单词 | 不理想 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不理想 adjective —undesirable adjless common: unsatisfactory adj See also:不理—ignore • pay no attention to • refuse to acknowledge • take no notice of 不想—unexpectedly 理想—an ideal • desirable • a dream • perfect • perfection
科尔马(Colmar),南到瑞士的工业城市米卢斯繁荣的城市的博物馆,但与一 些 不理想 的 地 方为第二或永久的家,除非你在瑞士工作。 leapfrog-properties.com | South of Colmar, next to Switzerland is the industrial city of [...] Mulhouse- a prosperous city with a number of [...] museums but not the ideal place for a second [...]or permanent home unless you work in Switzerland. leapfrog-properties.com |
如果员工的健康情况不理 想,会 导致病假率居高不下,甚至是失去熟练员工,这就大大地增加了员工招聘和 培训成本。 bencham.org | If workers are unhealthy it can lead to increased time away from work and possibly the loss of trained employees and therefore higher recruitment and training costs. bencham.org |
到目前为止,我们已经讨论了为什么一个信号到生产测试方法 是 不理想 的 , 但到底什么是我们所说的物理层测试? litepoint.com | Spectrum Emission Mask So far we have discussed why a signaling approach to production testing is less than desirable but just what do we mean by physical layer testing? litepoint.com |
我們有需要並打算在未來㆒年就㆖述各方面作 進㆒步改善,原因是整體的罪案趨勢並 絕 不理想 ; 目 前仍有㆒些令㆟擔心的㆞方,例 如少年及青年所犯的罪行、汽車盜竊及走私活動。 legco.gov.hk | We need and intend to make further improvements in all these areas in the coming year, because the trends are by no means universally good; there are still a number of worrying areas, for example crime by juveniles and young persons, car theft and smuggling. legco.gov.hk |
应将暗含土地权利重大转移的土地投资视为最后的和 最 不理想的 选 择,只有当任何其他投资模式都无法对当地发展做出类似贡献或改进有关地方 社区的生计时,才可接受这类投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | Land investments implying an important shift in land rights should represent the last and least desirable option, acceptable only if no other investment model can achieve a similar contribution to local development and improve the livelihoods within the local communities concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
在數個㆞點各自興建較小型的綜合監獄是 極 不理想 的做 法,因為若要處理同時在數個不同㆞點發生大批囚犯騷 亂事故,需要面對更大風險。 legco.gov.hk | We have revisited the security aspects critically and concluded that, on the contrary, partial co-locations are most undesirable in terms of the attendant risks in handling multiple incidents in diverse locations involving sizable numbers of inmates. legco.gov.hk |
儿基会支持“居家 2”办法, 尽管这个办法并不理想,因 为它可能略微增加儿基会的总费用,与此同时,将降 [...] 低其不带家属工作地点略低于 50%的工作人员的总补偿额。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF supported the HOME 2 model, [...] although it was not ideal since it would [...]slightly increase its total costs while at the [...]same time lowering the total compensation package for just under 50 per cent of its staff in non-family duty stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
就索马里来说,报告涉及了邦特兰和 [...] 索马里兰,这两个地区的安全局势虽 并 不理想 , 但却 允许国际社会提供起诉援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | In respect of Somalia, the report deals with Puntland and Somaliland, as those [...] are the regions where the security [...] situation, although not ideal, allows for international [...]assistance for prosecutions to be delivered. daccess-ods.un.org |
太 過 倚 重 法 庭 的 酌 情 決 定 權 以 接 納 傳 聞 證 據 亦 不 理 想 , 因 為 接 納 證 據 與 否 不 可 取 決 於 某 一 法 官 興 之 所 至 的 決 定 。 hkreform.gov.hk | To place too much reliance on the court's discretion to admit hearsay is also undesirable because admission of evidence should not depend on the whim of a particular judge. hkreform.gov.hk |
