

单词 不导电

See also:


conduct electricity

电导 n

conductivity n
conductance n


electrical conductance

External sources (not reviewed)

不要用纸板或 任不导电的材 料盖住地板,否则会中断接地的连 续性。
Do not cover the floor with cardboard or any non-conductive material which [...]
would interrupt grounding continuity.
用软刷不导电,适 当的溶剂清洗空气帽,锁紧环 和喷嘴。
Clean air cap, retaining ring, and nozzle with
[...] soft brush and non-conductive, compatible solvent.
聚丙烯不导电,因 此不与易燃流体一起使用。
Polypropylene pumps are not conductive and are not for [...]
use with flammable fluids.
不要穿不导 电鞋底的鞋子,例如橡胶或塑料鞋。
Do not wear shoes with non-conductive soles such as rubber [...]
or plastic.
注意 在与所用流体相适应不导电溶剂 例如二甲苯或矿 物油精中清洗所有部件。
Clean all parts in non-conductive solvent compatible [...]
with the fluid being used, such as xylol or mineral spirits.
标准聚丙烯 和 PVDF 泵不导电。
Standard polypropylene
[...] and PVDF pumps are not conductive.
不导电、适 当的溶剂清洗所有零件使用导电溶剂 会造成喷枪故障。
Clean all parts with a non-conductive, compatible solvent. Conductive solvents [...]
can cause the gun to malfunction.
含水量:由于大多数的矿物质都是绝缘的,因此完全干燥的土壤 不导电, 且 其中含有的盐份不会对植物产生影响,因为植物并不能吸收未溶解的盐。
Since the majority of the minerals have an
insulating quality, completely dry soil
[...] does not conduct electricity. The occurrence [...]
of salt in completely dry soil is of
no relevance to plants as they are not capable of absorbing undissolved salt.
乙烯基塑料结实、隔热而且经久耐用。它很少需要维护,耐磨防潮,不会生锈 不导电 而 且 具有优异的抗燃烧特性。
It requires low maintenance, is
abrasion- and moisture-resistant, will not
[...] rust and is electrically non-conductive while offering [...]
excellent fire-performance properties.
一般金属镀膜大都采用直流溅镀,而 不导电 的 陶 磁材料则使用RF交流溅镀,基本的原理是在真空中利用辉光放电(glow discharge)将氩气(Ar)离子撞击靶材(target)表面,电浆中的阳离子会加速冲向作为被溅镀材的负电极表面,这个冲击将使靶材的物质飞出 而沉积在基板上形成薄膜。
The basic principle is used in a vacuum glow discharge Argon ion impact target surface, the plasma cation will be accelerated dashed as sputtering material negative electrode surface.
[...] 衬套和轴承上使用的圣戈班高功能塑料集团的 不导电 ” EK ONOL® 材料已应用于车盖和铰链,因为它们能够减少电子喷涂车身的实际工作量(在某些情况下,可减少 [...]
50% 的工作量)。
Saint-Gobain Performance
[...] Plastics' "no-paint" EKONOL® materials on NORGLIDE® [...]
bushings and bearings have found their way
under hoods and hinges because of their ability to create substantially less work -- in some cases by 50%  less -- on elektro coated car bodies.
不要将桶放在诸如纸或纸板等导电的表 面上,这样的表面会影响接地的通导性。
Do not place the pail on a non-conductive surface, such as paper [...]
or cardboard, which interrupts the grounding continuity.
不含任 何催化剂或腐蚀性物质, 可用于封装含有化合物半导体或其他高敏感化学物质(如, 透明导电氧化 物)薄层的太阳能电池。
This allows it to be used for encapsulating solar cells containing films of compound semiconductors or other highly sensitive chemical substances – such as transparent conductive oxides.
它注意到战争、恐怖主义和极端主 导 致 暴 力和动荡,表示希望,除其他 外,阿富汗将不远的 将来有能力应对这些问题。
It noted that war, terrorism and extremism produced violence and insecurity and expressed the hope that, inter alia, Afghanistan would be able to cope with these problems in the near future.
这一需求增长是由许多因素引起的,其中不仅包括技术的进步,而且 还包括:世界各地的政治、社会和结构变革及其对电信服务自由化的影响,采 用用于商业通信的非地球静止卫星轨道的卫星系统及科学和无 线 电导 航 应不断加 强市场定向,私营和国有服务提供者之间分享这一正在拓宽的市场的方 式的改变,以及通信系统的普遍全球化和商业化。
This increase is attributable to many factors, including not only technological progress, but also political, social and structural changes around the world and their impact on the liberalization of telecommunication services, the introduction of non-geostationary-satellite orbit satellite systems for commercial communications and scientific and radionavigation applications, growing market orientation, the change in the way this widening market is shared between private and State-owned service providers and the general globalization and commercialization of communication systems.
目前拥有佳家利建筑用生态纳米液晶膜,纳力宝汽车用生态纳米液晶膜,佳隆纳米基础材料,佳隆纳米石墨材料;显示器件用“三防”纳米涂层材料(ATO),高导电性铟锡氧化物纳米透明涂层防眩液(ITO),透明导电低辐射玻璃用纳米涂层材料,彩色显示管锥体内导电涂料(内涂石墨),显示器件用荧光屏黑底涂料,具有生物活性的纳米保健品,纳 导电 浆 料 等8个品种;这些产品满足 不 同 地区的节能环境需求,填补了国内市场空缺并在市场上火爆畅销。
At present, we have 8 products such as Nalybol Nano Energy-saving & Anti-UV Solution, Nalybol Nano Energy-saving & Anti-UV Glass, Tri-Anti Nano coating Material for Display (ATO), High Conductivity ITO(indium tin oxide) Nano Transparent Coating Solution, Transparent, Conductive and Low Emission Nano Coating Material for Glass, Internal Conductive Coating for Colorful Display Tube Cone, Black Matrix Coating for Display Phosphor Screen,
[...] Nano Health Care Products and Nano Conductive Paste etc; We have 11 types in Nalybol [...]
Nano Energy-saving & Anti-UV Solution, which meet the demands of different regions for energy
conservation, fill the gap in domestic market and become the best selling product.
请选择具有足电导率的软管、以保 证把电荷传导给大地。
Select hose with sufficient conductivity to ground the static electric charge.
