

单词 不屑一顾

See also:


disdain to do sth.
think sth. not worth doing
feel it beneath one's dignity


in spite of



External sources (not reviewed)

有些不屑 一顾地嘲 笑委员会没有发挥它的潜在作用。
Some dismissively scoff that the Commission has not lived up to its potential role.
罪恶的根源是不信,其表现是自豪,为了权力,感性,自私,恐惧和欲望,精神的东 西 不屑一顾。
The root of sin is unbelief, and its manifestations are pride, lust
[...] for power, sensuousness, selfishness, fear, and disdain for spiritual things.
回应这些恶 毒的无端指责毫无益处,厄立特里亚根 不屑一顾。
Dignifying these malicious distortions and/or groundless accusations with
[...] responses will not serve any purpose and Eritrea has not bothered to address them.
外交部长对安理会的决不屑一顾, 主 张以色列 有“自卫权”。
The Foreign Minister, dismissing the Council resolution altogether, asserted Israel’s “right to selfdefence”.
这不一定意味着提供特殊服务;它意味着避免把游戏视为无聊活动 不屑 一顾的诱 惑,避免因为恐惧游戏而限制游戏和儿童,避免为了更加工具性的目的而控制和喜 欢游戏。
This does not necessarily mean providing specific services; it means avoiding the temptation to dismiss play as frivolous, restrict it through fear for and of children, or control and appropriate it for more instrumental purposes.
这样做就犹如表明那些侵犯人权的行为从来不曾发生,或以色列已结束了对 戈兰的占领!这样做似乎表明,秘书处在其情况通报中对叙利亚国内局势予以关
[...] 注时,对被占领的戈兰那些生活在最可恶的占领之下的叙利亚人 不屑一顾。
It is as if none of those violations have ever taken place, or as if Israel has ended its occupation of the Golan! It is as if the Syrians in the occupied Golan, who are living under the most repugnant
occupation, do not deserve even the smallest part of
[...] the attention which the Secretariat [...]
pays in its briefing to the situation in Syria!
发言人赞同特别报告员的观点,他表示,令人 遗憾的是,以色列对《安纳波利斯协定 不屑一顾, 继 续实施其建立定居点的政策,并限制约旦河西岸 人民的流动自由。
Echoing the Special Rapporteur, he deplored the fact that Israel continued to build settlements and restrict freedom of movement in the West Bank, in disregard of the Annapolis Understanding.
尽管以色列于 2009 年 11 月部分暂停了定居点
[...] 活动,但持续不断地没收土地、扩建定居点和修建 隔离墙损害了巴勒斯坦人民的自决权,也表明以色 列对国际法不屑一顾。
Despite Israel’s November 2009 partial moratorium on settlement activities, the ongoing confiscation of land, settlement expansion and the construction of the wall undermined
the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and demonstrated
[...] Israel’s utter disdain for international law.
Parkinson在研究了Cecil Beaton
[...] 与Edward Steichen等大师的作品后不屑一顾地 说:“所有的女孩儿都摆着相同的动作,她们只需要深呼吸,挤出一个笑容,这种表情在任何场景下都不会改变,无论是收到一束玫瑰,听一首好音乐,还是闻到汽油燃烧的味道。
Parkinson and Cecil Beaton in the
study of the works of masters such as
[...] Edward Steichen, the disdain and said: "All the [...]
girls are arrayed the same action, they
only need to take a deep breath, squeezed out a smile, that expression in any scenario will not change, whether it is receiving a bouquet of roses, listening to a good music, or smell the smell of burning gasoline. in real life how could such a person, my girls have run, climb Li Qiang.
可以顾一点,在海枣水分含量高的情况下,缔约方决定,对没有非 ODS 替代 品的国家不认定它们在消耗臭氧层物质消费方面处于不履约状态。
It may be recalled that in the case of high moisture palm dates, the Parties have decided not to find countries in non-compliance with [...]
ODS consumption for
which there is no non-ODS alternative.
我相信其他司法管轄區的經驗可以證明,這論據委實過於簡單,而不 屑一提。
I believe the experience of other jurisdictions will show that this is a rather simplistic and dismissive argument.
此外,X 轴导轨一个高度可靠的保护装置 完全覆盖,这个装不会堵塞,防止 屑 渗 透到第二刀塔和滚珠丝杠的导轨内,从而提高长期运作时的可靠性。
Furthermore, the X-axis guideway is
completely covered
[...] with a highly reliable protector which does not clog to prevent chips from infiltrating into the guideway of Turret 2 [...]
and ball screws,
thereby improving the reliability for long hour operation.
顾不结盟运动反一切形 式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不 容忍行为,表示严重关切世界各地当代形式的这种令人痛恨的罪行重新抬头, [...]
各位部长注意到各国在国家、区域和国际各级正在取得进展,重点是为反对种 族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议采取全面后续行动和
In recalling the Movement’s opposition to all [...]
forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
and expressing serious concern on the resurgence of contemporary forms of such abhorrent crimes in various parts of the world, the Ministers took note of the ongoing progress made by States at the national, regional and international levels, focusing on the comprehensive follow-up to the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action.
此外,我们吁请安全理事会和联合国相关机 构,尤其是人权理事会,采取坚定措施,以便制止 在被占巴勒斯坦领土针对平民的任意攻击,并取消 以色列当局多年来对加沙实施的不公正的围困,一围困 是对被占领巴勒斯坦领土居民实施 一 种集 体惩罚,其方式全不顾相称 性和有区分原则并显 然违反了国际法的原则。
