单词 | 不暇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不暇 —be too busy (to do sth)less common: have no time (for sth) Examples:目不暇接—lit. too much for the eye take in (idiom); a feast for the eyes 应接不暇—no time deal with so many things (idiom); to have one's hands full 目不暇给—the eye cannot take it all in (idiom); too many good things see • a feast for the eyes See also:暇 n —leisure n
负责边境谈判的官员通常需等待自顾 不暇 的 内 阁来 作出决定,因此边境谈判也陷入停滞。 crisisgroup.org | The border negotiations lost momentum, as those leading them waited for decisions from an often distracted cabinet. crisisgroup.org |
杭州是重要的丝绸中心,各种丝绸织物、绸缎、锦缎、绣品令人 目 不暇 接。 shangri-la.com | Hangzhou is an important silk centre, and offers a fine selection of silk textiles, satin, brocade and embroideries. shangri-la.com |
丰富多样的款式都能与金黄色、白金色调和玫瑰金色等各种金色调相搭配,绝对令您应 接 不暇。 hk.ashford.com | With a variety of gold shades from yellow, white and rose there is a style to please every palette. ashford.com |
行政人員面對全球化,必須對外擴展以增加商機,更要同時管理多個分支或部門,培訓屬下,面對公司日常運作根本分 身 不暇 去 顧 及。 ipress.com.hk | Executives, facing globalization must expand to increase business opportunities while at the same time monitoring numerous branches and departments as well as training subordinates. ipress.com.hk |
另外,爱尔兰国家博物馆在都柏林和梅奥的分馆也有着精彩纷呈的展览,从恐龙骨架,到爱尔兰传统服装令您 目 不暇接 discoverireland.com | The National Museum of Ireland’s branches in Dublin and Mayo exhibit everything from dinosaur skeletons to Irish traditional dress! discoverireland.com |
稅務局也曾審慎研究可否在內部調撥 一名首長級人員承擔總系統 經理的職務,但最後認為這個做法在運作上並不可 行,原因是所有現 職首長級人員都缺乏所需的資訊科技才 能,況且他們要全力履行 本身 的 現有職責,實在分身 不 暇 。 legco.gov.hk | IRD has also critically examined the feasibility of identifying a directorate post within the department to absorb the duties of the CSM, but has come to the view that this is not operationally feasible as all the existing directorate posts lack the requisite competence in IT, and they are also fully engaged with their existing responsibilities. legco.gov.hk |
尽管少数意见认 为国际日和活动的数量可能造成应接 不暇 的 危 险,但深信世界音像遗产日可以促进政治行动 和具体活动,使保护音像遗产的努力受到公正对待。 unesdoc.unesco.org | would lead to the generation of political actions and concrete activities that render justice to the efforts undertaken for the preservation of audiovisual heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
欣賞昆士蘭最著名的一些海岸景觀,從列入世界遺產名錄的大堡礁,到純凈質樸的島嶼和雨林國家公園,保證令您 目 不暇 給。 danpacplus.hk | Capture some of Queensland¡¦s biggest coastal attractions¡V from the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef to the pristine islands and rainforest national parks. danpacplus.hk |
產建設商會主要關注的事項包括:私營界是否有足夠合資格土㆞測量師、由認 [...] 可測量師登記的契據會否令其他㆞點或分段界線合法化、有關界線的糾紛會否增加, 因而令法庭應接不暇。 legco.gov.hk | The Real Estate Developers Association’s main concerns are whether there is an adequate number of qualified land surveyors in the private sector, whether other sites or section boundaries would be legalized when a deed is registered by [...] an authorized surveyor and the likelihood of increase in boundary disputes which the [...] courts may not be able to cope with. legco.gov.hk |
在缓慢流淌的水道上静心冥想,沿岸 目 不暇 接 的 美景尽收眼底,远离现代生活的压力,洗脱尘世间的疲乏 discoverireland.com | A slow, contemplative way to travel through a land that is rich with scenic waterways, if ever there was a way to banish the stresses and strains of modern life, this would surely be it discoverireland.com |
上海素以中国闻名遐迩的购物天堂而著称,从大型购物商场到精致独特的精品小店,一应俱全,令您 目 不暇 接。 shangri-la.com | In Shanghai, you can choose from the largest of malls to the smallest of exclusive boutiques. shangri-la.com |
