

单词 不很

External sources (not reviewed)

但若我们面对他们的处境, 诚实的想想,或许我们也会做 出和他们相不很远的决定。
But if we can be honest, under the same circumstances, maybe we would have made similar decisions.
然而,除了加速度之外的其他特性 不很 好 ,总的来说,由于平 衡性能较 MS [...]
曲线差,所以除了特殊用途之外,MT 曲线已基本 上不再使用。
However, characteristics values other than the
[...] acceleration are not good, and the balance [...]
of the curve is inferior to that of
the MC curve in total view, so that the MT curve is hardly used unless for special purposes.
一些代表团表示了对该建议的关注,理由如下:当前法典委员会没有制定生物技 术食品所需的分析方法规定,建议的工作范围 不很 清 楚 ,而且有可能与同一领域的其 他组织开展的工作重复。
Some delegations expressed their concerns on this proposal for the following reasons: currently no Codex provisions on foods derived from biotechnology required methods of analysis; the scope of the work proposed was not clear enough; and it might duplicate the work of other organisations in the same area.
我們昨天提出了很多重要的課題,包括進一步收窄稅基;財政預算在減 稅部分上沒有理念、不能處理我們現時看到的多項重要社會公共服務;資源 長期不足;實際的貧富懸殊情況,以及在這樣的情況下,政府不單沒有利用
[...] 較高收入人士的資源來協助弱勢社羣,反而進一步向社會上最富裕的人交還 對於他們來不很重要的錢。
We raised many important points yesterday, including further narrowing the tax base; the lack of an underlying principle for the tax reduction in the Budget and the failure to cater for the needs of many essential public services of our concern; persistent lack of resources; the actual disparity between the rich and the poor, and the fact that the Government has not only failed to make use of the resources from people with higher income to help the socially
disadvantaged, but even sought to return money to the richest people in society, though
[...] the money is of little importance to them.
因此,尽管 它还指出伊斯兰国家组织对于该组织和不结盟运动所提出的许多提议没有纳入结 果文件不很满意,但是伊斯兰国家组织仍表示愿意接受这项文件。
Therefore, while further noting that the OIC was not pleased with the fact that the outcome document did not contain many of the proposals made by the OIC and the NAM, it expressed its readiness to accept the document
换言之,评价使用的标准和程序必须达到:(a) 实行的政策和取得
[...] 的成果之间程度合理的因果关联,而目前在提及成果时,这一点通常 不很 明 显 ; (b) 就所采用的方法而言,受主要影响的社会行为体、网络和利益攸关方之间一 [...]
In other words, the evaluation criteria and procedures used must achieve (a) a reasonable degree of causal linkage between the policies adopted and the results obtained,
something which, when referring to
[...] outcomes, is often not very evident; and [...]
(b) an acceptable degree of agreement among
the primarily affected social actors, networks and stakeholders as regards the method adopted.
虽然从总体上讲专利对研究工具的影响可 不很 重 大 ,但与发展中国家有关的许多优先研 究项目是局限于一些较狭窄的研究领域,而在这些领域中可能会有困难规避研究工具带来 的问题。
While at the aggregate level the overall impact of patents on research tools may not be substantial, many research priorities relevant to developing countries are directed in relatively narrow fields of research where circumventing a problem created by research tools may be difficult.
每个人都在辩称,塞浦路斯不过是一个小小的经济体,相对来说 不很 重 要, 但是,像其他一些欧洲国家一样,它有着大量来自海外投资者(主要是俄罗斯)的银行存款,因为这里是一个避税天堂,而塞浦路斯的企业机构愿意支付的利率也远 远高于那些有着更强财政状况的国家,如德国或英国。
Everyone argues that Cyprus is a small economy and relatively unimportant but, like a few other countries in Europe, it had substantial bank deposits from overseas investors (primarily Russian) because it is a tax haven and the interest rates Cypriot institutions were willing to pay were much higher than those paid in countries with stronger finances like Germany or the United Kingdom.
主要金枪鱼物种只有很少的种群状况为不了解 很不 了 解
Only for very few stocks of the principal tuna species is their
[...] status unknown or very poorly known.
代表们强调,粮农组织对亚太区域的预算拨款与本区域食物不足人口的 数很不相称
Delegates highlighted that the FAO budget allocated to Asia and the Pacific was not proportional to the magnitude of undernourished in the region.