Moreover, we call on the Security Council and the relevant United Nations bodies, especially the Human Rights Council, to take firm measures to put a stop to random attacks against civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as to lift the unjust siege imposed by the Israeli authorities for many years on Gaza, which is a form
of collective
[...] punishment imposed on the residents of the occupied Palestinian territories in a manner that takes no account of proportionality or [...]
differentiation and clearly
violates the principles of international humanitarian law.
很不幸的是,香港在出入境的問題上往往給人一種感覺,便是把台灣 視一個第三世界國家,甚至是有 不屑 與 它 有任何正式全面的交 往。
Most unfortunately, on the issue of immigration, Hong Kong gives people an impression [...]
that we regard Taiwan as a third world country.
如果是這麼“勇”,便應 該連條例草案委員會也不加入,這才可以顯示他們大義凜然,政府提出的全 部是垃圾,所以他們根不屑一顧, 簡直是鄙視,更遑論加入條例草案委員 會。
If they are so adamant, then they should not have joined the Bills Committee, for that will make them look all the more righteous and the Government's proposal appear to be nothing but rubbish, which they are so contemptuous of that they refuse to join the Bills Committee.
抑或 視它如孤兒般置之不理不屑一提呢
Or, does it wish to treat the tourism
[...] sector like an orphan and pay no attention to this sector for it is not worth mentioning?
在被占领的西岸所谓“暂 停兴建定居点 10 个月”的规定过期后,以色列官员,包括政府的高级成员,便 几次发表挑战性言论,包括在正式访问非法定居点时发表这种言论,反映了他们 决心继续在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上殖民,全 不顾 这 种 行为 显然违反国际人道主义法的事实,也全 不顾 这 种 行为对重新开始的和平进程以 及对国际社会所有成员在这方面作出 一 致 而崇高的努力和美利坚合众国带头 作出的努力的严重影响。
As the so-called “10-month moratorium” on settlement construction in the Occupied West Bank expired, Israeli officials, including senior members of government, have proceeded to make several provocative statements, including in the context of official visits to illegal settlements, in a reflection of their determination to continuing colonizing the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, regardless of the fact that such actions constitute clear breaches of international humanitarian law and regardless of the gravely detrimental impact on the newly resumed peace process and the concerted and noble efforts being exerted in this regard by all members of the international community and led by the efforts of the United States of America.
被敌对势力视为指责朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星之“依据”的安全理 事会第 1718(2006)号和第
[...] 1874(2009)号决议,是它们敌视和压制朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国的高压政策的产物,毫无半点合法性可言;它们置举世公认的国际法不顾,纯属一派胡言。
Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) which the hostile forces regard as the “ground” for taking issue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s satellite launch are a product of their high-handed policy for antagonizing and oppressing the
Democratic People’s Republic of
[...] Korea and the height of illegality; they are faked up at random, disregarding [...]
even universally accepted international law.
埃及顾,不结盟运动曾同意理 事会可以举行非正式的情况介绍会,包括就紧急的人权局势举行介绍会,作为对 当前体制的具有合作性和避免对峙的补充要素,而当前的体制是通过特别会议、 特别聚会和议程项目4 的决议来处理紧急的和针对各别国家的局势,增加 一新 的 方式之前提就要得到有关国家的同意或者不反对态度,以此来加强区域集团的 作用并避免对峙。
Egypt recalled that the NAM agreed to the possibility for the Council to hold informal briefings, including on emerging human rights situations, as an additional cooperative and less confrontational element to be added to the current system that presently deals with urgent and country situations through either special session, special sittings and agenda item 4 resolutions, [...]
provided that
there was the consent or non-objection from the State concerned, so as to reinforce the role of the regional groups and avoid confrontation.
兩者都緊抱着那些錢,對 於那些等錢用的人 ─ 或更確切地說,對於那些等錢來打救的人、有分對 那些錢作出貢獻的人,不屑一顧。
Both the Government and fat guys hold the money tight and do not care about those who are in need, or more accurately, those who need money to save their lives, and those who have a share in the wealth of our society.
不過, 自周局長上任以來,香港漁農業已變成邊緣行業,政策方 向以規管及收緊為主,甚少探討及規劃如何作出轉型及持續發展,就 算有亦流於零星屑,“踢一腳才 郁一郁”。
However, since Secretary Dr York CHOW has assumed office, the agricultural and fisheries industries in Hong Kong have been marginalized as the relevant policies primarily aim at regulating and tightening control with rare discussions [...]
