

单词 不散



See you there!
(lit.) Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave [idiom.]
Be sure wait!

不扩散 n

non-proliferation n
non-proliferation regime n


even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come an end [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

如果有水進入錶內或水霧在錶內長時 不散 , 請聯絡經銷商或客戶服務中心進行檢 [...]
查和 / 或維修。
If water enters the watch or the watch
[...] fogs up and does not clear up even after [...]
a long time, consult your dealer or Authorized
Service Center for inspection and/or repair.
各方承不散发煽 动仇恨和暴力的讯息,也不采取可能损害利比亚人之间实 [...]
The parties commit to refraining [...]
from disseminating messages instigating hatred and violence and from any other action that
may undermine reconciliation among the Libyans.
不散的爽 身粉香氣有如一個女人的光環,環抱著幼嫩的肌膚。
A lingering powder halo nestles into the skin like a feminine aura at each moment.
從遠處已經看見BIRDLAND門外聚集的人群,這個場面每天在這裡上演,每個人都想擠進店裡去,群眾過了午夜還 不散。
I can see the crowd outside Birdland from far, a scene that takes place here everyday.
薄膜的扭结性能或保持折痕不散开 的 能力对于扭结包装机械来说至关重要。
Deadfold performance or the ability of a film to maintain a folded angle without coming undone is also critical for efficiency of twist-wrapping machinery.
在已有进展的基础上再接再厉,我们的共同责任 是,推动打击种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关 的不容忍行为等祸害的斗争,因为这些祸害在我们所 有国家里阴不散,而 且威胁着我们民主社会的基 础,即,法治和尊重人权。
In building on the progress already made, it is our common responsibility to promote the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance — scourges that persist in all of our countries and threaten the foundations of our democratic societies, namely, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
[...] 是否凌驾于法律之上,并提到他们的义务,即确保不散布仇恨、暴力和恐怖活动以及从事破坏公共秩序 [...]
He asked whether human rights defenders were above the law and
referred to their obligation to make sure
[...] that they did not spread hate, violence [...]
and terror and act against public order and the national interest.
例如委员会 在第六十九届会议上对某一缔约国政治人士的种族主义言论表示关注,指出行使 言论自由权必须承担特殊的义务和责任,“尤其 不散 布 种 族主义思想的义务, 并建议缔约国采取果断行动抵制,尤其是抵制政治人士任何基于种族、肤色、出 身和民族或族裔血统表现出的有针对性、侮辱化、陈规陋见或脸谱化的倾向” (CERD/C/DEN/CO/7,第11段) 。
For instance, during its sixty-ninth session, the Committee specifically raised the concern with a State party on the racist speeches made by politicians and pointed out that freedom of expression carried specific duties and responsibilities, “in particular the obligation not to disseminate racist ideas, and recommends that the State party take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile people on the basis of race, colour, descent, and national or ethnic origin, especially by politicians” (CERD/C/DEN/CO/7, para. 11).
空间结构和内部设计完美契合品牌特质,珍贵的装修材料和巧妙布局 不散 发 着 温暖与宁静的氛围。
The interior is in perfect harmony with the brand, discreetly decorated with precious materials emanating a warm and serene atmosphere.
正因为此,我们常常会看到,在 公约与建议委员会的会议上,成员国之间缺乏信任,敌对气氛萦 不散。
That is why we often see at the CR meetings a lack of trust of the Member States and a confrontational ambiance.
禁止种族主义组织,采取一切措施确 不散 布 种族主义宣传,确保 适当惩罚犯种族主义罪的人( 白俄罗斯)
96.19. Prohibit racist organizations, and take all measures to ensure that racist propaganda cannot be disseminated and that people are appropriately punished for committing racist crimes (Belarus)
如果有⽔进⼊表内或⽔雾在表内长时 不散 , 请联络经销商或客户⽀持中⼼进⾏检查和/或维修。
If water enters the watch or the watch
[...] fogs up and does not clear up even after [...]
a long time, consult your dealer or Customer
Support Center for inspection and/or repair.
全球經濟在二零一二年初再一次陷入了不穩定的階段,美國經濟復蘇疲弱、歐元區經濟陰不散、日 本經濟停滯不前、中國經濟增速大幅放緩、同時世界某些角落的地緣政治風險 [...]
Global economy in the year 2012 started with the return of uncertainties, the economic recovery in the United States was losing
