单词 | 不怕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不怕—fearlessless common: even though even if not worried (by setbacks or difficulties) Examples:不怕慢,就怕站—it's better make slow progress than no progress at all (proverb) 不怕不识货,就怕货比货—fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb) 不怕不识货,只怕货比货—lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb) fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison See also:怕—be afraid perhaps dread be unable to endure surname Pa
恐怖团体还利用某些国家持续和(在某些情况下)越来越不稳定 的局势,这使得他们在行动时不怕政府当局对其进行瓦解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Terrorist groups are also exploiting continued and (in some cases) increased [...] instability in certain States, [...] and this has enabled them to operate with less fear ofdisruption [...]by Government authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
公开声明致力于政治多元化和民主,为支持这一承诺,通过和执行 各项政策,确保允许反对党在不怕报复的情况下自由参与政治进程(加拿 [...] 大 )。 daccess-ods.un.org | 98.38. Make public statements committing to political pluralism and democracy, and, in support of this commitment, adopt and implement policies to ensure [...] that opposition parties are permitted to participate freely in the political [...] process withoutfear of retribution [...](Canada). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们之所以与众不同,是因为我们善于聆听,不怕将时间花费于帮您确定今后的前进方向。 robertwalters.cn | What makes us different is that we [...] listen and are not afraidtospend time to [...]help you identify where you should be heading next. robertwalters.cn |
本校的愿景是:学生有求知欲,富创意精神,能慎思明辨,勇於尝试创新,不怕犯错。 sfusd.edu | We envision Argonne students who desire and have the ability to [...] utilize their minds in a critical, creative manner, neither fearful to experiment [...] with newideas norafraid tomake a mistake. sfusd.edu |
曾经有记者朋友问我:参加六四纪念,不怕失去持平的形象吗? hkupop.hku.hk | A reporter asked me: "Aren't you worried losing your image of impartiality by joining the vigil? hkupop.hku.hk |
在这里,果然有许多不怕生的鸭子。 4tern.com | He is right, there are many friendly ducks here. 4tern.com |
配合完整的备份功能,所有珍贵的照片都获得安全的保护,Scorpix 再也不怕硬碟毁损而失去资料。 synology.com | With the round-up backup, all precious [...] photos are securely protected, without the worry of hard disk crash. synology.com |
优点 – [...] 虽然这一个环节看起来很假,但是若你的人真的很好,那就不怕说出来哦。 4tern.com | Strength – Although you might feel it is too good to be true, but you are [...] really kind,why not tellthem about it? 4tern.com |
天父阿,感谢你,当我们敬拜赞美你的时候,你的同在就 [...] 临在我们当中,你的同在就彰显在我们当中,有神的同在, 我们就不怕任何艰难困境;我们要敬拜赞美神、你,神与 [...]我们同在,神兴起,我们的仇敌必要四散 nimenqu.net | Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you, as we worship and praise you, your presence manifested in our [...] midst, because of your presence and you are [...] with us,we will not fearabout anydifficult [...]circumstances and problems; we will [...]yet again to worship and praise you God, for God is with us in our midst, let God arise and our enemies will flee and scatter. nimenqu.net |
然后他说,“被我不怕其他人与你竞争(从樟木,樟木水),我一定会拿绳子把它比(即他的肩膀)(打水)。 mb-soft.com | Then he said,"Were Inot afraid thatother people [...] would compete with you (in drawing water from Zam-zam), I would certainly [...]take the rope and put it over this (ie his shoulder) (to draw water). mb-soft.com |
防油脂SPF50+ PA+++,让你今夏都不怕紫外线!专利钻石光微粒子可让肌肤展露出闪耀细致光芒,肤色看起来更佳健康哟! aster.com.hk | Patent diamond allows light particles exposed skin show detailed light shine, skin look more health. aster.com.hk |
触觉瓷砖瓦楞纸、 [...] 粗糙的表面,有的高橇抵抗属性,提供安全的人走上这种报导,包括湿,绝对不怕水、化湿和高耐化学攻击。 taktilnaya-plitka.g-sochi.ru | Tactile tiles have a corrugated, roughened surface and has a high skid resistance properties, which provide security [...] people walked on such coverage, including [...] wet, absolutelynot afraid of water,dampness [...]and high resistance to chemical attacks. g-sochi.ru |
