

单词 不干預

See also:


interfere v
do v
work v

dried food
tree trunk
in vain
surname Qian
kill (slang)
fuck (vulgar)
male principle
main part of sth
surname Gan

干预 n

interventions pl

External sources (not reviewed)

正如上周推出的買家印花稅措施,便屬於上述第三種情況,所以, 為何行政長官要全盤否定“積 不干預 ” 政 策呢?
The Buyer's Stamp Duty rolled out last week, for example,
relates to the third scenario. Therefore, why does the Chief Executive totally negate the
[...] policy of positive non-intervention?
(f) 投資推廣署署長採取不干預”的方式來進行監督和 監察,實 未 能 符 合有關要求 (報告書第 3.10段 )。
(f) The Director-General of Investment Promotion's adoption of a "handsoff" approach in overseeing and monitoring the project was not adequate [...]
to satisfy the requirement
(paragraph 3.10 of the Report).
否則的話,除了“積不干預”的 口號變成“大巿場、小政府”的口號之 外,這個討論不會令我們有所進步。
Otherwise, apart from a change of slogan from
[...] "positive non-intervention" to "big market, [...]
small government", the discussion will not take us anywhere.
由此可見,政府 ㆒直對於樓市不是積不干預,而 是積極斂財,趁火打劫,不斷刺激樓市。
These facts demonstrate that what the Government has been doing is to rob and plunder the public by fueling the property market, rather than adopting a positive non-interventionist is policy.
然後他 再 補添說 明 : “ 一般而言 ,政府 會根據當時和未來 的情況 , 仔 細 權 衡 在 任何經濟領 域 , 或供與求任何一 方 面作出 干 預的利 弊 , 然後以積 極 的 態 度 決 定:究 竟 干 預的利 益 大 , 還不干 預的利 益 大。
Then he added an important qualification: "Generally speaking, the Government weighs up carefully the arguments for and against an act of interventionism in any sector of our economy and on the demand or supply side in the light of present and future circumstances.
主席,任何人只要採 取 客 觀 公 正 的 態 度 , 便 可 以看到香港回 歸 以來, 中 聯 辦 及其前身新 華 社 香港分社是嚴 格
[...] 遵守“一國 兩 制 ” 和 《 基 本 法》不 干 預包括新 聞 自 由 在 內 的 本港高 [...]
度 自 治範圍內的事務,這是港 人 和 國 際社會 都 廣 泛 承 認 的事實。
Madam President, anyone who is objective and fair in his judgment can see that the Central People's Government's Liaison Office and its predecessor the Xinhua News Agency in Hong Kong
have strictly adhered to the principle of "one country, two systems" and the Basic Law since the
[...] reunification and have not interfered with affairs related [...]
to the high degree
of autonomy of Hong Kong, including press freedom.
本局亦會發現很多㆟認為政府偏離積 不干預 政 策,而傾向於對社會進行過份規 管,以致窒礙了創造香港的那份進取精神。
This Council would also find many believing
that the Government was tilting away
[...] from positive non-interventionism towards an over-regulated [...]
society which will stifle
the very enterprise that has created Hong Kong.
[...] 播要避免與商營廣播造成競爭,更不是以政府一直所倡導的積 不干預和 “ 大市場,小政府”等理念來看待公營廣播服務,而是透過良性競爭來提升 [...]
I wish to stress one point, which is neither public broadcasting should avoid competing with commercial broadcasting as suggested by the Government earlier, nor PSB should be viewed with concepts
always promoted by the Government, such
[...] as positive non-intervention and "big market, [...]
small government", but the overall broadcasting
quality should be enhanced through healthy competition for the benefit of the public.
另一方面,也由於香港特區政府一直固守着所謂“積 不干預 ” 的經 濟教條,擔心一旦參與內地的經濟規劃及經濟合作,便會違背香港一直 [...]
賴以成功的自由經濟和市場經濟的原則,也會令香港的經濟發展失去優 勢、特色和動力,甚至失去國際競爭力。
On the other hand, given the
[...] so-called "active non-intervention" economic dogma [...]
persistently upheld by the HKSAR Government,
it is worried that once it joins hands with the Mainland in economic planning and co-operation, Hong Kong will go against the principles of free economy and market economy, the key to its success, and the Hong Kong economy will lose its strengths, characteristics, momentum, and even global competitive edge.
在所謂“大市場、小政府”不干預 政 策的原則下,政府 的政策往往傾向大財團及既得利益集團,對於無權無勢的小眾,特別是 [...]
Under the principle of so-called "big market, small
[...] Government" or non-intervention, the Government's [...]
policy is often skewed in favour of
consortia and vested interest groups, but with regard to minorities with no power or influence, in particular, the elderly, the Government's policy is biased against them and a more passive, neglectful or carefree attitude is adopted.
十五、 李國寶議員問題的譯文:鑑於當局採取旨在穩定物業市場的收緊措施,政 府可否告知本局,「積不干預政策」是否仍是維持金融市場,特別是物業市場穩定 [...]
15. DR DAVID LI asked: Given the tightening measures aimed at stabilizing the property market, will the
Government inform this Council whether the
