

单词 不怕不识货,只怕货比货

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在执行武器禁运框架内,委员会迄今共收到22 项对驶往比亚船只所载货物的 检查报告。
In the context of the enforcement of the
embargo, the Committee has thus far received a total of 22 reports of
[...] inspections of cargo on board vessels heading to Libya.
而对于那些数额相比较小 的预算项目,怕在预算额只有很 小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽 不 计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
不只包 括 该部门对两个横向专题“消除贫困,尤其是赤贫”和“信息和传播技术为发展教育、科学及文化事业和建设识社会 作出贡献”所做的贡献,还包括在科学教育(与教育部门合作)、科学伦理(包括生物伦理,与社会 科学及人文科学部门合作)、文化和生物多样性(与文化部门合作)等领域的协作,以及与传播与信息部门合 作,利用新的信息和传播技术,作为开展科学工作和交流科学知识的一种手段。
The latter comprises not only the Sector’s contributions to the two cross-cutting themes “eradication of poverty, especially extreme poverty” and the “contribution of information and [...]
communication technologies
to the development of education, science and culture and the construction of a knowledge society”, but also collaboration in fields like science education (in cooperation with ED), ethics of science (including bioethics, in cooperation with SHS), cultural and biological diversity (in cooperation with CLT) and, in cooperation with CI, the use of the new information and communication technologies as a means of conducting and sharing science.
剛才楊孝華議員 說 了 “ 鋸 箭 ” 的 故 事 來比 喻 ,怕這 不 是 內外科 醫 生 分 野 的 問 題 , 我相 信 內 科 醫 生勞永樂議員和 我這個外科 醫 生,都 不 會 同意這種說 法,故 事 中 所 述 的事只是“ 黃 綠 醫 生 ” 的 把 戲 而已。
With regard to the analogy between the story about a man wounded by an arrow and the public housing scandal drawn by Mr Howard YOUNG earlier on, I am afraid this is not a case of difference between a surgeon and a practitioner of medicine.
我们绝对相信,怕、不相信 或不信任青年,或 者完全不期望青年有任何作为的社会注定要失败,因 为它们丧失青年的创造力、创新力、变革 识 及 承 诺。
We are absolutely convinced that societies that fear and do not believe in or trust young people, or simply do not expect anything from them, are doomed to fail because they lose the creativity, innovation, [...]
sense of transformation and commitment of young people.
这些挑战包括长距 离海运货物流量不平均、以及出口品单位价值较低等,以及如何使 只的 大 小、服务速度、港口装卸能力、安全和舒适程度等要素与航运量较低、而 且常常不固定等实际情况相匹配。
These include long voyage distances, imbalanced cargo flows and low unit values of exports as well as challenges [...]
in matching ship size, service speed, port
capacity, safety and comfort with low and often irregular traffic volumes.
若要成功地在国家一级有效执行《公约》 只 能 通过各机构协调行动和 互相补位来实现,各个机构都可贡献自身的专门 识 和 比 较 优 势。
Effective implementation of the Convention at the
[...] country level can only be successful through coordinated and complementary work among agencies, where each can bring in its own expertise and comparative advantage.
总干事为执行局审议该问题起草一份报告,内容包括向全体会员国征求意见 的情况,并应考虑到联合国及联合国系统其他专门机构的现行做法; 审议了总干事关于会员国会费的货币的报告(31 C/30), 忆及《财务条例》第5.6条的规定:“会费应按大会决定 比 例 部 分用美元,部分用欧 元分摊,并用大会决定的这些货币或其 货 币 缴 纳......”,识到必须使本组织在2002–2003年期间少受币值波动 不 利 影
Recalling Article 5.6 of the Financial Regulations which stipulates that
“Contributions to the budget
[...] shall be assessed partly in United States dollars and partly in euros in a proportion to be determined by the General Conference and shall be paid in these or other currencies as decided by the General Conference ...
2009 年,难民署侧重于加强主要的公司伙伴关系, 不 仅 带来了资金支持, 还带来了专门识、货物和 媒体空间方面的贡献。
In 2009, UNHCR focused on
[...] reinforcing its key corporate partnerships, which not only bring in financial support but also include contributions of expertise, goods and media space.
国际社会面对侵犯人权行为的态度不一致导致 了不确定性,引起了对正义不信任 ,以及 怕出 于意识形态 或政治方面的考量而采用双重标准。
Lack of consistency on the part of the international community with regard to human rights violations created uncertainty, undermined the credibility of the justice system and created the spectre of a system of double standards based on ideological or political motivations.