使用诡计以作恶者,难道不怕真主使他们随地面而陷落,或刑罚从他们料想 不到的 地方来临他们吗? shahroudi.com | Messengers before thee, indeed, were mocked, but that whereat they mocked surrounded those who scoffed at them. shahroudi.com |
高级珠宝设计师Victoire广场·卡斯特拉,打乱了既定的代码...她是什麽都不怕,她是对的,因为她在不到10年,实行了特定的风格,有什麽可羡慕的迪奥Joaillerie高级珠宝经典之作。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Victoire de Castellane, designer of [...] Haute Joaillerie upsets the established codes [...] ... Sheis not afraidof anything, [...]and she's right, because in less than ten [...]years, she has imposed particular style Dior Joaillerie that has nothing to envy the Haute Joaillerie classic. en.horloger-paris.com |
Dorner在宣言中说:”自我保护对我不再重要,我根本不怕死,因为我早在2009年1月2日就已经死了。 ktsf.com | Self Preservation is no longer important to me. ktsf.com |
因此,很多人都认同一个成功的创业家大都是一位优秀的销售员,而且他们 人际网络一定要够广,性格需要面面俱圆,不怕被人拒绝,遇强越强,不轻易放弃,他们视争取更 多客户及收入为企业目标,这才是老板成功之道。 gemconsortium.org | She is not afraid of being rejected by other people. She is tough in facing up to challenges, doesnot give up easily, and sees acquiring more customers and income as her business goal. gemconsortium.org |
在所有医疗检查中,这是我最不怕的一项。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | Sorry you had to join us, but welcome. beyondtheshock.com |
集比新推出的超迷你随身碟,外壳有金属质感,时尚感加分!此款超迷你随身碟可加珠链做为挂饰,超迷你随身碟体积迷你,使用时不怕卡住USB接孔,可爱又实用,超迷你随身碟外壳可印制文字图案,欢迎洽询。 xebe.com.tw | The small size of Mini USB flash disks can prevent you from the situation that the big USB flash disks maybe make the USB port stuck. xebe.com.tw |
防汗水配方,即使长时间在太阳下也不怕肌肤变黑。 aster.com.hk | Anti-sweat recipes, even stay in sunshine longer, skin still can get good protection. aster.com.hk |
面对政府,机构和企业,WWF 以不懈的和不怕冲突的精神,同时也带着合作的愿望, 追求着它的目标, 并且根据最新的科学知识进行调整。 swj-engineering.de | The WWF may pursue its goals tenaciously and persistently with the support of the latest scientific information, but it is also willing to cooperate with governments, public authorities and private companies. swj-engineering.de |
书本随身碟拥有特别的伸缩式USB接头,不怕掉帽盖,只需推拉USB接头能轻松使用并保护机身,造型特别的书本随身碟绝对可以成为您储存、传输与分享多媒体影音资料的秘密武器。 en.xebe.com | If you have any inquiry of book USB drives for promotion, just contact us and we will give you the best service. en.xebe.com |
拼 搏 ——拼搏就是使出全部力量搏斗或争取,是一种不怕困难、不畏惧艰险、敢想敢干、勇往直前的精神和勇气,体现的是创业精神、竞争精神、奉献精神。 tsfsclx.cn | Hard work------ Hard work is exerting all their [...] efforts to fight or compete; it is the [...] spirit and courage notafraid of difficulties, doing [...]not fear hardship, daring to think [...]and work, marching fearlessly onward; it embodies the entrepreneurial spirit, competitive spirit and dedication. tsfsclx.cn |
中国的资本密集型制造业将继续保持良好收益,技术投入不断提高各行各业的生产率,但对就业来说恐怕不是个好消息。 mckinseychina.com | Capital-intensive Chinese manufacturing continues to earn good returns, and [...] investment in technology across all sectors is boosting productivity, although [...] this is perhaps not suchgood news [...]for employment. mckinseychina.com |
我在以上段落曾间接提到这项敌人,「中产阶级日渐扩大,社会富裕的初期迹象即为家庭购车」,这句话即反映出文化因素,首先,社会认为搭公车是比较低下的交通方式,普纳的公车乘客在社会阶级大多较低,因为票价确实低廉,但在快速西方化与现代化的印度,平价与否大多不及地位考量,而汽车即为地位最显着的象徵,是故政府若要投资於永续运输,恐怕不易成功。 thisbigcity.net | Pune’s bus customers tend to be from the lower classes of society, since the bus does present an incredibly affordable method of transport. In the rapidly westernizing and modernizing India, however, affordability often comes second to status, and the car is the strongest sign of status. thisbigcity.net |
东南亚第一条公车捷运系统於2004年落成,目前共有11条路线,雅加达情况与布里斯本不同,并无接运系统,许多人先前预测,因为系统欠缺调整弹性,恐怕不会成功,但目前每天搭乘人次约25万,完全跌破众人眼镜,或许是营运前两星期免费搭乘,让市民从此无法抗拒? thisbigcity.net | Many predicted this lack of flexibility would result in the system not receiving much use, but with around 250,000 passengers a day, they couldn’t have been more wrong. thisbigcity.net |
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目,哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽略不计。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms. unesdoc.unesco.org |