏不 倚 , 无 畏 无 惧 ,刚 不 阿 , 且在任何时 候都遵守《行为守则》。
I swear/solemnly undertake to carry out my judicial duties as a judge of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal/United Nations
Dispute Tribunal
[...] independently and impartially and without fear or favour and that I shall abide [...]
at all times by the code of conduct.
我们必须确认,塞拉利昂若无其至高无上的部落 首领和其他传统领导人、其穆斯林和基督教领袖、其 多样而活跃的民间社会、其妇女组织、其往往英勇畏的记者以及该国的艺术家尤其是其音乐家的贡献, 便不会有今天的面貌。
We must recognize that Sierra Leone would not be where it is today without the contributions of its paramount chiefs and other traditional leaders, of its Muslim and Christian religious leaders, of its diverse and active civil society, of its women’s organizations, of its often courageous journalists and of the country’s artists, above all its musicians.
教科文组织参与这一周年活动应是国际社会对其音乐作品已成为重要世界文化遗产的 这位具有大畏创新精神的音乐家的至高无上的承认。
UNESCO’s association with this anniversary is the ultimate recognition by the international community of this daring and innovative musician whose musical works represent a very important treasure of the world’s cultural heritage.
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼公平地呈列財務 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述 不 論 是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及不同情 況下作出合理的會計估計。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何 不 得 將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.




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