单词 | 不怎麽样 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 不怎么样—very indifferentless common: nothing great about it not up much nothing good be said about it See also:怎么样—how? how about? how was it? how are things? 不怎么—not very not particularly 怎么—what? how? why? 怎样interj—whyinterj
经过这麽一绕,我们大约知道那个点有最多的萤光虫,哪里却不怎麽样。 4tern.com | Now, we have a very clear picture, which are the best spots to see [...] glow worms and whicharenot. 4tern.com |
不管怎麽样,不用为您的英文程度担心,所有的学生到达 Embassy 的第一天都是参加测验後才会被安排在适合他们口语和文法程度的班级。 embassyces.com | All students are tested on the first day at Embassy, and placed in the class most suitable for their level of fluency and knowledge of grammar. embassyces.com |
你的暖暖包没问题的,不会怎麽样的。 4tern.com | Your heater pack iswill not explode, don’t worry. 4tern.com |
其实,敛底更凹入的话,圈足要加深或者底上的壶壁要加厚,不管怎麽样,壶身要加重。 e-yaji.com | To have had a deeper recession would have meant either increasing the depth of the footrim or reducing the degree of hollowing above the foot area, both of which would have increased the weight of thebottle and altered its balance in the hand, which iscurrently difficult to fault just the way it is. e-yaji.com |
也有同事提出,如果把从前原本加租不能高於入息中位数 10%的方案再 提出来,然後通过,又会怎麽样呢? legco.gov.hk | Some Honourable colleagues also asked: Whatwould happen if the previous 10% MRIR cap was proposed again and passed? legco.gov.hk |
我们刚才所说的计划,现时已有初步构思,但我不想说一定会於何时落 实、或详细的情形是怎麽样。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding the plan I mentioned earlier, a preliminary proposal has been drawn [...] up at present, but I [...] would rather not say that it will definitely be implemented at a certain time orgive detailsof the plan. legco.gov.hk |
由於,他们居住在饭店,没机会体验背包客的生活,也不晓得纽西兰背包客栈长得怎麽样。 4tern.com | They were staying in the Fox [...] Glacier Hotel,and have noidea on how does aNew Zealand backpacker [...]would look like. 4tern.com |
单身汉的家,我不必多说,大家也能想像得到状况怎麽样吧。 4tern.com | I think you guys can imagine howsingles men’s house would look like. 4tern.com |
无论我们的意见怎样不㆒致,观念和背景怎样不同,彼此有甚麽误解和猜疑, 我也请他们明白,我们同样也是致力成功完成这项任务的。 legco.gov.hk | Whatever our disagreements, whatever our [...] differences of perception and background, whatever themisunderstandings and the mistrust, I [...]urge them to [...]understand that we, too, are similarly committed. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 鉴於条例草案附表1 拟议第1 条的现行草拟 方式已足以反映基於经济效益理由而给予 豁除(使不受第一行为守则规管)的理据,现不适宜在上述条文加入" 消费者可公平分 享因而所得利益"的字词,此举更须顾及如 何决定怎麽样才视为"公平" 分享。 legco.gov.hk | (b) as the current drafting of proposed section 1 of Schedule 1 to the Bill already sufficed to capture the rationale of granting exclusion from the first conduct [...] rule on economic benefit grounds, [...] it was not appropriate to addthe phrase "allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit", lest how to determinewhat constituted a "fair" share. legco.gov.hk |
刘慧卿议员刚才的发言指出,既然香港是抄袭英国的做法,不如看看英 国把职位分拆时,薪酬是怎麽样的。 legco.gov.hk | As Ms Emily LAU pointed out in her speech earlier, [...] since Hong Kong is copying the British [...] practice, let us look at their remuneration when a split was giveneffect there. legco.gov.hk |
不过,我实在不知道政府的法律顾问是怎麽样的法律顾 问,因为由始至终,每当谈及基层的问题时,他们所提出的法律意见总是跟 其他所有人的法律意见不同的。 legco.gov.hk | I reallydo not know what kind oflegal advice has been tendered to the [...] Government, for from the outset, whenever problems [...]of the grassroots are mentioned, the kind of legal advice they give is different from that given by all other people. legco.gov.hk |
不过,这里涉及两种情况,一种是在中心服务,另一种则 是在家居服务,这要视乎她们跟机构本身的关系是怎麽样,即有否雇佣 关系存在。 legco.gov.hk | However, two types of services are involved here, namely centre-based service and home-based service, depending on their relationship with the service operators, or whether thereis an employment relationship between the two. legco.gov.hk |
可是,一直 到了 1996 年,即 回 归前不足1年,在 一 个 美 国人的研 讨 会 上 , 有 一 美 国人被 邀 请 来 香港, 当 时 我和李议 员一起 ,李柱铭议员甫 开口仍 然说: “ 你 们 想 像 一下,如果 1年後 , 要把夏 威 夷 交 给中国,你 们 的 感 受会怎 麽 样? legco.gov.hk | However, in an American seminar held in 1996, less than one year before the reunification, towhich some Americans were invited, Mr LEE began his speech by saying, "Can you imagine howit feels if Hawaii is to be returned to China in a year? legco.gov.hk |
