

单词 不法性

See also:



法性 n

legality n

External sources (not reviewed)

对于国际组织违反其国际义务的行为,如果有关行为人在遭遇危难的情 况下,除此行为之外,别无其他合理方法来挽救其生命或受其监护的其他人 的生命,则该行为不法性即告解除。
The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the author of the act in question has no other reasonable way, in a situation of distress, of saving the author’s life or the lives of other persons entrusted to the author’s care.
对应构成不法行为,但因某一 情况同不法性的行 为所造成的损失作出赔偿的问题,难以确定一般规则。
It would be difficult to set a general rule concerning compensation for losses caused by an act that would be wrongful, but for the presence of a certain circumstance.
国际组织违反其国际义务的行为如起因于不可抗力,即起因于该组织无 法控制的不可抗拒的力量或无法预料的事件,以致该组织在这种情况下实际 上不可能履行义务,该行为不法性 即 告 解除。
The wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation of that organization is precluded if the act is due to force majeure, that is, the occurrence of an irresistible force or of an unforeseen event,
beyond the control of the organization, making it
[...] materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation.
在该情况所及的范围之外,行为 不法性不 受 影 响。
Beyond the reach of the
[...] circumstance, wrongfulness of the act is not affected.
只要采取的反措施是按照条款中规定的实质性和程序性条件采取的,就是合 法的,并且是一种排除了行不法性 的 情 况,如果不是一个反措施,就会是不法 行为。
Insofar as a countermeasure is taken in accordance with the substantive and procedural conditions set forth in those articles, the countermeasure is lawful and represents a circumstance that precludes wrongfulness of an act that, but for the fact that it is a countermeasure, would have been wrongful.
虽 然国家对国际不法行为的责任条款在考虑解 不法性 的 情 况、国际责任的内容、 或援引一国国际责任时,并没有具体提及国际组织,但这些条款可以用类推方 式,适用于一个责任国和国际组织之间的关系。
Although the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts do not mention international organizations when considering circumstances precluding wrongfulness, the content of international responsibility or the invocation of the international responsibility of a State, they may be applied by analogy also to the relation between a responsible State and an international organization.
实施国际不法行为的是该国,虽然在胁迫的情形下,可以排不法性:其 他国家仍不应对实际实施不法行为负责任,而是对致使或促成了该行 为的实施负责任。
It is that State which commits an internationally wrongful act, although in the case of coercion wrongfulness could be excluded, while the other State is held responsible not for having actually committed the wrongful act but for its causal contribution to the commission of the act.
国际组织的行为只要构成国际法上的合法自卫措施,该行为 不法性 即告解除。
The wrongfulness of an act of an international
organization is precluded if and to the extent that the act constitutes a lawful measure of
[...] self-defence under international law.
这并非意味着可以认定国际组织可以援引某一特定的解 不法性 的 情 况的 条件与国家援用的条件完全相同。
This does not imply that there should be a presumption that the conditions under which an organization may invoke a certain circumstance precluding wrongfulness are the same as those applicable to States.
对于国际组织违反一般国际法强制性规范所产生的义务的任何行为,本章中 的任何规定均不解除不法性。
Nothing in this Chapter precludes the wrongfulness of any act of an
international organization which is not in conformity with an obligation
[...] arising under a peremptory norm of general international law.
其次,国际法委员会在国家对国际不 法行为的责任条款的评注中说,虽然自卫的固有权利可能证明有理由不执行
[...] ‘关于国际人道主义法所规定的各项义务和关于不可克减的人权条款的某些 条约,自卫并不排除行为不法性’。
Second, the International Law Commission stated in its commentary to the Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts that although the inherent right to self-defence may justify nonperformance of certain treaties, ‘as to obligations under international humanitarian
law and in relation to non-derogable human rights provisions,
[...] self-defence does not preclude the wrongfulness of conduct’.
在遵守第 2 款和第 3 款的前提下,国际组织违反其对一国或另一国际组 织的国际义务的行为,如构成根据国际法,包括本条款草案第四部分第二章 中所规定的实质性和程序性条件而对另一国际组织采取的反措施,该行为不法性即告解除。
Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, the wrongfulness of an act of an international organization not in conformity with an international obligation towards a State or another international organization is precluded if and to the extent that the act constitutes a countermeasure taken in accordance with the substantive and procedural conditions required by international law, including those set forth in Chapter II of Part Four for countermeasures taken against another international organization.
然而,没有理由认为,解 除国家行不法性的情 况与国际组织毫不相关,比如认为只有国家才能援引不可 抗力。
However, there would be little reason for holding that circumstances precluding wrongfulness of the conduct of States could not be relevant also for international organizations: that, for instance, only States could invoke force majeure.
[...] 家对国际不法行为的责任条款在考虑解 不法性 的 情 况、国际责任的内容、或援 引一国国际责任时,并没有具体提及国际组织,人们却不应该假定,它们在这些 [...]
Although the
[...] latter articles do not specifically mention [...]
international organizations when considering circumstances precluding
wrongfulness, the content of international responsibility or the invocation of the international responsibility of a State, one should not assume that they concern only relations between States with regard to those matters.
事实上,解除行不法性的情况极少被援引,但这 并不足以说明可以完全忽略不提这一点。
The fact that a circumstance precluding wrongfulness was rarely invoked was not a sufficient reason for omitting mention of it altogether.
[...] 规定,提供协助的国际组织承担责任的前提是“该行为若由该组织实施会构成国 际不法行为”,似无必要增加要求知道行 不法性 的 规 定。
Since subparagraph (b) requires, for responsibility to arise for an assisting international organization, that “the act would be internationally wrongful if
committed by that organization”, an additional requirement of
[...] knowledge of wrongfulness of the act does not seem warranted.
[...] 为时,则对于该国或前一国际组织而言,该特定行为 不法性 即 告 解除,但 以该行为不逾越该项同意的范围为限。
Valid consent by a State or an international organization to the commission of a given act by another
[...] organization precludes the wrongfulness of that act in relation [...]
to that State or the former organization to the extent that the act remains within the limits of that consent.
例如,如果在有关排不法 性情形 的条款草案中省略关于必要性的条款草案,就可能会导致国际组织永远无 法为此目的援引必要性。
Should, for instance, a draft article on necessity be omitted from among the draft articles dealing with the circumstances precluding wrongfulness, the implication would be that an international organization could never invoke necessity for this purpose.
为,则对于该国或前一国际组织而言,该特定行为 不法性 即 告解除,但以该行 为不逾越该项同意的范围为限。
Valid consent by a State or an international
organization to the commission
[...] of a given act by another international organization precludes the wrongfulness of that act in relation [...]
to that State or the
former organization to the extent that the act remains within the limits of that consent.
(1) 关于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第一部分第五章载有“不影响”条 款,适用于该章所述及的解不法性 的 所 有情况。
(1) Chapter V of Part One of the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts contains a “without prejudice” provision which applies to all the circumstances precluding wrongfulness considered in that chapter.
这是一项涵盖解不法性的所 有情况的一般规定。
This is a general provision covering all the
[...] circumstances precluding wrongfulness.
这明显来自于国际法委员会国家责任条款的第 50 条……,[该 条]看来认为,某项措施如与[第 50 条第 1 款中提及的某一]义务相悖,将导
[...] 致采取该措施的国家违反这一义务,但仍可解除与该国不属于(a)至(d)款的 另一项义务有关不法性”。
This is apparent from the text of Article 50 of the ILC Articles on State Responsibility … [which] appears to contemplate that a measure which is contrary to one of [the obligations referred to in article 50, paragraph 1,] will entail a breach ofthat obligation by the State which undertakes it but may nevertheless
preclude the wrongfulness in relation to another obligation of the State