[...] “positive non-intervention policy” is still [...]
the prime policy to maintain stability
in the financial markets, particularly in the property market?
不過, 我們 要問, 當那些店鋪租 金
[...] 升幅達 如此驚 人的數 字 ─ 自由黨 說過,政府向來 積不 干 預 , 他們的 意 思 不 是 叫 政 府預 , 我亦不是 要 求 政 府如何 積極進行 干 預 ─ 只 是政府如果 [...]
知道某 區 域 的 租 金 尤
其 昂貴時(即 租 值 之 高 , 已 是 人人皆 知了),是否 應看看例 如有些地區是 有 很 多 遊 客 的,該 等地區商 鋪 的 供 應 有否出 現問題呢?
But we would like to ask, when the rental increase of shops are so staggering — the Liberal Party said that the
[...] had always practised the positive non-intervention policy, so they did not mean to ask the [...]
Government to intervene, nor
do I intend to ask the Government to do so — and if the Government knows that the rentals of certain districts are particularly high (everybody knows how high the rentals have become), then should it not find out whether there are any problems with the supply of shops in such districts visited by a lot of tourists?
所以,總括而言,香港應繼續 堅持積不干預原則 ,維持小政府的運作模式,只在非不得已之時才作出干預。
So we conclude that Hong Kong should maintain its
overall philosophy of
[...] positive non-interventionism, that is, [...]
to maintain a small-government and intervene only when it is necessary.
政府已詳細檢討為香港制定全面競爭法的利弊,得出的結論是實 不干 預政策 ,並附以按個別行業需要而訂立的措施而不制定全面競爭法,最能合 [...]
The conclusion
[...] is that a non-interventionist policy, supported [...]
by sector-specific measures as necessary, rather than an
all embracing competition law best suits the needs and circumstances of Hong Kong.
箇㆗原因可能牽涉很多複雜因素,而我即 時想到的包括:第㆒是本港工業界的支離破碎;第㆓是香港轉變的速度,而且事實㆖
[...] 正在改變工業的基礎;第㆔是香港的經濟成果普遍帶來全民就業;第㆕是政府採取的 整體積不干預政策,可能令政府相對㆞減少推廣和教育集體談判。
The reasons for this state of affairs may well be due to a multitude of reasons and those that readily occur to me would include: first, the fragmentation of our industrial sector; second, the speed with which Hong Kong has changed and indeed is changing in its industrial base; third,
Hong Kong's economic success has generally resulted in full employment; fourth, the Government's overall
[...] policy of positive non-intervention may have led to relatively [...]
little promotion and education by the Government on collective bargaining.
相比支持進取行業政策的專家,更多專家傾向維持 積不干預政策
More experts are in favor of
[...] positive non-interventionism than an aggressive [...]
industrial policy.
這 些 包 括 了 ﹕ 拿 破 崙 三 世 的
[...] 野 心 ﹑ 法 國 和 俄 國不 干 預 政 策 ﹑ 奧 普 在 德 意 志 [...]
邦 聯 中 爭 奪 領 導 權 ﹐ 等 等 。
This included: ambitions of Napoleon III, Britain and
[...] Russia’s non-intervention, struggle for [...]
leadership between Austria and Prussia in
the German Confederation and so on.
同時,政府正研究不干預市 場 的運作情況下,採取一些措施,推動無線互聯網接達服務,以 配合最新電訊科技的發展,並為使用互聯網服務的市民帶來更大 [...]
Subject to the
[...] principle of not intervening in the market, the [...]
Government is exploring further initiatives to promote wireless
Internet access service to support the community to make use of the latest developments in telecommunications technologies and to bring more convenience to Internet users.
干預歐洲事務﹐會使英國忙個不停﹐因此她提倡 實行不干預政策」。
Intervention would keep her busy with European affairs and thus she advocated non-intervention policy.
民 建 聯 過去亦曾提 出不 干 預 政 策 已不合時宜,特 區 政 府應以恰 [...]
當 的政策 ,例如 稅 項 優 惠 、 提 供低息 貸 款 或 土 地 收費優惠 , 支 持建立 本港的 高增值品 牌 , 使一些 高增值的 工業,例如
設計研發及高 檔 次產業,將 全 部 或 部 分 工 序 , 設 在香港或重新搬 回 香 港。
In the past, the DAB has pointed
[...] out that the non-intervention policy is out [...]
of tune with the times and so the SAR Government
must adopt policies as appropriate to boost the economy. These include the offer of tax concessions, low-interest loans and land premium concessions to support the development of high value-added brands in Hong Kong and to enable high value-added industries like R&D in design and other high-end industries to place all or part of their manufacturing process in Hong Kong or relocate them here.
短期的經濟下滑和波不應干預長期 的制度建設。
Short-term economic downturn and
[...] fluctuations should not distort the formulation [...]
of long-term institutional arrangements.
不過,曾特首突然於 9 月 11 日在香港舉辦的“‘十一五’
[...] 與香港發展”經濟高峰會上,高調地說:“‘積 不干預 ’ 政策已經是很久 以前一位財政司司長夏鼎基先生所說的,一直以來我們都沒有說這是作為我 [...]
們經濟發展的藍圖”,他並重申目前特區政府所奉行的是“大市場、小政 府”。
However, Chief Executive Donald TSANG suddenly said in a high profile at the Economic Summit on China's 11th Five-Year Plan and