否则,被视为不胜任教学工 作的教师在就业状况方面没有遇到 不理想 对 待 ,结果行政上诉不能适用,此项权利也无法落 实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Otherwise, teachers deemed to be providing inadequate instruction do not suffer undesirable changes in employment status, so that administrative appeal is not applicable and the same rights do not apply. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(iii) 即使沒有出現立法會議員辭職接着又參加補選的情 況,立法建議也可以處理因為進行補選可能引起的一 些不理想的情況。 cmab.gov.hk | (iii) Even if there are no Members resigning and subsequently standing in the by-elections, the legislative proposal can avoid some of the possible downsides of holding by-elections. cmab.gov.hk |
的确,传统的评估概念不会产生自律探究,因为 , 不理想 的 成 绩往往 威胁教师的工作及其待遇,他们就不可能以开放有意义的方式参与探究活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Indeed, traditional conceptions of assessment are not conducive to self-regulated inquiry: teachers are unlikely to participate in an inquiry process in an open and meaningful way if a less-than-desirable outcome puts their job, pay, or reputation at risk. unesdoc.unesco.org |
凡是奖励 设计的薄弱的地方—或者因为信息不充分,或者未 对设计作出评价或修订—结果都是 不理想 的。 undpcc.org | Emissions or energy taxes often fall disproportionately on the poor, creating negative distributional consequences. undpcc.org |
受 金 融 海 嘯 的 影 響,2009年 歐 美 地 區 經 濟 環 境 不 理 想,本 集 團 海 外 市 場 銷 售 團 隊 重 點 拓 展 海 外 市 場 中 主 要 的 增 量 市 場,目 前 本 集 團 正 在 針 對 中 東、俄 羅 斯、印 度 等 國 家 和 地 區 自 [...] [...] 身 的 特 點 進 行 品 牌 推 廣 以 及 新 產 品 研 發 工 作。 evoc.cn | Currently, the Group conducts brand promotion and new product R&D tailoring for countries and regions such as the Middle East, Russia and India. evoc.cn |
这 显然是不理想的, 因为它意味着作出的决定虽然有效,但缺乏合法性,不一定能 反映管理局全体成员的意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is clearly undesirable, as it means that decisions taken, although valid, lack legitimacy and do not necessarily reflect the views of all members of the Authority. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,哥伦比亚局势对记者来说仍不 理想,事 实上,哥伦比亚在无国界记者新闻自由指数上的排名有所下降, [...] 2002 年在179 个国家中列第114位,2011至2012 年则下降到143位。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the situation in [...] Colombia is still not an optimal one for [...]journalists; in fact, Colombia has dropped in its ranking [...]on the Press Freedom Index of Reporters Without Borders, from 114th out of 179 countries in 2002 to 143rd in 2011-2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
特首最近委任周一嶽接替楊永強為衛生福利及食物局局長,調查顯示,16%被訪市民初步認為周一嶽是出任有關職位的理想人選,5%則認 為 不理想 , 61%表示不認識周一嶽,另外18%表示不知道。 hkupop.hku.hk | CE Tung Chee-hwa recently appointed York Chow Dr York Chow Yat-ngok to succeed Yeoh Eng-kiong as Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food. Survey findings revealed that, 16% thought he was the ideal candidate for the this [...] posting, whereas 5% thought he was not, 61% did not know him and another 18% [...] had no idea whether he was the ideal candidate. hkupop.hku.hk |
除了勞動力成本可以是這樣的光學臨時標 記 不理想 的 結 果。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Apart from the cost of labor can be the result of such optical temporary markings to be desired. en.developmentscout.com |
(iv) 第四,後備安排使遞補機制在整體上可以堵塞議員辭 職引發補選所呈現的漏洞,並可避免以補選填補臨時 空缺所出現的一些不理想的地方。 cmab.gov.hk | (iv) fourth, the fallback arrangement could generally address the perceived mischief arising from resignations aimed at triggering a by-election, and could avoid some of the downsides associated with the holding of a by-election to fill a causal vacancy. cmab.gov.hk |