[...] which does not fall within paragraphs [...]
(a) to (d).
例如,当第 20 条规定,“以有
[...] 效方式同意另一国实施某一行为时,只要这种行为仍然属于该项同意的范围,便 排除了该行为对前一国家不法性” , 43 该项规定可能通过类比关系,被理解 [...]
When, for instance, article 20 sets forth that “[v]alid consent by a State to the commission of a given act by another State precludes the wrongfulness of that
act in relation to the former State to the
[...] extent that the act remains within the [...]
limits of that consent”,43 the provision
may be understood as covering by analogy also the case where a valid consent to the commission of the act of the State is given by an international organization.
国际法委员会解释 说,行为的归属取决于“有关组织对某一行为的态度”,但下列问题却未有触及: 组织或任何其代理人或机关是否有能力“承认”或和“接纳”有关行为;承认的 形式;是否需要在充分认识到行为 不法性 质 的情况下作出承认;作出承认的法 律和经济后果。
The International Law Commission explains that attribution is based “on the attitude taken by the organization with regard to certain conduct”, but leaves open the question of the competence of the organization or of any of its agents or organs to acknowledge or adopt the conduct in question, the form of the
acknowledgement, and
[...] whether the act of acknowledging should be made in full knowledge of the unlawful character of the conduct, and of the legal and financial [...]
consequences of such acknowledgment.
虽然秘书处认为自卫措施,包括其性质、内容和适用范围,在本质上是国际 法主要规则的问题,但秘书处承认,自卫也可以是一种解 不法性 的 情 况,因此 应纳入条款草案案文。
While the Secretariat considers that the measure of self-defence — its nature, content and scope of application — is essentially a question of
the primary rules of
[...] international law, it concedes that it could also operate as a circumstance precluding wrongfulness and [...]
should thus be included
in the text of the draft articles.
虽然条款草案实现了 很好地平衡并涵盖了该专题最重要的方面,但仍需 对部分条款草案进行进一步审议,尤其是关于将行 为归于一国际组织和关于解除行 不法性 的 情 况的 条款草案。
Although the draft articles were well balanced and covered the most important aspects of the topic, some draft articles required further consideration, particularly those concerning attribution of conduct to an international organization and circumstances precluding wrongfulness.
在下列情况下,国际组织无论如何不得援引危急情况作为解 不法性的 理 由:(a) 有关的国际义务排除了援引危急情况的可能性;或 对于国际组织违反一般国际法强制性规范所产生的义务的任何行为, 本章中的任何规定均不解除不法性。
Nothing in this Chapter precludes the wrongfulness of any act of an international organization which is not in conformity with an obligation arising under a peremptory norm of general international law.
(1) 对于国家而言,不可抗力已经由关于国家对国际不法行为的责任第 23 条界 定为“不可抗力或[…… ]该国无法控制、无法预料的事件,以致该国在这种情况 下实际上不可能履行义务”206 当该情况系由援用这一情况的国家的行为引起或 该国已经承担发生这种情况的风险时,解 不法性 的 这一情况不再适用。
(1) With regard to States, force majeure had been defined in article 23 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts as “an irresistible force or [...] an unforeseen event, beyond the control of the State, making it materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation”.206 This circumstance precluding wrongfulness does not apply when the situation is due to the conduct of the State invoking it or the State has assumed the risk of that situation occurring.
总的来讲,墨西哥仍然认为在提及针对国际组织解 不法性 的 条 件时所面临 的实际困难,在“必要性”(第 24 条)、反措施(第 21 条)和“自卫”(第 20 条) 的情况下尤为如此。
In general terms, Mexico continues to see practical difficulties with any mention of the circumstances precluding wrongfulness in respect of international organizations, especially in the cases of “necessity” (art. 24), countermeasures (art. 21) and “self-defence” (art. 20).
63. 关于自卫是否应作为排不法性的情 况之一的问题,已在我的第七次报告中 作了讨论,我在其中提议删除该条草案(A/CN.4/610,第 58 和 59 段)。
The issue of whether self-defence should be included among the circumstances precluding wrongfulness was already discussed in my seventh report, where I had proposed to delete the draft article (A/CN.4/610, paras. 58 and 59).




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