显然,在用“开支率”表示时,即使 很不 重 要 的预算项目上很 小的偏差也会造成很大的偏差,而这种偏差的影响在现实中是可以忽略不计的。
Obviously, even a very minor deviation [...]
from a budget of very small magnitude may give a large deviation when expressed as
an “expenditure rate”, when the impact of such deviation is negligible in reality.
这些机构为确定等级所采用的方 很不 清 晰 ,利益冲突问题很可能 出现,这是与会者关切的一个主要问题。
The methodology that they used to establish ratings was rather opaque, and the likelihood of conflict of interest was a primary concern of participants.
许多国家提出的一个问题也是:在 集体申诉如何遵守关于用尽国内补救办法的规定方 很不 明 确
A problem exposed by many States was also the lack of clarity with regard to the fulfilment of the requirement of exhaustion of domestic remedies for collective complaints.
这被认为很不合理的,而且对基 金有潜在危险。
This has been found to be fundamentally unsound and potentially dangerous for the Fund.
我在主體答覆也說過,未必適合動輒 引用某項判決指引,因為每宗個案的成因也 很不 同 的
As I have stated in the main reply, it may not be
appropriate to simply adopt certain sentencing guidelines because the causes to each and
[...] every case can be very different.
此外,她们指称刚果境 内的安全局很不稳定 ,因此政府无法保障对人权的保护。
In addition, they allege that the
[...] security situation in the DRC is precarious [...]
and that the Government is thus unable to
guarantee protection of their human rights.
这不可能有别的理解,只能说是在故意无视这个问题的实质——直接关系到 一个国家生存问题的实质,只能说是在保护某国的强权政治,处 很不 公 平
This cannot be construed as other than intentionally ignoring the essence of the matter, which is directly related to the existence of one country, protecting someone’s power politics and turning to unfairness.
非常接近我们的宿舍是位于一些对Itchimbia山顶上,包括对旧城区的惊人的观 很不 错 的 餐厅,你可以得到在历史中心非常好的餐馆,以及。
Very close to our hostel is located some very nice restaurant on the top of the
Itchimbia hill including an amazing view of the Old Town and
[...] you could get very good restaurants [...]
in the Historic Center as well.
當我之前看到Synology 線上討論區中有許許多多的新功能要求(雖然有 很不 實 際 ,有些彼此矛盾)、些許抱怨、還有很多很多的要求,我就知道Synology 一直用心在聆聽客戶的心聲,而且為了追求完美表現,願意謙卑地聽取客戶建議。
When I read the Synology forum and see all the new feature requests (some of the ridiculous, some conflicting with others), the security complaints, and the demands for more, I know that Synology always hears from those people and doesn't hear enough compliments for a job well done.
连来自非常支持两性平等政策的国家代表团 很不愿 意将指明“妇女”的用语列入无法律约束力的文书。
Even delegations
[...] from countries very supportive of [...]
gender equality policies have been reluctant to include language that
specifies “women” within the non-legally binding instrument.
在由 毒品和犯罪问题办公室管理的数据收集机制中,联合国关于犯罪趋势和刑事司 法系统运作情况的调查是在国际一级收集犯罪情况数据的主要工具;国别答复
[...] 比率最近几年基本保持不变(对调查中的问卷作出答复的国家约占 45%),但可 以观察到各地区之间的形很不相同 (见图 24)。
Among the data collection mechanisms managed by UNODC, the United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems is the principal tool for collecting data on crime at the international level, and the country response rate has remained fairly constant over the last few years (with about 45 per cent of
countries replying to the survey
[...] questionnaire), although very diverse patterns [...]
between regions can be seen (see figure 24).
到此文件起草时,只 收到几个答复,而且提供的信息 很不 一 致,因为要看这些开支是否已经列入过以前的预算 [...]
Only a few replies have been received at the
date this document was drawn up, and the
[...] replies vary considerably depending, [...]
in part, on whether these items were already
included in previous budgets and/or whether there exist off-budget “reserve funds”.