planning on their transformation and sustainable development.
一些国 家指出,再也不能单独地理解教育 不顾 其 与 文化及价值观的联系,正如社会的发 展若要持久下去,应综合采用社会、文化、环境等方法,而不仅仅是经济方法。
As some States emphasized, education can no longer be viewed independently of [...]
its links to culture and values, in the same
way that the development of societies, in order to be more sustainable, depends on the inclusion of social, cultural and environmental approaches, and not just strictly economic ones.
Jack van
[...] Honk及其同事发现杏仁基底外侧核(BLA)受损但是中央内侧杏仁核(CMA)功能正常的人比健康人把显著更多的钱转给 一 位 不 熟 悉 的受托人, 不顾 这 位 受托人有可能背叛他们的信任并贪污所有的钱的可能性。
Jack van Honk and colleagues found that individuals with a damaged basolateral amygdala (BLA) but functional
central-medial amygdala (CMA)
[...] transferred significantly more money to an unfamiliar trustee than healthy [...]
individuals did, despite the
potential for the trustee to betray their trust and keep all the money.
非裔美国人人道主义援助及发展促进会说,它震惊地关注巴勒斯坦人民 的不幸 , 看 到 占领国以色不顾一切 国际法 和国际人道 主义法 , 犯 下了最严 重 的 侵犯人权行为 。
The African American Society for Humanitarian Aid and Development said it followed with alarm the tragedy of Palestinian people as the Israeli occupation committed the worst human rights violations, ignoring all international laws and international humanitarian law.
(c) 关切地注意一些国家不顾第 5 条(k)的规定,对生物资源和生态系统 的科学研究很少提供奖励,因此,很少有内容能够确保养护和管理措施是以可靠 [...]
(c) Note with concern that a
[...] number of States are not motivated to allow scientific [...]
research on living resources and ecosystems
in the high seas, despite the provisions of article 5 (k) and, hence, that there is very little to guarantee that conservation and management measures are based on reliable scientific data
顾不扩散核武器条约缔约国 1995 年审议和延期大会通过的核不扩散和核 裁军的原则和目标、2 核武器国家在不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2000 年审议大会上 商定的关于完成彻底消除其核武库从而实现核裁军的坚定承诺3 以及不扩散核武 器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会上商定的作为关于核裁军的结论和后续行动建议一部分 的行动要点,4 同样深为关切核武器的任何使用可能造成的灾难性人道主义后果,并在这方 面重申各国在任何时候都必须遵守适用的国际法,包括国际人道主义法
Recalling the principles and objectives for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament adopted at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,2 the unequivocal commitment of nuclear-weapon States to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament, agreed at the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the [...]
of Nuclear Weapons,3 and the action points agreed at the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation on Nuclear Weapons as part of the conclusions and recommendations for follow-on actions on nuclear disarmament,4 Sharing the deep concern at the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons, and in this context reaffirming the need for all States at all times to comply with applicable international law, including international humanitarian law
公报反映出非洲联盟委员会对国际刑事法院决定深为不安,强调了非洲联盟 成员国由于《非洲联盟组织法》而承担的义务, 顾 非 洲联 盟 一 再 呼 吁安全理事 会推迟国际刑事法院关于苏丹的诉讼——安全理事会对此完全不闻不问,谴责国 际刑事法院企图把安全理事会卷入以向非洲联盟国家施压,从而支持国际刑事法 院,不顾当地局势的复杂和变化——当地的局势需要和平与正义的平衡,并明 确声明非洲联盟反对任何胁迫非洲国家从而破坏非洲对这一问题共同立场的企 图。
The communiqué reflected the deep concern expressed by the African Union Commission about the decisions of the
[...] [...] International Criminal Court, highlighted the obligations of the African Union Member States arising from the constitutive act of the African Union, recalled the repeated appeals of the African Union to the Security Council to defer the proceedings of the International Criminal Court concerning the Sudan, [...]
which are being totally ignored by
the Security Council, denounced the attempts of the International Criminal Court to involve the Security Council in pressuring the African Union Member States to support the International Criminal Court, irrespective of the complex dynamics on the ground which require balance between peace and justice, and clearly stated the opposition of the African Union to any attempt to coerce African countries to undermine the common African position in this regard.
不过,回顾一下我 们在这一领域取 得的一些良好成功,例如美国与俄罗斯之间新的裁武 条约是有帮助的,而且完全有可能,通过艰苦的努力 [...]
It is useful to recall, however, that we [...]
have had some good success in this field, such as the New START treaty between
the United States and Russia, and there is every possibility that, with hard work and good-faith negotiations, we can and will achieve the final goal.




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