

单词 不怕一万,就怕万一

External sources (not reviewed)

这些话提醒我们,今天,我们必须立即以 我们的全部力量采取行动不然就为时过晚,那场怕战争中千万人的遭遇就是一个教 训。
These words remind us today to
act immediately and
[...] with all our might, lest it be too late, as it was for tens of millions of people in that dreadful war.
但是,自由黨亦反對一朝見蛇就怕 了 草 繩” 的做法,即對所有退休轉職的申請,一 不 問 情由,全都不批准。
The Liberal Party is also against adopting the "once bitten, twice shy" approach so that all applications from retired civil servants for further employment would be rejected outright.
那个时代的怕后果是数万人 被处决,数十万人被监禁。
The terrible toll of those days was tens of thousands of [...]
persons executed and hundreds interned.
但是,法院 认为,一情况恐怕不能成 为评价法院工作量的信息依据,因为真正重要的是就数量 而言,提交案件与已决案件之间的平衡情况不断变化;就质量而言,后者 在程序上和实质上较为复杂。
However, according to the Court, this is considered somewhat uninformative in terms of evaluating the Court’s workload, as what really counts, in quantitative terms, is the varying balance between cases filed and cases decided and, in qualitative terms, the latter’s procedural and substantive complexity.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千 万 缕 的 联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫 不 平 等 和贫困 一 切 根 源, 和就无从 谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不 真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 [...]
that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible [...]
without the removal of all sources of
repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目,怕在预 算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率” 就 有 可能产生很大偏差,尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽 不 计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
贫穷和饥饿密切相连,因为就算有足够的粮食来养活地球上的 68 亿人口, 粮食市场的高价格也会把穷人排斥在外,特别是由于主要主食的价格在经历多年 的相对稳定之后于 2006 年和 2008 年上半年大幅上扬。14 因此,据估计营不足 者人数仅 2008 年一年就增加了 4 000 万,达到 9.63 亿人,而 2007 年为 9.23 亿 人,2003-2005 年期间为 8.48 亿人,15 从而加大了到 2015 年实现饥饿人口减半 的目标(千年发展目标 1)的难度。
Poverty and hunger are closely intertwined because, although there is enough food to feed the 6.8 billion people on Earth, poor people are priced out of the food market, all the more so because, after years of relative stability, the prices of major staple foods rose sharply between 2006 and the first half of 2008.14 Consequently, the number of undernourished people is reckoned to have increased by 40 million in 2008 alone, to reach 963 million, up from 923 million in 2007 and 848 million in 2003-2005,15 making it more difficult to reach the target of halving by 2015 the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (Millennium Development Goal 1).
为了应万一出现这种情况,咨询委员会建议相关任 用书应包含一项限制条款,规定即使出现这种情况,除了根据服务延长 时间按比例增加已有的应享权利或福利外,服务期间延 不 会 带 来任何 其他应享权利或福利(见 A/55/806,第 14 段)。
To cover that eventuality, the Committee recommended that the relevant letter of appointment should contain a proviso that, notwithstanding such a development, the consequential extension of service would not give rise to any additional entitlements or benefits other than those which already exist and which would be extended pro rata by virtue of the extension of service (see A/55/806, para. 14).
因此,澳門政府拒絕陳巧文入境,唯一理由是她被視為不受歡迎人士, 而一不受歡迎的原因怕就是她 的西藏立場與中央政府有別,但澳門政府 這樣做只會讓“一國兩制”蒙羞,讓澳門《基本法》的言論自由成為空話, 讓人們質疑澳門政府竟容不下一個香港女生,連港大也比不上,因為港大至 今仍以寬厚的胸襟,給陳巧文最大的自由空間,畢竟港大是培育出國父孫中 山的地方,其實,澳門也有孫中山的紀念館。
Therefore, the only reason for the Macao Government denying CHAN Hau-man's entry is that she is regarded as unwelcomed, and the only reason for her being considered unwelcomed might be that she has a different stance on the Tibet issue from the Central Government.
