单词 | 不明不白 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不明不白—dubiousless common: obscure shady See also:不明adj—unclearadj unidentifiedadj unaccountedadj 不明—unknown not clear fail to understand 明白v—understandv knowv seev graspv 明白—realize appreciate obvious unequivocal
在收到他的声明后,Mustafayev 先生就在离 阿格达姆市不远的地方不明不白地被杀害了。 daccess-ods.un.org | After his statements had been received, Mr. Mustafayev was killed in unclear circumstances not farfrom the city of Aghdam. daccess-ods.un.org |
一段财政埋单的高速公路,质量不明不白,甚至连调查报告也成了“豆腐渣”——背后,究竟还有多少权与利纠葛的真相有待掘进? sdgxsz.com | A finance bill [...] highway, qualityof not clear, eventhe investigation [...]report also became "tofu " -- behind, how many rights [...]and interests dispute truth to be boring? sdgxsz.com |
不过,如果在一个不明不白的情况下, 在这麽多市民提出要求之下 ─ 包括贱卖资产、包括一些最低限度的要 [...] 求,例如为伤残人士提供乘车优惠和地铁公司应该提供的一些服务(例如厕 所),如果对这些不具体的事项也不说清楚,而我们这个立法会却通过了, 我相信市民届时一定会质问我们当时有否考虑清楚,质问我们是否知悉在表 [...]决赞成时,便会令他们将来饱受单一铁路公司垄断之苦,会令他们在缺乏足 够竞争、缺乏足够法例保障的情况下不断受苦。 legco.gov.hk | However, if under such [...] a situation of uncertaintiesand with so many [...]requests made by the public ― including the accusation [...]of selling public assets at dirt-cheap prices and some minimum requests, such as offering concessionary fares and certain essential services (such as the provision of toilets) to people with disabilities, and if we fail to clarify these unsolved issues, thus resulting in the passage of the Bill by this Council, I believe the public will definitely question us in future whether we have considered the Bill clearly and whether we are aware that, in voting for the Bill, we will make them suffer as a result of the future monopolization of the railway by one single corporation and subject them to constant suffering as a result of a lack of competition and protection in law. legco.gov.hk |
尽管中央政府意识到,在中国这样幅员 辽阔、问题多样的国家必须实施中央分权和因地 制宜,然而这些模糊的条款不明不白,低效运 作、职能重叠等问题将继续存在。 crisisgroup.org | These provisions add up to a confusing picture that is likely to continue to be characterised by inefficiency and overlap, even while recognising that decentralisation and adaptation to local conditions are necessary for a large and diverse country. crisisgroup.org |
屈秀丽后来的分析发现,导致企业财务费用成本上涨的原因中,央行加息只占到三分之一,剩下的都是由于银行向企业私自收取“贷款咨询费”、“专家顾问费”等许多不明不白的费用和银行自主上调利率等非正常因素所导致的。 hxdtg.com | Qu Xiuli later analysis found that the causes of the rising cost of corporate finance costs account for only one-third of the central bank to raise interest rates, the rest are due to bank loans consulting fees "charged to the enterprise privately," expert consultancy fees " non-normal factors and so many fees and bank independent unknowingly raised interest rates. hxdtg.com |
她不明白候任行政长官为何不能等 到上任後,才提出任何重组建议。 legco.gov.hk | Shecould not seewhy the CE-elect could not wait until [...] after he had assumed office for putting forward any proposal for reorganization. legco.gov.hk |
他建议,屋宇署应采取行动提升 注册专业人士和承建商的技术知识,以确保他们完全明白不同类别建筑工程的审批要求。 legco.gov.hk | He suggested that BD should take action to enhance the technical knowledge of registered [...] professionals and contractors to ensure [...] that theyfully understoodthe approval requirementsfor different [...]types of building works. legco.gov.hk |
这可以包括但并不局限于要求法官和检察官以明白无的语言向其解释其权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | This may [...] include, but is not limited to, requiring judges and prosecutors to explain their rights to them in clearand plainlanguage. daccess-ods.un.org |
董特不明白,中央也不明白,很多坚持法治精神的学者专家,比不少反对居港权的人士还要亲中爱国。 hkupop.hku.hk | Neitherthe Chief Executive's Office nor the Central Government couldunderstand that many academics and experts insisting on rule of law in fact love China even more than those people against the right of abode. hkupop.hku.hk |