到 2002 年,联合国的文件情况达到令人震惊的程度,因此,秘书长在题为 《改进大会事务和会议事务部的工作情况》的报告(A/57/289)第 49 段中警告, 文件工作是联合国长期存在的问题,近来更为恶化,使联合国文件泛滥,大有令 人应接不暇之势(第 49 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 49 of his report on improving the performance of the Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services (A/57/289), the Secretary-General warned that documentation had been a chronic problem of the United Nations and that it had worsened to such an extent that the Organization was in danger of being overwhelmed by a flood of documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
五花八門的露天市集,商品種類繁多, 目 不暇 給 , 手工藝品、服飾及小飾品,價格豐儉由人。 seagate.com | Various street markets are vibrant with colour and diversity, serving up craft items, clothing and knick-knacks suited for all budgets. seagate.com |
我 們 認 為 , 傳 聞 證 據 不 會 比 其 他 種 類 的 證 據 更 會 令 法 庭 對 多 餘 的 證 據 應 接 不 暇 。 hkreform.gov.hk | we do not consider that the risk [of the courts being swamped by superfluous evidence] would be any greater in relation to hearsay than it is in relation to other types of evidence. hkreform.gov.hk |
反 覆 及 多 餘 的 證 據 會 令 法 庭 應 接 不 暇 , 訴 訟 程 序 曠 日 持 久 , 花 費 更 大 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The court would be swamped by repetitious and superfluous evidence and the proceedings would be lengthened and become more costly. hkreform.gov.hk |
伎樂天 [...] 『弦光舞影』奇技之旅》不僅包含音樂表演,更配合一連串 目 不暇 給 的 高難度雜技及體操動作,展示表演者非凡的身體平衡力、靈活性和運動協調水準,必定能令這個節目成為本年度最不容錯過的娛樂表演之一。 yp.mo | SRO Concert [...] in Macau 2013 is not just an orchestra [...]performance, but features a range of acts demonstrating the performers’ [...]extraordinary feats of balance, agility and motor coordination, making it an entertainment event not to be missed this year. yp.mo |
2013年CES展會上出現的新科技產品令人 目 不暇 接 , 究竟哪一款才是最佳? ktsf.com | CNET announces the best products at 2013 CES today. ktsf.com |
來到河畔家園的第二日,我們讓安沛 (Yen Bai)相隔著欄柵與那些少年小熊們接觸,那是一個大成就,所有的少年小熊們都極想和安沛(Yen Bai)為友,起初他真是有點應付不暇 , 但 他還是很好奇,經過短暫時間他們都成了極好的友伴。 animalsasia.org | From the second day in River House we allowed Yen Bai to have contact with the group of juveniles through the bars, which was a huge success – all the juveniles wanted to be friends with Yen Bai, which he found a bit overwhelming at first, but he was interested and curious, and after a very short time they were all best friends. animalsasia.org |
填写各式各样的调查表,撰写 没有用处且无法使用的报告和情况汇报,常常令会员国应 接 不暇。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All too often they are overwhelmed by questionnaires and requests for reports or useless and unusable information. unesdoc.unesco.org |
欣赏昆士兰最著名的一些海岸景观,从列入世界遗产名录的大堡礁,到纯净质朴的岛屿和雨林国家公园,令您 目 不暇 接。 australia.com | Capture some of Queensland’s biggest coastal attractions– from the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef to the pristine islands and rainforest national parks. australia.com |
保時捷於2005年 IAA法蘭克福車展上移植了Boxster成功的概念,推出以Boxster雙人座、敞篷的車身原型打造的雙門硬頂跑車Cayman,推出後應 接 不暇 的 訂單使得保時捷在祖文豪森 (Zuffenhausen) 廠區之外,再與芬蘭Valmet Automotive合作,為Boxster與Cayman設立新的生產線。 pap.porsche.com | To put the successful concept on a broader basis, Porsche also developed a Coupé based on the open-topped, two-seater platform, that made its world debut at the 2005 IAA Frankfurt Motor Show as the Cayman. pap.porsche.com |
人们时刻都能感到一种紧迫感,因而不再有 闲暇去怀古论今;我们周围充斥着廉价易用的产品,这些大规模生产的产品让人们应 接 不暇 , 疲 于招架, 进而变得麻木。 heidivoet.net | In contemporary experience time has become so compressed that concerns for the past and present are often eclipsed by the urgency of the now, and the glut of convenient, cheap industrialized items available to us, bombards the individual, creating oversaturation, and in turn a numbness. heidivoet.net |
酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚问题特别报告员在2010 年10 月访问希腊后警告说,监狱过度拥挤,每天不断流入的非法移民令执法人 员应接不暇。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, following a visit to Greece in October 2010, warned that prisons were overcrowded and law enforcement officials were overwhelmed by a constant flow of migrants in irregular situations entering on a daily basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
(2012年9月23日,上海) - 擁有逾120年歷史的瑞士時度表 (Doxa) 於上海港匯恒隆廣場秋冬FASHION [...] SHOW活動中,將2012年瑞士巴塞爾表展最新表款呈現給現場的嘉賓和媒體朋友,令一眾手錶愛好者 目 不暇 給。 doxa-in-asia.com | Doxa, a renowned Swiss watch brand devoted to [...] innovation and tradition for over 120 years, [...] proudly presented its 2012 Baselworld [...]collections in the Shanghai Grand Gateway [...]66 Plaza Autumn and Fall Fashion Show. doxa-in-asia.com |
羅芙奧謹定於11月25日(星期日)下午2時30分,假座香港君悅酒店宴會大禮堂舉辦首場珍藏珠寶及翡翠首飾拍賣會,特別呈獻2.07克拉梨形濃彩藍鑽石及2.33克拉梨形濃彩粉紅鑽石「你與我」戒指及日本國寶級品牌「Gimel」設計的緬甸天然翡翠項鍊,涵蓋多類型之瑰寶,高級彩鑽、寶石及翡翠共冶一爐, 目 不暇 給 ,務求滿足各類收藏家超凡品味。 ravenelart.com | Ravenel will hold its inaugural Fine Jewels and Jadeite Sale at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong at 2:30pm, 25 Nov (Sunday). The sale will showcase a vast array of splendid jewelry , led by a stunning 2.07 carat pear-shaped Fancy Intense Blue Diamond and 2.33-carat pear-shaped Fancy Intense Pink Diamond “Toi et Moi” Ring; and a Burmese Jadeite, Demantoid Garnet and Diamond Pendant Necklace by Gimel, amongst other colored diamonds, gemstones and jadeite. ravenelart.com |
連場精彩熱鬧的歌舞,配合「食物運輸帶」、「超級大昆蟲」、「巨型檸檬」及「特大茶杯」等別出心裁的巨型道具、加上投影與色彩豐富的場景設計,交織成一幕幕 目 不暇 給 的 魔幻奇觀,將格列佛勇敢面對難關的故事活現舞台。 hkiac.gov.hk | The spectacular stage design, including humorous props such as a gigantic food conveyor belt, an insect and a lemon, is wonderfully combined with projection, music and dance to bring the wacky characters in the Jonathan Swift classic, Gulliver's Travels, to life. hkiac.gov.hk |
精彩的表演应接不暇,7号选手一曲震撼的《Rolling in the Deep》让现场的气氛瞬间翻滚,8号选手又将我们带入了令人安心、感受到平凡幸福的《简单爱》,9号选手的《别怕我伤心》却让人忍不住感受到了浓浓的伤感之情,来自10号D&C组合的《Come Holy Spirit》抚慰了我们刚刚的悲伤,令人感觉心灵的平静,11号选手一曲动听的《会呼吸的痛》,让全场观众心都碎了,而12号选手的《昨日重现》,精典的旋律带我们一起温顾了昨日的每一个精彩画面。 zongteng.net | Excellent performances were ceaseless, No. 7 player brought us the amazing Rolling in the deep, letting the atmosphere achieved to the highest, then No.8 player’s Simple Love took us to a calm and peaceful happy world, however, Don’t Let Me Be Sad of No.9 player let us feel deeply sad, Come Holy Spirit of the No.10 team D&C comforted us and calmed down our heart and soul, No.9 player sang a piece of the Breathing Pain, letting us feel heart-broken, besides, the classic Yesterday once more from No.12 reminded us of the wonderful memory in the past. zongteng.net |
因为国际体育联合会(例如足球、板球、垒球、篮球和曲棍球)具有教育和塑造 [...] 作用,教科文组织应该与其结成联盟,以在儿童和青年中推广保健价值观,防止 吸毒和暴力行为,进行团队合作,不 歧 视 并合理使用 闲 暇 时 间。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO should develop alliances with international sports federations (e.g. football, cricket, baseball, basketball and hockey) owing to their educational and formative role, in order to promote among children and youth the [...] values of healthcare, the prevention of addiction and violence, [...] teamwork, non-discrimination and proper use of leisure time. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港公共图书馆一直以来均遵守“联 合国教科文组织公共图书馆宣言”的各项原则采购图书馆数据,为读者提供一个 均衡及多元化的馆藏,以配合不同年 龄及各阶层人士对信息、研究、自学及善用 余暇方面的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Hong Kong Public Libraries have been following the principles laid down in the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto in acquiring library materials for the provision of a balanced and diversified library collection to meet the needs of people of different ages and sectors for information, research, self-learning and leisure reading. daccess-ods.un.org |