不过,作为地缘政治紧张关系加剧 一 部 分, 霍尔木兹海峡可能遭到封锁,这种情 就 会 使 每天 1 000 万桶石油不能进 入国际 市场,远远超出了海湾地区内外迄今已有的剩余生产能力。
Blockage of the Strait of Hormuz, which
could be part of
[...] enhanced geopolitical tensions, however, would prevent around 10 million barrels per day from reaching international markets, exceeding [...]
by far the available
spare capacity in and outside of the Gulf region.
优点 – 虽然一个环 节看起来很假,但是若你的人真的很好, 就不怕 说 出 来哦。
Strength –
[...] Although you might feel it is too good to be true, but you are really kind, why not tell them about it?
2003 年 3 月 8
[...] 日,在总部举办了几项活动:a)意大利画家和摄影家 Roshanak Bahramlou 的摄 影展“阿富汗人的日常生活”;b)关于“妇女半边天”的现代艺术展,教科文组 织向利用艺术为各洲女艺术家争光的妇女致敬;c)与《巴黎竞赛》合作 就 最新 科学成果和预见,举办一次战胜惧 怕 , 赢 取防止乳腺癌的讨论会;d)举行了一 次有约旦王后陛下出席的讨论会和“揭开面纱,伊斯兰世界的女艺术家”展览 会;和 e)与电视 5 台和国际法语国家机构合作制作了世界妇女纪录片,其间,指 定法国宇航员兼艺术家 [...]
Titouan Lamazou 先生为教科文组织和平艺术家。
On 8 March 2003, several activities were held at Headquarters: (a) a photo exhibition Intimités Afghanes by the Iranian painter and photographer Roshanak Bahramlou; (b) a contemporary art exhibition “On this side of the sky, UNESCO salutes women in art” honouring women artists from all continents; (c) a
[...] Overcoming fear, winning the battle against breast cancer” was organized in collaboration with Paris Match on recent scientific breakthroughs and preventive advice; (d) a conference-discussion and an exhibit “Breaking the veils, women artists from [...]
the Islamic world”
with the participation of Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan; and (e) the screening of the documentary “Portraits of Women of the World”, produced in collaboration with TV5 and l’Agence Internationale de la Francophonie, during which Mr Titouan Lamazou, French navigator and artist, was designated UNESCO Artist for Peace.
万一这些设备中的某一个出现故障 就 可 能很 快让从瑞典到荷兰的整个生产线失控,进而导致停工。
If any one of these devices failed, it could quickly lead to stoppages [...]
spiralling out of control throughout the entire production
line – from Sweden all the way to the Netherlands and back again.
换句话也 就是说,完全信息的期望值为 1267 万美元,这暗示着可以利用市场调研来获得此项目是否 值得执行的可靠信息,为此公司愿意在第一阶段投入的最大 不 超过 1767 万美元1267 万 +500 万),如果一阶段是主动市场调研的一部分,或 就 需要 1267 万。
In other words, the Expected Value of Perfect Information is worth $12.67M, which indicates that assuming market research can be used to obtain credible information to decide if this project is a good one, the maximum the firm should be willing to spend in Phase I is on average no more than $17.67M (i.e., $12.67M + $5M) if PI is part of the market research initiative, or simply $12.67M otherwise.
科学部门:出现 30 万美元的赤字主要是因为开展最初未列入预算的重要活动:为筹备 于 2010 年 1 月
21-22 日和 25-29
[...] 日在巴黎举办的教科文组织生物多样性国际年活动和 科学政策大会,这些筹备工作(订票、旅行安排等)必须从 2009 年就开始(30 万美 元);为上海世博会制一个介 绍教科文组织城市用水项目的资料片(10 万美元); 启动非洲地球科学教育行动(10 [...]
《水与人类:历史回顾》(10 万美元);教科文组织参加重要的气候变化问题大会(6 万美元)。
SC: The deficit of $0.3 million mainly relates to important activities which were not initially foreseen in the budget, including: funds for the preparation of UNESCO International Year of Biodiversity Science Policy Conference to be held in Paris, 21-22 and 2529 January 2010, but for which the preparation (bookings, travel
arrangements etc.) had to
[...] begin in 2009 ($0.3 million); a short documentary film for the Shanghai Expo on UNESCO’s projects on urban water [...]