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元, 而在近期公布的港大民意调查中,却显示 59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民均不了解广深港高 铁的内容及对社会影响,本人现按照《财 务委员会会议程序》第37A段,动议要求政 府搁置广深港高速铁路拨款,并以独立机 构的民调评估市民对广深港高速铁路的认 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白广深港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。 legco.gov.hk | As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL [...] project, indicating that [...] most people do notunderstand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance [...]of the XRL and its impact on the society. legco.gov.hk |
(3) 关于监护权主张,缔约国称,决定已经作出,而投诉人应该明白,委员会不是第四审上诉庭,审查事实和证据也不是其职权范围内的事情。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3) Regarding custody claims, the State party asserts that the [...] decision has been made and that the [...] complainant should understand thatthe Committee is not [...]a fourth instance of appeal nor [...]it’s within its mandate to review the facts and evidences. daccess-ods.un.org |
一成员认为,不妨就碳排放额度进行内部讨论,但另一成员对文件有强烈保留,他不明白为何全球环境基金涉入与臭氧有关的事务,指出处理化学剂是一个复杂的问题,而 且目前已有其他四项公约处理这项问题。 multilateralfund.org | One member suggested that it would be interesting to have internal discussions on carbon credits, while another expressed strong reservations on the paper, wondering why the GEF was involved in ozone-related matters, pointing out that addressing chemicals was a complex issue for which four other conventions already existed. multilateralfund.org |
司法机构最终作决定的法院,必须与专业委员会的工作步伐㆒ 致,并须明白到,专业委员会的工作是以同业的评核为依据,㆒些法院认为只是微不足道的行为,从医疗专业㆖失当的行为角度来看,却可能非常严重。 legco.gov.hk | The ultimate courts of the Judiciary must work in unison with the professional council and realize that its work is based on peer assessment and that any act which might appear trivial to the court may well be a severe one from the point of professional misconduct. legco.gov.hk |
阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫总统及其周围的人需要明 白:根据国际法,对严重罪行不存在豁免。 daccess-ods.un.org | President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his entourage need to know: there is no immunity for serious crimes under international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
正是在这个意义上, 我们必须明白美国应对罗马尼亚和苏联对 1949 年道路交通公约的保留所发布的声明,美国政 府指明:它 “不反对[这些 ]保留,而只是认为它可能并特此声明,它将 [分别 ]对 [公约的保留国] 对等适用[这些]保留”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is in this sense [...] that wemust understand theUnited States declarations in response to the reservation by Romania and the USSR to the Convention on Road Traffic of 1949, whereby the Government of the United States specified thatit “has [...]no objection to [these] [...]reservation[s] but ‘considers that it may and hereby states that it will apply [these] reservation[s] reciprocally with respect to [their respective author States]’”. daccess-ods.un.org |
恕我直言,我们不明白欧盟何以不理解瑙鲁的关切,即通过这项决 议草案将影响到这项根本原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect, it eludes us how the EU does not understandNauru’s concern [...] that the adoption of the draft resolution would [...]have an impact on this fundamental principle. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外据称,虽然这些做法和其 他一些做法经常被统称为减少危害措施,但重要的不是支持某一个特定术语, 而是应当对拟实施的方案和政策作出明白无误的说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also stated that, although those and other practices were frequently lumped together as [...] harm reduction [...] measures, it was not support for a particular term that was important but rather that the programmes and policies to be undertaken be described clearlyand precisely. daccess-ods.un.org |