这一状况是极不理想的, 因为它延续了正式 司法系统和社会之间的距离。 daccess-ods.un.org | This situation is far from ideal, since it perpetuates [...] the distance that exists between the formal justice system and the community. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們能做的就是達不到您需要的效果,保證可以退貨!運費1人1程裝箱清單:天線1條特別說明:購買 [...] 前請看清楚您路由器的接口天線的主要作用是改善信號質量,提高信噪比,說通俗一點就是提高穩定度,降低丟包率,適用於有信號覆蓋但質量不高、連接速度下降的環境 [...] ,如在完全沒有信號的位置,就算他幫您拾獲到無線信號,強度也不會達到滿意的效果;另因天線效果受很多因素影響,如購實際使用效 果 不理想 可 以 在不影響商品二 次銷售的情況下退貨或換貨,往返運費由買家承擔。 tw.imendit.com | 1 1-way shipping packing list: an antenna Special Instructions: Buy before, please look at the interface of your router antenna's main role is to improve the quality of the signal to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, and that the popular thing is to improve stability, reduce the packet loss rate, applied to the signal coverage, but the quality is not high, the connection speed drop environment , such as the location of the signal, even if he helped you picked up the wireless signal strength will not achieve satisfactory results; another antenna effect subject to many factors [...] affect, such as the purchase of the actual [...] result is not satisfactory in the goods [...]does not affect the two return or replacement [...]times sales, the round-trip shipping by the buyer, Thank you for your cooperation! imendit.com |
對於許多應用程序的特定組合的光學和處理/顯示 是 不理想 的 ,所以,買方可以要求功能喪失或買到合適的相機,除了他的頭。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | For many applications, the particular combination of optics and handle / [...] display is not ideal, so that the purchaser [...]can claim loss of functionality or [...]buy the right camera for his head in addition. en.developmentscout.com |
香港的實際情況是,人大及其代表在市民心目中的形象 並 不理想。 hkupop.hku.hk | The actual situation in Hong Kong is that, the image of the NPC and its [...] representatives are not satisfactory. hkupop.hku.hk |
不理想的天 氣與意外打翻飲料無法避免,但有了Concept就不必擔心了。 everki.com.hk | Accidents, spills, and bad weather are bound to happen, but they are of little concern with the Everki Concept. everki.com |
关切世界各地普遍存在各种形式的两性不平等,这往往体现在相较于男子而 言,妇女在许多社会发展指标上结果 更 不理想 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerned by the prevalence of gender inequality in various [...] forms worldwide, which is often expressed in poorer outcomes for [...] women relative to men on many [...]social development indicators daccess-ods.un.org |
而一些受訪專家,他們雖然瞭解了政策,但不知 道去找政府哪個部門,與政府職能部門的溝通效果往 往 不理想。 gemconsortium.org | Some feel that policies get stuck at formulation stage. Other interviewed experts, though they understand relevant policies, find [...] communication with government departments to [...] be unsatisfactory as they do not know which government [...]departments they should approach. gemconsortium.org |
但由於銅版紙材質熱轉效果不理想及 防 水、耐久性不佳,故熱轉印用標籤已朝合成紙材質來發展。 npc.com.tw | Since art paper is not good in thermal transfer, waterproof capability and durability, it is gradually replaced with synthetic paper. npc.com.tw |
尽管有法戈海瑞的保证,但是因为美国公司出现财务问题,导致汽车的性能逐渐下降,并且 1991 年的表现非常不理想,蒙达那 F1 车队最终退出世界锦标赛。 lamborghini.com | Despite Forghieri's commitment, the American company's insensitivity to the financial problem led to a progressive decline in automotive performance and the 1991 season ended negatively, with the definitive withdrawal of the Modena F1 Team from the world championship. lamborghini.com |
特别报告员认为,这一解决办法并 不理想 : 提 到其他文本,使得条款草案 抽象不易理解。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Special Rapporteur’s view, this [...] approach would not be ideal: references to [...]other texts make the draft articles abstract and difficult to digest. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于政府对北方集体农庄和国营农场的支持减少,生活水平 低下,北方土著人民很难适应迅速变化的经济市场环境,牧养驯鹿的商品产出和 销售不理想等原 因,北方的家养驯鹿数量下滑。 daccess-ods.un.org | the low subsistence level, the weak adaptability by the indigenous peoples of the North to the quickly changing market circumstances of the economy and the low level of commodity production in reindeer herding and marketability. daccess-ods.un.org |