($0.1 million); the launch
of the African Earth Science Education Initiative ($0.1 million); the release of the first volume of the History of Water and Civilization series “Water and Humanity: Historical Overview” ($0.1 million), and for UNESCO’s Participation in major Climate Change Conferences ($0.06 million).
正所謂不怕一萬,就 只怕 萬一”,如果在批出這二百多億元後,一旦發生了不可預見的事情,令 西九項目超出原本的預算,那麼,這筆錢應由哪一方面來“執手尾”呢?
In the event of unforeseen circumstances after the approval of this funding of $21.6 billion which would cause the WKCD project to exceed its original budget, which party should be responsible for paying the outstanding amount?
如果这个国家就一 个公 司的话,那么那个人力资源部总监 怕就 要 被 撵到大街上去 了。
If this nation were a company, the human resources director would be kicked out onto the street.
由於產業用地變更為住商混合用地,市中心也亟欲振興,工業或許也得被迫尋找其他地點,政府應積極鼓勵工廠搬遷至人口 不 密 集 之處,而重工業及物流服務 怕就 是 無 法與空間創造工程並存。
Industry may be coerced to find alternative locales due to industrial-to-mixed-use conversion and town core revitalisation; plainly put, relocation should be actively encouraged to less sensitive sites.
我看看张宁他这时也刚好系完鞋带抬起头来睁大眼睛看着我,显然他也听到了粗气声,我一摆手示意他不要出声,然后又以手势想告诉他向我靠过来在悄悄地绕过黑瞎子(我听当地人说过在黑瞎子吃东西时不打搅它就不会伤人的),没想到的是,张宁在我的上坡,而且当时知道遇到黑瞎子后已经是吓 就 一 个 心思——“跑”了,张宁一看到我向下的手势(因当时我在他的下方,手势在他看来就是向下了)撒 就 往 上 下跑……,我其实也很 怕 , 一 看 到 他向下跑 不 敢 大声喊他,没办法也就急速向下蹽了起来,顾不得百米测绳的抻拉、也顾不得冬青稞和枫桦的划脸了,那速度不亚于世界百米冠军。
I can just see Zhang Ning, Department completed his shoelaces then looked up at me eyes wide open, apparently he heard the sound of coarse, I waved a sign to him to be silent, and then gesture to tell him to Youyi I leaned over and quietly around the black blind man (I hear the locals said the blind man in black does not bother to eat it not hurt), did not think that Zhang Ning in my uphill, and then know After experiencing the black blind scared to have a mind is - "Run", and Zhang Ning, I saw
the sign
[...] down (because I was in his bottom, gestures, in his view is down a) and ran to Run up the next ... ... and I actually am afraid, I saw him run down that he did not dare cry out loud, no way will rapidly up and down Liao, refused to take a meter stretch [...]
rope pull test, but also gave
winter barley and Feng's plan faces, and that no less than the speed meter world champion.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份一 張 股 票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可就首張 股票以外每張股票支付董事 不 時 釐 定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such
shares in such
[...] proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or [...]
permitted from time
to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
就成为把政党和政府 划分开一个正式的——怕是最 小程度的——区 别。
This establishes a formal – if minimal – separation between party and government.
尽管同样缺乏准确信息,但预计2006年水产养殖利用低价值鱼( 不 是 制作 为鱼粉的原料成分)在560万和880万吨 之间,2008年,仅中国水产养 就 利 用了 600–800万吨低值鱼,包括海水鱼、淡水鱼和活饵料鱼。
Although, again, accurate information is lacking, it has been estimated that the total use of low-value fish (i.e. as raw
[...] ingredients not reduced into fishmeal) in aquaculture was between 5.6 million and 8.8 million tonnes in 2006 and that, in 2008, Chinese aquaculture alone used 6–8 million tonnes of low-value [...]
fish, including marine
fish, freshwater fish, and live food fish.
