

单词 不现实

See also:

不现 adj

unrealistic adj



现实 n

realism n

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,担忧调整后的基准影响中国遵守控制时间表的能力 不现实 的。
Therefore the concern over the implication of a changed baseline on
[...] China’s ability to comply with the control schedule is not real.
项目实施时间表定不现实,因 此在项目开始之后对项目实施方式作了修 改,制定工作计划时没作详细的经费预算,而且缺少定期的项目进展报告。
Unrealistic timescales are set for project [...]
implementation, changes are made to project implementation modalities after the
project has started, work plans are prepared without detailed budget costings, and there is a lack of regular project progress reporting.
只有在以上办不现实的情 况下才应将贷款支付给贷款接受人。
Payments to the loan recipient shall be made only if
[...] the previous option is not practical.
令人遗憾的是,亚美尼亚方面企图错误解释国际法准则和原则,坚持 不现 实的兼 并主义主张,这是阿塞拜疆永远不会接受的,这暴露了埃里温官方的真 [...]
实用意,是对冲突化解进程的公开挑战,也是对国际和区域和平与安全的严重 威胁。
Unfortunately, attempts by the Armenian side to misinterpret the norms and
principles of international law and its
[...] insistence on unrealistic annexationist [...]
claims, which Azerbaijan will never accept,
speak to the real intentions of official Yerevan and represent an open challenge to the conflict settlement process and a serious threat to international and regional peace and security.
虽然有 些人希望看到西方公司取代中国及其合作伙伴的位 置,更务实的人知道这不现实。
While there are those who wished to see Western firms take the place of China and its
[...] partners, more pragmatic minds knew that was not realistic.
但是,由于当地的法律规定,在发售股票不可能 不现实 的 一些辖区(比如中国和斐济),员工 将收到参与影子计划的要约(见第 7.11 节说明)。
However, employees in some jurisdictions where it is not possible or practicable to offer Shares due to local laws (such as in China and Fiji) will receive an offer to participate in the Phantom Plan (which is described in section 7.11).
要将整个行业过渡到新的 4K
[...] 标准,同时希望所有原来的假设一下子适应这种改变 不现实 的。
To transition the entire industry over to the new 4K standard and expect all these legacy assumptions to change
[...] suddenly is simply not realistic.
巴基斯坦是一个核武器国家,因而不能接受包括 第 1887(2009)号决议在内的有关文书要求我国作为
[...] 一个无核武器国家加入《不扩散核武器条约》(不扩 散条约)的不现实内容
Pakistan is a nuclear-weapon State and cannot accept unrealistic
references, including in resolution 1887 (2009),
[...] calling for joining the Treaty on the [...]
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as a non-nuclear-weapon State.
面临驱逐的妇女,因为缔约国不尊重不驱逐可能当她们遣返时面临迫害或者酷刑 的人的国际义务。27 基于性别迫害的受害人――例如处于“名誉”杀害风险的妇
[...] 女,――也往往成为容易被剥削的无证件移民,因为国家当局不承认此类迫害, 或不现实地认 为受害人在其原籍国具有“国内逃亡选择”。
Domestic workers without papers include women who should qualify for asylum or other protected status, but face deportation because States fail to respect their international obligations not to subject to refoulement persons who would face persecution or torture upon their return.27 Victims of gender-based persecution — e.g. women at risk of “honour” killings — are also prone to becoming undocumented migrants vulnerable to exploitation, because
national authorities fail to recognize
[...] such persecution or unrealistically assume that the victim [...]
has “internal flight alternatives” in her country of origin.
塞内加尔在请求中指出,由于仍不知晓可疑区域的总面积,目前预测必 须进行排雷的区域或通过扫雷技术“排除”的区域 不现实 、 亦 不 可 靠 ,方 案将采用一系列土地核证无雷技术,以便集中处理确证存在地雷的区域。
Senegal indicated in its request that it was not realistic or credible at present to make projections about the areas which will have to be demined or those which will be “ruled out” through clearance techniques
as the total suspected
[...] areas are not yet known and that the program will implement a range of land [...]
release techniques in
ordered to concentrate on areas in which the presence of mines is actually confirmed.
这可能不现实的, 因为如果一组织的国际不法行为 造成重大损害,该组织可能没有足够的资金提供全额补偿,或者反过来说,支付 [...]
This could be unrealistic because, if the [...]
internationally wrongful act of an organization causes major damage, the organization