Development of Hong Kong on 11 September
[...] that positive non-intervention, a policy enunciated [...]
by a former Financial Secretary,
Mr Philip HADDON-CAVE, a long time ago, has never been proclaimed as the blueprint of our economic development, while reiterating that the SAR Government is currently upholding "big market, small government".
[...] 府在經 濟 發 展 上 一 直 奉 行 積不 干 預 政 策,但 政 府 近 年 推 行 的 [...]
法例、 政 策 及 措 施 , 往往對營 商環境造 成 關 卡 和 限 制 , 尤 其 會 對中小 型 企 業 構 成 負 面影響, 並 且 嚴 重 威 脅 正在復
甦 的 就 業 市場;就此, 本 會 促 請政府即時檢討 所有不利 營 商環境的法規及行 政 措 施,並因應 有 關 的檢討結果, 採取有 利社會經濟 發 展 的政策 和 措 施 , 以 達 致 利 民 便 商 、共同創 富的目標。
That, although the Government has all along followed the policy
[...] of positive non-intervention in economic development, [...]
the laws, policies
and measures implemented by the Government in recent years have however created hurdles and restrictions in the business environment which adversely affect the small and medium enterprises particularly and pose serious threats to the reviving employment market; in this connection, this Council urges the Government to immediately review all the laws and regulations as well as administrative measures that are detrimental to the business environment and, in the light of the outcomes of the relevant reviews, adopt policies and measures that are conducive to socio-economic development, with a view to achieving the objective of benefiting the people, facilitating businesses, and creating wealth together.
過去,政府一直標榜 “ 積不干 預 ” 政策,我 們 亦 一 直 認 為 ,政府在經濟發展 中 的 角 色 ,根本 不 是一個簡干 預或不干 預 的是非 題 , 因為在是非 之 間 其實是有極大的 空 間 。
While the Government was always making boast of
[...] its "active non-intervention" policy in the past, we had all along held that the role of the Government in the development of the economy should never be taken as simple as an issue of intervention versus non-intervention, bearing [...]
in mind the ample room between these two ends.
上文已討論過,雖然香港理論上推行積不干預的小 政府政策,但仍然應該貫切地設計和推行務實的產業政策,以爭取社會的理解甚至全面 支持。
As we discussed above, although Hong Kong is philosophically committed to the small government of positive non-inverventionalism, pragmatic industrial policy initiatives should be consistently designed and implemented in a way that attracts the understanding, if not full support, of the community.
為將香港和深圳打造成亞洲的國際雙城,港深兩地為積 不干預 主 義 和經濟獨特性重新作出定義, 而在共同的新定位下,創業活動受到高度重視,相關的鼓勵政策亦變得非常重要。
Hong Kong’s and Shenzhen’s joint ambition to become Asia’s global twin city lead the redefinition of
[...] positive non-interventionism and economic [...]
specialness. Within this
joint redefinition, attention to entrepreneurship and policies to stimulate it, assume great importance.
(b) 新法不應針對自然壟斷的情況或合併收購活動,以 干預 市場運作,並應容許基於公共政策或經濟理由作出豁免。
(b) The new law should not seek to intervene in markets by targeting "natural" monopolies or mergers [...]
and acquisitions and
should allow for exemptions to be made where so merit on public policy or economic grounds.
支持實施監管以干預的唯㆒理由, 是假如我們確信市場力量的運作不 足 以 保障顧客的利益及促進所需的經濟效率。
The only justification for regulatory intervention would be, if we were convinced, that market forces [...]
were not operating sufficiently to protect
the interests of consumers and to promote the necessary degree of economic efficiency.
[...] 所有現有規管機構,但由於該國嚴格實施職能規管的原則,明確禁止 聯邦儲備局及其他州政府規管機 干預不 屬 其 管轄範圍的活動,該國 採用的方法因而尤其值得注意。
The US approach is particularly noteworthy because despite its keeping of all the existing regulators, it has so strictly applied the principle of functional regulation that the Federal Reserve Board and other
state level regulators are expressly
[...] prohibited from interfering with activities [...]
not within their respective jurisdictions.
9.1 如因天災、火災、洪水、意外、暴動、戰爭、政府 干預 、 禁 運、罷工、 流行病、勞工困難、設備故障或任何非港龍所能控制之事件而導 致任何延 誤或表現失準,港不需為 或視為違反此等條款及細則的責任。
9.1 Dragonair shall not be liable for or be deemed to be in breach of these Terms and Conditions for any delay or failure in its performance caused by or resulting from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, epidemic, labour difficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond Dragonair’s control.




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