大会第六十四届会议请科学委员会继续进行其工作,包括进行重要的活动, 以增加对一切来源电离辐 射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审电离辐 射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后, 不 迟 于 大会第 六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work,
including its important
[...] activities to increase knowledge of the levels, effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at its next session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; [...]
and resolved
to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
国家必须制定教 育方案,特别是为公职人员和媒体的教育方案,以 导不 歧 视生活贫困的人。
States must put in place educational programmes, in particular for public officials and the media, to promote non-discrimination against persons living in poverty.
针对这一要求,秘书长在 2004 年关于大会和会议管理部改革问题的
报告中提出了 5 种替代交付方法,即用数字录音来取代简要纪录;减少有权获得
[...] 简要记录的机构数目;只制作英文简要记录;限制简要记录的长度;只提供原始 记电子副(而不提供 纸质副本)(A/59/172,第 53-63 段;另见 A/60/93)。
In response to that request, the Secretary-General, in his report in 2004 on the reform of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, suggested five alternative methods of delivery, namely, replacing summary records with digital recordings; reducing the number of bodies entitled to summary records; producing summary records in English only;
restricting their length; and
[...] providing only electronic (rather than paper) copies of the original records [...]
(A/59/172, paras. 53-63; see also A/60/93).
该员额任 职者将导电信事 务股,负责规划和指导主要的电信项目,确保与其他联合国机 构开展有效协调,与外部服务提供商联络,并提出妥善的连接方案。
The incumbent of this post
[...] would head the Telecommunications Services Unit [...]
with responsibility for planning and directing
major telecommunications projects, ensuring effective coordination with other United Nations agencies, liaising with external service providers and proposing appropriate connectivity solutions.
因此,目录编制的方法必须让社区不同性别的成员都能 参与进来;负责编制目录的工作队中也必须包含能够有效 导不 同 性 别群体提供 信息的成员;培训者本身也要能代表所有性别群体。
Inventorying methodologies must consequently address the necessity to involve community members of all genders; teams responsible for carrying out such inventories must therefore include those able to elicit information effectively from diverse genders, and trainees themselves should represent all genders.
一些发言 者指出,对妇女和女童使用非法药物的情况 导不 足 , 而对于吸毒和毒品依赖 在妇女和女童、其家人和社区中造成的健康和社会后果,需要给予特别考虑并 提供治疗与护理服务。
Some speakers noted that the use of illicit substances by women and girls was underreported and that the health and social consequences of drug use and dependence for women and girls, their families and the community required special consideration and treatment and care services.
(b) 确保现有法律不以歧视性方式得以执行 不导 致 基 于宗教或信仰的歧 视,确保各自管辖范围内无人因宗教或信仰而被剥夺生命权、人身自由或人身安 全权利,确保无人因此遭受酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, [...]
(b) To ensure that existing
[...] legislation is not implemented in a discriminatory manner or does not result in discrimination [...]
based on religion
or belief, that no one within their jurisdiction is deprived of the right to life, liberty or security of person because of religion or belief and that no one is subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or arbitrary arrest or detention on that account and to bring to justice all perpetrators of violations of these rights
至 2007 年,中国环境监测总站建立了全国性的水质自动化监测网,由建在 63 条河流和 17
[...] 个湖泊里的 100 家自动监测站负责水温、PH 值、溶解氧电导率、 浊度、高锰酸盐指数、总有 机碳和氨氮的监测。
By 2007, the CNEMC has established national automated water quality monitoring network comprised of 100 automated monitoring stations on the 63 rivers
and 17 lakes for monitoring water
[...] temperature, PH, DO, conductivity, turbidity, permanganate [...]
index, TOC, and ammonia nitrogen.
由于外部原因,如碰撞、⽕灾、⽔灾、灰尘、污⽔、地震和其它 不可抗事件以及电不当或 使⽤⾮原装附件等 导 致 的 损坏或 系统故障,不在保修范围内。
Warranty is void if damage or system failure occurred due to outside factors such as collision, fire, flood, dirt, sewage, earthquake, and other force majeure events as well as incorrect usage of electricity or use of non-original accessories.
据评估,下降的原因可归结于多 种因素,包括恶劣的天气条件、阿富汗和国际部队开展的成功努力,诸如加大逮
[...] 捕和收缴藏匿武器的力度,一些塔利班领导人采取的在政治上更娴熟的姿态,战 斗人员对和平谈判和国际部队即将缩编的相关 导不 知 所 措等。
This decrease in incidents is assessed as the result of a number of factors, including poor weather conditions, successful efforts by Afghan and international forces, such as increased arrests and cache finds, the more political posture
adopted by some Taliban
[...] leaders and the uncertainty of fighters over reports of peace talks [...]
and the upcoming international military drawdown.
[...] 际上,检查专员认为,基本上的问题之一是,相互之间不理解对方的作用,加上对 协调一致和一体化进程的导不善、沟通不畅和信息宣传不力所致。
Therefore, in the absence of principled positions against integration, integration should be pursued.82 Actually, in the Inspector’s view, the problem is mostly one of lack
of understanding of each other’s roles,
[...] along with poor guidance, communication [...]
and dissemination of information about the
coherence and integration process.




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