might not have the funds to provide full compensation or, conversely, the payment of compensation could compromise its activities and mandates.
想强制实行武装冲突时终止、退出或中止适用条约的和平解决争端制 度,不现实的” 。96 换言之,委员会认为,在一个或几个国家卷入武装冲突的这段期间,可能不是启 动现行解决机制的理想时刻:有关国家将认为它们有更紧急的事要做,完全不想 在这个时候考虑此问题。
it was unrealistic to seek to impose a peaceful settlement of disputes regime for the termination, withdrawal from or suspension of treaties in the context of armed conflict.96 In other words, a period during which one or more States are involved in an armed conflict would not be, in the Commission’s opinion, the ideal time for setting in motion the existing dispute settlement mechanisms: the State or States in question will consider that they have more urgent things to do and will have no inclination to address that issue at that particular time.
当两个成员国在 2011 年违反东盟宪 章及根本性协议时,东盟既不能袖手旁观也不能置 身事外,这两种做法不现实。
ASEAN did not have a realistic option to do nothing or recuse itself when two members violated its own fundamental documents treaty and charter in 2011, but it was lucky that Jakarta was in the chair when major hostilities erupted.
澳大利亚认识到,赋予妇女和女童权能将加快实现千年发展目标的进展速 度不实现两性 平等,就无法实现千年发展目标。
Australia recognizes that empowering women and girls will speed up
progress towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals; without gender
[...] equality, the Goals will not be achieved.
实现不依赖 于任何第三方组件,不过目前还有作为依赖注入实现的Castle Windsor及作为日志记录实现的Log4Net可供选用。
The default implementations do not rely on any [...]
third-party components but there is currently a Castle Windsor implementation
for DI and a Log4Net implementation for logging that may, optionally, be used.
关于实现 31 C/4
[...] 中制定的战略目标的问题,很多会员国感到其中的一些目标可能在 2007 年以实现不了。
Concerning the attainment of the strategic objectives set
out in document 31 C/4, a large number of Member States felt that some of these
[...] objectives may not be attained by 2007.
工 作组强调,各阶段的和解进程都应建立在了解真相权的基础上, 实现不 能 以被 强迫失踪受害者在司法和赔偿方面的权利作为代价。
The Working Group emphasizes that every process of reconciliation
needs to be based on the right to the truth
[...] and cannot be achieved at the expense [...]
of the right of victims of enforced disappearances to justice and reparation.
网站管理员通过一个统一的安装程序 实现不 同 的房间用不同的模板,语言与配置。
Web site administrators a unified installer to achieve the different rooms with different [...]
templates , languages ​​and configuration .
仅仅 2 项(不足 7%),由于缺乏数据,很可实现 不了或不能得到验证。
Only 2 (less than 7%) are unlikely to [...]
be met or verified due to lack of data.
这背后是一种全球推动力实现不扩 散 及裁军方面一股不断增 长的势头。
It is part of a global push: a
[...] growing momentum to achieve non-proliferation [...]
and disarmament.
在此背 景之下,他们强调实现不结盟 运动的原则、理念和宗旨取决于其成员之间在 [...]
In this context, they
[...] stressed that achieving the principles, [...]
ideals and purposes of the Movement hinges upon the unity,
solidarity and cohesion among its membership, firmly rooted on mutual respect, respect for diversity and tolerance.
在注意到过去 10 年实现千年 发展目标方面取得一些进展的同时, 我们对这些目标和具体目标的进展在区域和主题上 现不 平 衡表示关切,特 别是关于促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力的千年发展目标 3、关于改善产妇保 健(包括普及生殖保健服务)的千年发展目标 5 和关于与艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾和其他疾病作斗争的千年发展目标 6 以及所有其他千年发展目标的两性 [...]
While noting that, in the past
decade, some
[...] progress has been achieved in realizing the Millennium Development Goals, we express concern at the unevenness of the progress towards achieving the goals and targets both [...]
regionally and
thematically, in particular Goal 3 on promoting gender equality and empowering women, Goal 5 on improving maternal health, including achieving universal access to reproductive health, and Goal 6 on combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, as well as the objectives encompassed within the gender equality-related dimensions of all the other Millennium Development Goals.
再次表示关切包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土内继续 现不 利的 事态发展,包括死伤人数众多,其中大多数为巴勒斯坦平民,西岸的以色列定居 者对巴勒斯坦平实施暴 力和野蛮行为,巴勒斯坦的公共和私有财产及基础设施 普遍遭到破坏,平民在境内流离失所,巴勒斯坦人民的社会经济和人道主义状况 严重恶化