steam, worry of economic
[...] collapse in the European Union (“EU”) region resurfaced, the Japanese economic [...]
growth was essentially
stalled, the economic growth in PRC slowed considerably and geopolitical risk in selected corners of the world have all added pressures to the already weak and fragile recovery of the world economy from the 2008 financial crisis and threaten a relapse that will again put the world economy right back into recession.
签署公约的公司许不散布“ 违反法律的信息或传播封建迷信或淫秽信息”,还许诺不“制作、发布或传播危及国家安全和破坏社会稳定的”有害信息。
They also promised to refrain from [...]
"producing, posting, or disseminating pernicious information that may jeopardize state
security and disrupt social stability.
This trend, which is contrary to the obligations and commitments assumed, is not
[...] conducive to non-proliferation, let alone disarmament.
产品介绍:蜜蜡香珠是泰国三宝之一,是天然蜜蜡的一种,大都是淡黄色或是黄色的,如果用火烧会产生馥郁的香气,满室留香,而且久 不散 , 而 蜜蜡饰品本身却不会损坏,不过现在基本找不到纯天然的蜜蜡香珠了,而产自泰国的蜜蜡香珠饰品,因为泰国人巧妙的加工,设计上新颖独特,做工精细,耐磨耐用,精致美观等特点,本品会自然持续散发出一种淡淡特有清香,是一种新型的饰品,它无毒无害。
Product introduction: beeswax sweet bead is one of the triple gem Thailand, is a natural beeswax, mostly light yellow or yellow, if burn will produce the
fragrant aroma, full chamber, and stay sweet
[...] long do not come loose, and beeswax adorn [...]
article itself was not damaged, but now
can't find the basic natural sweet bead, and beeswax produced in Thailand's beeswax beadwork, because fragrance Thai people clever processing, on the design novel and distinctive, fine workmanship, wear-resisting durable, fine beautiful wait for a characteristic, the product will be natural for radiates a light special scent, is a new type of act the role of article, it avirulent and harmless.
伊拉克新宪 法第九条规定,伊拉克将履行其关 不 扩 散 、 不 研制和不使用核、化学和生物武器的义务,伊拉克将禁止 [...]
用于研制、制造和使用这种武器的相关设备、材料、 技术和运载系统。
The new Iraqi Constitution states, in article 9, that Iraq will
fulfil its international obligations
[...] regarding the non-proliferation, non-development [...]
and non-use of nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons, and that it will prohibit related equipment, materials, technologies and delivery systems for use in the development, manufacture and use of such weapons.
其香氣是令人著迷的閃爍花香調,美味多汁的粉紅番石榴及柑桔,瞬間迸發強烈吸引力,中段滲出晚香玉與蓮花的細膩花香,最後以珍貴香木及清柔麝香,營造出一份繚 不散 的 熱 情優雅。
The fragrance is a sparkling addictive floral you are
sure to fall in love with. There’s an
[...] instant attraction to the mouthwatering [...]
pink guava and mandarin, followed by a delicate
mix of tuberose and lotus blossom.
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改 进其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具
有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《条 约》的不结盟国家缔约国集团要求设定的全面消除
[...] 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 开发核武器,并无条件地签订不扩 散 条 约 》。
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the specific timeline for the total elimination of nuclear weapons called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, in particular, it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the
Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear
[...] weapons and to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without [...]
因为安理会这次会议将审议无核武器区问题,不结盟运动重申必须根据安全 理事会第 487(1981)号决议和安理会第 687(1991)号决议第 14 段以及协商一致通 过的大会相关决议,加速建立中东无核武器区;在此之前,不结盟运动要求该地 区唯一未加入、并且也未宣布打算加入 不 扩 散 核 武器条约》的国家以色列放弃 拥有核武器,毫不拖延地加入该条约,并根据安全理事会第 487(1981)号决议, 迅速将其所有核设施置于国际原子能机构的全面保障监督之下,同时依 不 扩散 机制的要求开展与核有关的活动。