最少有五六份报章是全面帮助民建联,为爱国阵营那边造势,写他们的 候选人的好事、好功绩,写反对派候选人有甚麽不好,过去又怎样、怎样等。 legco.gov.hk | They write about the good deeds and achievements of these [...] candidates while they write aboutthebadthings and the ignoble [...]past of candidates from the opposition camp. legco.gov.hk |
不过,我想问大家有否注意到,在上届议会中,“长毛” ⎯⎯ 或 许让我这样称呼他 ⎯⎯ 表达的手法不怎麽暴力,像黄国健议员刚才 所说,只是比较粗暴一点,而且,我觉得很多时候基本上是点到即止 的。 legco.gov.hk | I am not sure if you have noticed one point, that is, "Long Hair" ― please allow me to call him in this way ― was not that violent in the last term when he expressed himself. legco.gov.hk |
找一个这样的人来出任行政长官,提交报告,大家说怎麽不致命呢? legco.gov.hk | It is really a fatal [...] tragedy to us to have such a person as our Chief Executive and submit the Report, isit not? legco.gov.hk |
我们需要部门各级员工去问问他们正在做甚麽,为甚麽和怎样做,并需要他们告诉我们需要甚麽才能做得更好,不论是培训、设备还是改变工作程序。 housingauthority.gov.hk | We need staff at all levels in the department to question what they do, why and how they do it, and to tell us what they need if they are to do it better, whether it be training, equipment or changes to procedures. housingauthority.gov.hk |
如果我们没有一个愿景,我们将 来做出来的,会是怎麽样的东西呢? legco.gov.hk | If we do [...] not have a vision, what will be the end-product [...]to be produced by us in the future? legco.gov.hk |
至於温室气体是怎麽样,哪些 是温室气体,怎样管制其排放情况,甚至是排污交易,这些全都要有非常重 [...] 要的环保知识。 legco.gov.hk | As for greenhouse gases issues [...] such as what such gases areand how their emission [...]should be regulated, and so on, or even [...]emissions trading, these are all very important environmental protection concepts. legco.gov.hk |
我不知这是因为政府无能力进行这检讨,抑或政府认为市区重建问题并不怎样严重,受重建影响的居民的权益不是那麽重要和迫切。 legco.gov.hk | I have no idea whether it is due to the Government’s incapacity to carry out the review or it is because the Government thinks that urban redevelopment is not really a serious problem and the issue of the interests of the affected residents is not so important or urgent. legco.gov.hk |
因此,世 界各国,例如东南亚的国家,对於从事学前教育工作者质素的要求很高, 因为他们知道,幼儿教育工作者的责任并不只是教导小朋友基本知识,如「ABC」这 样简单,而是通过教「ABC」的过程,让小朋友明白怎样与其他㆟相处;明白社会的 规律和明白怎样表达自己的思想等。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, countries all over the world, such as Southeast Asian countries, have set very high standards in respect of the quality of pre-primary educators because they understand that [...] educators for [...] pre-school children are notjust responsible for teaching preschool children simple basic knowledge as ABC, but rather that in the process of teaching ABC, pre-school children are made to understand howto get along with others; that they are made to understand the rules of society and knowhow to expresstheir ideas. legco.gov.hk |
如果我不想让代理人具有所有权力怎麽办? healthywayla.org | What if i don’t want my agent to have all these powers? healthywayla.org |
所以,我们要分清楚在怎麽样的情况下,才会被识别成为一宗欺 凌事件,否则,如果把普通争执甚至即使动手的情况也计算为欺凌事 件,数字便会相当庞大了。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, we have to be very clear about the circumstances under which cases will be judged as bullying incidents, otherwise, if we include even common quarrels or shovings as bullying incidents, the number will be enormous. legco.gov.hk |
当然, 自由党并非反对这项标准,我们只是说,对於那些很小量、销售量少於 3 万 件的食品,那些有声称、没有声称,或有营养标签的食品,做法应该怎麽样呢? legco.gov.hk | All we are saying is that with regard to those products with a very small sales volume of below 30 000 units, how should they be dealt with if they have claims or do not carry claims or carry nutrition labels? legco.gov.hk |
香港现时的政治制度, 便是经济制度不公平的反映,我们天天骂公用事业财团不肯减价,不愿益惠 市民,又骂政府这样那样的,政府本身是由少数人拣选出来的,因此,怎麽 不是为少数人服务呢? legco.gov.hk | That is a quotationfrom Lenin. The existing political system of Hong Kong is a manifestation of an unfair [...] economic system. legco.gov.hk |
第 一 , 我们要考虑刚 才 所 [...] 提及的经济效益 及 可 行 性;第 二 , 各项建议的项目不能 在 香港互相 竞争 得 太厉害 , 因为一旦 有 恶 性 竞争,那麽,即使在一个地区 内 办 得 成 功 的事, 若 在 18 区 办 18 件 类 似 或相同的事,便 保证会是失 败 ; 第 三 , 我们要考虑怎 样 不会跟地区 内已有提 供 的 服 务 或 产 品 造 成 恶 性 竞争; 及第四 , 我们要考虑 其他公共配套的 问题,例如 [...]交 通、环保等 。 legco.gov.hk | Secondly, the proposals should not giverise to excessive competition within Hong Kong, because once vicious competition arises, even if a certain proposal could be implemented successfully in one district, [...] the implementation of the same or similar [...]proposal in all the 18 districts in Hong Kong would certainly be doomed. legco.gov.hk |