联合只要有需要就可以依赖津巴布 韦的无条件支持,怕我们的力比 较 微 薄。
The United Nations can count on the unqualified support of Zimbabwe as required, even if only in our modest way.
怕只會弄 巧反拙,動搖市民的信心,在未有問題發生之前,自 我創造危機,正所謂「畫不成反 類犬」 不 但 沒 有建設,更可能對社會安定、法制運 作構成嚴重的損害。
Indeed, we would be like the proverbial poor artist who tried to draw a tiger but succeeded only in drawing something that looked like a dog. It will do no good, [...]
but serious harm, to
social stability and to the operation of the legal system.
但是,在邀請團體在公聽會發 表意見的時候,警察執法、出入境管制方面被歧視、侮辱是很多少數族裔人 士擔憂的事情,我平時接觸少數族裔人士,亦曾聽過他們反映,因為言語不 通 ― 而且不少南亞裔民族都比較怕事、 逆來順受 ― 受到歧視不 公平對待,他們一般只好啞 忍,在這些範疇保障他們不受歧視是很重要 的,但卻不在條例草案的規管範圍。
Actually, the above acts fall within the scope of the Bill. However, in hearings inviting organizations to express their views, many ethnic minorities expressed concern about discrimination and insults relating to the law enforcement by the police and immigration control.
要知道,孩子的寶貴生命,怕只是 ㆔ 數秒鐘的疏忽,也可以成為父母終身的遺 憾。
We have to understand that even a few seconds' negligence may result in the loss of a precious young life, much to the ever-lasting sorrow of the parents.
28.5. 一位专家要求说明是如何采用较低的 货 膨 胀率 而比 35 C /5 草案本(6.71 亿美 元)减少了 1 000 万美元,考虑到秘书处已在执行局第一八一届会议提到从国货币基金获得的货膨胀估算只包括 核算一个因素,而且使用国际货币基金修订 的通货膨胀率产生的影响可能是最小的。
28.5 One Expert requested clarification as to how the $10M reduction vis-à-vis draft document 35 C/5 ($671M) was achieved from applying lower inflation rates,
considering that the
[...] Secretariat had mentioned during the 181st session of the Executive Board that inflation estimates obtained from the IMF for example comprised only one of the elements of the recosting calculations and that the possible impact of [...]
using revised IMF
inflation rates was likely to be minimum.
会议强调,怕只有一 个非缔约国还可能拥有或取得生物武器,《公约》 的目标不会充分实现。
The Conference underlines that the objectives of the Convention
will not
[...] be fully realized as long as there remains even a single state not party that could possess or acquire biological weapons.
另外一些代表 团支持关于广告定义的新工作,以便保护消费者免受误导行为的影响,考虑到广告可比标识对消费者的选择产生更大影响,指出鉴于广 不 仅 仅 是一个国家问题,应当 在国际一级加以处理。
Several other delegations supported new work on a definition of advertising in order to protect consumers from misleading practices, taking into account that advertising
might have more
[...] impact on consumer choice than labelling, and pointed out that since advertising was not only a national [...]
issue, it should be
addressed at the international level.
梅罗雷先生(海地)(以法语发言):我对再次发言 表示歉意,但我不不这样做, 怕只 是 为了再次感 谢安理会成员和今天上午发言的所有其他人。
(Haiti) ( spoke in French): I apologize for taking the floor again, but I could not fail to do so, even if just once more to thank Council members and all others who spoke this morning.
新的、统一 之后的季报模式更重比较各 CAREC 走货物运输表现识别哪些是“过境困难”的过境点, 造成长时间延误的原因,以及如何更好理解货物在 [...]
CAREC 内的移动。
The more streamlined quarterly report format
will focus on relative
[...] performance of cargo transport along CAREC corridors; identification of “difficult [...]
to cross” BCPs; causes
of long delays; and how better to understand cargo movement in CAREC.
然而, 这种强调不应导致产不同类 别的人权,或 怕只 是给人这种印象。
However, such emphasis should not lead to the creation, or even the impression of the creation, of different categories of human rights.
再说因为我不只是对知识产权 制度在促进革新方面的动态作用感兴趣,而且还要考虑知 识产权保护制度给社会增加的成本,特别是给穷人增加的成本,我们在确定现有知识产权 [...]
[...] since we are not just interested in the dynamic effect of IPRs in promoting [...]
innovation, but also the costs that
IP protection imposes on society, particularly on poor people, we need to take account of these costs in considering the evidence and the value of any given IP system.