As the Council’s meeting addresses the issue of nuclear-weapon-free zones, NAM reaffirms the need for the speedy establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East in accordance with Security Council resolution 487 (1981) and paragraph 14 of Council resolution 687 (1991) and the relevant General Assembly resolutions adopted by consensus; and, pending its establishment, NAM demands that Israel, the only country in the region that has
not joined the Treaty
[...] on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons or declared its intention to do so, renounce possession of nuclear weapons, accede to the Treaty without further delay, place promptly all its nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency fullscope safeguards according to Security Council resolution 487 (1981) and conduct its nuclear-related activities in conformity with the non-proliferation regime.
关于联阿援助团。虽然咨询委员会不反对 2010 年进行的结构调整,以使该特派团一致处理安全理事 会第 1917(2010)号决议和秘书长关于阿富汗局势的 报告(A/64/872)中所列的经过调整的优先事项,以及 精简报告关系和消除职能的重复,但委员会认为,持 续的结构调整造成不必要的注意力 散 , 不 能 集中于 所要求的任务交付,必须在某一时点找到平衡,巩固 局面。
With regard to UNAMA, while the Advisory Committee did not object to the structural reorganization undertaken in 2010, which should align the Mission’s response to the refocused priorities laid out in Security Council resolution 1917 (2010) and in the Secretary General’s report on the situation in Afghanistan (A/64/872), as well as streamline reporting lines and eliminate duplication of functions, it believed that continual restructuring exercises created unnecessary distraction and detracted from the required focus on mandate delivery.
越南重申其一贯立场,即坚决支持裁军 不 扩 散 , 不 生 产 、不开发和不使用 任何类型的大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具。
Viet Nam reaffirms its consistent position to strongly support
[...] disarmament and non-proliferation, non-production, [...]
non-development and non-use of weapons
of mass destruction (WMD) of any type and their means of delivery.
警告:不要使聚合物在水的表面形成连续层或“起皮”,会导致生成结团并 使散不能彻底完成。
(CAUTION: DO NOT allow the polymer to form
a continuous film or “skin” on the surface of the water, as agglomerates
[...] will form and dispersion will not be complete.
作为毫微散不可缺 的装置,在液晶电视的彩 色滤色器的颜料分散上发挥了威力,已经被包括海外在内 的许多企业的研究所和大学引进。
From our experience, this picture book was developed as a unique tool for children to learn in easy words the risks of crimes targeting children.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各 不 断 作 出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最 散 发 的 文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of
[...] international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
除了这两份报告所述及的步骤外,伊拉克政府还遵照国际裁军和防扩散准则 并根据《伊拉克宪法》第九条(e)款采取若干其他措施,《宪法》第九条(e)款规
[...] 定,伊拉克政府应遵守和履行伊拉克在防 散 、 不 发 展、不生产和不使用核生化 武器方面的国际义务,并应禁止相关设备、材料、技术和运载系统用于发展、制 [...]
In addition to the steps covered in those two reports, the Government of Iraq has taken a number of other measures in observance of international disarmament and non-proliferation standards and in keeping with the Constitution of Iraq, article 9, paragraph (e), which states that the Iraqi Government shall respect and
implement Iraq’s international obligations
[...] regarding the non-proliferation, non-development, [...]
non-production and non-use of nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons, and shall prohibit associated equipment, materiel, technologies and delivery systems for use in the development, manufacture, production and use of such weapons.
這些高光譜數據 能協助氣象學家提供更佳的天氣預報、更準確的惡劣天氣 不 穩 定 大氣預測;並提高對 風暴位置及動向的追蹤,分析颶風和颱風強度,讓民眾提前 散 , 加 強對性命和財產的保 護。
This hyperspectral data will enable meteorologists to provide better daily forecasts, predict severe weather and atmospheric instability more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation of lives and property.




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