希腊代表团在指出轮换原则的根本性的同时,表示不明白这一概念的意义以及它的解释具有 何种权威。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Indicatingthat the rotation principle was essential, the delegation of Greece questioned the meaning of that notion, and what authority should interpret it. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在座的以色列代表以及以色列政策的制定者和 决策者的问题在于,他们还不明白占领是大会第 3314(XXIX)号决议认定的最严重的侵略罪行之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | The problem with Israel’s representative here and its [...] policymakers and decision-makers is that [...] they have not yet understood that occupation [...]is one of the worst crimes of aggression, [...]as defined in General Assembly resolution 3314 (XXIX). daccess-ods.un.org |
我希望在向安理会通报阿拉伯国家的努力时,充 分考虑到安理会在不断跟踪叙利亚危机的事态发展, 以便使安理会明白是什么原因促使阿拉伯国家通过 我们受权向安理会转交的决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In briefing the Council on the Arab efforts, I wish to take fully into account the Council’s continuing follow-up [...] of developments in [...] the Syrian crisis, so that the Council willunderstand the reasons that prompted the Arab States to [...]adopt their resolution, [...]which we have been entrusted to convey to the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是因为他们不明白那分饼的事,心里还是愚 顽。 lordsgrace.ca | “They were completely amazed, [...] for they had not understood about the loaves; [...]their hearts were hardened. lordsgrace.ca |
他们不明白究竟发生了什么,深深地感到无助。 unicef.org | They donot understand what is [...] happening, and they feel helpless. unicef.org |
我们就不明白,倘若某君赞成立法但反对谘询文件的建议,或者原则上赞成立法但反对於现阶段开始,他的意见是A还是B? hkupop.hku.hk | What if someone supports legislation but opposes theproposals? Or supports legislation in principle, but opposes kicking-off the process right now? hkupop.hku.hk |
因第二章所述情况以外的原因导致在第一个承诺期与随后各承诺期之间出现 的空白不属于本说明的讨论范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consideration of a gap between the first and subsequent commitment periods resulting from conditions other than those described in chapter II isbeyond the scope of this paper. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前并不明白维持和平行动部和外勤支助部是否 应该以及如何向非洲联盟委员会各部门伸出援手,包括在新闻、财务和行政管理 [...] 等领域,对支援外勤特派团的能力,伸出援手。 daccess-ods.un.org | It wasunclear if andhow the Department ofPeacekeeping [...] Operations and the Department of Field Support should reach out [...]to the departments of the African Union Commission, including in the areas of public information, finance and administration, vis-à-vis backstopping capacity for field missions. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您有不明白的地方,请随时联系我们。 blog.cafetalk.com | If you have any questions,feel free to contact us. blog.cafetalk.com |
同时,巴尔托一直挣扎着的乌鸦,一群狼的奇怪的梦,他不明白自己的意思。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | At the same time, Balto has been struggling with strange dreams of a raven and a pack of wolves [...] and he cannot understand their meaning. seekcartoon.com |
怠惰:如果你不按照他们的行动图 - 即使你不明白是什么意思 - 如果不学习 技术分析 只买纸,坐在上面,总是会在很大程度上取决于你的经纪人作出决定。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Laziness: [...] If you do not follow the charts of their actions - even if at first you do not understand very well what they mean - if not studying [...]technical analysis and [...]only buy the paper and sit on top, always will depend largely on your broker to make decisions. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
由于《公约》缔约方会议的决定45 和《议定书》/ 《公约》缔约方会议的决 定46 没有明确提及《京都议定书》或其附件B 的承诺期,且已经为初步运营开 支提供了资金,因此,出现空白不会影响适应基金本身的存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given that decisions by the COP45 and the [...] CMP46do notexplicitly reference commitment period(s) of the Kyoto Protocol or its Annex B, and funding hasbeen made available for initial operational expenses, a gapwill not affect the [...]existence of the Adaptation Fund per se. daccess-ods.un.org |