在振兴裁军谈判会议作用的背景下,我们识 到,只有通 过在裁军谈判会议中进行的谈判,例如关 于一项核武器公约的谈判,其目标是彻底禁止核武 器,并且以 2025 年作为通过此种谈判实现一个无核 武器世界的适当时间框架和关于制订一项具有法律 约束力的国际文书,以便在实现核裁军前为无核武器 国家提不对它 们使用或威胁使用核武器的无条件 保证的谈判,才能在国际层面上实现裁军领域的许多 核心目标。
In the context of revitalizing the role of the Conference on Disarmament, we must recognize that many of the central objectives in the field of disarmament can be achieved at the international level only through negotiations within the Conference, such as negotiations on a nuclear-weapons convention aimed at a total ban on nuclear weapons, with the year 2025 as the appropriate time frame for the realization of a nuclear-weapon-free world through such negotiations, and negotiations on crafting a legally binding international instrument that provides non-nuclearweapon States with unconditional assurances against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, pending the realization of nuclear disarmament.
她 注意到,第三次定期报告第 707 段指出,怕只是通 过说服,不是使用武力,改信他教根据《刑法》第 240 条仍是可以惩处的违法行为。
She noted that paragraph 707 of the third periodic report indicated that proselytizing remained a punishable infraction under article 240 of the Criminal Code, even when it used the powers of persuasion alone, without force.
我在以上段落曾間接提到這項敵人,「中產階級日漸擴大,社會富裕的初期跡象即為家庭購車」,這句話即反映出文化因素,首先,社會認為搭公車 比 較 低 下的交通方式,普納的公車乘客在社會階級大多較低,因為票價確實低廉,但在快速西方化與現代化的印度,平價與否大多不及地位考量,而汽車即為地位最顯著的象徵,是故政府若要投資於永續運輸, 怕不 易 成 功。
Pune’s bus customers tend to be from the lower classes of society, since the bus does present an incredibly affordable method of transport. In the rapidly westernizing and modernizing India, however, affordability often comes second to status, and the car is the strongest sign of status.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei
Development Project),按照计划,该项
[...] 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路货物运 送至泰国和越南比起经 马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south,
with road and rail links for
[...] transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days [...]
off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
从客户提供原样或潘通色卡打小样,经指定 AATCC GRETAGMACBETH  美标灯箱光源( D65 、 TL84 、 CWF 、 U3000 )确认后,做大货头缸比标准 样 OK 后,后续大货缸差控制在 灯箱下 同一色系美标灰卡 4 级,或 DATA COLOR CMC DE 值在同一象限 0.7 以内(出于后加工涂层、贴膜复合颜色变色考虑,目测最重要,电脑测色往往有盲区,判断方面不如人眼灵活),关键不能偏浅 不 能 超过 3% ),这样方便货后加 工成品缸差在可控范围内。
Provide customers with the intact or the Pantone to play the sample, specified the AATCC GRETAGMACBETH American standard light box light source (D65, TL84, CWF, U3000) to confirm
the cylinder head of
[...] the bigger cargo contrast to the standard kind of OK, subsequent cargo tank differential control gray cards of the same color American standard light box under 4, or DATA COLOR CMC DE values ​​within the same quadrant 0.7 (for processing coating, film composite color color to consider, the most important visual, computer color tend to have blind spots, to judge not as good as the human eye is flexible), the key can not be lighter (not more than 3%), so convenient for large cargo processing finished [...]
cylinder in the controllable range.
因此,虽然识到 1923 年货物销售法案》与 1986 年货物销售法案》(《维 也纳公约》)不相同,所产生的后果也存在差异,但法官仍拒绝适用《销售公 约》,并根据地方销售法对案件作出裁定。
Therefore, although recognizing that the Sale of Goods Act, 1923 and the Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention) Act, 1986, are not the same and that [...]
they entail different
consequences, the judge refused to apply the CISG and decided the case based on local sales law.
第 2011/137/CFSP
[...] 号理事会决定含有关于武器和相关材料禁运、可被用于国 内镇压的装备禁运、要求对进出比 亚 的 货 物 进行事先通报、限制接纳被列名的 自然人、以及冻结被列名人员、实体和机构的资金和经济资源的规定。
Council decision 2011/137/CFSP includes provisions on the embargo on arms and related materiel, the embargo on equipment which might be used for internal repression, the
requirement to provide prior information
[...] on cargoes to and from Libya, restrictions [...]
on admission of listed natural persons
as well as provisions on freezing of the funds and economic resources of listed persons, entities and bodies.




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