不要完全依赖安全设备:现在很多有条件的企业都采用了很多安全防范技术和设备:防火墙、垃圾邮件过滤、VPN、入侵检测(IDS)、入侵防御(IPS)等 不 要 以 为部署了这些安全设 就万 事 大吉了,其实这些安全设备能发挥多大功效,完全取决于使用者的安全意识和素养,不同的配置,结果也将会是有着天壤之别的。
Do not rely solely on safety equipment: Many qualified enterprises have adopted a number of security technology and equipment: a firewall, spam filtering, VPN, intrusion detection (IDS),
intrusion prevention
[...] (IPS), etc. Do not think that the deployment of these security devices everything will [...]
be fine, in fact, how much
of these security devices can be effective, depends entirely on the user's security awareness and literacy, different configurations, the results will have a radically different.
(b) 采一切必要措施,使接受寄宿照料的儿童在可能时返回自己的家 庭,并将在收容机构安置儿童的做法视 万不 得 已 才采取的措施,并尽量缩短收 容时间
(b) Take all necessary measures to allow children placed in residential cares to return to their families whenever possible and consider the placement of children in institutions as a measure of last resort and for the shortest period possible; and
我今天要特别提请大家注一个领 域,需要我们 所有人在其中做更多工作和有更大的紧迫感, 就是 数百万伊拉 克难民和境内流离失所者的困境。
I would like to draw particular attention
[...] today to an area in which more work and a greater sense of urgency are required from all of us: the plight of millions of Iraqi refugees and internally displaced persons, who constitute one [...]
of the largest refugee populations in the world today.
借助收入转移政策和增就业吸纳数 万 巴 西 人以强化国内市场,社会保障 网络的存在和公营银行等国家政策和手段的连贯性,以及调控宏观经济、劳动力 和社会保障政策的能力,这些都是巴西迅速克服近来国际金融危机和 不 间 断和 可持续的方式刺激发展的成功因素。
The strengthening of the internal market by including millions of Brazilians by means of income transfer policies and increased employment, the existence of a network of social protection and maintenance of State policies and instruments, such as public banks, together with the capacity to reconcile [...]
macroeconomic, labour and social protection policies, are the factors that explain Brazil’s
success in quickly overcoming the recent international crisis and stimulating development in an ongoing and sustainable way.
津巴布韦是独立的国家,拥有自己的主权 和尊严,掌控自己的未来,拥有自决权,因 不惧 怕一些国 家和区域政治集团以保护人权、民主、正 义和善治为借口,对其进行威吓,这些年来这些国 家和区域政治集团一直对其强加各种措施,违反了 国际合作原则。
Zimbabwe cherished its independence, sovereignty, dignity, future and right to self-determination and rejected attempts at intimidation on the part of certain countries and regional blocs which, on the pretext of defending human rights, democracy, the rule of law and good governance, had for several years imposed measures that were completely contrary to the principles governing international cooperation.
因為以我的理解,酒商不是賣 多少酒便繳交多少稅予政府的,而是在出倉時便要交稅,所以他們可能怕 一旦加 稅,在酒品出倉時便要繳交很高的稅,因 不 可 能保持其低價格了。
This is because, as far as I understand it, the wine trade pays duty to the Government not according to how much wine has been sold, rather, duty is payable when the wine comes out of the warehouse. Therefore, traders may
be concerned that if
[...] the duty goes up, heavy duty will have to be paid when the wine comes out of the warehouse and consequently, it would not be possible [...]
to keep prices low.
受 害人怕报复 、对国家机构缺乏信任、缺少适当的法律和心理支持、没有充分和 有区别的保护、社会丑化受害人,这些都阻碍了对 一 问 题严重程度的全面了 解。
The victims’ fear of reprisals, the lack of trust in institutions, the absence of appropriate legal and psychosocial support, the lack of adequate and differentiated protection, and the social stigmatization [...]
of victims
hamper the full understanding of the extent of the problem.




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