咨询委员会认为,预算某些款次的所需资源列 不 明 确(例如,日内瓦办 事处的所需资源),而很难将所需的非员额资源与基金工作方案项下所 述的活动联系起来。
In the opinion of the Advisory
Committee, in some
[...] sections of the budget the resources required are not clearly presented (e.g., the requirements for [...]
the Geneva office),
and it is not easy to link the need for resources for non-post requirements with the activities described under the Fund’s programme of work.
它有一很不错的 特色就是自动音频链路,因此尽管您不能对苹果电脑上的 Skype 使用电子提举臂功能,当 Skype 通话开始时音频链路也能自动打开。
The great thing is the auto-audio-link, so although you do not have EHS on Skype with a Mac, the audio link opens automatically when Skype call is initiated.
(5) 同没有提到任何排除性保留的做 很不 一 样 ,尽管“排除性保留”被列入 [...]
“保留”的定义中,在《维也纳公约》对“保留”一词的定义和第 21 条第 1 款所 设想的效力之间可能显示出另一个更严重不一致的现象; 而根据第 21 条,保留 修改“条约的规定”,根据第 2 条第 1 款(d)款,保留的目的是更改或排除“条约
(5) Quite apart from the lack of any reference to excluding reservations, although they are
[...] included in the very definition of [...]
a reservation, another
more serious inconsistency may be signalled between the definition of the term “reservation” in the Vienna Conventions and the effects contemplated in article 21, paragraph 1; whereas according to article 21 a reservation modifies “the provisions of the treaty”, the purpose of a reservation according to article 2, paragraph 1 (d), is to modify or exclude “the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty”.
虽然厄立特里亚当局可能继续向索马里武装反对派团体提供 财政和其他形式的援助,他们的活动未被查出,但监察组认为任何此种援助无足 轻重,而且厄立特里亚目前在索马里 很不 起 眼的角色,对事态发展进程的影响 极小,无论是正面还是负面影响。
Although it is possible that the Eritrean authorities have continued to provide financial and other forms of assistance to armed opposition groups without their activities being detected, it is the Monitoring Group’s assessment that any such assistance is negligible, and that Eritrea is currently a marginal actor in Somalia, with little, if any, influence, either positive or negative, on the course of events.
开发计划署代表指出,尽管开发计划署无疑在履行其执行已核准项目的任务规定,但 对那些需要依靠开发计划署的额外援助才能履行自己的责任的国家臭氧机构来说,必须知
[...] 道在没有额外资金的情况下,开发计划 很不 幸 是 无法在关键的履约期间提供这种额外的 [...]
The representative of UNDP pointed out that, while UNDP was without a doubt fulfilling its mandate to implement approved projects, it was important for those National Ozone Units that were counting on UNDP for extra assistance in order to carry out their
implementation responsibilities to know that
[...] UNDP would unfortunately not be able to [...]
provide such additional assistance during
the critical compliance period without additional funding.
秘书处收到的信函确认,尽很不幸 财政部无法派代表与会,但俄 罗斯外交部和自然资源部的高级官员将出席缔约方第二十三次会议的间隙期间举行的会议, [...]
A letter had been received confirming
[...] that although unfortunately the Ministry [...]
of Finance was unable to send a representative,
senior officials from the Russian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Natural Resources would attend a meeting to be held in the margins of the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties to discuss the issue and it was hoped that some progress could be made.
虽 然它们在包括减少贫困、实现全民小学教育和实现中学和小学学生性别平 等在内的某些目标方面的确取得了一些进展,但它们在某些其他目标方面 进展要么十分缓慢,要很不充分 ,其中包括创造就业机会、提高小学毕 业率、为妇女创造更多就业机会、降低孕妇死亡率、提高森林覆盖率、以 及信息和通信技术的更广泛应用等。
Although progress had been made with regard to some Goals, including poverty reduction, achieving universal primary school enrolment and attaining gender parity in
secondary and primary school
[...] enrolment, there were several Goals in which progress had been either slow or insufficient; they included employment generation, increase in the primary school [...]
completion rate,
creation of more wage employment for women, reducing maternal mortality, increasing forest coverage, and greater use of information and communications technology.
我们必需加强 国际努力,使司法制度的存在更为广泛、更加有力, 包括设立更人道的监狱,我们看到,监狱已经人满为 患很不安全
We need to reinforce international efforts to consolidate a broader, more robust presence of the judicial system, including more humane prisons, which we have seen are overcrowded and in precarious condition.




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