Reiterating its concern over the negative developments that have continued to occur in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, including the large number of deaths and injuries, mostly among Palestinian civilians, the acts of violence and brutality committed against Palestinian civilians by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, the widespread destruction of public and private Palestinian propert y and infrastructure, the internal displacement of civilians and the serious deterioration of the socio-economic and humanitarian conditions of the Palestinian people
现 在不实行专利保护的进口国可以从一些公司进口非专利品,特别是从印度,因为印度 2005 年以前可以不对医药产品提供专利保护。
At present, importing countries where there is no patent protection have the option of importing supplies from generic companies, principally in India, because India need not have pharmaceutical product protection until 2005.
内部监督事务部指出,在以下方面存在薄弱之处:授权和开展往来业务之间 的职责分工;对单项往来业务和相关证明文件的审查和 实不 足 ,从而造成系统记 录中的重复和错现象。
The Department of Internal Oversight Services noted instances of weakness with regard to: the segregation of duties between authorization and entering of transactions; inadequate examination and verification of individual transactions and the relevant supporting documentation, which led to duplication and errors in the system records.
总体 而言,这些文书的目标对世界大部分人民而言还没实现,不管是 在权利平等原则、人民享有自决权 [...]
In the main, the objectives of those
[...] instruments had yet to be achieved by most peoples [...]
of the world, whether in respect of the
principle of equal rights, the right of peoples to self-determination, peace, democracy or justice.
因此,缔约国认为,在承认出于良心拒 服兵役并实行替代役安排之前,应当先采取一系列的措施,例如保持稳定和充足 的预备役军人实现不同信 仰的人员之间以及有信仰者和无信仰者之间的平等; 对承认免服兵役的明确而具体的标准进行深入研究;并取得一般公众对这一问题 的共识。
Thus, for the State party, the recognition of conscientious objection and the introduction of alternative service arrangements should be preceded by a series of measures: stable and sufficient provisions of military manpower; equality between people of different religions as well as with those without; in-depth studies on clear and specific criteria for recognition of an exemption and consensus on the issue among the general public.
人权原则( 如逐实现、不倒退和最大限度地提供资源) 在经济政策 的讨论中可以成为有效的授权工具,不得作为条件性或保护主义工具或反过来迫 [...]
Human rights principles
[...] (such as progressive realization, non-retrogression [...]
and maximum available resources) can be effective
empowering tools in economic policy discussions and should not be used as instruments of conditionality or protectionism or conversely for forcing the opening of markets.
南极海生委一直在世界上牵头制定 实 施 渔 业生态系统方法和预防办法; 但在下列方面仍然面临挑战:在整个公约地区,必要时在公约地区以外,有效控 制捕鱼和捕鱼能力,订立兼容的养护和管理措施,在 现不 良 影响之前制定监测 和(或)预防性管理对策。
CCAMLR had been a world leader in developing and implementing the ecosystem approach to fisheries and the precautionary approach; however, challenges remained in the effective control of fishing and fishing capacity, establishing compatible conservation and management [...]
measures throughout the Convention
area and, as necessary, outside the Convention area, and developing monitoring and/or precautionary management responses before undesirable effects occurred.
在 2009
[...] 年期间,委员会的工作仍将着重于促进国际舆论更好地 了解巴勒斯坦人实现不可剥 夺权利的重要性,这些权利包括自决权、建立独立 [...]
主权国家的权利和回返的权利,以及更好地了解全面、公正和持久地解决巴勒斯 坦问题的紧迫性。
Throughout 2009, its work will remain focused on promoting a better understanding, as gauged by
international public opinion, of the
[...] importance of the achievement by the Palestinian [...]
people of its inalienable rights, namely,
the right to self-determination, the right to an independent, sovereign State and the right of return, as well as the urgency of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting solution of the question of Palestine.




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